BLOG - Upper hand and lower hand

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BLOG – Upper hand and lower hand

103. Responsibility for what we have said 


In our modern society, we take responsibility for what we have spoken out about. When we as people have low quality of energy, our spoken words are weak and we don’t take our words seriously we often become irresponsible, however the quality of energy in today's spoken words has grown therefore we cannot avoid taking responsibility for what we have said.


We can either choose to restrain ourselves or we can freely speak out our opinions however the consequences will be equal to the energy we have used as words. The energy of thoughtless spoken words will come back and make our life even more difficult. Inappropriate spoken words will give you a hard time, while appropriate words will enrich our lives and offer us a higher position in society. 


However speaking properly is not something that we can do at will. This is because it comes from our quality of knowledge (energy). Low quality words come from a low quality of energy within ourselves while high quality words come from high quality of energy within ourselves.  This is the reason why we should fulfil ourselves. If we haven't fulfilled ourselves,  our words and behaviours will come out just as unfulfilled as we are. So we need to be aware and alert of what we speak about and how we speak about it. With this importance on words for us as intellectuals; our spoken words are correlated with our lives as stated in the law of the universe; this is essential. 


When a person comes to interact with us, should we listen or speak out? 

To understand between these two choices, we should see whether we are the upper hand or lower hand. The lower hand should listen and observe the energy of the upper hand so that the lower hand can grow.  The upper hand should always speak to help others and then they will be able to be blessed. This is how the upper hand receives good opportunities in life. The upper hand should live for the lower hand. The principle of this is that the upper hand should give out words to the lower hand so they can enhance their quality of energy. To benefit others we should give them the words and knowledge that they need; material objects such as money and wealth without knowledge are not benefit the lower hand in the long run.


Therefore, our words can empower people who are lower hand in society to live better lives or it can be a poison to others depending on what we have said. No matter how smart we are or what we are capable of, our abilities come out through our words.  So we can say there is nothing as important as words in the world. 


102. Upper and Lower Hand Relationship Series 


The upper hand has an obligation to assist the lower hand at all times and the lower hand has an obligation to be helped by the upper hand. 

So the lower hand doesn’t need to help the upper hand? 

Yes, the lower hand shouldn’t and we need to understand this principle well so that we will not have any problems arise within our relationships.


Upper hands have an obligation to live for the sake of the below, otherwise their life will become difficult. Lower hand needs to receive help from the upper hand so that they don't have a difficult time. For example, if the lower hand tells the upper hand about the upper hand’s weakness, the lower hand will be penalised later. If the lower hand tries to help the upper hand with the upper hand’s weakness, the lower hand will not be able to help the upper hand no matter how hard they try. So because they are the lower hand, they should look at the upper hand's weaknesses and take it as a study. They should tell themself that I shouldn't do that as an upper hand but also should not point out these weaknesses.


If the lower hand feels bad when the upper hand tells the lower hand about their flaw, the environment in which the upper hand can help the lower hand will decrease. It means that the lower hand won't get any help. The upper hand’s role is to try to help the lower hand correctly, but if the lower hand is not humble the upper hand cannot help them. This is the law of nature. 


When we are harmed, we are harmed because we have done something wrong. It's just that there is always a reason for being harmed. This is our life. So, if the lower hand interferes with the upper hand’s flaw, the lower hand will be penalised later in their life. However, if the upper hand interferes with the lower hand they will not be harmed. 


For another example in a company, if you tell your manager that they have flaws within their personality, you will be penalised. There is order in society and when we ignore this order, we will have difficult times. 


So the lower hand should not point out the upper hand's flaws when they see it? 

Yes, you shouldn't. Seeing flaws in your upper hand, you should make it your study. The reason the lower hand sees the upper hand's fault is to demonstrate that the lower hand acts in this way in other environments and the upper hand’s flaw is to prove that the lower hand is doing the same wrong thing as the upper hand in a different environment. The lower hand seeing this should study so that he/she does not live with this bad behaviour later. This is so that the lower hand doesn’t show similar bad points to other people who are lower than them.


The conclusion is that when setting the standard of the relationship between the upper hand and lower hand is not determined by age, but by strength. For example, in a parent-child relationship, is the parent always the upper hand and the child is the lower hand? No matter how smart a child is, if you need help from parents, that gives you the role of the lower hand. Also, will a child be the upper hand if he has more money than their parents? This is not true. If they have money but need to get something from their parents, they are the lower hand. On the other hand, if the parents need money and want to get some of it from their children, parents are the lower hand. So they have to listen to their children to get it. 

The bottom line is that the relationship of upper hand and lower hand is constantly changing but if we have some power to help we are the upper hand and if we receive the help we are the lower hand.


101. Upper hand and lower hand relationship


There is nothing in this universe that does not relate to Upper Hand and Lower Hand relationships. If you don't understand this, your relationships will possibly have a lot of flaws because upper and lower hand are a law of operation.


The relationship between the employee and the boss is an upper hand and lower hand relationship. More importantly, the head of the company has the ability to open this company. On the other hand, the employee didn't have the ability to open this company and ended up working for the company. So the roles of upper and lower hands are different. If you look closely at how profit is earned, the head of the company sets the stage and the necessary employees will make money for the company and themselves. If the head of the company has worked for 10 years in the position of an upper hand, they have an obligation to help the employees grow mentally. If you pay a lot of salary or a smaller salary compared to others, you can adapt it according to the circumstances of the company, but by nature's standards, there is a measure that you need to grow within the extent of 10 years. 


If employees are properly developed, they will be able to judge well within society and also be judged well from society, their relationships with others will improve, they will be able to live happily and they will not have to be humiliated by anyone. In other words, you need to think about whether the representative has guided the staff well in terms of education. The head of a company can usually meet people who have good energy, but employees can’t,  so you have to ask whether the representative is absorbing what has positive energy and is passing it on to the employees and whether he is helping the employees grow. The representative is the connector between the CEO and other upper levels of the company and the employees. They have the role of interchanging energy between them to shape the people working.


If an employee leaves the company after 20 to 30 years of work and doesn't know what to do and that employee's life becomes difficult, can you say that the head of the company has done the right job? 

There is definitely a relationship between upper hand and lower hand and upper hand has an obligation to play a role in increasing knowledge for the lower hand and lower hand has an obligation to receive and grow with the energy of the upper hand. If the head of the company has helped the employees mentally, he can earn this respect and respect from the employees. Truly helping employees can be done with education and giving this ability will allow employees to live in a knowledgeable society without difficulty. 


We learn that the lives of those who work under a CEO or boss can be very different depending on what the leader does. If the leader has not played a positive role for the people under him and those people have a difficult life later as a consequence he will also experience a difficult life later.Therefore, if you lead the person below you correctly, you will earn respect. As we go through life, we gain popularity from people first, then respect, and finally admiration which is what makes us truly successful.


1.Upper hand and lower hand series - Changeable relationship. part 1


The easiest way to judge the upper hand and the lower hand is judging from the social position you are at. For example, Father and son, boss and employee, president and secretary, professor and student or brother and younger brother. We need to respect these social positions.

However, is that always the case? No, it is not. There is another example. Let's say a president wants to learn how to golf. He needs to receive lessons from a golf teacher. Then the golf teacher has the upper hand even though he is a middle school graduate and not as well educated as the President. No matter how uneducated this person is, if one wants to learn, he would have the lower hand.

People in their 50s and 60s, if they want to do something with the computer but they don't know how to use it, they have to learn from people in their 30s, who are in the digital generation. When they learn, they get easily annoyed by those who are younger, such as their children if they act like they have the upper hand. So you need to respect them. Those who have the need to be respectful to the upper hand. If you friendlily ask your son to teach you how to use computers, he will willingly help.

There is never an absolute relationship of the upper hand and lower hand. This kind of relationship is always interchangeable.


3.Upper hand and lower hand series  - changeable relationship. part 2


This is an interesting pop quiz. Who has the upper hand between the Grand Nature(God) and us? The answer is us.

If we don't exist, there will not be a meaning for Grand Nature to exist. Why? If Grand Nature doesn't want anything from us, then we won’t have the upper hand. The Grand Nature has the upper hand. However, if It wants to do something to change this era, it is only possible with us. Therefore, we have the upper hand. Grand nature takes care of mankind, but this is one of Its duties. What If human beings don't need Grand Nature? It can't exert any influence over us.

Let's talk about another example with the Guardian spirit. If we don't look for the guardian spirit, there is no value of its existence. However, there is value if we have been looking for it for whatever reason.

What happens if people don't play golf at all? There would be no value to people who play golf well. This is how society changes.


4.Upper hand and lower hand series - Interchangeable relationships.part 3


Another example, when students learn from a professor, the professor has the upper hand. However, when students leave and don't want to learn anymore, the professor won’t be a professor anymore. At this time, the professor can't treat his previous students as his subordinates or the professor will be criticized. This is ‘the rule of the upper hand’, not abusing one's authority and power. 

‘The rule of the upper hand’ does not apply when the upper hand exerts its authority properly over the lower hand. It applies when the lower hand pretends to be the upper hand, which is the wrong way of exerting one's authority and power.

In the case that the upper hand doesn’t fulfil his duty as the upper hand, causing the lower hand to face difficulties, this person is not really the upper hand. Therefore, at a higher position, if he is not actually the upper hand because he couldn't fulfill his duties, yet he treats people as the lower hand, this is against ‘the rule of the upper hand".

The person with the upper hand has their own duty. If this person can't fulfil this duty, the lower hand will ignore this person. In some cases, people say "these days, young people are not polite". This is not right. It is not that young people are rude and not polite , it is just that the upper hand hasn’t fulfilled their duty for the lower hand. As a result, the lower hand might feel trapped and unsatisfied. This is what the lower hand has expressed in society.

Let's say some religion makes their own logic. If we lack the ability to discern the truth and have been looking for it through religion, then the religion has the upper hand. However, if we know all about how to be capable of solving our own problems in life, then the religion can't exert any power over us.


5.Upper hand and lower hand  - interchangeable relationship. part 4


The upper hand has a duty to live for the lower hand and the lower hand has a duty to grow well with the help of the upper hand. The lower hand can never live for the upper hand. If you are a leader (the upper hand), you have to lead people in the lower position righteously.

Let's see another example of a husband and a wife. Who has the upper hand? In the perspective of our traditional culture, men generally have the upper hand. Women have the lower hand. If the upper hand fulfil their duty well, it will never change. However, if the upper hand doesn't fulfil their duty, the upper hand and lower hand will interchange. For example, the husband wants to eat grilled fish but the wife doesn't want to cook for him. Still, the husband orders her to cook for him, and the wife cooks it but not in a way that he likes it. Why does this happen? Because the husband didn't fulfil his duty well for her.

When the wife thinks well of her husband and she respects him, it is not hard for her to cook for him in a way he likes. This happens naturally. When you do something for someone you love, there are no complaints. There is no difficulty in the process. However, when you don't love the person, the process gets complicated. Why? Because he didn't do his duty for you within a certain period of time that was given.

So if the husband asks his wife to cook fish for him when he hasn’t done his duty. Who has the upper hand in this case? It is the wife. If the husband approaches and asks the wife as the lower hand, charmingly and with an understanding for her feelings, the wife will accept it and cook willingly for him. Yet, if the husband approaches and asks the wife as an upper hand, even if he is not the upper hand anymore in this case, something could go wrong. This is exactly how marriage problems and family problems begin, from “the rule of the upper hand”, overusing power.

We should know the principle of communication between the upper hand and the lower hand. If we know this well, all difficulties and agonies from relationships will disappear and all will be well.


6.Upper hand and lower hand

When a person comes to you to strike up a conversation, should you listen or speak out? This is the thing we have to discern correctly for there are times when you should speak out or listen.

To distinguish this, you should see whether you are in the upper hand or the lower hand. The lower should listen, and the upper should speak. What would happen if the lower hand spoke out? Disadvantages might come accordingly.

By contrast, the upper hand should always speak to help others. This is how the upper hand receives good opportunities in life. The upper hand should live for the lower hand.

The principal of this is that the upper hand should give out words for the lower hand to enhance the lower hand's quality of energy(knowledge). Giving money is not help. It's your good quality of spoken words that help the lower hand.