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BLOG – Life etc..

122. "The Golden Years of Life: The 20s and 30s


The 20s and 30s are considered the golden years of life. This period can be seen as a time when the gods provide favourable conditions for us. During these years, one tends to meet people who are beneficial to them, and those around them provide many opportunities to receive positive energy.


There is, however, a common misconception during this time. People may think that these opportunities are a result of their own greatness or that these opportunities will last forever. They might adopt an attitude of enjoying these benefits to the fullest without considering the future. This is a mistaken approach.


The golden years of life are not for showing off or indulging oneself. The opportunities and environments presented during this time are unique and will not come again. Hence, it's crucial to accumulate and make the most of these opportunities. The 20s and 30s are a period to accumulate everything you can. When favourable conditions and environments present themselves, one should fully commit to developing their skills and improving themselves. Utilising these good conditions for growth and development is key to becoming a valuable ‘product’ in life.

If you prepare well and grow during your 20s and 30s, the result of your abilities will be displayed during the 'interview' of life in your 40s. In essence, your 40s are when you face a life 'interview' to evaluate how well you have accumulated and prepared everything in your 20s and 30s. This 'interview' may come in the form of new tasks or challenges in your current job, or through new connections bringing opportunities for different activities. If you are well-prepared, you will be able to adeptly navigate these challenges and demonstrate your talents. On the other hand, if you are not well-prepared, you may misjudge the situation, leading to an inability to handle these challenges, which could result in being excluded from society or falling to the bottom. Therefore, the 40s are a critical time when it's decided whether you will rise to become a leader in society, such as a CEO, a company executive, or a guide, or fall to the bottom. For those who rise to the role of social leaders, even if they don't own a car or a house, conditions will emerge that enable them to acquire these assets."







People who fail in their 40s are often those who did not appreciate the opportunities given in their 20s and 30s. Instead of focusing on personal development, they might have been distracted by making money through stocks or real estate, leading to their eventual dismissal from their jobs.


Those who are in their 40s and 50s and have been honourably retired should reflect on whether they took advantage of learning opportunities and environmental conditions provided to them. If they only focused on earning a salary and living day-to-day, they might find themselves at the bottom in their 40s. However, those who appreciate the opportunities given to them and work hard to develop themselves can rise to high positions in their field by their 40s. This is the law of nature.


It is essential to spend the golden years of life wisely. If one squanders their energy during this period, they may lead a lower-quality life as they age. In contrast, effectively using the opportunities of the golden years to develop oneself can set the foundation for a fulfilling life in later years, making one’s 50s and beyond fulfilling and not lonely, contributing positively to society.


In summary, the golden years of one's 20s and 30s are for preparing oneself so that in their 40s, they can face life's 'interviews', and from their 50s onward, they can fully unfold their life. Only in their 50s do people truly understand their life. If well-prepared in their 20s and 30s, they will not be easily shaken in their 40s, and by their 50s, they begin to understand the principles of nature. This understanding helps them know what to do, and their work shines. Before the 50s, what one has is not the result of their actions but the environment they were given to accumulate and prepare. It’s important to recognize that even if they were active during this time, they were still learning.


If you are in your 20s or 30s, observe those around you who are over 50. Are they leading as responsible figures in their field, or are they living a bottom-tier life? Everyone is given opportunities and environments suitable to their ‘mass’ during their 20s and 30s. Therefore, these golden years are a crucial opportunity to thoroughly prepare oneself. Absorbing everything without complaints will allow one to become a valuable ‘product’. Nature supports this by providing all the necessary energy. One of the best ways to make the most of these opportunities and environments is to remain humble about everything given to you until your early 40s."

121. The Role of a Business Owner in Spirituality

The role of a business owner, especially in the hospitality or personal business sector, is akin to that of a public figure rather than a private individual. The history of a business is shaped by the actions of its employees who have worked under the owner. In essence, a business can be seen as a factory that develops people. Providing a salary and sustenance is fundamental, but an owner's role extends to nurturing and developing their employees. Employees should grow and develop during their time with the business, ultimately leaving them capable of thriving in society.

A business owner should care for their employees as if they are their children or siblings. If an employee is under an owner's guidance, it is the owner's responsibility to ensure their growth and development, even in the absence of a formal contract. If an employee doesn't experience personal growth over a period, such as ten years, it is seen as the owner's failure.

According to the view that everyone is a child of the divine, people are brought into our lives for a reason. Thus, owners are tasked with rightly guiding and nurturing their employees. Merely paying a high salary is not sufficient. Businesses often fail when they expand but fail to develop their people. Nature observes for a while and may intervene, sometimes in the form of challenges, to prompt reflection and change.

When facing difficulties, owners must study and understand the reasons behind these challenges. Relying on external help without self-reflection can lead to repeated failures. Understanding the true role of an owner is crucial.

Initially, one might start a business with the intention of making money, but it's essential to realise the importance of the relationships formed with people. The true measure of an owner's growth is how beneficial they have been to these relationships. Employees are like family, and it's the owner's duty to ensure their well-rounded development, not just their ability to earn money.

Employees who find a good owner can greatly improve their lives. People often change jobs to find a better employer, which speaks volumes about the importance of the owner's role. A business can grow significantly as the owner forms more 'family-like' relationships, focusing on the development of people.

Owners must introduce their employees to educational opportunities like books and lectures to assist in their development. The true role of an owner is to nurture and grow their employees, much like a parent. Owners must continuously educate themselves and fulfil their duties responsibly to be recognized as true leaders. In this way, employees will faithfully follow and grow steadily under the owner's guidance.

120. Speech in Spirituality

The most important thing in our lives as we live is speech. One of the reasons it becomes difficult as we become adults is that if we speak incorrectly, life becomes difficult. If you have a conversation poorly, your energy is blocked, and if you have a good conversation, your energy is enhanced. Conversations should be done for the sake of others, not for oneself. The centre of the conversation should be like that. If you speak in a way that doesn't make sense to the other person, this is the result of speaking without your own standards. When you have a conversation without using knowledgeable language, the other person cannot understand it, so this conversation can be considered incorrect. When you speak, you should have the qualifications to speak, but when you accept others' speech, you should have the correct energy for the other person. We often mistakenly think that when we speak, the other person will naturally accept it. Whether the other person accepts your words or not is determined by the other person's judgement.

If the other person cannot accept your words, that energy will come back and strike you. In this way, your energy becomes difficult and uncomfortable. The fact that humans can speak fundamentally allows them to interact and communicate with others. In other words, speech was not created to speak for oneself; however many people speak with a focus on themselves.

For example, there is the word 'water.' In order to make someone understand it, the word ‘water’ was created and shared to create a common understanding of this resource, but if it's for oneself, there is no need to speak; you can just look and drink it. Communication via speaking/writing is necessary for people as it is the only way to connect people’s energy. When speaking, it should be for the other person's benefit; if it is for oneself, it can lead to complications in one's life. If you speak in a way that makes the other person feel bad or angry, that negative energy will come back to you and affect you negatively. When negative energy comes to you, it is important to realise that it is your own fault, not the fault of others. In order to maintain a healthy relationship; when you are conveying your own intentions, you should do so carefully..

In summary, even when we speak, the standard for speaking should be for the other person, and the right thing is to make the other person understand. If the other person does not understand, you should reflect on what standards you brought to yourself, what is lacking, and why the other person does not understand. If you speak without reflecting or thinking that the other person will naturally accept it, if you close your mouth/ignore when you don't understand, the relationship may become distant or difficult.

119. The Greatest Weakness

One of the most profound weaknesses humans possess is fear. One reason our soul wears this physical body is to experience fear. Fear arises for two main reasons:

Firstly, fear stems from ignorance. When one steps into society without understanding its norms and dynamics, it leads to anxiety. If one doesn't know how to interact with others, it creates uneasiness. Furthermore, when faced with the necessity for change but lacking the knowledge to make such change, it generates fear. Hence, the more knowledge and understanding we accumulate, the less anxiety we feel.

Secondly, possessing knowledge can also induce fear, particularly when one doesn't fulfil their responsibilities. For instance, during a time one should be studying, there's no fear if one is dedicated to their studies. However, after acquiring knowledge and when one needs to shine in society if they don't fulfil their potential, over time fear and anxiety creep in.

Religious leaders are no exception. Leaders who diligently fulfil their duties aren't burdened by fear, but those who fall short of their responsibilities feel it immensely. This is because they believe they may receive punishment from God for their inadequacies. Their fear signals that they recognize their current state as falling short of their duties.

To use an animal analogy, think of a dog. If a dog successfully barks at and chases away an intruder, it happily wags its tail when seeing its owner. However, if the dog fails to react when a thief enters causing harm to the owner, it feels fear when faced with the owner because it didn't fulfil its duty.

Workers who diligently complete their assigned tasks feel no fear. However, intellectuals, even after acquiring vast knowledge, can increasingly feel fear as time goes on. This is because knowledge is a product of countless people's sacrifices, and if one doesn't use this knowledge for the betterment of others, it can lead to a sense of fear. This belief stems from the profound notion that not using one's knowledge could lead to some form of divine consequence. In this context, "punishment" could mean facing illnesses or enduring major challenges because of one's errors.

In summary, although every animal experiences fear to some extent, none feel it as intensely as humans do. Labourers should focus on their tasks, intellectuals should use their knowledge for the benefit of others, and entrepreneurs should fulfil their roles rightly to alleviate fear and anxiety. If you're feeling any sense of fear now, it's advisable to reflect upon whether you are fulfilling your role and responsibilities adequately.

118. Abundant life - Working for Society.


We are born as human beings, each of us has a talent in order to do something for society. When you grow up as a child, you constantly think about what you will do for society until you complete your basic education. The difference between humans and animals is that no matter how intelligent animals are and how much they are taught and developed, they do not have an ideology whereas humans have ideologies as they grow. When we're young we nurture our dreams, grow up, and have an ideology of what we're going to do for society. By having an ideology, we will grow into a person who is necessary for this society, and our life will naturally improve. As intellectuals, we are now living in a knowledgeable society, and when we live our lives for the sake of others with this ideology, our lives become richer. 


When we come out into society and do our work, we must first look at whether we are doing this right. For example, let's say there are two people (A and B), and they go to the same cup factory to make a cup. Person A goes to work to make money and live in his heart when he goes to the factory. Person B goes to work with the mindset that they must work for people who use this cup. If we are an intellectual in this knowledgeable society, we will naturally think that B's approach to society is "correct." If you work with the mindset of A, you will be paid for work but if you want more than that, it's going to be harder than you would like it to be because you're greedy doing things you shouldn't be doing. And it's hard to work the same eight hours because you are forced to work for food and a livelihood, you will not receive power from the universe. A’s perspective will gain you monetary value but not respect and energy (knowledge) from those around you and in various areas of society.


On the other hand, if a person goes to work with the mindset of B, they will work hard for the person who will use the cup. If a person works with the Person B mindset, they will work for the same pay and the same conditions, but will be able to work joyfully. Person B works hard for society, so they don't feel tired because they receive empowerment from the universe. After working together for three years, Person B works for society and research and wisdom comes out. Because they have been working hard and living for society, they have broadened their perspective on society and are developing into a state where they can produce better ideologies. However, Person A is focused on eating and living, and their mentality remains in place without the development of life. After ten years, Person B continues to grow, but Person A is stuck in place. 


The bottom line is that the fundamental reason why we come to society after completing basic education is to do things for others with our skills. If we live with this mindset, we will not have difficulties because our lives are a bonus. Our ultimate goal in life is that we are born into this world not to make money, but to do something for society. So as we grow, we ask questions and think. We live our lives to be the people that society needs. By getting our approach to society right, our lives become much richer.


117. Precious 


Q: It has been said that precious things are only known when they are lost. However, even if we have something very precious, it is very difficult to feel it while we have it. How do I know how important it is?


 A: If you want to know about what you have and how precious it is, you will never know its worth. But if we are fully self-equipped, we can see for ourselves how precious it is. When you don't know the importance of this, you forget it and realise it by studying about it again. 


When you lose something precious in the beginning, it happens from small things. Then, you lose something more precious. In the end, you might lose your really precious child. When we lose a little bit of something precious, our mindset should not blame the other person, but we should look at ourselves and make an effort with losing the attitude of being deficient and from this, we will not lose any other precious things in the future.


Mother Nature has the purpose of making us grow through study and teaches us not to let negative experiences  make us lose our preciousness. When we lose that preciousness, we use it as an opportunity to stop and reflect on our lives and we must fix the negative energy within ourselves. When you look back on your life and study, you need to think about what you lost before and fill in the gaps. 


The bottom line is that when we lose a small amount of preciousness, we can use it as an opportunity to know the preciousness of what was lost, and we must prepare ourselves so that we do not lose other precious things in our life.


116. A Life’s Duty


If we keep on neglecting this society, various social problems will arise. When you hear or see about social issues on the news or in the media, if you are interested in it you are receiving a signal from Mother Nature that you are neglecting society too much about it. If you see the same news and pass by without much interest, you are still in the learning stage and you don't have to do anything about this social issue yet. We have people who are in the learning stage of life, and there are people who have to live by doing. 

Here are some examples:


Firstly, when a child is given to us, we have an obligation to help them grow well.

Therefore, it is our duty to do our best to ensure that this child can live properly as a person in society. 


Secondly, the brother of this child has a duty to help and get along well with their sibling because of the bond that nature has given to him. Whether you know this duty or not, there are laws of the universe that you must follow to perform this duty well. 


Thirdly, if we have been given a lot of wealth, we are also given the obligation to use this wealth to do meaningful work for this society, so we must strive to fulfil this obligation. When we do so, difficulties will not enter our lives. 


Finally, if we have a lot of knowledge we also have an obligation to use this knowledge to do rewarding work on a part of society. This knowledge is produced at the expense of all people and therefore it is necessary to use this knowledge for the sake of society. 


The bottom line is that if we meet in the name of family and are given children. Knowing that we have a task to raise our children well and grow them into people necessary for society. If we go out into society and are given a lot of wealth in our work, we must do meaningful things for society, knowing that social responsibility and wealth have been given to us within a duty as well as strength. In addition, intellectuals have a social obligation to act as intellectuals if they are highly knowledgeable. If you use this wealth or knowledge only for yourself or for your family, society will suffer and the impact will eventually cause difficulties for yourself and your family. The wealth or knowledge given to us is not ours, it belongs to society and society has given us the power to put it to good use. So when you make good use of this wealth or knowledge to benefit society, you can earn respect and admiration from society.


115. Studying attitude in society (Study to identify the cause)


Pointing out the superficial problem when other people do something wrong is something that has not yet touched the depth of this study, and figuring out what caused it appears to be the beginning of this study. 


For example, suppose a person comes from a meeting with a cup of water and spills water when the cup is placed on the table. A person will likely be scolded for making a mistake and being not careful. If a scolding is the only thing said, you won't be able to study in depth and this experience will come to an end. 


Let’s look at a hypothetical situation; a person wakes up, gets out of bed and immediately hears some bad news from their parents, or you walk into a meeting and you have a very bad relationship with the senior staff. Having this experience will cause you to have the mindset of tunnelling in on the problems and this will blindside you from the reality that is in front of you.


So understanding what happens behind this is the beginning of the study. We may experience that pointing out that a subordinate, husband/wife or child being at fault can lead to resentment from them depending on the situation. Because the person who did the wrong thing also feels sorry for the mistake and tries to do well, but it didn't work out the way they thought it would. You should study looking at the other person's mistakes and looking at the reasons behind why they made these mistakes in speech/actions. That way, you can earn the trust of the other person and not hurt them, which will naturally improve the relationship.


114.Wealth comes into our lives when we are young


When we have wealth in our youth and we don't utilise it properly,  the money will leak out and this will damage us. Wealth in our youth means that we are being watched if we can use this ability in the right way. If wealth was given to us in our youth, the best we can do is to put all the money into a bank account and let the bank utilise our money and we keep studying to gain more knowledge within ourselves. As time goes on, our money will increase. This is because we are not ready to use it so we should keep it in the bank so that society can utilise it.


When we are really ready to do something,  we can visit the bank and take what you need. Wealth given in our youth is not our own money. It was given earlier so that we will be using it for the future. It depends on how you use it as you could go through hardships in the future and use it to your advantage or you could lose it all. It is a test.


One with a huge potential would complete the test with positive accomplishments; however an average man would fail the test and ruin his life from misusing the given wealth. We can spend as much as possible to fulfil ourselves but we should focus on developing ourselves as much as possible in our youth.


We should always be careful when wealth comes to us in our youth. We might ruin our life by mishandling wealth. Wealth before the age of 40 is not ours. It is a test given to us. When we reach our 40s, we should do a little bit of practice on how to spend money. When we spend money,  we should always use 30% and leave out 70% of what we have. With the energy of 70% saved,  we can make the correct discernment on how to use 30%. Since we have 70% of the energy reserved we are able to feel more relaxed with generosity and the ability to work in everyday life and through business; we would treat customers in the right manner,  learn more about the world and fill up on energy and knowledge by embracing our circumstances. 


113.Making our face beautiful 


Q: How to make our face beautiful?


A: To become beautiful, our life should be delightful and comfortable because depending on our way of thinking,  our skin will change. If we are very delightful and get along well with other people,  our face will become purified as the skin shows it will be better than before in terms of how it looks. If our characteristics are a bit negative, our skin cells will get damaged so it will make our skin murky. If we are lacking in knowledge, it means we can not handle something properly. It will lead our characteristics to become negative. Greed and anger would also make our skin suffer and furthermore our way of thinking and perspectives will become disordered and cells in the body will be damaged. 


There are 10 holes in our body that connect energy to the outer world.  Seven are on the face and three are below our chest. When we are feeling comfortable, delightful or angry,  the colour of our face will change and this is how we can recognize someone' s  mood. 


When the level of understanding of others is higher,  our relationship with them will get better. As our relationship is of higher quality, our energy circulates better so we are less frustrated or angry.  It means cells in the body are less damaged. To become a person who is always thinking positively and has the ability to be comfortable in life,  we should equip ourselves fully. A person who has average beauty is comfortable within their mind but a person who is often frustrated and thinking negatively; their face is a bit of a harder impression. 


We are born as omnivores so we should have a balanced diet for our body and we should also equip a variety of different knowledge for our souls. If we have a lack of knowledge,  we would have more hardships and this leads our soul to trouble that will affect our skin condition.  When our skin is murky because we are stubborn it will affect our body and furthermore if it continues it could form a tumour. 


We can make our face beautiful instantly by massaging with our hands. The most powerful energy is our words and the energy from our hands is the second most powerful. So when we get up in the morning,  if we massage our face our wrinkles slowly disappear.  Energy of our hands will heal our skin however it is a temporary treatment. 


112.Moving to another job


What is the correct way when we get another job? If we think our purpose is better than our current situation,  we can move to another company. In other words, when we go to another job  it should be to learn something that we want or because they have a better ideology for the future.


If we go to another company as they have a better salary or some conditions but they have less hours of work, a great mentor said that this is because of our greed. Knowledge built in school is only half of what we should know for our future and the outer society. The other half  of knowledge is to be learned through our field experience. 


If we go to our jobs as we want to learn something,  we will make no complaints and also we will become humble.  Without being humble,  we would have trouble learning because our attitude is not right. A great mentor said that we should be humble and try to learn as much as we can through field experience up until the age of our early 40s.

111.How to practise within yourself: Self-Reflection


It is said that when we have a very difficult time in life, we go into practice. At this time when entering the practice, you need to know how to enter correctly and why you should enter ‘practice’. Our lives have become very difficult because what we have thought and decided was wrong and because we have mishandled the situation that was given to us. When we first enter into ‘practice’, we would have to analyse our own contradictions, make them our own topic, admit mistakes and maintain the status quo for three years to do the right thing. 


‘Practice’ refers to the period in which one corrects their bad habits or movements so that contradictions are corrected so that life will not become difficult again, and this is a three year cycle. Since we live in three dimensions, no matter how many bad habits or contradictions there are, everything will be corrected if we practise it correctly for three years. That is why we will never have difficulties in life again and as people we will be able to respect and understand each other and live without difficulty.


For example, when life gets very difficult we often go into churches, temples, or organisations. At first, the mindset is usually not assertive of their opinions but able to listen deeply to others. These are feelings that appear after some reflection and should not change for three years. However if you are smug or assertive after a while, you should consider the practice to be over. 


As another example, if you get a job as a restaurant attendant when life gets very difficult, it is the right practice to go into as a restaurant is an environment where there are many types of people and through this it will expose you to other’s mindsets and furthermore this will allow a deeper reflection within yourself as a result of others. The initial mindset of when entering the restaurant will not be changed for three years and this is the practice.

However after a year, if your condition has improved and your life has stabilised to a certain extent but your bad habits appear again, you should consider that your practice is already over. 


So why is it good to practise? If we practise correctly for three years, we will not be smug and assertive, and as we accept the actions and words of others, our souls will be healed. When the soul is healed everything that is cloudy will disappear and with our souls purified we will be able to deeply connect to nature. Furthermore as a skill we will be able to understand what negative energy is within others as well. 


After we are purified, we will not get stubborn and we will respect others. We will understand others' senses and their motives so we will not get greedy. Greed here refers to wanting the other person to follow what you say or think. If I say something I believe in, but respect the other person's judgement, conflicts will not happen. So, just like the flow of water; human relationships can flow freely.



110.When a company lay off their employee


When the economy is struggling and jobs are decreasing due to a viral pandemic.  Inevitably, employees would have to be laid off. How should we deal with this wisely?

When it comes to laying off employees, how should one set the standard? If we are a company representative, we need to set the baseline scoring criteria that is based on how much the employee loves and cares for the company. Their skills are not so important, instead, their loyalty to the company is. Are they working here just to make money? Or are they putting in effort for the company? This is something we should investigate before we lay off employees.

If we are team leaders, we need to evaluate our employees on a regular basis. We first need to set criterias for reporting so that we can evaluate the people in the department. We should evaluate them with a scoring system. We should not base the score on their ability, but rather on how invested they are in the company and the effort they are putting in their work. For example, how easy is it for them to disengage themselves from work? We should be doing this evaluation on a daily basis. By setting and utilising the criteria, we can rate the performance of our staff.

Employees who are complaining about their work should be the ones to leave. We should rate these complaints on a scale. The employee who is rated the highest would be the person who complains the most about the company. This person should be the first to be fired. When selecting employees to be dismissed, the person with many complaints should leave the company. As a result, the atmosphere of the company should improve. 

Employees need to understand that when they have complaints about a company, they are jeopardizing their other job opportunities. The higher the level of our complaints, the less opportunity they will have for another job. Employees need to be aware of this principle because Nature follows this rule precisely.

Likewise, if employees are complaining about their current situation or the job,  they should leave instantly. If they complain, they will only be faced with more complaints. If they have many complaints while others don’t, it is a sign that they should leave. It means that it is not the time for them to be here right now. The same applies to our organisation, society, family and friends. If we are going to complain about our relationships, we should break up before the situation gets worse. If we continue to complain, our relationship will get worse and we will end up hurting each other. The situation will deteriorate until we are forced to separate.

Going back to the subject of a company, as long as the employees in the company continue to complain, the company is going to go out of business. If we don’t dismiss them, the company could become worse and more people would have to leave as a result.

In conclusion, employees who are fully engaged in the company's values should be the ones to stay. However, if we hire people who are working just for the money, we will be left with people who are filled with complaints. This is the reason why companies are facing this difficulty right now. Therefore, we should always evaluate our employees to realise any complaints as soon as possible to ensure the operation of our business.





When we were born,  30% of habits were inherited from a past life and from our original self that we have put an effort to fix but we haven't done so yet. Whether we know this or not, if we still ignore our bad habits or flaws within ourselves,  it will gradually grow to levels which exceed 70%.


How do we know when a bad habit has grown beyond 70%? 

We would have been humiliated by someone's harsh words because of our bad habits or we would have been frustrated by our emotions because our bad habits have caused problems in our everyday life. Consequences come from the outer world so that we can recognise if certain actions or uses are a bad influence on our life. If we still don't recognise the negative consequences when we should, we will have bigger troubles and more severe consequences.  Sometimes it would make us sick so when we have been frustrated or humiliated,  we should reflect on our behaviour or our flaws. 


As we grow up, we would have been guided by our parents not to have our bad habit grow but to fix it bit by bit. After we graduate school and go out to society, our relationship in our jobs will continually advise or educate us not to have a bad habit grow but to fix it. 

When we go to spiritual leaders, we often go to get some advice to fix or to build a righteous way of life.


A great mentor said that we have 6006 poles of mind energy which is connected to the universe.  It means if we purify bad habits within our energy,  we can have the ability to cure our damaged cells in our body and as an effect the universe will reward this through the ability to live a healthy life. It is said to be a miracle but human beings have the right to achieve healing because our energy grows as we grow. 


In conclusion,  we constantly put our efforts into eliminating our bad habits or flaws within ourselves by receiving the right education. This is one of our life missions to fix, so that we can always have good relationships with others and live our life happily.



Energy of Words


When we have a pleasant conversation with others, it means we produce positive energy so our emotions become delightful and overall happier. Depending on our conversation, these kinds of positive emotions may last for days. On the other hand, when we have conversations with others, if we have conflict with each other our emotions will become negative and furthermore it means our souls have been hurt from others’ words.


If we argue with someone for 2 to 3 hours and hurt our souls badly, our bad emotions would last for 2 to 3 months and possibly more. If we have conflict with each other and our emotions suffer all day long; these negative emotions may last for 1 year or sometimes it may last for 2 to 3 years. In this case our souls have been damaged significantly. Our situation doesn't go as we have wished and our decision-making has also decreased, leading to more hardships within our own life. 


The wise way of conversing with each other is that if we notice others don't understand what we have said, we simply say "Sorry, I didn't let you understand because of the lack of knowledge within myself’ or we can just avoid certain topics so that we can have a pleasant conversation. If we don't hurt others by our words, we would never get hurt by someone else’s words.  This is the law of the universe. 


If we think we lack knowledge to the extent that we cannot make others understand us,  then we should discuss with respect.  If we continually discuss what we have appreciation for, we would never argue or have conflict with each other because our conversation would be nice and our relationship would also get better. 


After I learned the concept ‘Energy of Words’, whenever I found myself arguing with my daughter,  I quickly changed topics or I would converse for a while and I listened carefully. My relationship with my children still remains healthy and positive. I also found myself trying to avoid any conflicts with others when they didn't understand what I had said. I switch topics to change the mood or try to have a discussion to further gain insight into this other person.



The Standards of Wealth


There was a survey of 78 people employed in companies and they were asked about what is the standard of wealth in Korea. The survey shows that if they believe they have around 4 million dollars, they are considered a wealthy person. If you were an employee, would you agree?


 A great mentor approached the standards of wealth in a different way. He said that the standard of wealth is not having a lot of money but having a mass amount of generosity.

To become a generous person,  we need to equip ourselves with the attitudes and beliefs of those who act generously. Even if a person has 4 million dollars but they act very petty, they should still be considered poor. 


There are the laws of energy movement within the universe.  Money is energy.  Energy is constantly moving as the universe moves. It doesn't stay in one place for long if they have a low quality of energy (souls). A person who has a lack of knowledge and has 4 million dollars will not be able to use this money properly so it will eventually move and disappear back into society again where it will be used properly. 


When we are young, especially in our 20s and 30s, if we are given a lot of money it means we are given the opportunity to learn more and gain quality of knowledge by using this money.  If we save it and don’t spend it for our self development,  we are not so competent.  When we reach our 40s or 50s, we can't exert our power much. When we become a person who is needed in society, we are never poor as money is given to those who use it properly.


How can we receive high quality energy?  When we have a relationship,  a person who has more experience than us and has more financial knowledge should be respected and listened to well. If we are a bit arrogant within ourselves because we think of ourselves as smart,  we can not receive high quality knowledge. If we can't receive these qualities of energy, life will have more difficulties due to not having the ability to avoid a lot of issues and short term problems.  The universe always gives us new relationships for us to help each other but if we don't respect it, we won’t be able to sense issues and as an effect the relationship will not go as we wish.


In conclusion,  money is an important tool for our life to use properly.  When we use this tool wisely, we are able to learn and equip ourselves so that we can be generous to those who are needed in society.  We all know everyone has a different personality. We are able to harmonise good relationships as we respect and understand different situations and circumstances so we can live our life more generously. 



Cup Principle


Every person gets a job or does work for themselves after finishing school. Here is the question: Why do people get a job or work after finishing school? You may answer: to have a better life, get a lot of money or to get a higher position. You want to go to some company because their philosophy is so good and the work environment is also excellent.

Whatever the reason you choose, once you enter a company, we should change our mindset. The Cup Principle is the righteous way of living.  


What is the cup principle? Saying that two people named A and B want to go to a cup factory to make cups. They have the same conditions such as 8 hours a day and the same pay rates.  A wants to go to the factory to make cups for people who want to use them. B wants to go to the factory to make money. Which person has a righteous way of living? As we know, the answer is A. 


What if we work in the similar principles like A, meaning we have intentions of working for others. A great mentor said that if we truly work for others, we will have more creative ideas or a vast amount of wisdom. They will have some credit as the time goes by because they work like an owner of the company. When they create new projects or improvements within their job, they report these to the CEO, the CEO can easily find these kinds of people as they have the same kind of thoughts. They will not easily get tired or frustrated because they constantly think about learning and adopting new things.  When we keep learning and developing ourselves,  we will hardly get tired or frustrated by the environment because even a little mistake will become a learning experience. 


However,  what if we work like B?  Their main purpose is to make money or get some food on the table. If we work for ourselves,  we can not be creative.  People like this are thinking about work conditions and trying to find easier work but receive more money. Due to this kind of mindset,  they often complain about work conditions and blame others so this results in relationship issues because they only think of better conditions for themselves. As time goes by, they lose their trust and become a slave to money. They are the first people who usually immediately quits/or gets laid off when companies face hardships. Their lives get harder as they get older. 


As we see, the two people start work with the same conditions and payment, it doesn't change much in the first few years. However as time goes by, depending on their intentions,  they adopt all situations and environments differently. A is becoming a positive person as they adopt everything as a learning experience and are growing for themselves.  They would be promoted and will receive a higher salary as time goes by even though they didn't intend to. They will have good relationships with others because their trust has been built over time.


The righteous way of life is that we live as A in the Cup Principle. The Cup Principle can apply to any field of work in our life. When we live for others, everything will not be entangled and therefore will be harmonious. What would you think? Thanks for reading. 



Having various hobbies 


Q: I have known you since August of last year when I followed my wife to your event. I have since noticed a change in my wife's behaviour. I am working in the field that helps citizens live harmoniously and create happiness in society. I feel rewarded working as a government official and enjoy learning activities, such as tennis and swimming. Recently, I even bought a diving suit to learn ocean diving. On top of that, I also find it enjoyable to play the saxophone, flute and guitar. I even wanted to learn to play the drums but my wife is telling me that I will be 60 next year and that I should stop. I would like to continue. So I would like to know if my wife is right or can I enjoy things in my way. I would be grateful if you could give me guidance, please. 


A: You like learning to play tennis, swimming, saxophone and drumming. You will be in big trouble if you die only learning this and that. Even if you were to learn just one thing, you need to find the underlying principle to learn. If you don't, then you would want to do this for a bit and then you do that for a while. You would be wandering about aimlessly. Let's take a closer look at this. When you play tennis, do you play tennis by yourself? When you play saxophone, do you play it by yourself? Whatever you do, you think it is a hobby. However, it is not your hobby, but really you are doing that to meet someone, that is the secondary gain. You wanted to do something you like because your energy had some involvement with a specific hobby. This was a means to go out and meet someone or encounter some type of a situation. If you didn't earn this secondary gain, then you are destined to wander about, not because you have a talent or have an interest in them.


Likewise,  let's say that you are moving to different place. Is moving a hobby? No, it is not. You are moving to a new environment. However, if you may not understand the reason, you would go there and not earn what you thought you had earned. As time passes, you are sent to a different place. People who move around frequently, do so tediously. Why? This is because you never knew why you did it and thus got what you wanted. When you move, you are faced with a new environment. Karma can transfer and accumulate in this new environment. After you have been in the new environment properly, you can be sent to a better place. Hence, you would be able to meet people of higher quality. On the contrary, there are people who move frequently but to progressively worse places. This is because They didn't learn from what was given in their environment, and thus they have become weak and are sent “downward”. Weak people tend to live together with other weak people. If one doesn't learn from this experience, they could be sent to even worse places. Their lives could become gradually more difficult. 


You said before that you work as a public official. What kind of position does a public official hold? It is a place where citizens are supporting you. The citizens of the public are paying taxes to support your livelihood,  paying for your expenses so that you can develop in the environment you are given. This is the public servant position. You say that your work helps the society, but in reality, your work is to learn from the society. You need to do your assigned work so that Grand nature gives you the opportunity to learn from that work. You are supposed to see the deeper elements and are guided to learn so that you can do more profound work later. People who work in the public office get paid monthly pay checks and are being supported by the society so that they could grow. You weren't placed there to work so that you could eat, live, and become rich. You can't grow and do your expected work if you don't build up a certain amount of quality of soul energy yourself. If you work for a company and are living off of the company salary, that means you are being supported by society. If that is the case, you must learn from your job to do more meaningful work for society. If you don't develop yourself, society does not need you. And you will never find joy in your work. 


Back to your question, your wife is right. She is telling you to stop doing those things as you are getting older and need to contribute to society. You should have been looking for things that lead a meaningful life. Instead, you have been looking for hobbies. This won’t do anything to eliminate your karma. Your wife was essentially saying this but in a different way. 

I am not saying to not have hobbies. You should enjoy doing it and have fun doing it. However, while you are enjoying the hobby, you will meet people. If you treat them well and find joy in that, playing sports would be a really good exercise for your body. You will have fun doing it while being faithful to your inherent duty. A situation is created so that you will encounter a certain person. There are all kinds of ways and means of encountering new people. But if you mishandled this encounter, then you would be wasting this chance to learn. This can worsen as you age. If you don't find your work for the society or your work disappears, you will eventually become lonely and live a harder life, you could even be cast out from society. Have a good understanding of your hobbies and how it can contribute to society. 


104. How should young people approach society? 


Q: My daughter is leaving for a year-long internship in America and our finances are quite tight. What should she keep in mind during her internship?


A: The young generation should understand the fundamental principle and rules of how to approach society. Our older generation didn't learn or understand the principle, which is why they have been facing difficulties in their lives. If we had someone to teach us how to approach society properly, people would not constantly suffer from difficulties. There has not been anyone to teach us this yet.


Let me explain it now. When we approach society,  we must understand that the environment given to us is our source of learning about society. Entering society is not about earning money or having a good position in a company,  but it is about learning from society. This means for the young adults coming out to society for their career, their mindset should still be as students who research about society. Yet, some think getting a job is just to make money because that’s how the older generation taught them. Young adults have been mistaken to think that they must get a job right after graduating college. Because many young adults approach society this way, they are now the slaves to modern society. 


Society is a place for learning, like a school. As it is a school, what does society give us when we come out to work? People usually work when they are short of finance. Society then provides us money for our living expenses. This means that society is supporting us in our expenses, which is needed to improve ourselves. However, we often associate money as a means to become rich. As such, we might not continue to learn in society but rather become a money maker. If we work as money maker for a few decades, we would become an incompetent person who can't handle anything. This is because we worked to make money not as a means of improving ourselves. As a result, this will only influence the younger generation to walk the same path the older generation did. Since the older generation have not realised this, they have not been able to lead the younger generations properly. The right parenting is for parents to realise this, so that their children would not make the same mistakes they did. This is the duty of parents in our society. It is also the kind of social study we ought to do; we need to understand the root to the difficulties in our lives.


Let me give you another example to help better your understanding. When your parents raised you, why did they give you an allowance? Was it to make you rich? No.. They gave you money for your expenses. They give you a little everyday because they don't trust that you would handle it well. As you grow and become high school students, they give you enough money for a week. As you grow older, they give you weekly expenses or more. What happens when you go out into society? Instead of having the financial support from your parents,  you will have society supporting you through your income. This way, you have become a part of the society. Whether you work in a company or in the government, our society gives us financial support through our job income.  The purpose of income is to provide us with the opportunity to study about society in depth; it is not to make us rich. So if you received education in America, you would have to do some meaningful work in America in return. If you were educated in South-east Asia, then you would need to do something in South-east Asia in return. If you were educated in South Korea, then you would need to do something in South Korea. If this society has nurtured and educated you, then you need to do your duty for this society in return. This is the righteous way of living. 

However, if you are not educated in this way of living, you can't live right for society nor for others.


Therefore, when the younger generation enters society or goes abroad for internship and such, they should know it is for them to study the given environment. Their studies are not finished yet. As I mentioned, society is like a school. As a matter of fact, The real school is the society. So the younger generation should not try to just make money or demand for good conditions in society and should instead accept their conditions as it is because it is  the environment for their studies. They should study it and record it in their journal. If they have studied properly,  they should be able to write a book about this in three years. If they had studied their given environment in society everyday, they would be able to journal that every year, and collate that into a book in three years. What happens after that? According to the law of Grand nature,  it is like you receive a bachelors' degree from society. By the time you write a book about your study,  you will be in your fourth year of study. From this experience,  you would know how to write a better book that is well organised after another three years, when you will be qualified for a master's degree. Then this book will be your learnings after 7 years of study. Although you wouldn’t receive a certificate or a degree from a school,  you would receive a degree that Heaven endows. After receiving a Master's degree, if you write another book after three more years of study in depth, you would receive a doctorate degree. When you become a doctorate like this, Heaven will empower you. You would become a person that society needs. 


If you haven’t written a book for society, you or your ability would never be recognised by the public. If you have written a book and someone thought your book was helpful, they would come to ask you more questions. Then you would be able to lecture and guide them. You would have no difficulties for the rest of your life since society would always be in need of you. You would be respected until you passed. In this society,  you can't become rich by wanting to make more money. We are on earth to fulfil ourselves. If you are given less money to support yourself, it means you need to try harder to equip yourself. If you are well off, you would be able to enjoy your leisure time or travel instead of working hard on yourself. People work hard when they are short of finance. The way of living is to properly improve your qualities. This is the authentic way of life. It is not working hard to make money. That would only wear you out. Living well is to equip yourself well. This will give you a bright future.


In conclusion, do not let the events that happened today pass by. At night, you should reflect on yourself for what happened that day. The knowledge you learned from school was only the basics. From primary school through to university, you learn the basics that you need to work in society. However, there is no teacher to tell you what to do in society. You need to learn it by yourself. You learn how to write a report in university before entering society.  When you come out into society, the mission society throws at you are your assignments. The assignment is how will you deal with them? If you have learned properly about the basics in school then you will be able to handle them easily. If you do not know about society, you can't become a person that society needs. As much as you are needed by society, you will receive enough finances for your expenses accordingly. So do not be greedy with money, instead try to become the person society needs. 


103. The reason life gets tough 

We should be clear on what studying truly is. We decided to live this level of quality life at the beginning, where our finances are appropriately provided to us so that we can live life to the fullest. However, somehow we sense that something doesn't go as we planned. By that, I mean an occurrence may ensue where we are asked a question regarding our life by someone. They could be your siblings, friends or people around us. Someone may ask about how everything is going and we may say "I am currently struggling in life". We were asked about it because despite us having a certain standard of conduct in life, our life is still the same. We keep saying that we are failing in life and that we are struggling to get through it. Our pessimistic response to life fails to consider all the people who have bonded with the energy we are provided with and all the temporal advantages we were rationed as a triumph over others. 


Our pessimistic outlook on life can bring us down. Hence, the Grand Nature  would dismantle all the benefits and privileges we were once given and place us into a lower standard of living. Why? This is because we whine about our way of life with such pessimism. When we keep failing in a lower state of environment, we will be placed in an even lower position. If our life gets tough, we should always reflect upon the words coming out of our mouth. We probably haven't learned about the way Grand Nature works. It operates without any rooms for error.


If we are attending a college or university, we would need funds from our parents. But where did those funds originally come from? It is from the virtuous sacrifices of the citizens. That is for sure an undeniable truth. We should think about what path of life we have to lead if we receive such a high quality of education? If we have embraced the sacrifices by caring for and loving those citizens who worked hard to generate the funds, we will be provided with a huge amount of energy from Grand Nature. 


On the other hand, if we only have room to consider ourselves, our family and acquaintances in our own social circle, what should we expect to happen? The Grand Nature would punish us accordingly due to the fact that we are taking advantage of the sacrifices from citizens. We have created convenience in our life at the expense of others where the compensatory action is to have our life be dragged down to a lower standard of living. This is the reason why our life sometimes gets hard. It is neither the lack of belief nor the feeble effort of praying that has put us in such trouble. We are being punished appropriately for our inability to evaluate our way of life. So we have to set a firm path in enhancing our life. Our ignorance has put us into a state of suffering. Grand nature never judges us on the validity of our faith. 


Grand nature only raises the question regarding how we live our life. That question by the Grand Nature might come from our friend, our siblings or even a complete stranger during a small talk. Grand Nature's method of evaluating us may occur at any moment and at any place. This is because whatever we benefit in life is a result of the working class people's sacrifice. The Intellectuals or the awakened people should always consider sacrifices of others that have allowed us to gain convenience. When we are considering this, we will experience wisdom coming out of us and have a broader perception of life. In this era of intellectualism, we should be able to perceive society and the world with a corresponding amount of energy. A true intellectual is never short of money because they use the form of energy wisely to ignite a bright light in the society. 

102. Realising the importance of time

We have grown and developed since childhood in order to propel us to the life we live (in our 50s/ now)

Q: You said that there is nothing more important than time, yet I still don't realise the importance of this and I feel like I am wasting time. How can I correct this?


A: What is your age? (Person who asked the question: I am 49 years old) Whether you understand the importance of time or not, it is your time. You are given the environment in which you should be able to spend time well, but time continues to pass. 


The age that ends with 9 means that it is the end of a segment of your decade.  The end of this segment is very harsh. For example, 19 year olds may have a lot of concerns in life. Why is that? This is because they neglected to learn everything they were supposed to during their teens. And when the time is up, Grand Nature will ask them to discern everything in one fell swoop. They are about to enter the next stage in life, but if they lack in their abilities, they would have a lot to worry about. If someone has learned their lessons well in their teens, where they intently listened to the advice of their parents, and they gladly helped out seniors in the community. These people have spent their time wisely equipping themselves, so as they reach 19 years of age, they won’t have to worry at all when they turn 20.


In your twenties and thirties,  there is a duty to perform in the first 8 years of these two decades. If you fail to do so, you will face hardship when you reach the ninth year and on your way to tenth. This is because Grand nature will once again check to see if you have completed your duty at that time. So if you fail in these two decades, this will cause you tremendous anxiety. 


When your forties begin, by the time you reach 49, Grand nature would have already given you everything you need to grow and will test you before you become 50 years of age. 

If you didn't properly learn the lessons in your teens and twenties, then those lessons would have accumulated and come back to you so you can finish learning them in your thirties.

If you didn't study your given environment well during your thirties, you would have to face more hardship and feel burdened in your forties. That is why people in their 40s have the hardest times in their life. The forties are also called “the age of barriers”.


After living through the forties, you reach the age of 49. Society and Grand Nature have finished providing benefits and teachings to you. Grand nature provides the most benefits to someone in their thirties. That is why you see people in the thirties doing really well. If these people only relied on the good environment provided by Grand Nature and didn't make an effort to learn, they could form bad habits and behave wrongly while boasting their success at a young age. They will face hardship in their forties. The age of the forties is the time for tests from Grand Nature in how much effort you have put in developing yourself? If someone in their forties has built up some wealth in life, then Grand nature will test to see if they have the ability worthy of success. If not, then Grand nature will take away those successes. You may think you have credibility, but if you fail in learning life's lessons, then people around you will leave you. Forties are also called "the age of no agitation". It means to not be swayed by any other ideas or logic. You should not be shaken in your beliefs during the age of forty. Grand nature tests a person in their forties to see if they would falter and fail due to some other logic.


Moving on, what is the significance of the fifties? It is the age of knowing the ways of Heaven and earth (Grand nature). In other words,  knowing Grand nature's principles. Once you understand Grand Nature's principles, the time is ripe to govern, to manage society and realise your life goal. We have grown and developed since childhood in order to propel us to the life we live in our 50s. So your life begins in your 50s. It doesn't matter if you were successful or beautiful when you were young. You will know when you reach the 50s whether or not you are successful through genuine efforts in the past decades. If you don't prepare yourself properly, you will face hardship and be ashamed to tell others. This could happen in your 50s.


You (the questioner) are now 49 years old and have not realised what you should be doing,  now is the time to correct your course. You have to find out your direction in life now. You might have been stubborn so you went your way even when it could have been the wrong direction. You might not have listened to other people because you were too smart for them. People are always born with some deficiencies. That is why you are given relationships, so you can listen to others and absorb the wisdom from their words. That is your life's lesson. If you see something, hear something, or feel something, there is a lesson to be learned there. The question is, did you absorb that information as a life lesson or did you ignore it? This determines whether you will be deficient or be fulfilled. 


Therefore, you can learn everything by absorbing what comes to you. Whatever was given to you, you should absorb without any complaint. You should absorb that which comes to you first before the next thing can be given. If you refuse to accept this first lesson, then you will have a hard time absorbing the next. This is because you didn't finish learning, so this next level can't be absorbed completely. This is called the study of life. In the study of life , do not complain about anything that comes to you. Whatever comes to you is for your benefit. You may be making a wrong calculation and discernment, but Grand nature always gives you what you need without any error. For instance,  if someone curses you, then something was given to you. If you accept and absorb it, then this curse would be beneficial energy for you. If you reject it, the next step would be difficult. If you (the questioner) have not absorbed everything that came to you, then you should start living by accepting and absorbing everything. In any situation, whatever happens to you is the result of your own doing. Therefore, if you commit yourself to accept and absorb whatever types of hardship in life that comes to you, then your life will change in an instant for the better. Don't think that you are so smart and make a decision based on your logic. You should accept everything given by Grand Nature. Accept the relationships that are given to you, accept the environment that is given to you. Even if people around you say some unpleasant things to you, accept it. When you hear unpleasant words, it is because you live in such a manner that unpleasant words are coming back to you. If you accept the harsh words, then it will be transformed into spiritual medicine that replenishes your soul(self). 


101. Using money wisely 

Q: My husband and I have a very good relationship but we sometimes have conflicts about one thing. I am a person who enjoys spending money. I don't think I am wasting money, though I enjoy spending money on investments and shopping. However, my husband has learned that saving is a virtue. Since we have different opinions about money, he doesn't like me spending much money. I have tried to save money as well but I can't do that very well because I don't think I am wasting money. I think money is to be spent well then saving it. So I am asking you, what is the wise way to spend money?

A: Why is money given to us? It is for us to use it well. If we don't use it, we don't need money. It is either you spend it well or you don’t. If you spend money wrongly, your life might become difficult and you might get into trouble. If you spend it well, your life will be in abundance because if you spend money wisely, it will increase continuously. 

Now let me explain one thing in detail. I will take one field as an example to use money.  Someone runs a business and makes money. There are others who support this person running this business. There is someone who is self-disciplined while not making money. There is a role for each group of people to play. The person who is self-disciplined is connected to the people who own money. However,  if the wealthy man takes all the money for himself, the self-disciplined will have difficulty in making their living since no money will be given to them. Also, the people who have worked hard to support the business won't get any reward. Can this go on continuously? No, it cannot. This is a principle about how money is operated in this world. This is why teamwork is needed. For example, let's say you are given 10 million dollars. 30% of that money is not yours. It belongs to Heaven. You shouldn't spend this 30% of money, as it belongs to the self-disciplined, the share of heaven workers or the people who haven't been making money but working to benefit the future society. Heaven is leading their work for the future of society.

Then, there is the second 30%. How should the other 30% be dealt with? It should be used with people who live with you. It is not your share but your neighbours’ around you. So this should be spent. What happens if you save it? Someone might come and take it from you. Whether it be a swindler stealing your money or your child spending away this money. Whatever happens, the money raised will be taken away. If you save this money, something will happen to take this from you. This is because you accumulated it as your ownership when it is not yours. 

Then, 40% remains of 10 million dollars. This is yours. It doesn't matter whether you save it all or spend it all. It is okay whatever you do about how to spend it. Nobody will blame you even if you save or spend it. However, going back to the second 30% that we mentioned, what happens if you don't spend this 30% for those around you? You wouldn’t be treating these people right, and your future could be impacted negatively. You won’t have a future if you don't spend the money given to you. But If you spend the second 30% with your people, your relationship with them will get better. This will shape your future. Therefore, you have to know the principle in managing money. In order to open up your future, you have to know how to manage what you are given. 

In conclusion, we have to manage and spend money joyfully and wisely. This is because the money is created by the people who sacrifice their blood and sweat in their work. There are other people who collect the money. When you spend money right while recognising the sacrifice of others, Heaven will give even more wealth to give you strength. 


1.The meaning of the age of 100. 


It is divided into three parts until birth and adolescence 21 years old. Because it's a theme. So seven years old, 14 years old, 21 years old. Humans do not become adults until they are 21 years old. Until then, parents should raise them. 

From the twenties, it is time to study privately. In other words, 20's studying to get out of society. 

So when you are in your 30s, it is time to start a complete social study. This is the real time to study. This is not a time for parents to interfere, but a time of study and growth by their sovereignty. So it's a little different from the twenties. What if you study well in your 30s? If you do well, you will be interviewed in your 40s.

In the 40's, you have to be confident enough that you won't be shaken by any logic. So lack of fulfilment in the 40's is the most difficult time to live. The thirties also give a lot of benefits, because the forties are the time to take the test. So I feel like everyone comes to test me.

After having a good 40's, when you're in your 50's, you'll know the heavens. The meaning of knowing the reason of heaven at the age of 50 at this time is the time when we have finished growing up by the strength of the earth, and from the age of 50 it is the period of strength in the heavens. That is, to end receiving strength on earth, and to live in the world with wisdom by the power of heaven. So, at the age of 100, life is the time from the age of 50 to the real life. 

If you prepare well in your 50s, you will be a flower in your 60s. The flower of the unfolding life is 60s. In other words, people in their fifties and sixties must be the fathers of society and live as mothers of society. So when they are in their 70s, they become godmothers and godfathers. Those who are really responsible for society. So you should be a big godfather up to 80s. It is a time to live a real life for 50 to 36 years. It is our real life to live our lives for 36 years and be the parents of our country.

 If we lived well for 36 years, the world would respect and support us. As a godmother and godfather, he empowers the people below with words of wisdom. It is the age of 100 that we live right and are respected and leave.


2.Everything is a lesson until our 30s.


When we are growing, we need to develop and fulfil ourselves. This is the only way to further our growth. Intellectuals should study and put great effort in themselves until their 30s so that they are able to exhibit their abilities. 

When we are studying in school, we learn theories. When we enter society, we gain practical experience. As such, we complete our theoretical and practical studies by our 30s. Hence, we must study before we reach our 40s. Otherwise, we may easily become arrogant. With such an attitude, we face hardships. This is because we have shown off our intelligence and talents in our 20s, even if it didn't seem like we were arrogant then. As we reach the end of our 30s, we will begin to fail with that attitude. 

If we had fulfilled ourselves correctly, Nature would not leave us alone. Those that fulfilled themselves properly will receive the respect and treatment they reserve and will never have to face hardships in life.

It is critical to study this if we want to raise our children or lead our siblings right. If we don't fulfil our duties as a senior and lead the younger generation, we will not be able to earn their respect and we will be disregarded.


3.The 40s. Part 1.


We are the busiest when we are 39 years old. We change every 10 years. When we are 39, we receive homework that we did not have in our 30s at once. Because when you are in your 40's, you enter the environment that tests you in what you have learned. 

In your 40s, you are tested during the 10 years. They might come early on, in the middle of or later in the decade. If you have taken in your usual environment and tried hard, you will pass the test. But if you complain and make no effort, you will not be able to do well in your test. 

By the age of thirty, Mother Nature has helped you by creating a whole environment that aimed at nurturing you. Therefore, people around you are there to help you to grow. But when you're in the 40s, your rivals will start coming. Now the test begins. If you do this wrong, it will hurt your soul. Sometimes you might meet a crook or a strange person. All these tests are subjected to you during your 40s.

If you fail the test, it means you will have a very hard time in your 40s. You won’t be able to handle everything that happens and strange things might happen to you. You might start feeling pain in your body.

If you don’t better yourself in your forties, you won't understand the people around you. If you insist that you are right then you lose your trust from people. When you can't solve the challenges that are coming to you, it means you are being tested. 

The best way to know if you are taking a test well is to see how quickly you reflect on your shortcomings and continue on with your life. This sets the standard for testing. God never puts you on a test if you understand the situation or circumstance well. So when there's a situation that you can't solve, you have to look back on yourself and see what's missing. 

However, if you start blaming others or complaining about the situations without looking into them, things might begin to complicate and everyone might fall apart. People around you might leave you and you might start losing your fortune. 

The 40s should be a period free from agitation. No other words or situations should agitate you and you shouldn’t suffer any defeat from others.


4.The 40s. part 2


During the 40s, God does not provide you with the relationships and environments to help you, but instead to test you and see if you have learnt enough to handle new relationships well.

Some people in their 40s will meet people who will try to compete with them. While people in their 30s meet people who will be helpful. Those in their 40s will meet competitors.  Some  who have amassed a lot of economic power will meet people who will try to defraud them. These people are coveting their money. Anyone in their 40s would have a lot of abilities but also greed, that’s why they will meet a competitor. 

These competitors come to take advantage of you. they would come and try to disturb you. If you have not learnt enough, you will certainly be agitated. They will take advantage of you and harm your soul. If you have not learnt and only cared about money, you would face people coming after your money. Because you didn't learn and develop yourself but just amass money instead, you would have no power to maintain and protect your money.  Someone friendly might approach you, cunningly take the money and run away.  You would lose everything you have accumulated and you would have to give up everything you have built up.

God sends his agents to people who are in their 40s to see if they have the ability to manage this society righteously or if they have the skill to handle everyone coming their way. God tests everyone in their 40s. If you understand this principle in your 40s, you will be able to live your life well. You would have good ties with people and things would go smoothly. If you can't handle the situations that come to you, you must still face the difficulties.Take this as an opportunity to learn even if it seems wrong, Mother Nature will help you. This is what Mother Nature does.


 5. Overcoming a sense of inferiority


To overcome our inferiority is to think precious of ourselves and love ourselves. However, can we always do that? For several thousand years, our ancestors have been saying it to their descendants. If we can love ourselves, there will be nothing more to do. Sadly, it is difficult for us to love ourselves. 

Why is that the case? It is possible that people around us can make us feel precious. Just infusing ourselves with the thought of "I'm precious" isn't the way to love ourselves, even though there is a saying to "think precious of ourselves". When others are in need of us, that is when we genuinely feel precious. If we are not needed by others, we wouldn't feel precious. In other words, if we can be of help to others, then others would consider us precious to them. 

For example, can we think of ourselves as precious when we are not a company owner? No matter how much we want to be a company owner or demigod, or whatever we want to be, we would only feel precious when we can achieve that right away. Unfortunately, this is not how it works. It is about how well we develop ourselves, how qualified our level of knowledge is. These are factors that make us feel precious.

Therefore, if we don’t feel that others need us, we will never be precious to others. We need to fulfil ourselves and always appreciate others around us who help us to learn. The gathered energy of people around us makes us feel precious, hence why we should be beneficial to others.Therefore,, it is not about us loving ourselves, but have others love us. This is because we are precious to one another. When we are able to love others, then others are able to love us.


6 . Meaning of love.

When we love truly, we are greeted with the greatest joy and the best moments in life. If we receive love from someone, this means that it almost meets the time for us to go to Heaven.

What do we need to do to receive love? When we receive esteem from others, we can receive love. Love can never come true without receiving esteem. When someone’s esteem is given, this person can love the giver as well. This is how love comes true.

When we say we love our daughters and our wives, we also like them. When we form a family, it is an extremely good thing. However when the family creates trouble, we might become hateful. Love is not about what you like and hate. Love is beyond that. You can't hate anyone when you love them. When your love is true, there is no retreat. When love is true, you love each other even as souls eternally. This means we will be in an environment where we can't fall apart even if we died. This is love.

We have lived in this world for a long time using the word "love" so far. We have used the word when we like someone extremely.

Love comes true when we respect each other. Even though we can not get as much esteem right now, a little bit of love can arise when we at least respect others. We should live in a way that people need us to receive respect. Then it will create an environment that we can experience even a little bit of love.


7 . What should we study in society?


When we are out in society, we all have a different reason.  What are the things we need to study in society?  We don't need to study the area in which we are talented in because the talent that we are given will develop even if we don't put much effort into it.

For example,  a person who is talented in math can sit around and review the math for a couple of months, they will still exceed it. Likewise, a person talented in sales will possess exceptional sales skills without having studied it. A person who is good at charming other people has incredible skills in flattery. A person who lacks the skill cannot flatter other people even if they are paid to do so. Flattery is a talent. Everyone in this world is born with a talent.

However, we are unable to recognise the talent of others. This is because since we only possess our unique talent, we may not understand others. What happens then? It may be possible to develop our talent on our own, but the situation is different when it comes to using this talent.

What kind of society are we living in today?  We are living in an era where we must use our talent to its full potential. The period of developing our abilities have now come to an end, it is now time to use what we have developed. Even if we have been trying to do that, it may not be applicable yet. To whom does it not apply to? It is to others. We should be aware that the reason why each of us is trying to fulfill our ability is to use it for other people.

Why are we not able to use the skills that we have developed? This is because we didn't explore other areas of the talent as we should have. Instead, we decided to show off and focus only on developing what we already have. We should attempt to develop other talents. This is what the problem is even if It might not seem so important. We don't need to put in much effort to develop our talent because it will develop regardless. However, we should think about the meaning of "people must put effort in their living". It is the need to make an effort in learning about the areas outside of their expertise. This is what we call studying. Studying involves making an effort to learn about the various aspects that are not in the scope of our talent. In other words,it is to know a bit more about the area we lack knowledge in.

What happens when we try to pick up other talents? We will not be able to gain more than 30% of the knowledge required in these areas. Then to what extent can we develop our talents? No matter how much effort we put in, we can only develop it to a maximum of 70%. Even if we slack off, we will reach 70%. However, we will never be able to exceed that when it comes to the areas that we are not talented in, we will not be able to reach more than 30%, regardless of the effort we put in. Hence, 70% of our talent and 30% from another area add up to 100%. That is how we become an educated person and the one who makes an effort.

Once we fully develop our abilities, we will meet others that have also fully developed their abilities. When we meet a person, who has fulfilled 70% knowledge in a certain expertise area, they will be able to summarise and share with us what they know. We already know 30% of this. It may not be much but we still have some knowledge of it because we put in the effort. Therefore, when they organize that 70% and explain it to us, we can understand it completely. This is how communication occurs.

If we don't know another person, we will never be able to get them to understand us. So, if we don't explore the different expertise areas, communication cannot occur. For example, why is it that a husband and wife cannot communicate with each other? They have not studied each other's talents so they are unable to understand one another. They have not put in the effort. As a result, they cannot explain things such that it makes sense to the other person. They are unable to identify the barrier between them and thus, it is difficult for them to interact with each other. It is from this point onwards in which the family begins to face hardships. Likewise, As we have not made an effort to know our children, we are unable to explain things to them such that they understand us. If we truly put in the effort of our children, we will attain knowledge that they don't have. This is because there is a difference in the things we gain from making an effort and from developing our talent. Therefore, we attain certain things only through effort. As we have this additional knowledge we attained by effort, we will be able to understand when those around us talk about the knowledge they have equipped with natural talents.

Therefore, we should not expect another person to understand us without putting in the effort to know them. This is the reason why we should study another area and make an effort in society.  Without knowing this, our society remains stagnant and people will be unable to cooperate. The only way to resolve this issue in our society is by cooperating.


8 . Our real thoughts


Humans are animals who think while growing. Thoughts do not occur because we want it to. They are dependent on the knowledge we have acquired until now. As such, we can't produce thoughts in the absence of knowledge. 

In other words, our thoughts are formed depending on the type of knowledge we possess. These thoughts then reach our mind and eventually shape the environment around us. We cannot think well just because we want to as thoughts can change depending on how well we have developed and equipped ourselves. 

Human thoughts are not something that can be controlled by another person, but rather something that we can change. We should learn to absorb our surrounding environment the right way, as this impacts the quality and depth of our thoughts. 

When we are tied to a certain thought and expand the scope of our knowledge in that direction, we become very knowledgeable in that area. By absorbing our environment entirely (every part of it which is available in our society today), we will become a person capable of planning for humanity. However, if we cultivate our mind in one direction, we will only be able to become an expert in that area. This is what we are seeing with religious people today.

The knowledge that is attained should never be one-sided. We need to be open and accept all aspects of our surrounding environment if we want to equip ourselves with extensive  knowledge. Even if it may appear small, there is surely a reason why it came to us. Everything that we can see and hear is transferred into knowledge. It is when we accept this without any complaints that the inner power of our knowledge will increase. Hence, thoughts cannot occur without any knowledge and thoughts are not fixed; it is ever-evolving. Our thoughts constantly change with the energy we gain from knowledge.


9 . How to interview a new employee


When we have an interview with a new employee, we should consider finding out how much they know about the company. We should have a policy on the base criteria for recruitment. We should focus on finding out how much they know about our company and what they want to do in the company, rather than focusing on what college they attended or what talents they have.

We should ask them what their purpose is.  If they have no interest in the company and their objective is to make money, then they should not be working for the company. Another example is when we conduct admission interviews for a graduate school, we ask why they chose this school, and if they agree with the school's philosophy.

Let us think about when we find the company we want to work with. First of all, we need to find out about the company. If we join a company and supposedly spend 10 years of our life there, we need to attain something from the company for 10 years. We can't work there just to make money because society is structured in a way such that money will automatically be provided to us when we are working and learning in a business. So we don't need to think about earning money, but rather what we can learn. Can this company provide me with the opportunity to improve intellectually? Will we be able to learn and attain something in this company for 10 years, such that we will be able to develop our ability to contribute to society? If not, can we improve our technical skills? We need to first screen the environment of the company, then we can decide on joining or not. When we send our resume, it is better for us to enclose a letter explaining our reason and purpose. When the interviewer read our resumes and letters, they will become clearer about who to hire.

If a person provides a clear reason for wanting to join the company, and they also meet the base criteria, this person should be the top candidate. This is how we should conduct an interview. How much do they care about this company? How much do they love this company? Do they have a clear reason for wanting to join? If we look at these things before hiring people, the company will develop.


10. Lie


We lie depending on it's circumstances. This is natural to happen.  Telling someone not to lie means that the person is forced not to lie when the circumstances was already set up for the person to lie. 

When you tell your child not to lie, it means the circumstances was already made up for your child to lie, which sounds confusing to your child to listen to. You should find the cause why your child had no choice but to lie to you in this circumstance, and fix the cause. Therefore, when a child lies to parents, it is the child is afraid of being punished. 

If you tell someone not to lie when you are the one who made the situation to do so, this is overstepping one's authority, and violations of human rights, to tell you the truth.

Lying is not intentional, rather it is for better sake to lead the situation in a positive way depending on the circumstances. Humans are instinct to lie when the right place and time are met.

In other words, humans make up lies depending on their counterparts' reaction. We should not call this bad, rather we should focus on making our lives that no longer needs any lie. We should make our lives that don't cause any condition to lie.

Therefore, you can tell lies in proper conditions but we should focus on making our world that no longer in need of any lies. Lying is not a bad thing, it is the result made by our circumstances.


11. Self-employment.


When we are business owners, we will be directly working with people who are interested in our business. This is completely different from the life of employment. Running our own business means we have the freedom to choose our direction and people to work with.

What happens when we open our business? People will come to our business. As an owner, the future of the business relies on how we treat these people. When we treat them properly, they will bring us fortunes and energies to keep us moving forward. We often make a mistake where instead of treating customers nicely, we try to focus on making a profit in our business. In this way, the business cannot last long. Three years is the maximum period we can have to sustain our business this way. This means Grand nature allows three years of running period to test us. However, if we had properly treated our customers for 3 years, we will have achieved something bigger than what we expected.

When we open the business, the business is a tool for meeting people. If we don't know the main purpose of running a business, we won’t be able to succeed in our business or lose the business.

Anyone who has succeeded in their business in the beginning might experience a failure later on if they haven't treated the people properly and studied society. This means they should study society more and try again as a business owner after. For instance, they need to learn more about what the people they work with require or have interest in. This is how God leads us.

If our business is slowing down, why not change the attitude and deal with people sincerely? As there are all sorts of people coming and going in our business, there is always a chance for us to change. Are we dealing with people with all our heart? Or are we just doing business? We should think about this.

The essence of self employment is to participate in society and study to build an upright character as a business owner. It is good to realise the reason for having money. The world gives us opportunities to obtain wealth and it is our duty to manage that. It is because money is the blood and sweat of people's hard work and effort. We should do more intelligent work to do more for society. 

Self-employment involves someone who works in the front line of society. When we take up responsibility of the society and treat people right, the business will do well on its own.


12. True success


Success will vary according to our standard of success. If we consider being wealthy as a success, then wealth is our form of success. Yet, a question arises. Why do we become wealthy? We become wealthy in order to use it. If we have a small amount of money and spend it, we will not be able to do anything big. So we become wealthy to do bigger things.

Similarly, why do we have knowledge? We gain knowledge to do something for society. Is having knowledge synonymous with success? No, having knowledge is only 70% of it. There are successes of 30%, 70% and 100%. We can’t say that we are truly successful until we reach 100%.

If we have developed financially, that means that we have reached 70% of the success. If we have the knowledge, talent, or beauty, then we are equipped with 70%. When we have reached 70% of the success, that is the first phase. What is the second phase? It is when we cross over the first stage and utilize what we have been equipped with so that we are benefiting others and are respected by them.

For example, if we have benefited society with our knowledge and we are respected by people, we can say we have succeeded. When wealthy people utilize and properly manage their wealth, they are living in their second phase, thereby living their bright and successful lives. This is how people who have the power to benefit society overcome the first stage. 

When the people who have talent or beauty live within the second phase, in which they give back to the society and universally benefit others, their lives will become bright as they have devoted themselves. Then they will leave this world without any wishes or resentment, as they have received others’ respect.


13. None possessive mind.


 Should we develop ourselves to live for the public or for our personal benefit? To live for the public life, we need a paradigm shift. There is only a paper-thin difference between public life and private life. In which we change our ways of thinking. However, we can't do it because our quality of energy is deficient.

For instance, if we have a house, it is because we think it is ours and we will try to protect it. However, it is a fact that this house belongs to society and we should give thanks for the power that is given to us to manage it. Another example, who owns our wealth? It is for society and the world, but not ours. If it belongs to society then should we put it out to society? No, we should manage it well so that we can become a light for society. This is the law of Grand nature.

We have been ill-educated about non-possession. We have it and use it now but it belongs to society and the Grand nature. If it belongs to the people and it is given to us to manage, we should manage it well and work on a project for the society which can broadly benefit people. We should have used it not only for ourselves, but also our partner or our family. Your partner is a social being and we are also people who belong to society. Our children are the children of society so do not consider them as only our children. 

This is a non-possession mind. It doesn't mean that we should put out all we have. Rather, when we manage it with the non-possessive mind, we will receive much more energy so that we can work on a bigger project together. If we take it as our private possession, Heaven can't provide for us anymore. 

If we think widely, all the infrastructure which society has built are ours. We can utilise all of them wisely. If we think that we own nothing because we don't have any property under our name, then we will always be poor. Similarly, each person has a great source of energy. If we are open-minded, people will be our families; If we are closed-minded, we will be alone. When we thank our precious relationships and make an effort for others wherever we are, their energies will be integrated into ours. Even though we can possess everything, our limited thought of greed would only let us possess a little.


14. The intellectuals 


Intellectuals need to know themselves, that is to say, they need to know who they are as intellectuals and why they are called one. You are an intellectual as you are equipped with knowledge. You should realize the energy that is called 'knowledge' and need to know how to use that it correctly. 

You should learn how to utilize knowledge in the right way. That is how you will become a master of knowledge. You can benefit others widely when you use it correctly. This is the core concept.

What kind of entity is knowledge? It is energy.  The energy of today's 'knowledge ' is a compressed energy of people's lives, transforming its form through generation.  What this means is that knowledge is the trace of mankind and the energy that holds the heart and soul. Knowledge is what is left of the heart and soul of those who came before us through evolutionary development. It exists as the compressed energy of all the people's past lives. Today's knowledge is the highest form of that compressed energy. 

You may ask questions like "who am I if I have been growing up absorbing all this energy?" "If I have, how have I come to absorb all this amazing energy?"  “What should I do,  if I am equipped with knowledge, what is my purpose on this Earth?”

You need to dig into these questions and only then will you find the answer.  You will realize that you exist by yourself with the massive compressed energy of mankind,  you will find you must work for humanity and for grand nature. The energy of knowledge is what mankind has inherited us with many sacrifices and "Han(regrets and sorrows)". If you dig deep into this, we have to realize that it is our duty and responsibility to resolve our ancestors' "Han".

When you are equipped with knowledge, you become smart, clever, and abundant. If these people try to live well for themselves,  keeping knowledge to themselves, and acting greedy,  no one can ever beat them. That's why Grand nature will block the intellectuals ' power from using their knowledge when they attempt to be greedy. If not, this will cause devastating things to happen in the world. 

When anyone who absorbed knowledge, which is also the energy of Grand nature, is led by the person’s greed, it can destroy the world. So the moment you become greedy, Grand nature will block your ability of using the power of knowledge. 

Then how can an intellectual utilize the power of knowledge? You need to realize that you are a public person who needs to live publicly, not privately. There are many classifications in living publicly. There are people who live for their neighbors, society, country, or humanity. Those with little knowledge will see small gains,  while those who have plenty of knowledge will dream big. 

The moment you become enlightened about who you are, you will get down on your knees and kneel to Grand nature. Then you will find your voice and offer a prayer " I didn't know who I was and I will devote my body and soul for humanity. " As you offer this prayer, Grand nature will accept you and rain down Heaven's energy. Then you will begin to live wide and dedicate your life to humanity. Your will and life will benefit the people. This is how you become a public person. 

When you live for the purpose of using all capabilities for the good of the public, you won't leave this world with regrets and sorrows. All the sacrifices of the soul's regrets and sorrows will be resolved. This is what today's intellectuals have to do.


15. Purpose of doing business.


There are many people who start a business for different purposes. For example, a person who has been living without much financial difficulty so far because they have an income from their rental investment. However, if they are a bit worried about their situation and are anxious to do something now, they have to go out into the world and study by facing society directly.

When we start a business, the result will differ based on our mindset. There is a world of difference between people who go out to make money through business, and those who go out to learn about society. Though it seems the same on the surface, the result is significantly different in the end. We must go out into the world with a righteous purpose as a member of society. Doing business is to understand society. 

If you can't afford to open a business, you would have to learn about society as an employee. However, being capable of opening your own business means you still have a condition to choose your study based on your preference without working for others. You should be thankful for this.

A person who runs a business is a disciple of God. Depending on the business owner’s mindset, many people who are related will be affected. Being pushed to do business means you need to start paving your way to understand the world and learn to benefit the society.  You have a duty to fulfil your life for the world. If you do your duty well, you will be successful.


16. Humility


We try to be humble but we often can't, it is because we don't clearly understand the law of humility yet. It hasn't worked out for us because we weren't doing it the right way. How can we be humble then?  Respect others instead of trying to be humble. This is what humility is. It is naturally done by itself. 

But again, we are not so sure how to be respectful to others. A law of respect is that it is done in a superior position to another in an inferior position. Respect cannot be done by one who is in an inferior position.  It is done by ones in superior positions. In other words, the upper hand to the lower hand. 

Some may misunderstand this and think, " I have no money, am I not in the superior position?" However, you are in the superior position in terms of knowledge, finance or talent. You can be in the position at every given circumstances. It is time for us to consider each aspect of the superior positions. 

The upper hand must respect the lower hand. How and why does the upper hand need to respect the lower hand? Without the lower hand,  can you still be the upper hand? This is the law of Grand nature. You couldn't have become the upper hand without the energy that was put into you through the sacrifice of the lower hand. This is why the upper hand must respect the lower hand.  We have educated ourselves for those who have not. If we look down on those people who were not as educated, it means we are not fulfilling our duties. 

When you were able to make a fortune,  you were able to make it from those who have sacrificed for it. This is why the lower hand of the economy must be respected.  We must know the principle of Nature. In other words,  a king was able to have the authority to rule the nation because of the people. If these people are taken away,  you are no longer a king.  You are alone. How can you be disrespectful to your people when you were able to be a king because of them?

Some may ask again,  "Alright,  I will be respectful, but how?” Be understanding of those who are inferior to you. Don't be critical about some of the mistakes that your inferior makes. Understand them as you move on.  Even this can be a form of respect. This is your humility.

Here is one thing we should consider. Shouldn't the lower hand also be humble to the upper hand or can they just behave carelessly? The answer is yes. They can. How is this possible? If the upper hand was not humble to the lower hand,  the lower hand would have to speak up to the upper hand instead of expressing their humility. This is different than being humble. 

Therefore, if you have shown humility to the people in inferior positions, they will show their admiration towards you. It is right to show admiration to the superior.  An admiration is aroused depending on how the people in the superior position treat their inferior. The proper response is that the lower hand is to admire the upper hand. 

In reverse,  the lower hand can be arrogant towards the upper hand.  People in the inferior position don't have to behave like anything more than what they are doing. However,  if you have people below you,  you must be humble when you talk to your inferiors. People below must be humble to the people below them. 

In conclusion, humility is given from the top to the bottom,  admiration is given from the bottom to the top.


17. Importance of words

It is time we take responsibility for what we say. When the quality of energy in our spoken words are weak, it doesn't need to be taken seriously. However, the quality of energy in today's spoken words has grown so big that we can not avoid taking responsibility for what we have said anymore.

You can either choose to restrain yourself from speaking, or voice your opinion freely, but the consequence is all on you. The energy of your thoughtless spoken words will return to you and make your life even more difficult.

Inappropriate spoken words will give you a hard time. While appropriate words will enrich your life, offering you a higher position in society.

If you want to avoid disadvantages, you should not talk. However, if you avoid talking when you are supposed to, it will also give you disadvantages.

If you haven't fulfilled yourself, your words and behaviors will become just as unfulfilled as you are. It will be no different from yourself. Inappropriate words will humiliate you. This shows the importance of how our spoken words are correlated with our lives.

To benefit others, we should give them the words that they need, giving money doesn't benefit others. It is your words that can give power or poison to others. No matter how smart you are, or what you're capable of, your ability comes through in your words.


18. Best present


When giving others a gift, what could you fill with? We should think about that now. Until now most people liked to receive material things, such as gold rings as gifts. 

There was a time in which material things are rare, but now we have enough materials. We should think about what is precious and unique in the world. The words which can encourage people are needed. 

The thought of gift giving is changing the time. A letter may become a precious gift. If someone sends you a message, it would be considered yours. If you dreamt something, then that dream must have come to you for a reason. However, if you ignored it, then it wouldn't be yours, and if you accept it, then it would be your luck. When you graciously accept other words, those will be transformed to your successes. Likewise, if you are inspired by a written letter which is sent you, it will be covered into your energy. Your matters will begin to settle.

A word or sentence can bestow courage upon you, and it can be a miraculous medicine. There are two different kinds of medicine, the best prescription and miraculous cure. The letter works for all variety of cases. The best medicine helps heal specific parts of our body, and miraculous cure will improve your whole life. 

Therefore, a word or message for people is so important. Some people are sending a group message without sincerity. When you divide your energy by the members of the recipients, is it of good quality? It must become smaller. When you write a message from your heart, it means you gave your energy to the recipient, and it transforms into a vast mass when the recipient accepts it.

 The gift is changing according to the times. Why are people so inspired even by a word or letter rather than a gold ring? We can easily purchase a gold ring by ourselves, but we can't receive a heartfelt message. Therefore we should realise how important our words are. Your words can make everyone and everything that has led you to the present life brilliant. Now your words are essential and have mass. And a message can be a present. So we should remember this and shouldn't speak thoughtlessly. If you made others feel unpleasant, then you will pay the price and others become pleasant with your words, you will get your luck. 

The time has come that the word human beings are so important. The time I which the words become law has come, and it is a society in which people with mass live. It means that the quality of the gift has changed. It also means that even a massage makes you change.


19. The mindset of cooking


What is our mindset when we cook? People who work in the kitchen, they work to make food for others. When you cook, your mind needs to be sincere and delightful. You make food with love. This is because your thoughts or words are energy. It can affect others' lives.

Who is not suitable to cook in the kitchen? A person who keeps saying bad words when they cook should not be charged to cook because words (energy) can pierce through anything like food and materials. There is nothing to prevent our words from getting through. Therefore, when you talk while cooking, it goes into the food.

For example, there are two bowls of rice. If you keep cursing at one of the bowls and cover it, leave it for 2,3 days; it will change into a black colour. On the other hand, if you keep saying positive words towards another bowl of rice and cover it. After the same number of days has passed, it won't change into any colour and stays the same.

Your words can kill materials or lives. So you need to understand that whatever food you make can affect your family, your friends and your customers' lives.  How does it affect us? If you get annoyed or frustrated while you cook, these negative energies can pierce through the dishes you made. The annoyance and frustration you have can be transferred to the people who eat these foods. Then, it can make them annoyed or frustrated as well. 

 In that situation, who is at fault? The person who works in the kitchen made the mistake. If you made these mistakes, your life will never get better. It will be hard for you in life from now on because you made others’ lives difficult and you would have to pay for that later.

We all know that food is very important for our body. Therefore, the person who makes food has a very important job. This principle is not only applied in making food, your thoughts can affect others lives as well. You can give them positive or negative energy through the way you think.

Let me tell you a tip about how to avoid this situation wisely. When you get annoyed, frustrated or angry, you can eat a candy or chocolate. It helps with releasing these bad emotions. If possible, you can wait for 3mins and it will be resolved.

If we have nice and delicious food, we can hardly be annoyed or angry. Just as if you receive nice words from others, we will feel happy and satisfied. This is because food controls our body and knowledge (energy) control our soul.



20. Love 


To us love is something new that we should re-define. Love is an act that comes out naturally by itself. If you have done something beneficial for another person, then they can not help but give you love in return. This is true love. 

Love can't occur as you try to love someone; it naturally occurs when you do what is necessary for the other person. When you do that, you can never be apart from each other.  There must be something to give the other person, then love naturally occurs. So what should you give? You have to give what they need most in the world. There is no love without giving. Love occurs by itself. Love can happen with proper effort.

Love is something you should accomplish by making an effort for the other person; it doesn't occur in the beginning. When you truly love someone but you realise you are not compatible with that person, your action of love is to step back from the person. This is the true act of love if you really care for the person.

In contrast, like is what you can do it instantly. For example, because you don't have money, you can like someone who has it. You don't have an ability the other person has; you can like a person who has the ability. You are ugly; you can like the right looking person. You can begin liking someone anytime, even now.

Begging for love even though the person doesn't like you back isn't love. You are mistaken with love and like. It means you are greedy for the person because he/she has gotten everything you need. If a man were wealthy, would a woman leave this man? She needs him because he has what she needs. Can we refer to this as love? We are mistaken about what love is. Love should not be 'the seed of tears'. Greed is ' the seed of tears'

Love makes our life in peace and ends the hardship. Love is the ' the light of the rising sun'


21. Birthday


On our birthday,we should think about why we were born. What should we do on this earth? When we were born, my parents and I have a relationship and if there is a brother or sister what relationship do I have? What's the relationship with this relationship when it's given to you in your lifetime?

The answer is that we have to have a good influence on each other. Understanding the relationship between family members can tell why the upcoming relationship is coming.

When it comes to your birthday, your cause should be clear when you celebrate or receive a celebration. Once you celebrate your birthday, it's time to think about how it affects you later. It's time to think about what it means when you receive a congratulation.

Everybody wants to be congratulated on their birthday, and they want to receive as many gifts as possible. However, to be applauded and congratulated by the other party and to receive a gift is to receive the other party's energy. But is it good to be greeted?

We have to pay back the energy that we receive from other people. To be exact, we have to pay it off in three years, but if we don't, our lives have to be a little bit tough.


22. Sharing of knowledge between cultures


If we look at the whole picture of earth,  the west is where fruits emerge from. In other words,  they pursue and develop Knowledge and study science. What is the role of the eastern cultures? The eastern cultures developed while studying about gods, non-material energy and spirituality. 


From the new era since 2013, in order to open up a new world, the West and the East should have been sharing all of our development together. The Knowledge and science we have achieved in the west should have merged with the east and the eastern spiritual Knowledge should have been shared with the west. Now it is the time to combine the information of East and West because anything we have achieved should benefit all of humanity. 


The Western cultures are looking to go beyond general knowledge and are now seeking spirituality.  After acquiring general knowledge, they have begun to pursue higher knowledge similar to eastern wisdom. That's why people are looking into the eastern philosophy. 


Therefore, all the knowledge and information we, the easterners, attained should be uploaded and shared on the internet because it is effective in sharing or exchanging information. Through the Internet, we can obtain most of the necessary information. If we need or want to learn further through practical experience, then we can go off-line, where the rest of the information is. All the information we have received from science and the spiritual world can be accessed and shared through the internet. 


23. Birthday - part 2


We sometimes become greedy when we have our birthday.  When it comes to the birth month, something bad might happen little by little. It means there is something might have gone wrong. 


It is said that a birthday is a blessed day when we come into the world. We keep giving gifts to our children on their birthdays repeatedly which could lead them to fall into a bad habit. As we have done wrong, we would face just as much difficulty later. We mistakenly believe that we are doing well but what we have been wrong. Grand Nature does not forgive us for what we have done wrong. 


A birthday is not a day when we receive gifts. We may think this is contradictory because we have been receiving them up until now. However, we should know that it is a day in which we express our gratitude to the people around us.  Why is that? We should be grateful for them 1to be around us ever since we were born. We should be grateful for the environment that we have. We should also be grateful for all the people who have been watching over us without leaving us. Therefore, instead of expecting anyone to give us a cake, it is right that we get the cake for them as a thank you. 


Another important thing is that on our birth month, we have to study and ask ourselves 'am I really growing as a person that society needs'? When we are young, our parents celebrate our birthday with bad habits that spoil us. So what should parents do for their children's birthday? Parents should educate their children on how to celebrate their birthday until they reach the age of 21. They need to teach their children the right thing from puberty. Saying 'I am taking care of your birthday now, when you grow up and enter the society, it will be your responsibility to give back. You shouldn't expect others to celebrate your birthday'. Birthdays should be a virtuous day when we prepare and take care of our birthdays. 


If we spoil our children habitually, it will lead them down the wrong path and affect the society. This wrong deed will come back to us for as long as we continue to spoil our children. That would be a punishment from Grand Nature. Even though it may not be too big, it will eventually get to us. It means that God wants to teach us again through difficulties. Therefore, our birth months are the time for us to reflect and study.


24. The Study


In our life , we should always try to prepare ourselves for any situation in life. While we try to prepare ourselves, we will find ourselves looking at and treating our circumstances differently so that we can gain the ability to solve problems.


The learning of young children is totally different from that of adults. When we are young,  our learning is for growth. As an adult, our learning of society is the true learning. The reason why we might not know about society properly is because we have stopped learning after we graduate from school, when it is actually the prime time for learning.


The true learning is about our environment and our society. If our way of thinking is not focused on this, we would often blame situations or others around us. We accept the basis of society before our thirties. After that, we approach society where situations are given to us depending on our ability to deal with them. Yet, no one is there to teach us during this time.  What we learn from the situation is the key to becoming a capable person in our thirties and onwards. If we don't learn in our thirties, issues may appear in our forties and might fall into difficulties in our fifties. If we don't prepare for this, how can we live a wonderful life?


We should realise that society is not just given to us to live in and make profit off, it provides us with an environment in which we can learn in.  We need to learn when we are given the opportunity, or we could face difficulties and struggle to contribute to society. We should see our world differently and create a better society for the future. 


25. The importance of Justification 


We sometimes feel anxious or concerned about our decisions. We would wonder why this happens. If we made a choice without a justification in mind, we often find ourselves confused after we have made the decision. Without a strong reasoning to back up our decisions, we won't have enough power there.

This is an era where we need to justify every decision we make, such as our areas of study, marriage and friendships. The world is created in such a way that if we do something wrong,  we will experience hardships in order to correct our wrongdoings. Likewise, if we have done something well, the world will let us know as such through the occurrence of fortunate events. 

For instance, if we work for a company because we have no choice or without a purpose in mind, then we will find ourselves struggling at work. Grand nature would ask us why we came here to work and if it is to earn a living. If that is the case, the company would also continuously ask that of us and so it becomes difficult for us to work at that company. Whether we are working or making friends, it would require effort from us. In order words, we must find the right reason or the true purpose of our decisions. 

Another example, if we get into a relationship just because we like each other, we might eventually be separated. There might be something bad that happens that would break us up.  No matter how diverse we are, how many ethnicities and races there are, Grand nature never makes a mistake. There are reasons for everything. If we enter into a relationship with someone without putting in the right efforts, we might suffer just as much so that we become cognizant of what we have done wrong 

Therefore, we shouldn't do things without a justification. Whether it be a job or something that requires more from us, we should always find a purpose and do the job with that purpose in mind. Only then will the Heavens help us and shape the society in a way that gives us power.


26. Our name


When we receive our name that is a very good and “big” name, it means that we should live a suitable life for it. Otherwise, we will face difficulties. It is not because our name is a bad name. We should live our life according to our names in order to have a favourable fortune. 

Our name is our supreme talisman. We don't use our talisman, but rather others give us their energy by calling our name. Regardless of whoever gave us that name, it becomes our talisman once we receive it. 

Some people might change their name during their lives while others might keep it. If people have studied hard during their growth, they would meet a teacher or mentor who could change their names to be more favourable. In the past, mentors would give people pen names according to the person’s quality of energy.

People don’t get their pen names when they are born. When we become a teenager,  if our name appears to be unsuitable for us, a pen name might then be given in order for us to get more energy. Then, this pen name would be our talisman. 

When we are born, our parents or a name author came up with our name. However If we have grown up with extraordinary talent,  a pen name as a talisman should be given to us because our name is not strong enough for our energy. 

Nowadays, we have a law in which people can change their names by themselves. One's name is very important.  If someone has named a person,  then it is good for them to guide them righteously. However, many people got their names from name authors and lived thoughtlessly, their lives could become strange. 

In the same manner,  our name is our talisman. Therefore,  if we announce our name to others and they call our names whenever we meet, it means that they want us to live according to our name. Therefore,  we should live as such. Whenever people call our names, the power of our names pushes us to live accordingly. If we don't live like that, our life becomes difficult. 

As mentioned before, our name is our talisman so it gives us fortune depending on how we live our lives. The talisman itself doesn't help us to make a fortune. Rather, our actions will help us gain the power of our talisman. We should live our life as such, then we will gain the power of this talisman. This is the power of naming. Having a good name isn't enough. Only when we make efforts to live a suitable life according to our name, will we never have difficulties. 


27. The habit of fixating on our own thoughts


Q: I always have a hard time getting out of my own thoughts and it has become a habit.  It is so severe that when I start thinking about something I have to deal with,  I can’t hear what others are saying to me, or it is too difficult to converse with others. Please tell me whether this is just a personal trait or a flaw to be corrected. 

A: This could be due to the overwhelming existence of biased energy (or thoughts). This could be our strength, but it can also be our weakness. In your case, you may consider it a weakness that you can't get out of when you are focused on one thing. 

What should you do to fix this? Little by little, you need to expose yourself to other experiences. If you only do one thing,  you may not be able to get out of that. If you learn many other things, you are less likely to be fixated on one thing because you possess other knowledge to pull you out of your thoughts. 

Comments: as the Real mentor mentioned,  we need to learn and have experiences in areas we don't know broadly so that we wouldn’t be trapping our thoughts in certain ways. 


28. COVID-19 vaccine - police officers priority vaccination. 


Q: The risk of side effects, such as blood clot, is increasing with the AstraZeneca vaccine currently being distributed in Korea. However, the police officer vaccination will begin in a few days. Most policemen say that they won’t take the vaccination due to the concerns of side effects. However, I wonder whether it is correct that as a public servant who performs public matters on the front line,  they should get the vaccine despite the side effects in order to take the lead in reducing the concerns about the COVID 19 encroachment. They need to make the decision soon on whether to receive vaccinations, so l would like to ask the Real mentor on how to make the right choice.


A: It is a benefit for the police officer to be offered to get vaccinated first, so it is better for them to be vaccinated soon. If they see this as a privilege and receive the vaccination, there will be no blood clots and they will be well. However,  If they receive it while worrying about the side effects, it is likely for them to be unwell from the vaccination. 


According to how we approach the vaccination, it creates side effects and troubles. For example, when people have food, there are people who would eat it well and be appreciative of the food. Then, there are people who complain about the food. To them, problems might occur. Anyone who is always grateful is not likely to have any side effects. Are we grateful on the surface or living with genuine gratitude? If we are truly grateful, it is not likely for us to get sick or have side effects. 


Energy circulates. The best energy in the universe is human energy. Why? It is because all three energies are fused in humans. Humans always encounter obstacles or have trouble depending on how they operate their energy. As long as we know this and live on this planet rightly,  sickness will likely stay away. The wrong operation of energy could bring about sickness. Therefore, it is all dependent on our thoughts. 


So in the perspective of police officers, if they accept the vaccination with gratitude to the people, these police officers will never have problems. We should not doubt what comes to us. We have to be thankful for what has come to us. If 100,000 police officers get vaccinated and about 5 people have side effects, it is a positive result. Thus, we should trust our society. 


29. COVID-19 is the warning for change


Q: You mentioned before that the coronavirus served as a wake-up call and warning. What should we know here in the United States to better handle other viruses in the future?


A: What I meant by covid-19 being a warning was that it is a sign that we must restructure the sprawling society that has been neglected thus far. Our network of friends has overgrown and must be pruned. Many things we believe in such as religion must be re-examined. The quality of everything must be upgraded. We should guide everyone to do what is right for them according to their energy level. This way, those with weak energy can perform their roles well and those with high quality energy can take high quality action. 


Even corporations that are too vast must be trimmed down. They should operate their business righteously. If they grow their large companies with short cuts and dishonesty, this is the time to rearrange. Essentially, trim the excess off everything and pushing all the bubbles out of the organisation that has grown too big. This is a society where we must live 'correctly ', not one where we can do whatever we want just because we can. Why is that? It is because the actions we take today will impact all of humanity. An individual is not ' just one single person ', each person's actions influence the direction humanity takes. 


Therefore, if we have done anything to society in the past, ten-fold of the unfavourable effects, at a minimum, would occur upon society and our life correspondingly due to these mistakes. Our wrongdoings are not just temporary one-time events. If we have done anything wrong,  we will have to pay it back ten-fold, which by principle means we will be facing hardship on that magnitude. If what we have done for this community and environment has positively impacted society,  then just as our wrongdoings, we will be given Heaven's support at ten-times the magnitude of our good deeds. If the action we took was the right action, Grand nature will give us ten times at the very minimum, or a thousand times at maximum, the positive effect and nature's power depending on what we contributed to society.


Living correctly is of the utmost importance, that is how we get at least ten times the powers of the action that we have done for the society. Currently, everyone is busy earning money to put food on the table for themselves and their family. We must change our concept from living for ourselves to living for others. 


We should understand the Principle of the Cup. We don’t need to feel like we have to do big things for society now. The Principle of the cup is that if we manufacture cups, make the cups for the people who will be using them, not to earn a living. We should live with purpose and intention. As we go through our daily lives , we may occasionally forget our original intention and motivations, so we can remind ourselves again. If we make the cup for the person who will be using it, our life will continuously improve. This is why we need to live the right way, correctly. 


30. Changes in food culture after Covid-19 


Q: In the past, dining out culture was not developed significantly. But from the 2010s, changes in cooking and eating at home have occurred. Now food products made by professional chefs are also served at home for easy heating. In particular, the food culture has changed a lot because of Covid-19. It was said that meals showed the cook's sincerity and resembled the taste of mother's cooking. As the Great mentor has taught us, I also feel that food nowadays has been moving from an individual home-cooked meal to food provided by society. It would be great if you could teach us about the food culture that will have changed after Covid-19. 


A: As society progresses, we have more work to do and have more knowledge that we have equipped ourselves with. We are living in a high quality society that values knowledge.  We tend to go to fancy restaurants even though we have to pay a little more. We are looking for restaurants where they pay attention to the plate, where employees are kind and polite to customers so that we can enjoy the atmosphere. Restaurants often hire college graduates to serve customers as they are more educated, thus the quality of their serving is different. If there is a restaurant where servers hold a masters degree, the price of service would be even higher.


Spending time chatting with people who are highly educated means that we can get high quality energy from them. We dine out because this energy that we need may not be available at home, and we may also be a little uncomfortable at home. That is why we dine out. At restaurants, people treat us comfortably. We need to know the culture of dining out. We should not think that the emergence of the culture is caused by us not eating at home.


Now we try to live an advanced lifestyle as we evolve. People live for relationships. Dining out can encourage people to enjoy and develop their relationships. If we have a good relationship with a person, we can have a meal with them or we may like to cook for them. This isn't about serving; it is about expressing our heart by putting our own thoughts into the cooking and sharing with them. If we have a bad relationship with someone at home, we are unlikely to eat together at home. So we feel more comfortable going out to eat another person's cooking. 


Therefore, the relationship between people is important in life. The relationship is what will really matter for us in the future. In the past, even if we were in a relationship, we would need someone who could help with things like laundry and cooking. However, now we need the connection and conversation with others. This is an era when if we have conflicts in our relationships, we become unconditionally apart. This is because talking becomes food for our soul, it is important to have a good relationship. Now is the time to not just find food for the body, but more importantly for our soul. We need relationships and a good quality of conversation with people. We need to think about how important conversations and relationships are, not where to eat. Food is what we consume; and dialogue between people in relationships is what we absorb for our soul. 
