BLOG - Soul series

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BLOG – Soul series


105. Soul series:The Law of 3:7.

It is said that there exists a law of 3:7 in this universe. In the entire universe, 70% has not transformed into matter, and only 30% has transformed into matter. Likewise, everything on this Earth is composed according to the 3:7 law, with water making up 70% and the remainder 30%. Our bodies are also composed of 70% water, with the remaining 30% being other substances. Thus, everything is made according to the great natural law of 3:7, and by understanding this law, we can easily navigate through life.


Now, let's see how the 3:7 law can be wisely applied to human relationships. According to the law of nature, when someone who is 70% at fault reflects on their mistakes before apologising to the person who is 30% at fault, things tend to resolve more smoothly. How can we identify who is 70% at fault? The criterion is whoever feels more distress or pain in a given situation.


For instance, when a child or teenager disobeys or shows annoyance to their parents, it indicates that the parents might be seeing the results of their upbringing, causing them deep distress and pain. In this case, it can be considered that the parents are 70% at fault and the child 30%. Therefore, when the parent who is more at fault reflects and approaches the child, the child will likely reflect as well. However, if the parent, who is more at fault, fails to recognize their mistakes and scolds the child instead, the problem will only worsen, and the pain will revisit.

As another example, let's say in a marriage, one partner cheats and leaves the home. The infidelity often stems from not fulfilling duties within the household, leading one partner to drift away. The wrongful acts could range from being too controlling to neglecting the other. These small issues accumulate over time, especially when there is no collective effort towards harmony, leading to separation. This applies not only to couples but also to families. It might be difficult to accept, but the person left behind in the home often bears 70% of the fault.


Therefore, the more distressed person should introspect and make efforts to rectify their mistakes. When they approach the other with genuine change, it prompts the other to reflect as well. Conversely, if they respond with anger and resentment, the situation deteriorates. It's often the case that the one making life difficult also experiences difficulty. If the person is struggling, it likely indicates their own faults. While the one cheating might seem less at fault, they still carry 30% of the blame. If the person who is 70% at fault reflects and makes efforts to correct their ways, the estranged partner might return over time. People often hide their flaws at the beginning of a relationship, focusing on the good. As time goes by, flaws become apparent, just as the person who cheated will start seeing flaws in their new partner. When the person at home acknowledges and works on these flaws, it may lead to reconciliation.


We live on Earth, interconnected through debts of karma, repaying these to grow our souls. Families, the closest units, are formed by those owing the most debts to each other. To live well and fulfil our purpose on Earth, we must help and coexist harmoniously, repaying these debts of action and emotion. Repaying this 'debt' means to love, protect, and care for one another.


The bond between parents and children is such that parents owe 70% of the debt, making the relationship. The child holds a 30% debt. The one with the larger debt should repay it first, ensuring the balance of karma is maintained. If not repaid, the child naturally won't feel the obligation to repay in adulthood.

In marital relationships, it is often the husband with more 'debt' who must first love and protect his wife, moving her heart. Then, witnessing these acts, the wife will devote herself and dedicate her life in return. Essentially, the one with 70% of the 'debt' must initiate positive actions, so that the one holding 30% will eventually be inspired to also share their 'debt.'

In summary, the 3:7 law applies universally to all life situations. Whenever an issue arises, if you find yourself more distressed or pained than the other, it likely indicates that you're more at fault. By recognizing this, reflecting, and humbly addressing the situation, you can navigate it wisely. Understanding that the main purpose behind life's events is not to bring suffering but to enlighten us about our ignorance or mistakes, we can face challenges with less hardship.

104. The Universe’s Signal in Spirituality 


What do I do when other people come to me and say hateful things?


If the other person comes to me and tells me about other people's hateful things, this is a sign that you are also hating the other person in another situation. When we meet people, we ask each other to help each other out and if we don't figure out what's helpful, we cannot use this experience to benefit ourselves.That's why you need to know the signs of the Universe. Even if I can't find it now, I need to recognize that I hate the other person in another situation so I should make an effort to find out why and furthermore what has caused this negative energy.


If someone is talking negatively about others in front of you, you're letting them know that you're mimicking someone else as well. When we point out our faults, we judge them by our own yardstick and create the illusion that we are telling the other person's story, but in their eyes we are imitating them. That's why the other person's judgement is essential. 


If I often see or care for a patient or a sick person, the Universe is letting me know that I have the energy to be like this patient in the future. So when you know this signal, you should try to figure out why this person is sick. If you are able to identify and understand the bad habits or bad thoughts that the patient has, you can get out of this patient-like life, but if you don't realise that the other person is demonstrating this, then you will have the same procedure in the future. 


The bottom line is, every situation comes as a plus, and if you don't figure out what is coming to you as a plus, it's easy to blame the other person or cause dissatisfaction. If we are aware of the signals of Mother Nature and move forward with our lives, we will not have difficulties and we will be able to go positively in every situation. 



103.Thoughts, mind and emotions


How do our thoughts arise? Our thoughts rise as high as our knowledge. Human beings expand simultaneously as their mass of thought as knowledge enters. Everything that we see with our eyes, hear with our ears and receive with our feelings forms into knowledge. After a thought arises, it is then transmitted to the mind. That's why feelings happen. Feeling arises from the heart and the mind combined which is where the sense comes that it is right or wrong; good or bad. This feeling is the same as that of our true soul being. So after thinking about when something is decided, it is passed on to the mind. 


So this information comes out through the mouth and it is felt in the mind. 


After the mind energy is felt, it is then connected to Mother Nature and is left in the universe as 6006 files. This means that what people think, feel, and do is being stored in Mother Nature. This is the role of mind energy. So, some people spiritually open up to the history of the past and know and talk about what people have been thinking in the past. If we meditate and we clear our minds and sit mindlessly for two hours, we are purified because we have no knowledge that we have absorbed and we have not produced negative energy.. so it feels refreshing. This is because we are rested, it has the same effect as sleeping comfortably for 2 hours. 


Let's talk about emotions. Emotions are different from what we feel because what we think is transmitted to the mind, and our actions are usually acted out upon because of how we are feeling. After thinking about it, this feeling goes to the other person and comes back, and the emotion is then transformed into a physical being. When emotions and actions are thought out without reflection, they escape our body and without realising it, the energy also attaches itself to another person. When the energy comes back it will be of equal energy and in addition a response to the first emotion.


Emotions vary depending on what kind of person you meet, and when you send your emotions to the other person. When emotions arise from other people and come to you, the emotions will bounce back between people. Depending on how you deal with your emotions, they can be tied up, they can be twisted, or they don't work and the answer is to have a lot of knowledge to use them correctly and wisely.


In order to smoothly regulate our emotions, we must increase our quality of thought through a lot of knowledge and experience so that we can have a leisurely life and live smoothly with our partners. 


102 Soul series - Energy quality of the soul


Q: I would like to know what is the size of our soul and how is mine different from others. 


A: The soul is not something you can quantity in terms of size but rather in the quality of its energy. Souls have different levels of energy and depending on the quality, they have different responsibilities in the world. Souls that have a large quality of energy have to do a high quality type of work. Likewise, souls with a small quality of energy have to do general work.With all that said, we should not distinguish souls by their size but rather the quality of their energy. 


Depending on the quality of one's soul, they have different responsibilities in the world. In this society, there is the quality of energy for a presidential role, a professor role or a working class role that people are responsible for. That is the “rating” of souls. If you like physical labour, then that will be equivalent to your quality of energy. The main purpose of our souls in this world is to lead us and purify us to eliminate the karma that accumulates from our previous lives. So if you work hard enough towards your work, your karma can be eliminated. When the quality of the souls’ energy is large, it will lead the person to work in tasks with great significance and help them work hard to eliminate their karma. The quality of energy in our souls are all different, it should be perceived in terms of the quality of energy,  not in size. 


101. Soul series - If our soul is pleasant, our life is pleasant. 

When our souls are pleasant, we can recover faster from fatigue and won’t feel tired so quickly. If our souls are pleasant, even if we don't eat, we won’t  feel as hungry. When our souls are pleasant,  we can purify murky energy within us. That is why we should make our souls light and pleasant in order for everything to be solved. When we share our high quality studies with each other and look around the world, the clouds, the ocean and the people may all begin to look pleasant. Why is that? This could be because our souls are now “alive”. This is the state of a pleasant soul.


On the other hand, when our soul sleeps, we can't be active. Everything may look unattractive and deplorable. We should wake our souls up. If our souls are awakened, we will be able to see the world in a different light and will be able to use our wisdom. We will have just woken up so that we can enjoy our lives. 


Q: Does the soul also sleep and wake up like our bodies do?


A: Yes. Like our bodies, our souls also sleep and wake up. People say that they are hurt in their mind, but the mind never gets hurt even when “beaten” with a big hammer. On the contrary, it is the soul that is hurt, even from a simple word. People just don't understand how much energy a word has that could affect our souls negatively. If our souls get hurt, we can't use our power. Words are so important as they can directly hurt the soul. By hearing a wrong word, our body won’t be bruised or hurt but rather our soul suffers for it. Then, we would have a problem in life. Spoken words are very impactful.  


We are now learning the law of Grand nature, so we can create an environment in which we can live well by speaking properly. Our life begins by saying a word properly. From our words, we can be pleasant and make others feel pleasant. As we improve ourselves carefully, the quality of our words will also improve. Refined words can help other's lives to be revived, to empower others, or just to benefit others broadly. We should develop our quality of energy by speaking well with refined words in order to benefit others. Correspondingly, we can improve the quality of our souls.


Q: What does the soul do when we are asleep?

A: It takes care of itself. 

Q: If I met you in my dream, did it mean my soul sought out for you?

A: The soul does numerous things and needs to rest. The reason why people should rest their bodies is to have their souls relax. Having a rest is not only for the bodies but also for the souls.


Human beings are different from animals. Animals can use their energy even if they haven't slept a lot. Humans cannot use their energy when they haven’t slept enough. It is not our body but our souls that stops us from using our power. Sleeping well is important for our souls to have a good rest because souls can exert their power after a good relaxation. When our soul can't relax and is in a continuous state of tension, it can become entangled, causing us to become vague and lethargic. At this point, our body won't function as usual. Therefore,  we should have good sleeping habits for the sake of our souls. 


1.Soul series - who can create names?


There are countless names in the world now. However, who created names in the beginning? As we know, animals like dogs, pigs and chimpanzees can never place a name on an object. They can't call names. Then who created nomenclature? The answer is that only God could have created this.

However, who created nomenclature on these objects as we know now? Humans did. It is humans who created names. We made this, for example, by calling it a "water cup"  when we can call it a container that contains something else, a particular nomenclature. God only can designate nomenclature to prove that something is what it is. Human created names for everything. There isn't a plant that doesn't have a name. If we discover a plant that does not have a name, then we create the new terminology. 

On earth, people have divided land from other land and labelled names to designate different countries. Within each country, names are created to designate different towns. People built roads and created names for them. They call it a particular road with a number. Who did this? The Gods did. All vocabularies are created by the Gods. What does this mean? It means we are the gods. Humans are Gods, but there are other types of God.

There are two types of god. One is the spirit gods (us). The other is the energy god that exists as the great cosmos. This being that exists as the energy god is who we call “God” or the Grand Nature. We placed a nomenclature on this as the all mighty, omniscient, and omnipotent.

God or Grand Nature, is not someone who was born as a human with a name. He exists as is. We are the ones who put a name on him. Had we not advanced and developed as humans, then we would not have been to put a name on him. As our souls develop and advance, we may rearrange everything with more accurate terminology.


2. Soul series - Our credit limit in life.


Some people are born into this world in a specific type of environment. Some are born with spiritual powers, and some are born with material resources. These resources and power are like credit cards that we use. 

There is a limit to the amount of power we are born with. We live utilising this power and resource. People use this power and resource to build a group, a specific type of environment, forming relationships with many people, building credibility, or making money. We do so while compiling credit on a credit card.This credit is given to us when we are born. Who we will meet in this life is predetermined. Therefore, good environments and relationships come to us until the credit card limit has been reached. After we have used up all our credit, we should have already been in a good environment. 

However, after having used up all our credit, we might try to use the credit again out of habit, but there is no credit left. This means that things won’t go our way as it did before. People who are over 40 or 50 years old would think about how they lived in the past. They did pretty well when they were young. Some of them were born with intelligence, some with supernatural power, some with good talents, and all of them lived using this credit and have accomplished themselves up to now.

The question then is, what would we do with our accomplishment? We can only manage the accomplishment if we have the knowledge to do so. What happens if we can't manage our accomplishments? It will be taken from us. This is the reason why big corporations fall. This is also the same principle as why some families are seemingly doing well, but end up falling apart. 

People's physical beauty is also a form of credit given by God. If people use up all the credit but don't grow and develop their soul, even if they have a lot of accomplishment and have met many people, all the people in their life will leave them in the end. We run out of credit when we don't have the ability to problem-solve in life, then good people around us will not stay. 

We need to know what kind of gift God has given us and why we have to be thankful for the relationships we have. What lessons do we need to learn each of these relationships? We have to realize that we can't move forward unless we absorb the energy from these relationships. We have to understand the lessons God is trying to teach us.

However, if we follow other teachings blindly, we will end up with a depleted credit limit.  Then we won’t receive graces anymore. Why is that? We should have developed ourselves utilising the credit and benefit from the people we meet. Then we would be living a virtuous life receiving power from heaven. Alas, some of us might not have studied this principle. That is why these people who have spiritual power are still living in hardship nowadays. No matter how high our spiritual power is, it should be used for the people we have around us.

To develop and grow one intelligent person, countless people in the world have sacrificed their blood, sweat and toil. If we better ourselves through the hard work of these people in society, much like the credit we receive when we were born, then our lives should be dedicated to the well-being of these people. We should return our gratitude to them.


3.Our Soul


When our souls are pleasant, we recover quickly from fatigue and don't feel fired so quickly. although we don't eat much, we don't feel hungry. If our soul pleasant, we can purify(neutralize) murky energy within us. This is the state of a pleasant soul. We should make our souls clear and pleasant for everything to be solved.

How can we make our souls to be pleasant is that when we share our high-quality studies and interchange our experience actively. How do we know our souls are a pleasant state of being is that those clouds, ocean, and the people will begin to look good. 

By contrast, when our soul sleeps you can't be active, everything looks unattractive and deplorable.

So we should wake up our souls first. If our souls are awakened, we are able to see the world which hasn't been seen before and we can use our wisdom. We were able to enjoy our lives.

Here is an interesting story that people say that they are hurt in their mind, but the mind never gets hurt even when beaten with a big hammer. On the contrary, the soul is destroyed, even by a simple word.

People don't understand how much energy a word has as one word can hurt or beat a soul to death. If our soul gets damaged, you can't use your power. You may live or die even by a word, and so the word is significant as it can directly hurt the soul. By saying a wrong word, your body isn't bruised or hurt, but somewhat your soul suffers a bruise and gets hurt. Spoken words are seriously important.

To create an environment in which we can live well and say correctly. From the beginning of our words, your life can be pleasant, and you also can make others happy. So when you improve yourself carefully, the quality of your words will also be enhanced. Such a refined word can help other's life to be revived, to empower others, and to benefit others broadly.

The reason why people should have their bodies rest is finally to make their souls relaxed. Having a rest is not only for our body but also for souls.Human beings are different from animals. Animals can use their energy although they haven't slept a lot. Humans can not use their power when they didn't sleep. The reason why we don't use our control is not because of our body but our soul. Sleeping well is essential for our soul. After relaxing well, souls can exert their power. Therefore, we should have good sleep habits for our souls.


4.God's providence 


God always gives us assignments. The reason being our souls can develop through the assignments.  God doesn't allow animals such as dogs, pigs and horses to learn like that. Grand nature teaches the god(soul god) on Earth the lesson through the environment. The environment which is given to us during life for our own studies. 

Grand nature didn't cowardly give us obstacles to have us die after struggling throughout life. Rather, he gave us such a condition because we need to learn through this. We need to understand God (Grand nature) correctly. 

What kind of connection does God have with us, and why does he put us in an environment that we suffer in, face difficulties while laughing, or even entertaining ourselves?  The reason is that these conditions were given to us to understand specific lessons. 

However, we were not taught the correct principles of Grand nature, and so we are still misunderstanding God for giving us difficulties or bad things. For that reason, we couldn't have possibly learned anything from that. Grand nature never gives us unfortunate circumstances for no reason. Every situation that we experience takes place in order to help us.

How is it helpful to us?  In every given environment,  we should learn how to discern and how to deal with it so that our soul can develop. If we don't study it and consider it as evil,  then we cannot learn anything because we have dealt with our surrounding incorrectly. If we are trying to analyze the current situation, research and make an effort to find the solution, God will give us another circumstance in which our difficulties would disappear. 

People think that God will solve their problems if they believe in God and pray to him. No, he will not. God listened and gave you what you prayed for in the beginning because you genuinely put effort into it. However, after receiving God's help a few times,  people became used to receiving support and continued to ask for his assistance without making efforts at all. Then, God will surely scold you for this. Therefore we need to know God's providence.

We must understand what connection we automatically have with God. What he is giving us and how he is leading us.


5.Soul series -Inner power


Inner power is significantly bigger than the force of gravity. It is the greatest energy of all. It is something that happens when your soul has gained its strength.

Each human being has his own soul and when this soul gains its power to the best of its quality, we call it inner power. When people have their inner power, their wisdom will arise and will be released.

In other words, it is as a planet becomes a star and reflects light when it gains an enormous amount of energy from the force of gravity. Reflecting light means it is releasing its energy. 

However, the Earth is not reflecting light, the sun is. This is why people call the sun a star and the Earth is called a planet. It could not become a star. The Earth cannot produce anything which can be given to the outer world and is operating by the energy of the light which is produced by the outer world.

As human beings in this global world have grown up, we can benefit others by releasing our wisdom as we gain it through our inner power and change our society, the world and the universe. Ultimately, we can manage the universe.

If this inner power does not emerge, human beings will not be able to use their own power. Therefore, if we are not taught the truth and we cannot gain energy from that, the inner power will never be formed. In other words, we will remain as a planet. We can never be a star. We would be the stars. Thereby, one spoken word of you should become a virtue to each man, and the universe.


6.Soul series - Reincarnation 

A human being unites both body and soul. However, even when we discuss this scientifically, we refer to the body as a human being. The body is not a human being. When the soul enters the body, we can then refer to the whole being as a real human being.

In the East, since the study of spirituality has developed a lot, we talk about our souls. Also, in Christianity, the soul is an important part of their teachings. However, we never knew what a soul is. We become complete human beings when the spiritual energy from our soul enters our bodies that are made of flesh.

In order for this soul to grow, it needs a physical body and the third dimension, this planet. The cosmos, a collection of matter, is also required for our souls to grow. The soul is immaterial energy, and the body is material. The soul itself can not develop on its own. Therefore, we need a physical body in which we can discern. The reason we come to Earth is to grow our souls.

Why does the soul continuously reincarnate? If society has developed, basically by the growth of souls, the soul would come again and again by entering physical bodies in subsequently more developed conditions. In this advanced world, souls can evolve further because people's discernment has become increasingly sophisticated. In that way, we must continuously come to make our souls grow through reincarnations. We have received the body, and we have come into the world time and time again. In other words, we call it reincarnation, where our souls receive the body and come repeatedly.

Do we go to heaven after this life? No, our souls stay in the fourth dimension, the middle heaven, until we receive the body again and come back to the Earth. During this time, there is an arrangement period. Reincarnation is something that is directly related to us and is not just a theory.


7.Our spirituality 


Where does spirituality come from? The spirituality of today comes from words of Pastors,  Monks, spiritual leaders, as well as relationships with people around you. This is the highest form of spirituality. If you listen to others’ words well, then you are absorbing their spiritual power.

Let's say that you are not so well off. A rich person comes to you and talks to you. If you listen to him well with gratitude, then you will become rich. Words of a rich person are different from the words of a poor person in that quality of words is different. 

Your life success is determined by the choices you make. There are different kinds of rich people. There are rich people who are also very intelligent. If you listen to these people, not only would you become rich but you would also become intelligent. 

Let's say that there is another rich person, who got rich just by focusing on making money. If you listen to this person,  you will become an ignorant rich person. You should make decisions about which rich person you want to be.

From whom are you going to receive the power (words)? Depending on whom you receive it from, share with others, and develop yourself,  it will determine your life.


8.Good dreams vs. Bad dreams - Part 1


Dreams are spiritual messages given to us. When we have dreams that we feel good about,  we won't need to discuss it with anyone as good things will happen.

However, sometimes we have dreams that make us feel bad. Some dreams put a smile on our face and some put a frown on our face. In the latter case, we should go somewhere and find out the meaning of the dream as soon as possible so that we can prepare for what is coming. 

Dreams predict the future. When we have good dreams, we don't need to discuss it with others. As time passes, good things will happen. The reason good things happen to us is because we have put effort in our life in the past. It doesn't matter how we put in that effort; it comes back to us in the end.

Why do bad things happen? For example, when we didn’t put in the effort in the way that we should and spent time bad mouthing others, there will be bad consequences. Bad things happen because of the things we did or didn’t do. 

Suppose we have put in the right effort, would we expect something bad to happen? That will never happen under the law of Grand nature. Bad things happen when we do something wrong so that we can realise what we have done wrong. The spirits of our ancestors would let us know what is coming beforehand. Don't misinterpret the ancestors, they are connected to our spirit. What they are trying to do is to help us foresee and understand what is to come. 


 9.Dreams - Part 2: The Grand Nature’s message


When bad things are happening in our life, the Grand Nature won’t inform us through dreams first, they inform us by utilising people around us to share their bad dreams or experience that we should have heard of. We would hear words from people around us before the dream came to us. If we have heard those but didn't pay attention to them and move on, we will be informed through dreams at last. If we still don’t take action even after having bad dreams, then we will face bad things. 

Grand Nature informs us before things happen. Here is an example, if we hear someone has failed in his business, it is telling us that there is a chance we are going to experience the same eventually. At first, we will hear and see that kind of story on TV or other media channels indirectly. If we see it, we are highly likely to have to go through it as well. Consequently, if we don’t reflect on it, we will then hear it from people around us who are personally experiencing such an event. This means that we are halfway towards the same thing happening to us. Later, it continues to approach us as it happens to those who are closest to us. This shows that we are next.

Similarly, when people see sickness around them, it is indicating what is going to happen soon. If it is not something that is going to happen to us, we will never see or hear about it. So, when the Grand nature informs us, it will first let us know through people. When people around us are doing well recently because they have been hearing the success from people around them. Grand Nature put them with successful people who are satisfied with their current life so that they can be influenced by them. That's why they are getting closer to a better future.

If we keep having conversations with someone who failed, we would be getting closer to our failure. What should we do to avoid such failure? When we hear bad news, we should reflect on our environment as soon as possible and see if there is anything we should have studied but have missed. Also, if we have stayed idle without changing the pattern or, if we have done anything to improve. Have we improved our mindset in the last 3 years, 7 years or 10 years? We should consider these factors for self-assessment. A rolling stone gathers no moss. In other words, we are given the environment for our study, so if we don't improve in 3 years, we will start to gather moss.

If all we do is stay put and we don't do anything wise with what we are given, it will be taken away. When we are given energy, it means it is the very energy that is from the people who have low quality energy. Naturally, we will lose energy if we don’t do intellectual work for society with it.

To avoid bad dreams wisely, we should look back on what we have been doing and try to do it in the right way. If we have someone who we trust and learn from, we should go to that person, discuss and study how we should understand and accept the bad dreams. There is a big difference between the attitude of trying to learn or just complaining about it. When we put in our efforts, God doesn't give us hardships. He is just like our parents. When the child puts his efforts in with the hints given by the parents, they can't penalize him even though he hasn't achieved much. However, if he doesn't put in his efforts and slacks off even after time has run out, they cannot just ignore it for no reason. In this case, they should punish him. 

We should put in our efforts. Even though we haven't gotten any clue of what’s happening and can’t achieve anything, we should at least try to put in some effort. When we put our efforts in to find out about our study, we would meet people and hear good words from them , so we can learn what we didn't know before. Then that hardship that was in the way would stop there and wait. If we make an effort then the hardship will stop there and wouldn't come closer to us. This is how the principle works.

Thus, dreams help us understand and foresee the circumstance in advance. As it is warning us, we should not think of it as something inevitable. We can prevent and avoid all of the hardships.

Here is another example of a person who has the potential to have a stroke. He would feel it. He would see through the people around him. Next, he hears their words, and he gets to see it in his eyes. Yet, if he is still stubborn after all of these warning signs, he should know that he will soon have a stroke. We should remember that  The Grand nature cannot give hardship without letting us know in advance. God never punishes us all of sudden.

Think about the circumstances we are going through at this time, and the message we are getting from the words of people around us. All of these are messages which were given that we have overlooked. If we are able to make good use of these, we won't go through hardships and live well.


10.Our spirit/soul

The knowledge we have learned until today is only a fragment of it, as our spirit can only develop through this learning. Knowledge fosters spirit(soul) whilst material matters that are absorbed and preserved assist the physical development. 

In order for our spirits(soul)to be developed,  we have continued to build up our knowledge through many cycles of reincarnations. The spirits of today's intellectuals have all grown up. Though our spirits have matured,  what is stopping us from exercising the wisdom and making right decisions? It is because the density of our spirit is not filled yet.

Energy has its original energy but also has its density to be raised. Our spirits are essential elements and energies that must exist in the nature. Regardless of their sizes,  there are numerous holes in our spirits that cannot produce new knowledge as their densities are not high enough. Therefore, we need to improve our current generation’s density of spirit to bring us to a new paradigm where knowledge can be further improved.

Just by strengthening our basic knowledge will not introduce us to a new paradigm. We can only produce within the boundaries of this knowledge. Rather, if the densities of our spirits start to be filled, we will instantly generate a new paradigm. So what makes up the density of spirit that embeds knowledge? Willingness to accept the truth is what densifies it but many do not know the knowledge of the truth,  the law of Grand Nature. If you do not accept the knowledge of the truth,  neither a new paradigm nor wisdom will follow. 

By absorbing the knowledge of the truth, we are strengthening our density. As density grows,  those who are ill will no longer feel the pain and negative energies will be withdrawn. That's because our spirit is being refreshed with its high density. This is how our spirit will change.

This is a process that occurs when the truth is studied. As it goes on,  our communication skills will develop, our attitude towards people will be different, our ability to distinguish what is right will be improved,  and the predetermined common sense that you believed to be true will be disbanded. 

Without breaking the boundaries of your common sense, you will not experience a new life. As knowledge develops,  you may be restraining ourselves in the boundaries of common sense. We must not neglect our awareness of these boundaries. Breaking out of common sense will open up a new path of life. If not, we will remain as stubborn beings that restrict ourselves. 


11.Soul series - When the soul enters the body.


When a mother is pregnant with a baby, their soul is not in the mother’s womb. The soul enters the body of the baby at the time of birth. Energy of the soul enters the body in an instant. The baby does something special at this very moment, they cry very loudly. 

This tiny baby before the soul enters is just an animal body.  This physical body is created by humans, thus a physical matter. The soul enters the physical body at the exact moment that the baby is born. The soul enters this body through the 6006 pores.

When the soul enters the baby in an instant, the tiny body has a hard time handling it. The energy of the soul must enter the body in a very short time, so the body is in shock and the baby cries out then. A new born baby cries so loudly and uncontrollably that the tongue touches the palate.

What happens when the soul has settled into the baby's body? The baby will croon and blissfully sucks their own thumb. This is the successful birth of humans. This is how you become a human. 


12. The movement of the energy of words in conversation.

A human can solve everything with words because we are advanced beings having completed evolution. So what is the principle of speaking well? It is to speak in a way that others understand. When you are the one talking, it is done for the sake of another person. So if the other person understands your words, then you are well-spoken. 

What happens when you don't speak well? Words are energy that departs from you when you speak. When the other person does not understand what you said, then the energy of your words will bounce back from that person to you. When the other person doesn't understand you, they get frustrated. When that frustrated energy is bounced back to you, you become frustrated. When your words are not understood by another person, not only  will the energy of your words bounce back, but the energy of the other person's frustration will be included. Therefore, you become frustrated.

If you keep talking without knowing that the other person doesn’t understand you, your energy will be depleted and it can lead to illness and lowered immune system. An enormous amount of energy is expelled when someone speaks. When your energy of words returns to you negatively, it actually reduces your power. That is why you should be careful with your words and make an effort to speak well.

Words should be spoken for the benefit of others, not for yourself. Your words should be spoken in ways that other people understand. If your quality of energy is low, you would not know others well. Thus, you won’t be able to speak in ways that they can understand and the problem won’t be solved well. If others understand 30% of what you say, the problem will be solved by that much. If others understand 90% of what you say, the majority of the problem will be solved. This is the power of words.

You should speak well so that others can understand you 100%. Therefore, try to have a discussion between you and others first to understand each other better before having a conversation.


13.Soul series - non-material energy 


The soul is a non-material energy. Our physical body is a material energy. In Grand nature,  there is material energy and non-material energy. You may think that things that are unseen or unheard are non-material energy but they are all the opposite. 

Depending on the environment,  this energy matter transforms and has a different function. But everything in the Grand nature exists as matter. Even if you don't perceive it visually,  nevertheless it is still a matter. 

How about our soul? The soul is a non-material energy that makes you who you are. The physical body is not you, but a tool is received and used by your soul. The soul comes to the earth (the three-dimensional world) to develop and expand energy level. Our souls live in this world to grow using the physical body as a tool. The reason for living in this world is not to make lots of money,  but for the soul to grow. When the soul develops and is fully matured,  it can use all the power in the Grand nature. 

However, if our soul's energy level is weak,  it will have a hard time managing anything in the world. This means you will be easily agitated by someone's words. If a certain person hears someone else's logic or ideology and is agitated by it, then he will be unable to live his life well but instead will be dragged by others. So living as such,  he will experience difficulty in life. Conversely,  there are those who seek out what they need as they grow and live comfortably. 


14.How do human beings grow and keep their body and spirit healthy?

What we hear can become a form of energy. What we see can also become another form of energy. The energy we receive by seeing has a different quality than the energy we receive by hearing. Although their qualities vary, they are all energy.

The quality of our health depends on how well we absorb these energy for our body and soul. We wouldn't be able to receive energy for our soul if we don't listen to others. Human beings should be able to absorb energy for our body as we can eat and digest all sorts of food.

Having an unbalanced diet would cause us to lack in certain energy such that our health might decline. Eating well is important for our health, however, it only functions to preserve our bodies. We also need energy for our soul to grow so that it can coordinate with our bodies.

The reason is that our soul stays inside our body. Through 6006 particles of energy gates. Humans are a combination of God and animal. We have corporeal bodies just like animals but our soul also combine together with our flesh. All souls are gods. We are beings that overlap two different worlds. Our lives are between the corporeal and spiritual world.

Therefore, we ought to digest what we hear and see without complaints. Then our bodies will be well balanced. When you can willingly digest your overall circumstances, you can also eat food without bias.

If you can't accept what others say to you, you will also be clogged up in having certain food as well. That will put your health through hard times as a result. We need to understand this principle of our health before we are educated about food nutrients and having healthy diets.


15.Soul series - Treating people properly and soul to soul conversation.


We should always treat other people properly. The first step is to accept whoever approaches us. They wish to talk to us, so we have to accept what they say. Listening to them is the right way to treat them. What we can decide on is whether we block their influence over us based on our knowledge and common sense, or we listen to them as we try to absorb a little bit of what they say.

There must be a reason when someone talks to us. If someone is in trouble and doesn't have anyone around them, they might approach us wishing to get close to us. If someone approaches us, it means we created an environment that invites them to do so. If we try to avoid this person despite having such an environment, we are doing it wrong. If we have not created that environment, we would not have the chance to have a relationship with this person. However, if someone comes to us in this environment, we must interact with them. When we speak first, the other person has to listen; and when the other person speaks first, we have to listen. This is the proper way of treating one another.

What happens if we treat them properly? From then on, we should not try to settle everything in the first meeting. In other words, getting to know people is like peeling off layers of an onion, we should not try to peel off three layers at once. Even if we cannot understand everything during the first meeting, we have to accept it and just move on. Then, what happens when we accept it well? We can peel off the second layer in the next meeting.

In the second meeting, this person would not repeat what has been said at the first meeting except for some basic information. However, the conversation will be based on one layer that has already been peeled off. If we take it well, that person will come back and expand the conversation. After accepting all this, the talk will deepen, and this is a conversation of soul to soul.

To have a soul to soul conversation, we have to peel off all three layers of an onion. Without this, the exchange of the quality of energy between souls will never happen. This is the law of Grand Nature that affects our quality of energy. 

Our soul is hidden at the centre of our physical body and the environment. That is why we call it the sun. Our soul is the sun within our physical body. Without this energy, we can not be human. Therefore, our soul is us. We are living because of our soul. If we don't give effort to the souls of other people, it will not be supportive for them.

We can not talk to the soul just because we want to. It doesn't happen like that. It is only when the full effort is given to the other person so that the souls will move. When that happens, the souls gain a power that would resonate with other souls. The soul is our true self. We are composed of everything: our body and our soul as the real nucleus. We are here to purify our soul on earth. When the soul becomes pure, we can no longer stay on Earth and will rise to heaven. We live to purify our souls.

Thus, the power of our soul can only manifest after one has given full effort in a conversation. It cannot happen just because we say so. When we know the principle of what it is to give care and effort to others and carry this out sincerely, the soul will move by itself. We don't have to think much about our soul. When we are diligent with our current environment, a time will come when our soul moves. It does not move as we wish.


16. Soul series - Viruses of human


Viruses in the past few centuries are different from the current. Yet, the viruses in the period between 1000 to 2000 years ago were very similar to each other. Why is it changing rapidly every few years nowadays? This is because viruses also change as our quality of energy changes.

 Human beings need to evolve as fast as the viruses change. Our immune systems must also be enhanced accordingly. Otherwise, we won't be able to withstand the potential infections and threaten our health.

How can we win against the viruses? For our true being is energy, we need to enhance our quality of energy. Viruses are also a form of energy, but so are spoken words. However, they have different energy levels. Depending on how we receive the energy we hear from others' words, it can either encourage or discourage us to live. There is no such virus that is more powerful than the words of humans. There is nothing more influential than the power of this non-material energy (our words).

All viruses in the world are material matters, except the spoken words of people which are non-material matters. The viruses of today's spoken words have evolved and expanded greatly over time. In the past, there were limits in the forms of communication. Nowadays, anyone can understand each other with no restrictions.

We need to survive the viruses that exist now, including those in the form of words. To overcome this, we need to enhance our quality of energy and increase its density. Though we have fully grown our energy, its density is too low. What are we lacking in our energy?  Humans have both spiritual and physical energies unlike animals. Our flesh means nothing more than to protect our internals. No matter how good the products or food we are putting in our body, it can't do more than improve the protection of our flesh. If we consume too much, our body will naturally push out the waste to maintain the balance. Therefore, what improves our quality of energy is the spiritual energy. The reason we continuously absorb knowledge and energies from our surroundings is to enhance our quality of spiritual energy and evolve. As our spiritual energy evolves, our physical energy will follow suit. In our daily lives, we need to develop our energy so that our souls can recognise the viruses in our surroundings and be well equipped to combat them as they come. 


17. Soul series - From our words to the knowledge of humanity


When our quality of energy is weak, our thoughts become unstable. The source of our thoughts come from our soul. If our soul energy is weak, when new information comes in, we will wonder if we should do this or that.

Let's have a look at how our words are produced from our body. When we receive new information, it comes in through the eyes, ears and skin. Then where does it go? From the sensory organs, It travels to the brain where thoughts form. So does information stop there in our brain for us to process? No, our brain is the last destination in our physical body. Where does it go from there? The information passes into the mind, then further into the soul. The information is finally processed by the soul depending on the energy level of our soul. It processes information instantaneously and leaves. The output then passes through the mind and reaches the brain to form a thought. This thought then exits through the speech organ as words. These words are our final product.

We may think that humans only produce foods, techniques and so on, but everything is created by the soul. Information enters our body and goes into the soul where it becomes something else. That's why evolution in animals differs from human evolution. That's how we generate “knowledge” and it continues to progress through generations, eventually becoming what is known as “common sense”. This is energy.

Human history over thousands, even ten thousands of years has created this thing called “common sense”. Everything that happened throughout history was to create “knowledge” and “common sense”. Through our sacrifices over countless rebirths, we have created the knowledge we have today. Thus, knowledge possesses an incredible amount of energy created by all of humanity throughout history. The people who absorb this knowledge are people born with high-quality energy worthy of accepting this knowledge. That's why the current society requires us to have enough good quality energy to live in this advanced environment.


18. Soul series - sleeping.


After working for a full day, it is time for us to recharge our body and to stimulate our soul. We must not only care for our body but also our soul. While we are sleeping, our body needs to do its work to replenish our energy and so does our soul. Our physical body gets purified while we are sleeping. After a good sleep, all the toxins will be flushed out of our body. We should take good care of our body and soul day to day.

The ability to digest everything is different depending on what kind of conversation we have, what kind of activities and exercise we do before we go to sleep. When we have low quality behaviour or conversation before we go to bed in the evening, we will easily get tired. This is because our soul is very tired. If we make our soul and our physical body tired, we will not be able to sleep well and it will lead to health problems. Thereby, it is important to have good activities, conversations and exercises so that we can sleep well.

We feel refreshed even after a few hours of sleep in the evening after we have high-quality thoughts and activities. However, when we use messy, low-quality energy, we don't feel refreshed after 7 hours or even 12 hours of sleep. So it is very important for us to have good quality conversations or listen to quality lectures in the evening before we go to bed so that our soul energy will work, because it takes away our fatigue. The quality of energy of our soul can be improved by listening to quality lectures, so we can feel something different when we are active. 

Here is a small tip. People usually say a lot of bad things while drinking in the evening, but they should not. We should try not to listen to the bad things and listen to good things, especially in the evening. Our body loses power when we listen to bad things because we are taking in the toxic things. Thus, in the evening, we should do some entertaining things and eat healthily.  We may listen to the bad things during the day, because when we listen to it during the day, we have the ability to digest it. 


19. Soul series- fixed number of souls


Human beings have a body and a soul.  Our body contains material energy and is made of the energy of heaven and earth.  Our soul is a form of immaterial energy which we call the elements of the universe.  We live to develop our soul while in the body. Human growth is about the soul, not the body. The body is just a tool used for the growth of the soul. 

How does the soul grow? By feeding on knowledge. The soul absorbs and attains knowledge to grow. The soul can't grow without the human body. The reason why we continue to reincarnate and receive a body is to nurture the soul step by step. In order to grow we need the flesh of the body and this multidimensional space (Earth). We need this earth village and we are perfectly designed for this place. We came to earth to develop the environment in order to complete our mission.

The important thing we need to know is that a physical body is created by Mother Nature and will eventually return to Mother Nature where a new flesh can be produced. It is similar to how numerous trees can grow and die, but not before producing seed for regrowth. However, there is a fixed amount of souls. Our souls are limited in numbers in the Grand universe and never disappear or reproduce. It means these souls don't produce babies. Therefore, the number of souls remains constant, and new souls cannot be created. That is why we are such precious beings. 


20. Soul series - God only helps those who make an effort on themselves.

In our lives, we sometimes have hardships. It is not that God is trying to make life difficult for us, God made the default setting that we will face hardships if we did something wrong. If we have done something good, then our lives will be pleasant. We shouldn’t think that God will take care of everything if we just believe in God. However, if we try to live rightfully, God will help us automatically from then on.

Why did God help us in the past? That's because we were uneducated, ignorant and didn't know much. At that time, life was hard. So God helped us when we just leaned on and believed in him. In today's society, all logic and methods have been established. But if we keep living stubbornly in our way without equipping ourselves with this knowledge, there will be no way to help us. 

God has created everything. We have everything we need in the world. When we manage it well, this shows our appreciation to God. God will help us when we put forth our effort to use these resources properly. However, if we insist solely on doing things our way, ignoring and discarding these resources or praying for more, there will be no help from God. God will help those who try to improve themselves to become a better person, but will not help the lazy ones who slack off. Instead, they will face consequences. This is the word of God. We can improve on what we lack in our knowledge. When we are trying to improve ourselves, someone will come and help us. This means that God has sent them to us.

God teaches us to be humble and respect others in many ways in our lives. If we received something without having put forth any effort, we don't deserve it. It will be taken away from us somehow because only then will we work for it. A true saviour's gift can help us in finding our way. It can awaken us through teaching the law of righteous living and eventually leading us to a pleasant life.


21. Words of virus

The scariest thing in society right now is the virus of language. If we receive incorrect information or viruses, we could go that way and die without ever realising it. 

For example,  some people died while bowing to a stone all their lives because they heard from religious people that it is Buddha. Are they patients or healthy people? They are the patients. This is because they were born into the world to live their lives, but since they heard false information (virus), they spent their whole life uselessly. We can say they were patients with a virus. It is the same as if someone gave us the virus about vegetarianism. People are born as omnivores, hence why people would eat animal products to have a balanced diet. But some people become vegetarians because they received false information that consumption of animal product is harmful to their health . These are the words of the virus. This is because someone who only knows one side of the knowledge injected them with the virus, so they blindly believed them. That's why they became a patient. If someone contradicts them, they might insist on what they have learned. That is why, we should be open to listen to all sides of the story. 

As long as we believe only in biased words, we would be patients. This means we are the virus. On the contrary, when someone uses their words properly and in an unbiased way, the words will not become a virus but a healthy contribution to society. There are a lot of patients in this world. Those who continuously absorb biased words or false information will also become a virus.

The virus that humans spread in the form of words is a form of non-material energy. This is a virus that might strip us of our spirit, trap and ruin our lives. We need to be careful about this type of energy. Not only that, we have to equip ourselves with a broad range of knowledge. Then we can believe in our ability to process this energy and overcome the virus. 


22. Immunity

Humans should have two kinds of immunity; their soul immunity and their body immunity.

What is the immunity of the soul? We have to increase immunity with knowledge. We can increase our immunity with the right type and amount of knowledge. How does the body increase immunity? When we get energy from consuming a balanced diet, we can increase our body immunity. When the balance in our body breaks down, the immunity will also break down and we could easily contract germs or bacteria. As such, we can't live our lives properly when we lose our health.

We humans need to know how to increase immunity. For animals, since only their bodies need to increase immunity, they can be healthy just by eating well. As mentioned above, humans have two kinds of immunity; immunity of the soul and the body. The human body is made of dozens of elemental materials. Since we move around continuously and always need materials like food, the materials should be provided. That's why the human body requires an omnivorous diet. Otherwise, our body's balance will collapse, complications will arise, and we will not be able to live healthily.

Our souls' immunity is formed when we are equipped with a high quality of knowledge. We can become a person who can discern properly. This means that we can digest any conversation without being shaken or hurt, and convert it into our knowledge (energy). Therefore, we can become someone who can utilise all forms of energy for ourselves.

Therefore, we should develop our immunity by equipping our souls with the right knowledge  and having a balanced diet for our body so that we can live healthy lives.


23. Souls series - 3 stages of our lives

We come to this earth to develop our soul. This means the earth is the place where we can nurture and train ourselves to grow our souls. Grand nature’s forth effort is to raise us, not just to let us eat luscious food and live affluently. God in heaven who we call our father, exerts energy to develop us, not to have us eat fancy food and make lots of money to boast. The reason to raise us well is so that we can do a great deed for society. We have to do great, worthwhile work for society during our lives on earth so we can return to God’s bosom proudly.

We have certain environments for each stage of our lives. No one will have difficulties when we fully understand why these environments are given to us. Let's have a look at each stage. There are three big stages in our growth. 

~ The first stage (0-29)

The first stage is the period where we are nurtured by our parents. There are three unique seven-year transitional points until we reach the age of 21 (at the age of 7, 14 and 21). At the age of 21, we have completed the first stage of growth when our lives are led by our parents. As we grow until the age of 21, our parents have nurtured and protected us. Now, the period of our twenties is to rectify things if there had been any mistakes in our upbringing. This has to be done before we reach the age of thirty. 

~ The second stage (30-49)

Once we are in our thirties, we go up to the second stage. This stage is where we learn about society. After completing the first stage of life in the teens and twenties, people in their thirties approach society and learn from it. Some people in their thirties enter society and greedily strive for success and riches. This means they live for greed instead of studying society and fulfilling themselves as they should have. This is how they become incompetent. How do we know if people are competent or not? We know when they are in their forties.

In our thirties, we encounter various helpful environments. These environments are given by Grand Nature through a karmic relationship with other people. This is called the law of relationships. These optimum environments are given to us through the law of the relationship. The reason why they are provided during our thirties is so that we can develop our abilities well. This means we get to meet good people and even the elder generation will treat us well. Therefore, people in their thirties are given a good environment. However, they might think that they are so smart and focus on succeeding by seeking a high position or becoming rich.  This means that they are living with greed. When they reach their forties, they will have to take Grand Nature's test. Life's test begins in the forties. Everyone will be tested by God in their forties. 

What kind of environment do we face in our forties? Grand nature does not provide a relationship and environment to help us but instead to test us to see if we have learned well enough to handle new relationships properly. Some people in their forties will meet those who try to compete with them. This means that if someone has accumulated a lot of skills while being greedy, they will meet competitors. While those in their thirties receive supportive relationships, those in their forties will meet competitors. These competitors come to take advantage of them. They will come and try to agitate them. If we have not studied correctly, then we will certainly be agitated. They will take advantage of us and cause harm to our souls. 

Some people have accumulated a lot of wealth but they haven't studied properly. They will face people who would try to covet their money. This is because they didn't study and develop themselves, but instead only amassed a fortune they have no power to maintain and protect. A very friendly person will approach them and defraud them. This means they might lose everything they have accumulated if they are not capable in their forties. God sends his agents to people in their forties to see if they have the ability to manage and lead society righteously or if they have the skills to handle anything that comes their way. People  in their forties should be free from agitation or turmoil. The forties should be a period where others’ logic cannot agitate us. Consequently, we wouldn’t have any suffering or defeat from others if we have studied properly.

~ The third stage (50-86)

If we overcome all these hurdles and enter into our fifties, heaven will give us power. In Korean, this is called "Ji cheon myeong". It means knowing Grand Nature's plan. It is when we are able to discern everything in society. We become an elder. In other words, we know Nature's principles. By understanding life's principles, our lives will remain on track in harmony with Grand Nature' law. Through this way, Grand Nature gives us great power. People leading the world with that power are our true elders. If they need wealth, it will be provided. If they need wisdom, it will be provided. Whatever power is necessary to lead the people and society will be provided. These are the abilities that are given by Heaven to people in their fifties so that they can utilise these resources to support people in society and humanity broadly.


24. Heaven, earth and human

There is something inside our body called the spirit/soul. This spirit is a non-material energy. What types of energy exist in Grand Nature? There is Heaven, Earth and humans. These three types of energy operate continuously in Grand Nature. In the supernatural universe, these three energy exist. They are operated by Grand Nature. The energy of Heaven and Earth are exactly what we call them. They signify the physical and non-physical.

Heaven is the non-physical and the Earth is the physical. But does the non-physical Heaven really not hold any substance? This non-physical substance is still a material. But because it is a super-fine structure, current science is unable to measure and recognise it as a substance. 

On Earth, the physical material is in a state where we can measure its existence. This is why we call Heaven and Earth separately. However, both Heaven and Earth are one and not actually separate. These substances exist on their own; they change and disintegrate depending on the circumstances. 

Then there is the energy of human beings. A human being is a mixture of non-material and material energy. What do we call the pure non-material energy of a human being? It is called a spirit/soul, also known as ourselves. We are an element in the universe before we were born. The element is also a non-material energy.The flesh on our body is the material energy, but it is made of the energy of Heaven and Earth. When the energy of the soul/spirit, body, Heaven and Earth combine, they form a human being. 


25. Soul series- Knowledge and the truth 

The most advanced spiritual energy of all and the highest form of a spiritual thing is called Knowledge. Knowledge is an accumulation of spiritual energies and it is in a non-material form. 

Knowledge is not something animals can produce. Only humans can produce Knowledge. If we assume that the Knowledge level is 100. What do we call when the Knowledge level reaches 30%? We don't call it Knowledge but say that it is Logic. The energy of Logic is not enough to be called Knowledge yet. However, when it surpasses 30%, it can be considered as Knowledge. As our ancestors have reincarnated and lived countless lives to develop and accumulate Knowledge, we are now in a society where it's quality of energy has reached 70% and the development of Knowledge has been completed on December 22, 2012. This was the day every fortune teller foresaw the world to end. 

Once the level of Knowledge reaches 70%, it has reached its threshold. Then, the world operates through this level of Knowledge, where we enter the era of knowledge sharing. On another note, who created this Knowledge? Human beings created it. Their souls, a non-material energy form, produced it. In other words, the combination of soul and the human body created it. Therefore, this is very valuable. 

Truth is the power of Heaven and Grand Nature,  while knowledge is the power we developed on our own. When they become one, it will shine, operate everything in unity and bring us world peace. By doing so, all our karma will disappear, our soul purified, and we all can ascend to Heaven. 


26. Souls  series - Our thoughts and words


When we encounter difficulties in the wrong environment, it is because we are putting ourselves due in a wrong way of thinking and distorting the environment. We are creating these unfavourable situations in our lives by thinking in the wrong way. In doing so, we will constantly encounter difficulties.

In other words, if humans don't think correctly, their environment will be filled with hardship. Pollution in this society is created from speaking murky words. Our words represent us as a whole. As we grow up to be intellectuals, we shouldn't speak poison to others. We sometimes get angry with others for contradicting us. That anger seems to extinguish when we say a word in anger to others, but it goes inside others and stays with them. It means the energy of the word has entered others and is active in there now. This could threaten our health. 

The power of words comes from the energy of our soul. This power has an enormous amount of energy. One word can dampen another's good mood instantly and could even break someone's hope. That is why many people say that words can kill.

The time has come for us to know what the power of words is. A word of excellence can change the world. A very muddy word can overturn the world. It is because of the harmful energy that can be produced by our souls that the world can be turned upside down. Every word we say is the energy that our soul emits. It is up to us if the world will change and be upright. Therefore when we have the right thoughts,  we can free ourselves from bad environments. We shouldn't blame others or the society, rather we should look back on ourselves and reflect on our thoughts and words.


27. Soul series- Our soul journey 


In our life, Grand nature always gives us assignments. The reason why is so that our souls can study. He doesn't allow animals to learn. Grand Nature teaches the soul gods on earth the lessons through the environment. The environment which is given to us in life is for us to study in our body. Grand nature doesn’t casually give us obstacles to have us pass away after struggling throughout life. Rather, he gives us such conditions because we need to study these situations. 

We should think about what kind of relationship we have with God, and why does he put us in an environment where we suffer and face difficulties, but also where we laugh or even entertain ourselves? This is because these conditions were given to help us understand specific lessons. However, we were not taught the correct principle, and so we are still misunderstanding God as if he has given us difficulties or bad things. We couldn't have possibly learned anything from it.

Grand nature never gives us unfortunate circumstances for no reason. Every situation that we experience takes place in order to help us. How is it helpful? In this environment, we should learn how to discern it and how to deal with it. If we don't study and consider it as a nuisance, we cannot learn anything then. We have dealt with our surroundings incorrectly. If we are trying to analyse the situation, research information and make an effort to find the solution, then Grand Nature will give us other circumstances in which our difficulties would disappear. 

Some people think that God will solve their problems if they pray and believe him. In fact, he will not. Therefore, whatever environment we are given, we should utilise it for our studies and to understand the issues and the environment so that our soul can be fulfilled and grow. 


28. Soul series - A verbally abusive relationship


Many people in the world have difficulty with their partner’s verbal abuse.  If the abuse is not common and is beyond common sense,  it is a violence caused by a lowly-spirit. If someone uses too much abusive language, it is not done by them, but the work of lowly-spirits.

Humans are always interacting with spirits, we can be possessed by spirits depending on the circumstances. If one is possessed by lowly-spirits, they can do what can't be done as humans. For example, there are some people who excessively drink large amounts of alcohol continuously,  but they can still manage to get up the next early morning. You would think they would be half-dead after drinking so much, but they might still manage themselves fine which might not seem normal. It is because they are possessed by spirits who drink such a large amount of alcohol, these people might last a whole year of drinking this way. However, they might not drink that much after the spirits are gone. They might not be able to handle more than three drinks. There are many behaviours that we do because of the possession of spirits. 

If we ever experience verbal abuse from our partners, there is a tremendous amount of learning that can be done through this. Grand Nature is always there to teach us about the world and life. Even if our partner is verbally abusive, we need to be able to love them despite that. In other words, we need to learn how to handle the pain of our partners, it is our assignment. However, if we let it be, we could face bigger troubles. We have to try to solve it with our utmost effort.

We should think of the behaviour of a verbally abusive person as a cry for help. Although they are possessed by the spirits, they are being sacrificed. All the agony of the people in society is being released into these people. This can happen because we are workers of God. We must realise that we are also among the workers of Heaven in our daily life. Although the partner may not be aware of the pain they are going through, we must realise that they are sacrificing their life to take on all this agony and energy for the society. When we love and care for them truly, they will be released. When we truly care about each other,  we can become partners in a relationship. Only when we make a sincere effort to care for each other, will all the lowly-spirits possessing us be removed.  


29. Soul series  - Suicide 


There are many people in society committing suicide these days. We might think if suicide is a sin? The truth is that people do not commit suicide because they want to. It is driven by the environment and the times. It is the total energy of society that drives people to commit suiside. In other words,  the environment in this society drives certain types of people to have no other choice but to commit suiside. This means that suicide is not something we do, it is something society forces us to do.

Therefore, suicide rates are the responsibility of the community, not the individuals. When society creates an unfavourable environment, a certain group of people might be sacrificed next. So suicide is not the person’s faults. It is that they found themselves in that environment and were forced to be sacrificed. Them becoming a sacrifice is their action of accepting punishment. A person's suicide is their acceptance of the punishment that they cannot live our their lives.

Suicide in young people is becoming more common nowadayds. This is especially evident in young celebrities, where their suicides would become headlines for the world to see. On the contrary, the suicide of ten people of the general public wouldn’t create any headlines. It would take the suicides of thousands of people for society to recognise that there is a problem. This is driven by Grand Nature so that society can be awakened and pay attention to that.

What happens if we realise too late that we are one of those people who are bound to be sacrificed? To not become one of them, we need to awaken our soul and we must continuously progress. The person who does not progress becomes a victim for the environment to drive them towards a sacrifice.

This begs the question, how can we make these sacrifices worthwhile? This society needs to realise the meaning behind the suicides and act on that. If society takes a step forward,  the sacrifice that was made would have been worthwhile. We are all in this together in the universe. 


30. Souls series  - Earth's law of management.


Humans must always improve themselves. Without any improvement, the energy of our soul stays stagnant.If this goes on for too long, we might end up getting hurt or sacrificed whether it's an injury or death. As a sacrifice, we become a source of reference for those who are still alive. Why is that? It is because we are not working to improve ourselves in any way. Grand nature doesn't allow people to sit around and maintain our lives when the masses are suffering for us.

What will happen to us when we spend time thinking and stay idle? We are so focused on the present that we are stuck and unable to take the next step. For example, we go back and forth, concerning our children too much or thinking only about ourselves, our life, our families. A change, in the form of a sacrifice, needs to occur as a result so that we can be influenced to end our obsessive behaviour and move on to the next step. Whatever is stagnant in the environment that we stay in will attribute to us becoming a sacrifice. In other words, we are being sent from a place where we are stagnant to a different world. That is done through accidental deaths or getting caught up in a disaster. 

If those who should not die yet are about to face a disaster, Grand nature has its way to keep that person out of harm. If a building is about to come crashing down, it will collapse after everybody who should live is safely out. We may think that people in the building were awfully busy, working hard, but they are still stagnant in their roles in life, leading them to be sacrificed. For instance, scholars who are busy staring at books and not taking any actions, are not doing anything for society. They are not progressing at all. They will be left to their own devices, but if they stay that way for too long,  they will become ill and then potentially be sacrificed.  This is Grand Nature’s message to leave if we are not moving forward in this society. There is no reason to keep us here while sacrificing the blood, sweat and tears of the people who support our lives. 

We need to be "alive" and always progress forward. If we are stagnant for a long time,  that becomes the reason for our imminent sacrifices. The world has always been a place where  progress has to be made. It is the same that if society is stationary, it will become ill and unfavourable for those who live in it.


31. Soul series - logic, knowledge,  common sense and truth. 


Our soul is non-material energy and so is knowledge. So our soul can produce knowledge. However, only souls with a body are able to produce it. There is a three-way consensus between our body, soul and mind energy. When our body receives words from others, information, or knowledge from the environment,  some stays in our thoughts and others are digested and lead to action. 

In our environment, 30% of our understanding of what we receive could stay and eventually disappear from our thoughts. However, when our understanding goes beyond 70%, it is transformed into mind energy. The role of mind energy is to transmit to nature in 6006 frequencies and then to our soul. So the quality of our soul gets better in the process. If our soul's quality of energy doesn't get any better,  the scalability of our thoughts will never improve. When our soul absorbs this knowledge and gets sent out, it is upgraded. When our understanding of the knowledge is 30%, it will just remain inside, but when it goes beyond 70%, it will be delivered back to mind energy. When it is delivered out of mind energy and into nature in 6006 frequency, it will be delivered as words. In other words, the energy of knowledge from our soul informs our actions. Therefore, we should always take in knowledge as we require meals everyday.

The main reason that humans live is to produce Knowledge.  Everything else is expedient. Only humans can produce Knowledge. As basic knowledge is produced, logic is formed. When logic is organised, it becomes new knowledge. As knowledge is gained, it is compressed into common sense which is the last step of the evolution of knowledge. This is because common sense tells us that we have earned 70% of general knowledge of our development. We have to go beyond that 70% by gaining a special form of knowledge called truth. In other words, we have to absorb the truth to build the inner power of our soul. That is how we can live a full life.


32. Souls series - Moving on from appreciation


As we grow old, we realise the environment that we have been given is very appropriate in every aspect at certain times. For instance, there are times when we deeply want to appreciate our parents every morning after realising what our parents have done for us. However, would our parents be happy or angry if we continue doing it for three years? It is fine if we do so in an upgraded version. 

It is the same for our situation. When we have opened our eyes, there may be times when we realise that we have to appreciate society. So we can study with that kind of appreciation for 100 days. However, after that time, Grand Nature says, "that's enough. We know it now." Then, we should realise how we have to be grateful for the people around us. As we grow this way, we should realise how secure we feel because of the people around us.

Even though there are people around us who treat us harshly, we should come to realise that we can overcome this because of the people around us. Although we might hate them, they are still contributing to our growth. We need to upgrade ourselves to a higher level this way. 

This is the same as if we learn from our professors in college. We respect them a lot for their support in improving our abilities. However, once we have shown our gratitude, we should come back to our life and try to solve things on our own.

There are times when we are grateful to the spirit of mountains, spirit of ancestors or even spirit of Heaven. It is enough to show our appreciation to the spirits. Then, we have to fulfil our duty. In other words, when we don't know God, we can seek out God for help. However, when we have been enlightened, we shouldn't seek God anymore since we know of God now. We should know that God is with us. 

 If we have grown with power to become an intellectual, we are done with receiving help. When we live to benefit society broadly, the ancestral spirit who has made efforts to help us will shine with us. 


33. Soul series - yearning for purity and perfection 


Q: I think that wanting to be flawless is one of the human desires. I , too, have a longing for purity and perfection. So naturally, if there is a mistake in doing something, I would become sensitive. It is also very embarrassing to think that I have flaws in life. Please teach us how to manage this longing. 


A: We all want to be pure. What percentage of pure energy do we have at the most? It is 70%. It is because humans have a body. We receive a body that is compatible with the quality of the soul. When we reincarnate, we get better energy than that of our previous life because the quality of our soul would have grown. Our body would then be of advanced quality for the improved soul to use. That is how the human body is created for us.


Then, how do we figure out if we have pure energy or not? The rule is 3:7. We should always take into account this ratio. Even if we reach the maximum state of our purity we can not exceed more than 70%. Since our souls have not yet been purified completely, our soul's energy could have as much as 30% of “murkiness”.  Since 30% of the energy is heavy, as opposed to the lightness of pure energy, our body and thoughts can have that level of “murkiness”. So even if we put our efforts into purifying ourselves, 70% of purity is all that we can get. We can't go beyond that as it is against the law of nature. 


The same goes for perfectionism. We can't be perfect because we have 30% “murky” energy. However, if we are well equipped, 70% of perfection can be achieved. We were all born to this 3:7 rule. Babies look pure with their 70% of pure energy. They seem to be flawless when they burst out crying shortly after birth. From then on, as we experience the world and deal with our surroundings, the percentage of our pure energy could change. However,  there are times we can adjust our heavy (“murky”) energy to a certain amount depending on how we have changed. We are given the opportunity for change for 3 times until the age of 21 (at 7,14 and 21 years of age). Then, the opportunity comes every ten years (at 29, 39, and 49 year old, respectively). These are the times that we can organise our lives. How much can we reflect and organise our past life during this period? As many flaws as we have. The more we organise our lives, the more our energy will be purified. 


To summarise, we become more flawless and pure in conjunction with the knowledge we have. 


34. Virus and immune system. 


Q: There are patients who undergo long term antibiotic treatments in the hospital who could actually become more sick. There are ones who would even get sick from fungal infections during their admission. 


A: Humans live with viruses. If we add up all the viruses in our body and measure its mass it would weigh around 1kg. Viruses, which are living organisms,  live within the human body. If we have a weak immune system, then the virus will become active and we could get sick. There are good viruses, bad viruses, and viruses that fall in between the two. When someone has a weak state of mind , a certain type of virus will become weak while another gets stronger. Similarly,  when we don't exercise and become lazy, one virus will become stronger while another weaker. Therefore we have to do everything in moderation, like exercising our body and mind, as well as sharing with others. When these are done properly,  our life can then be in balance. The fact that people are afraid of viruses means that they are deficient in something. A virus is always living among us and can grow stronger or invade at any time, but it can be destroyed too.


The viral pandemic that is occurring right now is what is called "the plague of the past ''. Despite living in an advanced society we are experiencing the plague because we have not prepared ourselves and as such cannot overcome it. Even if it is rampant, it is fatal to some but not to others. COVID-19 is not the type that can kill many people. Instead,  this is the type of virus that warns. Those whose lives are threatened by the coronavirus have weaknesses in their lives, and as such, their lives could be in imminent danger. Conversely,  those who have a strong immune system would not be as affected. The problem is that the virus is highly transmissible, which is why we have to be careful. Hospitals are providing a safe environment by isolating those with the disease so that it does not spread. We are able to overcome the virus when our physical stamina and state of mind grow stronger. There is no cure at the moment, so we have to take care of our health. 


Everything on earth, including the plants and the animals need to circulate, but if they are stagnant, Grand nature will get rid of them. We need to keep this in mind and maintain our physical fitness, mental fortitude and stay healthy. If we exercise and consume the necessary nutrition, good viruses will be produced. In the case of the soul, when we have accepted righteous teaching when we are physically fit, we will have a healthy state of mind and become a superior being. Therefore, just because we are in pain, we should not focus too much on the pain. We should realise that this means there is weakness in our body. So instead, we can start exercising. When that happens, our immune system could improve. When the immune system gets better, the disease will disappear. We can focus on our physical health by exercising and getting some sunlight.  If we are sick, we could be harming others in the society. We need to take care of our bodies so that our health is wholesome. That way, we won’t become a burden to society and we will be able to recover and rejoin as a member of society. 


35. Soul series - Why we (souls) should study


Q: You mentioned that we cannot acquire knowledge without a human body. Then what does it mean for us (soul god - soul in a human body OR ghost - soul without a human body) to study?


A: In Grand Nature,  soul gods with human bodies have different purposes than those that don't have human bodies, because they then will be ghosts. After reincarnation as humans, we live in the 3rd dimension as human beings before we move on to the 4th dimension as the next step. The 4th dimension is the dimension where souls go without bodies (ghosts).  Souls are active, and they are said to be "living " in our language. The 4th dimension is where souls live, and the 3rd dimension is where humans live. Although the 3rd and 4th dimension exist simultaneously, the scope of their activities is different. In the third dimension, we are living within our physical bodies. Dimensions are various based on the fundamentals: our human bodies, our souls, and Grand Nature. 


What are the advantages of the 3rd dimension for human life? There are pros and cons, and it's merit is that we can improve our souls while learning and equipping ourselves with knowledge. Our souls are gods, but they are called humans because they are united and fused with a body. By becoming human beings,  they have to solve and sort out everything that happens in their lives. 


There are two types of spiritual knowledge, one is truth, and one is knowledge. Knowledge is what the human gods have made. Grand nature created this global village in the universe,  where human beings that were fused with a physical body and soul appeared. What has happened after humans emerged? They have produced knowledge. In other words, since souls come as human gods and create knowledge, we as human beings have been equipped with the knowledge, while our souls have been growing simultaneously. Souls grow through multiple reincarnations, gradually gathering good quality knowledge throughout different lifetimes as humans. And after separating the body, the souls go to the 4th dimension and stop growing. That is the merit of bodies.


Knowledge is a spiritual substance. Now, the time has come to talk about the quality of knowledge. Up until now, it has not been the time to discuss knowledge in terms of quality  and quantity,  so we just exchanged knowledge. However, it is the time to study what the quality of knowledge means. This is the study of spirituality. Studying knowledge and truth is the most important thing among spiritual studies. When we share knowledge together, our quality will be better. It means the quality of the soul gods improves. 


The ghosts' study in the fourth dimension is what we (soul gods) have realised, studied, have been educated, and have increased in quality in the third dimension. Ghosts don't have bodies, so they can't produce knowledge by themselves. They just receive what we give them. If we give ghosts a knowledge or spirituality lower than the quality they have, it won’t make them strong even if they absorb it. As a metaphor, we can say ghosts absorb or acquire knowledge. So if we deliver a low-quality knowledge, it will just pass by and the quality of the ghost will not expand. Whom are the ghosts waiting for now? Ghosts are waiting for the prophet with a higher knowledge in the 4th Dimensional world. It is because the prophet has higher knowledge than ghosts.  Humans are the same. If someone has a higher quality in comparison,  their words will make us understand, complement our shortcomings  and improve our quality. 


The ghosts are also studying and improving themselves by being attached to the disciples and their descendants who have a body because ghosts don't. The ghosts have nowhere to go if their offspring goes away. Ghosts cannot just go anywhere.  Their energy transfers down their bloodline. Therefore, our ancestors stay within our bloodline. This happens because the 3rd and 4th Dimensional worlds are connected at the same time. If our energy quality gets better by studying hard and receiving education, ghosts that have a relationship with us will also benefit from it.


Humans have the freedom of thoughts as they are educated. But ghosts don't have bodies,  so they don’t have the ability to think diversely. Ghosts cannot influence the words of humans because they are spirits, yet humans can influence them with their tools (bodies) that possess all senses. 


In the future, we will gradually receive a tremendous amount of education about spirituality. The future is the era of spiritual education in which we share all the knowledge through the internet. Now, we are moving on to this age of sharing. This means that we would share our knowledge on the internet,  and we can understand only when we access it. Therefore,  spiritual education will become the education for the future. 


36. Soul series- mind energy and two kinds of gods.


Q: While studying about mind energy,  I have come up with a question. When we are born on earth, we receive two types of tools, body and mind. You said that our mind lets us perceive our actions intuitively. If so, are you saying that our souls, including the souls in the 4th dimensional world, cannot discern the right and wrong by themselves?


A: The soul has no intuition, it is something that humans possess. You have intuition because you have the mind energy. It can connect with what is happening in Nature by frequency. 


How is mind energy created? The mind energy is composed of 6006 energy particles. These particles sense the information and let us know right away because they are connected with our bodies. This is among the few things that mind energy does. The mind energy is the only channel that can connect the frequencies, which can transmit all of these happenings as we sense them. We often have questions such as "how can I know about this?". This is caused by the functioning of the mind energy. The role of mind energy is huge, and only humans have this.


The soul is not human. Humans are created by the fusion of part of the energy from Nature and energy of the elements (soul). That is why we identify the body and soul as separate entities. All substances and animals were formed by natural energy through evolution. In other words, materials are created by the energy of Heaven and earth, and humans are created by the fusion of these substances and an element which is of non-material energy (soul). They form a triad that we call heaven, earth and humans. 


These three energies created the 6006 particles of mind energy by their fusion. This mind energy only makes human beings unique by playing its own role. What happens to this after human beings are separated from their bodies? The mind energy is divided into 6006 files, and they depart with their own frequency. Would there be any of 6006 files left in the soul? There is not. It cannot stay. So there is no intuition in souls and gods (ghosts). Only humans can have intuition. 


God (Grand nature) has the intuition itself that humans feel, as God is connected with all of humanity's intuition. We need to know God (Grand nature) correctly.  The energy of Heaven and earth itself is God (Grand nature). It is not an object. We (souls) live in this energy. Our (Soul)’s energy, also known as the result of element energy entering our body, is operating within Grand Nature even if it is non-material. Therefore I said, " humans are moving while the energy of heaven and earth stays still ", which means that only humans operate Grand nature.


We have to know how much privilege is given to humans. We require the earth as the place for us to grow. This isn’t saying that human bodies grow, but our souls grow while exiting as human beings. Our soul is a God. As soon as we separate from our bodies, we are gods (ghost). For example, to simplify this, Dangun (king of ancient Korea) became a Dangun God, when he lived as a human and then separated from his body after he passed. The same is true for all gods.


There are two kinds of gods. One is God (Grand nature) and the other is soul gods (ourselves). God (Grand nature) doesn't come and go as a human being would, but it is itself as it is. So God (Grand nature) is called the original spirit. On the other hand, each one of us is an individual God (soul gods or spirit = non-material energy). We come to this earth as human beings and constantly experience all kinds of environments to expand and grow. As we grow, we will study a lot about the soul, spirituality and the universe. 


37. Souls series- The power of Deities  (part 1)


Q: I want to ask you about the power of the gods (ghost god). As we live our lives, I see people with specific abilities which seem to be done by their gods. I wonder how the gods have these abilities and what impact they have on humans. 


A: We live in a body of flesh. When we live in this body,  we cannot exceed the limits of our bodies. So to remedy this, we borrow the power of gods. Even if you don't have the intention to borrow the gods’ power, it will be received by those in the family tree. I have previously said that humans live in the third and fourth-dimensional worlds at the same time, but there is something else that we need in our lives. When we (souls) are living in human bodies, we have to do our jobs and match the environment that we are in by absorbing the given environment. 


However, out of the 100%, how much can we do so?  We can absorb only 40% of what’s given in our environment. Then what about the rest? Grand Nature has to help us so that the power from the dimensional worlds will come to us. The deities will come to help us for 30% of it. These deities can transfer information quickly through our senses and give us the ability to move forward. They do so between two-dimensional worlds without the limitations of time and space as they don't have a body of flesh like us. They can ignore the limitation of space to provide information. If humans try to find information, it is done at an incredibly slow pace through time and space. However, the deities can do it quickly. Information is in the dimensional worlds, on our planet, and also within ourselves. So we can use the information in the dimensional worlds once we receive it. 


The ability to foresee one's future or to see underground is a power. Without the abilities of the deities, we would not be able to find gold underground. We can't use our spiritual strength because we are covered in a body of flesh. But If a deity comes to us, then we can use the power of this spirit. This spirit crosses over different stairs in the spiritual world by seeing what's below and giving us that information.  It is up to us if we can utilise this information or not. 


The abilities that our deities bring from the fourth-dimensional world to expand our souls. Whereas the abilities human beings have in the three-dimensional human society is not for the soul's expansion,but it is for our growth. The more enlightened we are here on earth, the more we will have the extensibility in the fourth-dimensional world so that we can use enormous power when we leave our bodies. We should not think we are weak since we cannot exert that power in the human world. Our capabilities have been compressed inside our bodies. So while doing other things that would require the help of the deities, we will be able to use the souls that are connected with us and , as such, use their energy at once without wasting time.


Deities and human beings cannot be separated. Humans are not able to use all of their power because they are constrained by their flesh. Don't be afraid of the deities or distance yourself from it. Its strength will become our ability depending on how we interact with it. Grand nature always gives us opportunities, however if we don't study what is given to us and improve ourselves, we cannot grow and expand our souls. 


Grand nature always gives us power, but we just don’t know how to use it. How many opportunities have been given to us? When we meet people daily, they present opportunities and tests.  We could also be in an environment where we can meet people, but we are not able to utilise this environment.  What does this mean? Grand nature gives us power through people. If we have the skill to interact with the people we meet, we can start utilising them. At that point,  we will have a chance to improve ourselves. We can't make things our own if we are not studying what is given to us and instead only look at the superficial environment. This is why we would not be handling things well and our environment is not changing or expanding. 


This is precisely the same as the world of the deities. If we don't know about them, we cannot utilise them. No matter how powerful they are, if we only use them restrictively, we will not be able to use their power. Instead, we might misuse it and hurt ourselves in the process. When we leave our bodies, we will have tremendous strength. Similarly, the deities also have the same tremendous energy, but they cannot fully use their power if we are lacking. There is an enormous amount of energy being expended in the universe. If we can utilise this, we will have more power. Similarly, even if we have a lot of money, we cannot do any quality work if we don't know how to use the money wisely because the power of money is enormous. Therefore, we can use great power if we have the help of the deities and it should be used by human beings together. 


38. Soul series - power of deities - part 2


Q: In addition to my last question, how have the deities (gods) gained this power?


A: They obtained it by having lived in the human world. The deities can have the expandability to use that power according to how they lived as human beings and absorbed the environment that was given to them.


When we leave our physical bodies, the amount of energy that we can use will change. Right now, we are in a restricted situation, but if we are enlightened, we would be able to use our power a thousand times more than we originally could in the fourth-dimensional world. In other words, if we make the effort here in the third dimensional world, we will have power a thousand times more in the fourth dimensional world. When we leave our physical bodies and go to the fourth dimensional world, we could be using immense power there. Therefore,  we should make an effort in the human world. As much as we put all our efforts in, we will automatically have power in the fourth-dimensional world. The scale of power can be tremendous. This means that we can use a thousand times more strength in the world as deities than we can use in the human world (the third dimension).


In conclusion,  all the power the deities have was created when they were human. So they will use that power when they go to the fourth-dimensional world. We may wonder who can give them strength in the fourth dimensional world? Actually, there is no such thing.  We may wonder why God doesn’t provide them with strength? Actually, that is our idea. God is not made in that way. Only when we live justly in the human world would we be able to use our power in the fourth dimensional world. We are the souls who never die. After the body is used up, and the time to live in the human world is over, leave the body so that we (souls) will go to the fourth dimensional world and live forever. That is our soul. We don't truly die as the soul cannot die. Even if we try,  we (souls) will not die because the soul is immortal. Depending on the environment, our souls will go to specific places to do certain things but it will never die. Similarly, matter does not disappear either, it will just be transformed according to the environment. It remains in Nature.