BLOG - Relationship series

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BLOG – Relationship series

142. Hatred in Spirituality

"Hating others often stems from our own desires not being met. We feel betrayed when others don't follow our methods or meet our expectations. This is actually a personal issue that we need to address.


Let's consider the laws of nature: nature does not dictate that others must obey us. The cooperation of others depends on how much effort we put into our relationship with them. Without putting in the effort, there's no rule that they should follow us. Force might work temporarily, but once the other person gains strength, they will likely leave. So, in the laws of nature, expecting others to follow our ways is simply a form of greed, and this greed leads to hatred.


Looking at hatred from another angle, we might hate others when they don't align with our expectations, especially in difficult times, or when they fail to consider our feelings. This hatred is a reflection of our incorrect thinking. The fault lies with us, yet we often project these feelings onto others.


If we feel resentment towards someone we must interact with, it indicates a lack of skill and understanding on our part in handling the relationship. In other words, we lack the ability to coexist and collaborate effectively.

 Another example, if one's financial situation is comfortable, they can handle all situations with ease. However, if they are not financially well-off, their personality can become sensitive, and their thoughts more complicated. When life is affluent, one's personality becomes enriched, but when life is impoverished, the personality becomes prickly and sharper. Therefore, those who are not financially comfortable tend to be entangled in complex thoughts and calculations, seeing many negative aspects and facing many frustrations. In such cases, it is better not to act arrogantly. This is the answer. The reason is that a person who has become financially challenged is not superior. Previously, they might have had ample finances, but they are not superior if they mismanaged those resources and lost them.

In summary, feelings of hatred arise when others don't cater to our desires. The presence of others in our lives is necessary for us to recognize our flaws. We often think we don't possess negative traits, but when others bring out these traits in us, it's an opportunity to see and correct them.


We all strive for a life of freedom. Others should be free to do as they wish, and so should we. Being born human grants us the freedom to think and discern, enabling us to live freely. Therefore, when we feel anger or hatred, it's wise to look within ourselves for faults. It may not be easy to find them immediately, but acknowledging and searching for these faults is crucial. Reflecting on whether our hatred towards others is a mistake is a valuable exercise for personal growth."

141. Soul series: Analysing Respect.

we might ask, should we respect everyone? The answer is a resounding yes. But why must we? It is because all our lives are interconnected, and humanity is not progressing just for one person or a specific group.


It's beneficial to think of Earth as a school for our souls. In various eras, numerous souls come to learn and leave behind their knowledge for subsequent generations, thus perpetuating human history. In society, regardless of one's station, be it a king or a common citizen, respect is essential. Without it, no one can maintain their position.


There are times when society does not uphold respect. Conflicts arise, often due to individual greed, leading to a lack of respect and increasing discord. Our souls, even before being embodied, might have created murky energy through disrespect, and now, on Earth, we continue to exhibit such behaviours, reflecting our past lives.


Therefore, Earth acts as an educational ground, helping us resolve these contradictions and learn from history. Everything that happens should be rightly adjusted and respected.


For example, when illnesses or adversities like spam affect us, we should not complain but respect them as opportunities for growth and understanding. We should respect both the advice and the difficulties because they often come as lessons, signalling a need for change. Even if its unpleasant, nature's perspective is corrective rather than punitive; it's a pause for reflection and redirection.


Thus, every event is beneficial to us, but often our conventional thinking might label them as entirely good or bad. We should embrace everything with respect and not turn others into adversaries due to emotional responses.


In conclusion, whether good or bad, we should know how to respect all things that come our way. Humility is crucial; as knowledge or wealth grows, so does the propensity for arrogance. One of the fundamental reasons for our difficulties is a lack of respect and growing arrogance. Just as Earth is a school, we should continuously learn and research with humility to illuminate our lives and relationships.


Note that our soul energy is called elemental energy before entering our bodies, and once it leaves, it becomes known as a spirit. Ultimately, regardless of the name, our true essence is elemental energy.

140. "The Rule of Helping People

In our human relationships, there is a purpose behind the connections we make, such as in parent-child and sibling relationships. These connections are purposeful, meaning they carry a sense of duty. This is the principle of kinship bonds. The purpose here refers to the duty to repay the debts of one's own actions or sins. If there is no debt to repay, the kinship bond does not form.

In terms of repaying debts to kin, the debt arises when you help your children grow. For instance, when you support and nurture their growth and learning, you are repaying your debt. Children need their parents' help in various ways, including financial support and meaningful conversations. If the parents are busy, they might arrange for a teacher or a friend to assist instead. Various methods should be employed to aid in their growth.

Moreover, the bond between a husband and wife, who are not related by blood, also exists because of mutual debts. Each has roles to perform, assisting each other to live harmoniously and thus repaying their debts.

In a familial relationship, helping children grow and thrive is a way of repaying debts. In a marital relationship, helping each other enhances the quality and character of their souls is a form of assistance. When spouses communicate and make an effort to understand each other, they grow closer. Couples who maintain good communication without conflict are helping each other. Typically, couples drift apart when they start to have unmet desires and frustrations, leading to anger and neglect.

Additionally, the real reason we meet siblings, friends, and colleagues in social or workplace settings is to assist each other. Everyone brings their own talents and skills, which have been developed in different fields. By coming together and integrating these skills, we help each other. This synergy amplifies the strength of these connections, leading to greater achievements.

For example, when one person has wealth and another has knowledge, their collaboration creates synergy. Similarly, when people with different talents collaborate, tremendous synergy can occur. We live in an era where working alone is not enough.

In conclusion, kinship bonds are connections given with a duty, marital bonds are about helping each other elevate their qualities, and all other connections we make are for mutual benefit. If you spend three years without complaining and reflecting on yourself, absorbing the situations you face, life will become less painful and difficult. When you start complaining, things tend to go wrong and become difficult. This is because the universe itself does not operate on complaints and dissatisfaction. Everything happens for a reason and is meant to be positive. The universe doesn't bring anything that would cause us to complain, yet we do so due to our own desires. Another reason for dissatisfaction is the lack of ability or skill to handle situations. Blaming others and complaining naturally makes life harder and more difficult. This is like being punished by nature.

139. Roles: Good vs. Bad in Spirituality


The roles of good and bad in this world can vary depending on a person's perspective and situation. Everything that happens to us can be beneficial, but it's our own perspective that labels something as either good or bad. However, from the perspective of the Universe's laws, everything always comes to us beneficially.

 For instance, if a person has amassed wealth and starts becoming more greedy with that power, the universe may see an impending disaster if the person isn’t restrained. To prevent this person from going down a more disastrous path in the future, the universe might send a scammer to trick them. When scammed, it’s essentially due to one’s own greed. If there was no greed, there would be no scam. The event can act as a natural signal for self-reflection, making the scammer a blessing in disguise.

 Does this mean that those playing 'bad' roles should always do so? No. After playing the 'bad' role a few times, they might face criticism, punishment, or even live in hiding. This hardship may lead them to be introspective, questioning their life choices. If they realise and wish for a better life, the universe won’t compel them to play the 'bad' role anymore, because the universe knows they might fail in the task. Whether scammer or victim, both are children of the universe. Broadly, we're on the same team. The universe sometimes makes individuals play a 'bad' role to facilitate realisation in others.

 After initial education and entering society, based on one’s energy, primary wealth is given. As one's wealth grows, one might develop arrogance and bad habits. When a certain threshold is reached, nature decides it's time for an intervention, perhaps sending a scammer. This is nature’s way. It's to correct the wrongs and prepare individuals for bigger responsibilities. But those unaware of this natural law, instead of recognizing their mistakes, blame the scammer. This attitude can lead to bigger scams or troubles. After facing adversity, if one doesn’t reflect but keeps blaming others, ultimately, they might lose all their assets, forcing them to start afresh.

In summary, there’s no inherently bad or good relationship in this world. Everything that comes our way is beneficial, but it's our greed or perspective that alters our perception. For instance, if adversity takes away 30% of one's energy and assets, introspection during the remaining 70% can lead to greater energy and blessings from nature. But continuous blame can lead to further depletion, with the last straw taking everything away. It's vital to reflect and live righteously after facing adversity, ensuring the relationships and opportunities that come next are fruitful. This is the law of the Universe. 

138. The Power of Words in Spirituality

Nothing is as important in this world as words. Words convey energy. If you give high-quality energy through high-quality words, the person receiving them can change their thoughts, altering their environment and potentially their life. A conversation with someone else is an exchange of one's own energy. It's a symbiotic relationship where each person fills in what the other lacks. Therefore, if multiple people engage in a high-quality discussion, incredible synergy can be achieved. The quality of the discussion can greatly affect the direction we're headed in.

 In conversations, there are times to keep your thoughts to yourself and listen, and there are times to express your own opinions. You can continue speaking as long as the other person understands you well. However, if the other person is uncomfortable or unable to understand, continuing to speak may result in alienation or even humiliation. Over time, you will find people distancing themselves from you because incomprehensible words make others uncomfortable and can even hurt them severely. Everyone wants to receive loving energy and avoid absorbing negative energy, so if you find that relationships around you are getting distant, it might be because you're running out of good energy to offer.

When your words aren't landing well, you should put aside your own thoughts and listen well to other people. Over time, your deficient energy will be replenished. For example, if you hear a lot of negative talk at work, you might wish you hadn't heard it. However, absorbing these negative words can give you the wisdom to resolve such negative energy. In other words, you have to consume a lot of muddy energy to solve problems around you.

 When you listen carefully to what the other person is saying, they often already know the answer to what they're looking for. However, they may not realise that the answer is within their own words. Even if the answer doesn't come out in the first conversation, it might come out in the second or third meeting. Listening to 70% of what the other person is saying makes it easy to find the answer, but it's difficult if you only hear 20% of what they are saying. Therefore, if you don't listen well and offer what you think is an answer, it may not make sense to the other person. Listen purely to what the other person is saying, and both will find the answers they are seeking, and problem-solving naturally happens in the conversation.

In summary, our bodies sustain themselves by consuming food, but our souls grow by absorbing knowledge. Our souls are non-material energy, and our words are energy of light. High-quality conversations allow both parties to exchange energy, fulfilling each other. However, poor-quality conversations can hurt our souls. When the soul is hurt, life becomes difficult, affecting both discernment and physical health. Kind words can give us courage and hope, and a sincere smile can transfer infinite energy. Such a smile allows us to feel infinite comfort and warmth.

137. The Duty and The Law of Connection in Spirituality 

Life in the present is inseparably connected with life in the past, just as how we live today is linked to our future and how we live this year will precisely correlate with the next year. In other words, the environment we are born into in this life encompasses all the aspects of the previous lives we have lived.

 For instance, if you are very stubborn in this life, it means you didn't overcome this stubbornness in your past life. Thus, you come into this life with that stubbornness, encountering people and learning through continual self-reflection. This is a process of evolution. If you work on breaking your stubbornness, you will face many challenges and learn to control it as you live. If you fail to correct it in one life, it repeats in the next. The environment you encounter this year mirrors how you lived the previous year. If you put in a lot of effort this year, your life can change next year. Even if you faced a terrible environment in your past life, making efforts to improve yourself in this life can alter all circumstances again, extending into the next life. We always have opportunities. If you do not make an effort now, the future will not change. Hence, we must live while striving constantly.

Receiving this life means we have obligations to fulfil and efforts to make. If you fail to meet your responsibilities and efforts, causing troubles in society, those troubles will come back to you like a boomerang because you need to learn from them.

To explain this part, if you have a child, that child comes to you according to the law of connection. When you meet your child as a part of your connection, you as a parent have a duty to perform. There exists a law of connection where one must fulfil their duties. If a parent does not understand their duty and lives selfishly, they fail in fulfilling their duty, setting a stage for the child to face difficulties. This means the signals of the child facing adversity are already appearing as they grow. Parents have a 21-year responsibility to guide their child correctly, failure which will result in the child facing troubles in life. The suffering of the child returns to haunt the parents.

Another example is societal connections that come with inherent duties. Even if an agreement is reached without verbal communication during the initial meetings or interviews, responsibilities are automatically assigned. Failing to fulfil these duties, resulting in difficulties for the other person, will bring troubles upon oneself too. Superiors have the duty to guide their subordinates to live righteously, and subordinates have the duty to grow with the guidance they receive. This is the law of connection.

In conclusion, when we are born into this world, we carry with us duties to fulfil and roles to strive for. Not knowing or failing to fulfil these will still bring difficulties. Therefore, understanding these principles is crucial. We study and learn to understand people as we venture into society and meet various individuals. Not knowing people makes human interactions scary, but understanding people makes them the most comforting. If we behave or speak in a way that offends others, accumulating negative energies, it leads to receiving unpleasant words or actions from other connections. If you have fulfilled your duties and continue to strive, good connections will surround you. However, if not, it is essential to remain devoted to your duties and responsibilities to secure a promising future.

136. The Law ofThe Universe -True Assistance

 In nature, there is a law of helping others, which says we should not exceed 30% when helping someone. Helping beyond 30% means controlling another person's life, preventing them from living it fully. Consequently, the person who over-helps might face difficulties. Specifically, in the parent-child relationship, parents have a duty to help their children by 30%. However, going beyond this 30% can be perceived as parental interference, which might derail a child's life, causing potential harm and pain to both parties. In marital relationships, the assistance limit is also 30%. For siblings, it's 20%, and for general acquaintances, it's 10%. However, close friends can help each other up to 30%, as they grow and evolve together.

 The concept of "30% assistance" means providing guidance so the other person can live a better life. It's about offering references, not controlling or steering their life.

 For instance, if a close friend or associate faces difficulties, they might ask to borrow money. Lending them money might seem helpful, but it may not tackle the underlying issues of their difficulties. Every hardship has a reason, often linked to personality, habits, or flawed thinking. The universe might present challenges to help individuals recognize and correct these flaws. True assistance comes when you support the person in recognizing and overcoming these habits. Blindly aiding someone without understanding the real issues can lead to more harm than good.

 In summary, True help arises from setting a righteous example through our actions and words. Creating an environment where others feel inspired and supported is the essence of help. Relying solely on material means, like money, can perpetuate dependency and negative habits. Those who have plenty might find it easy to give, but the universe has reasons for someone's hardships. Providing money might make a person reliant on others, seeking easy solutions and avoiding self-improvement. Nature has a way of demanding payback for our misdeeds.

 Therefore, genuinely helping someone means facilitating a change in their negative habits or attitudes. This can lead to positive actions, outcomes, and self-sufficiency. This form of assistance is the true essence of helping someone.

135. Are humans naturally prone to loneliness?

Numerous individuals express feelings of solitude even when surrounded by others. Is it natural for humans to feel lonely? While humans are born alone, as they live they create environments to overcome that solitude. Our world operates in three dimensions, resembling a pyramid, with different layers representing the upper and lower environments.


Ordinary citizens occupy the bottom 40% of this pyramid. People in this category intertwine and rely on each other. This is because a single individual lacks enough energy mass, so they interact with many to exchange energy.


Above this 40% are individuals who belong to categories like intellectuals and professionals. These individuals are born with more intellectual energy mass, allowing them to solve most of their problems independently. They possess the cognitive ability to understand and handle situations. As they grow, they encounter fewer people. This is because they can sufficiently gain energy from limited interactions, fostering an environment conducive for intellectual growth. Such individuals grow upon the sacrifices of many, absorbing energy from those who interact with their parents, who are often business owners, professionals, or tradespeople. If they aren't provided with this environment, even with their innate energy mass, they must collide with society, meeting numerous people to gather energy. If these individuals fail to grasp the key to their studies during their educational phase, they will experience loneliness.


The fundamental reason people feel lonely is when they fail to find work equivalent with their energy mass. One might mistakenly believe that the absence of people around is the cause of their loneliness. However, the root of loneliness stems from not finding one's purpose. When one finds joy in their work, they naturally engage with it, and the right connections come to them, eliminating loneliness. Those with a high energy mass face challenges finding suitable tasks but must do so to escape loneliness.


The loneliest people in this world are the wives of influential leaders or those of mid-tier leaders. These women have a high energy mass and can exert a lot of energy but feel lonely if they don't find their rightful tasks. While their husbands meet many people due to their roles, reducing their sense of isolation, the wives don't have the same luxury. However, if these women find intellectual pursuits, they can break free from their loneliness.


In conclusion, those in the category above the bottom 40% feel lonely if they fail to find the key to their studies during their growth phase. After completing their studies and when they step into society, if they don't find intellectual tasks suitable for their energy mass, they feel isolated. If they find the right job, they enjoy it and are surrounded by connections, preventing loneliness. Instead of believing that the absence of people causes loneliness, it's better to understand that the right connections come when one finds their purpose. The primary reason for feeling isolated is not having identified the suitable intellectual passion yet.

134. The Best Partner in Life.

 If we are living a middle to upper-class life or wish to do so in the future, it is beneficial to meet a partner who possesses a clear ideology. Those with a strong ideology are believed to be guided from the heavens. When one is true to their ideology and its purpose is profound, conflicts will rarely arise. Those without an ideology are not divinely guided and may think differently, possibly leading them to hardships. Therefore, when meeting a partner, it's essential to first check if they have a genuine ideology. The depth and measure of your own beliefs will determine the partner you attract.

If an intellectual lives without an ideology, it proves they are not truly free. Such people are either preoccupied with money, status, or are burdened with basic survival, hence they've let go of their ideologies. Be wary of intellectuals without a vision, for over time, they might display animalistic tendencies.

For example, when famous baseball or soccer players are in their prime, they enjoy popularity and wealth due to their skills. It's common to see them marrying beautiful and intellectual announcers. If these marriages are based solely on skill and fame without considering the presence of an ideology, the likelihood of failure is high. With an ideology, one can find joy in life.

Even if someone is the heir to a large corporation, if they lack an ideology, reconsider the relationship. Conversely, even if someone has nothing, if they're driven by a strong ideology, they're worth connecting with. Such individuals are believed to be under divine protection and will not face severe adversities. The best potential life partner possesses an ideology and works diligently in the present. Such individuals are truly alive.

The fundamental ideology of an intellectual is to benefit humanity and society. This is our nature and our mission. If we live by this standard, our lives will never go astray. For instance, if one runs a business, it should be a social enterprise. If one is religious, their actions should benefit society. After completing our education as we engage with society, form relationships, hear stories and absorb various environments; our ideology naturally forms. But can someone who's only chased money their entire life truly possess an ideology?


In conclusion, those below the middle class might prioritise basic needs over beliefs. But for those living a middle to upper-class life, or desiring an even more enlightened existence, it's beneficial to find a partner with a clear ideology. Respecting and diligently working for each other's ideologies might pave the way to becoming the best partners in life.

133. The Greatest Greed.

When an individual exhibits greed, it often suggests that they possess intellect but struggle with efficiency in accomplishing tasks which leads to their greed. A person with less intelligence is unlikely to be greedy. Interestingly, a person’s tendency to become angry can be an indication of their intelligence. However, being intelligent but not effective suggests a deficiency in skills. Essentially, when you're short on skills, you tend to develop greed. The greater your potential, the more you desire to own and accumulate. However, despite being competent in some areas, you may fall short in others, leading to unsuccessful endeavours. This triggers your greed and subsequently, your anger. There is nothing in this world that is not greedy, but among them, the greatest form of greed is when a person gets angry if others do not follow their way. This is equivalent to you trying to control the lives of others. The right way of living is to help others with your abilities. Controlling others according to your methods is the wrong approach. Repeating such mistakes could complicate your life or even lead to illnesses or accidents. This is one of the natural laws where unhappiness or disease can result from greed.

 When we say that we must make a lot of money, this is not greed. It is greed when you get angry because others do not listen to you when you are doing business to make a lot of money. This repeated negative energy can even result in the formation of tumours in the body. If you have the ability to be a leader, others would naturally follow you because they understand what you're saying. But if you lack the skills, others do not follow what you say. It's essentially them not understanding you, yet you end up misplacing your anger on them. If you lack the skills, you should feel apologetic and discuss things properly with the others. However, getting angry because they are not following your way goes against the laws of nature.

As mentioned earlier, wanting to make a lot of money is not greed. If you have set a goal to make a lot of money and wish to contribute to society and perform meaningful tasks, then this is not greed. However, if you accumulate a lot of money thinking it's yours and hoard it without spending it then it becomes greed. The natural world has a law of energy movement. Money is energy. After acquiring money, there is a period to observe it. If during this period, you neither use the money well or think of it as your own and keep hoarding it, the law of energy movement will cause the money to move. This is what nature does, and that's why you end up losing all the money. The result of facing difficulties due to greed is losing all your money.

In summary, the act of attempting to rid oneself of greed can in itself be considered a form of greed, as well as the endeavour to avoid being greedy. In this world, it seems there's nothing devoid of greed. Therefore, when we identify our own greed, we should release this awareness, and if we catch ourselves falling into the trap of greed again, we should let go of that as well while continuing to do our best in all endeavours. If our skill set is insufficient, we might struggle to let go of our greed. However, after experiencing and releasing this greed a few times, we will naturally build our skills and be able to work effectively within our own abilities, without succumbing to the allure of greed. Among all forms of greed, the greatest one is trying to control others according to our wishes. The best way is to respect each other and equip ourselves with the skills that can help others understand us.


132. Relationship Series - ‘The Three-Year Rule’ in the Universe


When we start a new business, when we immigrate to another country or when we start a new job etc. the ‘Three-Year Rule’ exists in the universe. By following these rules well, you will get to know the other person and the situation well and you will have a broader understanding of people around you and will be able to solve everything well. For the first three years, you have to take it all in with a mindset that learns. 


If you look at it step by step in the first year, when the other person says something, you have to be grateful for everything that the other person has to say. If in the first year the other person says something, but your way of thinking doesn't agree with them, then it is not the proper attitude for them. Even if the other person is saying something that you don’t agree with, you must listen and take it well as you will receive their energy well. 


In the second year, after listening to what the other person is saying, 30% of the time it is essential to ask what you don't understand. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying and ask questions about things that you don't understand rather than questioning what they are saying. You can think of it as being in the process of getting to know something deeper by asking a few questions. It's not yet time for you to unfold your own perspective.


In the third year, it is essential to listen to the other person, ask questions based on what you don't understand and share your opinion with the other person. The most important aspect here is not to claim that your opinion is the answer. The information that you’ve heard and reported over the past two years is to create a final and knowledgeable opinion.


After three years, you can do whatever you want. If you have been learning for three years, you can expand your thoughts and you will be able to judge others well. Even if you do what you think is right, you will gain the trust of the other people because you have become a person who understands situations well without causing problems. Instead of judging whether it's right or wrong when problems arise and enter your life, it is essential to be able to handle every situation. 


What I have explained so far is the process of getting to know the other person in order to understand them well. On the contrary, if the relationship with the other person becomes twisted, you can recover in three steps. 


When a relationship is strained, it's better to know that you're at fault and to make an effort to find your fault. If the relationship is a little strained, you can work on it for about three days but if the relationship is a little severely damaged, you should spend three months reflecting on yourself and trying to improve the relationship. And if the relationship is irreversibly strained; it can only be restored to normal after three years of sincere self-reflection and humility. 


The bottom line is that the earth we live on is three-dimensional, so it has three stages. If we understand this step well and put in the effort, we will grow. All the knowledge we know must be used according to the situation and the person who comes, so that we can put the knowledge we have to good use by knowing the other person and the situation well. When you don't understand the other person deeply, no matter how good and helpful the knowledge is, it might work well for you but it is useless because it doesn't work for the other person.



131. The Law of The Universe: For life to not be difficult.


There are rules for how we live in this world. The worst of them all is complaining and blaming others. Everything that happens in our homes and workplaces happens for a reason and we shouldn't complain or blame others if we know this rule. We complain and blame others because of our own judgement. If we analyse the people who complain a lot, they complain and blame others because they are having difficulties within themselves. If they do well in life and they are happy, they won’t complain nor blame others.


So why do we have no choice but to complain and blame others when we know it's not good? The answer is that you wouldn't do something that you want to do because of your lack of skill or knowledge. Whether you know it or not, everything that comes to you in life is because you need it. However, if you don't have the skills and you can't handle it well, when you come into contact with other people; you can't do well because you don't have the right skillset. In this case, you should not complain or blame others,  but you have to reflect on yourself. Complaining and blaming others is the beginning of life getting more difficult, and the more you complain and blame, the harder life will get as time goes on.

This is because you are living against the Universe's laws. If you have had a difficult experience in the past, you should first check if you have complained and/or blamed others. So if you have, you should change the ways you react towards situations.


So, let's analyse the situation using the universe's laws as an example and see why we must not complain and blame others. 

For example:  My husband or children have lied to me many times. I get angry which leads to me complaining and blaming them. However, if you analyse this situation well, you will  realise that being angry itself is a cause to make your husband or child lie. If you don’t treat your husband or children with understanding and fair reactions, but you use harsh words, it creates a situation where they have no choice but to lie. When there is a situation where harsh words will be exchanged, often the reaction from the other person will be just as harsh. In this case, it would be the action of lying and deceiving.


Secondly, let's take the example of a situation where something of yours has been stolen. When something you care about is stolen, you would blame the thief. However, if we analyse this situation in terms of the laws of the universe; the thief is a worker of Heaven and you are also a worker of God. So why did God let a thief take my things? In the Universe's laws, there is a law of energy transfer. Objects are also energy. If you don't use it for too long and have it after a certain amount of time, it will be moved.  You think it is yours, however, in the eyes of the universe, there is nothing originally yours. They just gave you the right to make good use of what you were given. That's why the thief took it and moved it elsewhere. If you know these principles of the universe, you should not blame the thief but you should realise that you did not make good use of the energy that was given to you. If you make an effort to make good use of the energy given to you, this will not happen again next time. 


Thirdly, if you find yourself in an environment that you are not satisfied with at home or at work, you would complain. However, whether you know or not, it is a gift from the universe that gave us this environment. This environment is the best fit for you and is the starting point. If you learn and solve this environment well, you will be given a better environment,  better relationships as time goes on and your life will get better and better. If you complain, things will not go well. 


The bottom line is that our lives must not be difficult so that we can grow right. In order to grow well, we need to have a clear idea of what we should and should not do. The more knowledgeable we are, the more grateful we become. When we accept the environment without complaining and build good relationships with our partners, our lives can be more prosperous.



130. Relationship series - Realisation


When we run a business, we meet a lot of people. The life we are experiencing now is connected by many relationships. Among these many relationships, there are good relationships that help us a lot but also there are times when bad relationships come into our lives and cause disappointment and hurt feelings. What we need to pay attention to here is why does a bad relationship come and hurt us. Behind these bad relationships is a message for us. If you don't understand this message from the Universe, you will be filled with hate and blame others repeatedly. You will continue to encounter bad relationships, which can lead to difficulties in your life. 


So here's the question; why did I experience a bad relationship? The answer is that having a bad relationship means that I have the same bad energy as the other person. While they are showing such negative behaviour and traits; at the same time they are giving me an opportunity to enlighten. This principle is consistent with what parents do to their children. When parents see their children say or do bad things, they point out the faults or get angry. If the child does not realise it when the parent tells him about the wrongdoing, then the parents will be more upset and if the child still does not realise it, the intensity of the anger will increase. 


Mother Nature is our parent from the point of view of the soul. So in Mother Nature's eyes, if I have a bad aura and if I don't realise it, Mother Nature will send me a bad relationship to experience to use it as an opportunity to reflect on myself. However, if we don't know these laws of nature, we will constantly be the ones to blame the other people for being bad instead of looking back at ourselves. 


When we were born into this world we were not given the right to blame others. If the Universe doesn't give us these rights and we often blame others, it goes against the laws of the universe and our lives will become more and more difficult. 


The bottom line is that if you have a good relationship, you as a person already have good energy.  On the contrary, if you are offended or hurt by a bad relationship, you must not blame other people, but you should check whether you are also sending out the bad energy in a different situation and have not caused discomfort/hurt to other people. When you find faults and understand them well, the universe will not connect you with that kind of relationship. However if you don't realise these principles, they will be repeated over and over again until you know them. If you repeat the same mistakes, you will naturally blame others and if you blame others frequently your life can become more and more difficult. This is why many prophets often say, "Cherish the bond beside me." The bonds that come to me, come because I need them and the bonds that come to me are there in order for us to grow and develop as people.



129. Analysing Anger in Spirituality


We can sometimes get angry during a relationship with others. It is essential to analyse when we get angry and how we prevent anger in the future. It is wise to focus and understand why we get angry.


Firstly, we get angry when we lack understanding. In other words, when we are angry, it means that the mass of our beings is weak. A person who gets angry easily means their original energy is big, in other words, their goals are big and high and so they want others to listen and follow them. If they don't have the skills to talk to others and can’t make others understand, they would get angry. 


For example, I want my child to listen to me and follow me, but if I don't have the wisdom to make them understand and follow me, they won't do what I say, and I will get angry. At this point, I don't mean to blame my child, but I have to admit that I don't have the skills to make them understand. 


You wouldn't expect the other person to listen to you, but it is a law of nature that the other person will follow you as much as the other person understands, depending on how well you talk to the other person so that they can understand you. When we say and do things, we do it for the sake of the other person. If you don't make the other person understand what you say or do, it's your fault. But you shouldn't get angry if you don't understand them. At this time, you have to reflect on your lack of understanding and knowledge. 


Secondly, we don't go to any place if we don't have anything to learn.

The way we live our lives varies widely. When I go to a public place and see someone spitting on the ground, or when I see someone doing or saying something bad, it means that I'm on that level and when I realise that I have similar flaws, I would not get angry but I have to take it as a study. If I don't have those flaws, then the universe doesn't lead me to these places. 


Then, when we look at these flaws and think about it in order to take it as a study, the question such as ‘why can they do and say these things in this knowledgeable society’ tend to be the basis of our research. We have to ask ourselves questions and embrace those bad words and actions. In the process of observing, investigating and sorting out the flaws of our environment, then we would become an understanding member of this society and able to complete a reflection on our flaws. If we fully comprehend those flaws, then we will have to not go to these places.


When we go to work or go to a public place, we go there because we have something to learn. So if we don’t take these situations and this given environment as a study, we would easily become angry or blame others.


Thirdly, what makes you angry or not depends on your perspective. If you're eating delicious food and the other person next to you is touching smelly garbage, depending on your point of view, you can either continue to eat or you can get angry and blame the other person. The difference between humans and animals is that we have a high quality of knowledge learned, so depending on your point of view, you can embrace and digest everything, or you can point out each one and get angry.


In other words, depending on whether you have a sufficient amount of knowledge and the ability to understand the other person, you can get angry or love/embrace the other person. When we see the other person's flaws, we rethink why they have to do what they do, and when we try to find a better way, we don't get angry and embrace the other person. The moment we think the other person has done something wrong, we get angry and it becomes difficult. 


You might think the other person is at fault. It is your point of view, however it is not the other person's fault in terms of point of view of the universe. You are seeing that the other person lacks the intellectual capacity of what they are doing. So, once you get angry, you will not understand the situation or the person yet, so it becomes difficult for you to continue to see the good things until you realise your own flaws.


What we are seeing in society right now is that if we have left society uncared for too long, there will be a lot of bad flaws that will become more apparent. Seeing these flaws, a person should try to make an effort to resolve the negative aspects of an environment, but it is not right to blame instead of trying to solve these issues. These flaws happened because you as a person didn't do anything for society, and when you blame society for being wrong, the fault will come back to you and make life a little more difficult each time.


Lastly, do you get angry at others or do you scold others?

When others do something wrong, we get angry or scold them. At this time, if we are angry, the other person will be in a bad mood due to our negative energy, and if we scold the other person, they will understand what they have done wrong and will not feel bad. They will be convinced and will admit their wrongdoings. It can be said that we have corrected the other person's wrong habits. Judging whether your actions were either just getting angry or scolding  is that if you are angry, the other person feels bad when you point out their faults. If your words convince them and cause them to repent their mistake, I will say that you have helped the other person by scolding them.

Depending on the other’s standard of judgement, the same words can be interpreted differently. 


The bottom line is that our true strength comes from our inner power. In order to develop your inner strength, you should absorb a lot of knowledge, digest everything, and fully understand what the other person is saying or doing. Anger will not come out spontaneously. It is said that when we are born, we bring 70% of good energy and 30% of negative energy. That's why everyone has bad habits because of this negative energy within us. 


When we need to be angry, it's better to get angry than not to be angry. After we are angry, we can see what the outcome is and we analyse why we are angry and make an effort to admit our faults. If we don't get angry and hold back for a long time, this bad energy can have a negative effect on our body and lead to a disease. So, it's not good to be patient in terms of holding your true emotions back when there are things wrong. When we do eventually let our anger out, it is essential to reflect upon ourself and why we got angry. We will be able to understand other people’s flaws and embrace them. Understanding our flaws within other people will allow us to not get angry in the same situation again.


128. The Law of the Universe: Analysing Our Words 


Firstly, a wise boss never reprimands his employees. 

When the subordinate does something wrong, the superior should think that the instructions were not correct and should not reprimand them. If the superior is not competent, the subordinate will receive the blame. Those who are competent are judged wisely by those who are superior. In other words, the superior person must be able to fully understand the lower hand to be the upper hand. 


The lower hand has 30% less energy than the upper hand. Therefore, the subordinate is supposed to get the extra advice from the superiors to complete all the work. If the president of the company knows this principle, it would be wise to give different instructions and to not reprimand his subordinates during meetings. If your superior is not good enough and can't make a decision, it's wise to discuss it with other subordinates and ask questions to encourage them to find the problem on their own. It is the duty of the superior to always keep the energy of the subordinate alive so that they can do their job better.


Secondly, knowing when to speak and when not to speak.

When an unpleasant conversation comes and goes, there are times when you will give an immediate reaction and sometimes you will keep your thoughts to yourself. If the other person hits you with negative words and you react, this will lead to you both arguing with each other, but if you close your mouth and keep your thoughts to yourself, this will result in you gaining the ability to ignore the other person. What is the best option that you should do?


In order to analyse this situation, we must first determine who is at fault. If I speak and the other person closes their mouth I will feel frustrated because I've done something wrong. In this case, it's best to take a step back and feel empathy towards the other person because I have said something that didn't make sense to them. This is the law of the universe. 


However, if you don't know that you did something wrong and you try to talk to the other person and ask them why they don't answer and they don’t answer again; you will become angry as you don’t understand the law of the universe and remain simple minded. No matter how knowledgeable you are, if you don’t follow the law of the universe, you will become ignorant because of your desire to listen to the other person’s response. From this point on, the relationship with the other person will be out of control. If we hurt each other and our hearts drift apart, we will stay apart even if we are together.


Thirdly, if you’re not asked; don't try to teach the other person. When we see other people’s flaws and when we give advice, the other person may agree with you and then turn around and say something else which would make you feel embarrassed. Why is that? The answer is that the other person didn't ask for advice, but you gave it to them. If you are a bit embarrassed after that, it's because something is wrong. It's okay to discuss or talk with the other person when you aren't being asked, but you should not say anything that is meant to teach the other person. People often give advice because they wanted to, however the other person didn't ask to be taught. When the other person asks you to teach them, they will appreciate the lesson you can give to them.


The bottom line is that when we communicate, if we can talk to each other well, we will generate pleasant energy but if we don't communicate and have conflict with each other, we will generate bad energy. When bad energy is generated, it starts to drain bit by bit of the full energy that you currently have. When there is a conflict, it's better to stop talking and do something else. If we argue with each other for a long time our souls will be hurt. If you hurt someone, it's natural that you're hurt too. If what you're saying doesn't make the other person understand, it's better not to say it at all. If you make it difficult for other people to understand, according to the laws of nature you will be punished accordingly.


So, if you don't have enough skills to make the other person understand, you should discuss it with the other person instead of being pretentious. By knowing these laws of the universe, we can have an opportunity to look at ourselves first because we should not complain and blame others for our faults. If we don’t complain and blame others, we won’t get hardships in our life.


118 .Analysing Anger in Spirituality


We can sometimes get angry during a relationship with others. It is essential to analyse when we get angry and how we prevent anger in the future. It is wise to focus and understand why we get angry.


Firstly, we get angry when we lack understanding. In other words, when we are angry, it means that the mass of our beings is weak. A person who gets angry easily means their original energy is big, in other words, their goals are big and high and so they want others to listen and follow them. If they don't have the skills to talk to others and can’t make others understand, they would get angry. 


For example, I want my child to listen to me and follow me, but if I don't have the wisdom to make them understand and follow me, they won't do what I say, and I will get angry. At this point, I don't mean to blame my child, but I have to admit that I don't have the skills to make them understand. 


You wouldn't expect the other person to listen to you, but it is a law of nature that the other person will follow you as much as the other person understands, depending on how well you talk to the other person so that they can understand you. When we say and do things, we do it for the sake of the other person. If you don't make the other person understand what you say or do, it's your fault. But you shouldn't get angry if you don't understand them. At this time, you have to reflect on your lack of understanding and knowledge. 


Secondly, we don't go to any place if we don't have anything to learn.

The way we live our lives varies widely. When I go to a public place and see someone spitting on the ground, or when I see someone doing or saying something bad, it means that I'm on that level and when I realise that I have similar flaws, I would not get angry but I have to take it as a study. If I don't have those flaws, then the universe doesn't lead me to these places. 


Then, when we look at these flaws and think about it in order to take it as a study, the question such as ‘why can they do and say these things in this knowledgeable society’ tend to be the basis of our research. We have to ask ourselves questions and embrace those bad words and actions. In the process of observing, investigating and sorting out the flaws of our environment, then we would become an understanding member of this society and able to complete a reflection on our flaws. If we fully comprehend those flaws, then we will have to not go to these places.


When we go to work or go to a public place, we go there because we have something to learn. So if we don’t take these situations and this given environment as a study, we would easily become angry or blame others.


Thirdly, what makes you angry or not depends on your perspective. If you're eating delicious food and the other person next to you is touching smelly garbage, depending on your point of view, you can either continue to eat or you can get angry and blame the other person. The difference between humans and animals is that we have a high quality of knowledge learned, so depending on your point of view, you can embrace and digest everything, or you can point out each one and get angry.


In other words, depending on whether you have a sufficient amount of knowledge and the ability to understand the other person, you can get angry or love/embrace the other person. When we see the other person's flaws, we rethink why they have to do what they do, and when we try to find a better way, we don't get angry and embrace the other person. The moment we think the other person has done something wrong, we get angry and it becomes difficult. 


You might think the other person is at fault. It is your point of view, however it is not the other person's fault in terms of point of view of the universe. You are seeing that the other person lacks the intellectual capacity of what they are doing. So, once you get angry, you will not understand the situation or the person yet, so it becomes difficult for you to continue to see the good things until you realise your own flaws.


What we are seeing in society right now is that if we have left society uncared for too long, there will be a lot of bad flaws that will become more apparent. Seeing these flaws, a person should try to make an effort to resolve the negative aspects of an environment, but it is not right to blame instead of trying to solve these issues. These flaws happened because you as a person didn't do anything for society, and when you blame society for being wrong, the fault will come back to you and make life a little more difficult each time.


Lastly, do you get angry at others or do you scold others?

When others do something wrong, we get angry or scold them. At this time, if we are angry, the other person will be in a bad mood due to our negative energy, and if we scold the other person, they will understand what they have done wrong and will not feel bad. They will be convinced and will admit their wrongdoings. It can be said that we have corrected the other person's wrong habits. Judging whether your actions were either just getting angry or scolding  is that if you are angry, the other person feels bad when you point out their faults. If your words convince them and cause them to repent their mistake, I will say that you have helped the other person by scolding them.

Depending on the other’s standard of judgement, the same words can be interpreted differently. 


The bottom line is that our true strength comes from our inner power. In order to develop your inner strength, you should absorb a lot of knowledge, digest everything, and fully understand what the other person is saying or doing. Anger will not come out spontaneously. It is said that when we are born, we bring 70% of good energy and 30% of negative energy. That's why everyone has bad habits because of this negative energy within us. 


When we need to be angry, it's better to get angry than not to be angry. After we are angry, we can see what the outcome is and we analyse why we are angry and make an effort to admit our faults. If we don't get angry and hold back for a long time, this bad energy can have a negative effect on our body and lead to a disease. So, it's not good to be patient in terms of holding your true emotions back when there are things wrong. When we do eventually let our anger out, it is essential to reflect upon ourself and why we got angry. We will be able to understand other people’s flaws and embrace them. Understanding our flaws within other people will allow us to not get angry in the same situation again.


127. When a relationship comes to us


If a connection comes to us, it must have a purpose. Even if the other person comes without knowing the purpose, you should believe that they have a purpose and treat the relationship well. When a relationship comes to us, they come to receive our help.


When someone comes to me because they need me, I have to talk to them about what they want from me and how far I need to help. If I respond naively to the other person or help them unconditionally without questioning something, this will lead to possible betrayal later on. So when someone comes to me, I have to watch and listen to what the other person wants right away without any secrets from the beginning. This is to test if the other person is impatient, and if they are not, it is essential to keep talking and find out if they need something. 

So if I decide to help, I have to help less than 30% of what I have. No matter how close you are, if you want to help more than 30% of the mass, you have to be careful because it will bring difficulties. If the other person asks for more than 30%, you must politely decline. 


Assuming that I have a lot of energy because I have done a good job and that energy is 100%, I am obligated to give 30% of my energy to the other person. At this time, when someone approaches you for a relationship, it is essential to give less than 30% to maintain your energy.


Similarly when investing, we have to be careful to invest only 30% of what we have and not exceed this amount. If we invest more than 30%, we should know that the negative energy will be used against us. On the contrary, when I go to the other party looking for a relationship, when I ask the other person I need to cooperate with the other person within 30% of what I want to solve my problems that I have involved them in. This will give you credibility and set the stage for a better relationship in the future. 


The same principle should also be applied when the marital relationship becomes twisted. When a lower hand approaches the upper hand, he/she has the wisdom to untangle the twist if they approach by looking at the upper hand’s knowledge and saying less than 30% of the requirements to fix the problem. The underdog here is the one who is the most frustrated of the two. 


Assuming the other person has a requirement of 100%, I should approach them with only 30% of my requirements. So, when it leads to a good result, the family harmony begins to circulate and then the credibility and connection builds up little by little, setting the stage to solve the next hurdle in the relationship. 


The bottom line is that this world we are living in is a three-dimensional place, so we have to go through three steps to complete everything. We have three stages in everything we live through, and we complete this first stage by 30%, the middle stage 70%, and the remaining 30% of the last stage. So when we are helping, when we are getting help by someone or when we are investing, we have to go through three steps, and we have to start with 30%. 


By knowing these laws of nature, we can solve problems well and we will be wise by making good use of these laws. 


126. True Friends


The people around us can be considered friends at the moment, but are they ‘true’ friends? This is something to think about. If you do have ‘true’ friends, what could possibly be more valuable than that?


A friend can only be a true friend if they make an effort. Work colleagues and school friends just need to get along to be considered friends and the meaning of a true friendship is through hard work with no bounds in the terms of the relationship and those around within our 50’s can become ‘true’ friends. Until the age of our 50’s, we should make an effort to make friends that can become ‘true’ friends.


True friends help each other and they speak well with each other and have the same level of knowledge. For example, if I have a lot of knowledge and the other friend doesn't and when I am speaking, if it doesn't make sense to them then we can't be true friends because we won’t be able to understand each other deeply. If a person is working hard, I need to work hard so that I can develop into a true friend later on because the similarities of our personas need to be close.


True friends can only be made when they are in their 50s and when they are equal with the people around them through helping and understanding just through words. A true friend is a person who has a will in his work and this matches with your character as a person. A true friend is one who has had the same ideology since his 50s, no longer cares about another’s age, respects and values loyalty and sees no differences between men and women. When we share ideologies, we can go to each other forever and the more knowledge we have the more we should respect each other and a true friend is not just consumed by materialism. 


We often say friends because we have friends from childhood and friends from our youth, and the reason we meet sometimes in the middle is to see if each other's personalities and ideologies match. A true friend speaks what he/she thinks so if I receive their words of knowledge and we get along well with each other we are true friends. 


As a friend, telling them that I can give it all means that I can give my precious time to them. When we meet friends and if your ideas don't match, it's wise not to meet often. It's nice to see a friend who may not match your knowledge level match with someone else. If she/he has a little less than you, you should let him/her be in a supportive relationship. You would not say a true friend. 


125. Circles: Mistakes….


This is a bit of a paradox if we have common sense. 

We often say that we made a big mistake.  If we analyse these mistakes,  it comes from our lack of understanding. We also say that we have sinned but however if we analyse it, it has also been done because of our lack of knowledge. So we should say it is not a mistake nor a sin but it comes from lack of something within ourselves.


The important thing is how we understand and analyse our mistakes.  When we make mistakes because of our lack of knowledge depending on our perspective, we can reflect upon our lack of knowledge or we could complain and blame others. For example,  if we have been scammed; we would think scammers are bad and we can easily blame them. However, if we think it is because of our lack of knowledge,  we can reflect upon ourselves and find out what we are lacking and try to improve.


A great mentor said that a person who is in more pain has made more mistakes compared  to others. 

If we don't understand ‘The Laws of the Universe’ principles, we would make the same mistakes again and again until we realise as it has affected our life drastically. A person who does not realise robbery is bad, cannot stop doing it. People who don't realise what the real effects of alcohol are; can't stop drinking. People who don't  know the real meaning of love, cannot escape ‘fake love’.


People who continually act as villains will continuously live in negative thoughts. So why does God make negative characters such as scammers, robbers or gangsters etc..? 

A great mentor said that people who don't do their duty in life or constantly do wrongdoings to others,  God will use them as villains for other people to realise what is the right and wrong ways of life. That is why we shouldn't complain and blame others if we understand this principle but we should reflect on ourselves when bad things happen. 


Therefore when we make a mistake, we should try to find out what was the main cause and increase our quality of knowledge. If we think this was just an unlucky moment and move on, we would make the same mistakes again and again until we fully realise it but it may be too late.



Measuring other’s understanding 


When we converse with each other,  how do we measure whether the other has understood or not what we have said? A great mentor said that if they understood it, we don't feel any burden and our energy becomes purified. We also feel thankful because the knowledge we have generated with others benefits or makes them feel light. These delightful energies will come back to us to make us feel light as well.


On the other hand,  if they don't understand what we have said, they might feel frustrated.  Our sensory system tells us that others don't understand and if we continuously say things to others, they will get more frustrated. Their energy is blocked and doesn't circulate properly. What if we have a lot of frustrated energy inside of us? Our energy will become murky and everything will not go as well as we wish. We might get sick because of too much stress. 


So if we want to say something to others, we should make others understand our perspective or we should try to understand them for a better method to achieve comprehension. Otherwise we will get frustrated because the energy from others comes back to us. If we feel others didn't understand what we have said, it is wise for us to change topics so that we can communicate smoothly.


124 Pain


There are many different types of pain in our life such as physical pain, emotional pain  and psychological pain.  Pain fundamentally comes from when we have made some mistakes or lack knowledge. In other words, the universe gave us an assignment to solve and pain is there for when we have to realise what we have done wrong. A great mentor said people who are in more pain than others have done 70% wrong while others are 30% only.


When we have pain depending on the situation,  generally we should find something wrong within ourselves. Whether it is a scam, accident, betrayal or an argument with others which has led to our souls being hurt. This is our assignment that the universe gave us to study so that we can realise and understand the situation and environment profoundly. When we continuously receive positive energy within our life, we will eventually not have any obsessions and resentment from the pain we have to deal with as our souls have become purified bit by bit.


What is studying in pain?  If we are in pain, it means we should go out and find people who can help us. For example, if we are in physical pain, relationship pain or psychological pain; we should find a trusted friend, mentor or specialist who will listen well. We can use Google and gain some knowledge from videos and movies on the internet to understand our situation better. We can find some clues on what we have done wrong so far. If we realise our mistakes and why these kinds of pains happen, we will never have the same pain again in the future.  This is because the main purpose of pain in our life is to manifest our wrongdoings. The universe never puts us in hardship if we live righteously. 


When do we completely realise we have lived righteously in our life? 

A great mentor said that when we approach the age of our 50s, we slowly realise our life is successful, struggling or failing. We can naturally manifest ourselves in our financial situation,  our relationships with others, and social positions in society. The universe can lead us to have many relationships and environments to nurture ourselves until the age of 50.  Whether we have learned from these relationships and environments, we have to live with our competence from now on. Which means if we have a lot of good relationships and extensive knowledge;  we will continuously contribute our knowledge to the society and benefit others so that our negative karma is slowly diminished. We will be respected by people around us and will have a happy and delightful life. On the other hand, if we don't have many good relationships, good financial situations and much knowledge;  our living conditions are going to become harder and we have to live a lonely life. As some people have not realised their wrongdoings, these kinds of people would become the person portrayed by their wrongdoings. 


The universe is our parent. Parents want their children to live righteous ways. Parents provide a lot of good relationships and environments in order for children to learn from. No parent makes their child suffer if they realise their wrongdoings and put effort into fixing their mistakes. Therefore complaining and blaming others is never allowed in any situation in our life. This is the law of the universe.



What is advice for children? What is interference with children?


Parents often try to give advice to their children. How do we distinguish advice and interference? A great mentor said that if we give 30% of what we believe is advice it is called advice; but more than 30% of ‘advice’ is called interference. In other words, advice is just support for their child and also lets children make their own decisions based on the information they have been given. Giving advice allows children to find their own way of life without parents interfering and creating goals and ideas that the child would not wish for.


As the relationship between child and parent has got a strong karma related bond therefore parents should lead their children to live a righteous way so that parents can also eliminate their negative karma bit by bit. Supporting children is 30% only and the other 70% of time and effort is for the parents which means that parents should contribute their talent for society and humanity to live their lives fully.  This is the righteous way of living. 


As we grow, we are constantly adopting new information and absorbing the knowledge and environment we are given. This is because the universe lets us experience new things to increase our quality of energy and how we adapt new behaviours. For example in early childhood, children often fall down and get up repeatedly. It means they slowly adopt how to minimise falling down as much as possible and also they learn how to get up without any help from their parents. If parents support excessively, their children have a lesser chance of falling down and getting up by themselves.  From this, a child would never experience what is essential to their growth and furthermore it would lead to a lot more issues in the future. Having a parent supporting more than they need to, a child would also never learn to rely on their senses and awareness. 


Giving advice and interfering is slightly different for a person over the age of 21 years old. It is important for parents to understand their children.  Understanding means that parents only support their children and help them. A great mentor said when children come and ask parents for help,  parents should listen carefully to whether their children have put in more than 70% of effort. Parents should support their children when this criteria of 70% of effort has been met.

However, if children have not made any effort and ask for help; parents should wait and give a chance for their children to make an effort in what they want so that children can slowly learn and adapt to hardships in situations and they would gain the competence simultaneously. These kinds of experiences would lay stepping stones in their life. 





Our Family is so important and we often try to support them unconditionally. 

According to the law of the universe, when children are born, parents have a duty to care for their child unconditionally for three years.  This is because their Karma is related. A great mentor said that parents can choose whether they can raise by themselves or they can give to other people to raise them. Without a question most parents raise their child by themselves up until now. However, parents will feel pain in a philosophical sense when they raise them wrongly as the law of the universe demonstrates karma and its relationship between raising properly and improperly. Parents who raise their children right would never be hurt directly by their children and the universe gives positivity in their life for their positive influence. 


If we say that a blood relationship is family,  and our parent’s relationship is not a blood relationship yet they become a ‘family' when they are married, what is the deeper meaning of the word ‘family’.

The concept of family will change when we have more knowledge.  What is the meaning of a blood relationship? A great mentor said that there is strong karma related between parents and children. Both parents and children should love and care for each other but in the past life they didn't do that so they became a blood relationship so that parents can give Karma towards their children.  There are rules in the law of the universe that parents should pay it first and children should pay it later when they grow up. 


How can we define a family in this knowledgeable society? A great mentor said that if we can help each other out; in terms of if we are a needed person for people in front of us, we can be family. If we belong to a community,  we can all be a family. If we belong to a culture,  we can be a family depending on our philosophy and mind set. If we look at our relationship in terms of karma, our relationship will go well when we help each other and we are a needed person for others. This is because we are living in a righteous way. 


Parents should support their children unconditionally until the age of 21 years old to pay their karma fully.  The righteous way for children to pay their karma for their parents is not to pay it to their parents directly but they should pay towards society and humanity.  This is because our parents belong to our society and also the finances earned, our parents got from society and humanity originally. 


In conclusion,  as we see our relationships are all connected from the past but as we have a duty to help each other as doing so, our life will become more prosperous. If you are feeling alone, get divorced, don't have children or whatever the reason you might feel as if there is no family around you; you can be open minded and help the next person and be a needed person for them so that we can be a family in terms of a supportive society. 



The Principle of Avoiding Anger.


There are many lessons about how to not get angry and to deal with frustration on the internet or within books. However, I would like to share the law of the universe that allows one to avoid anger and frustrations.


When we get angry,  it is usually because we have experienced that someone says or acts upon harsh words or behaviours. A great mentor said that the reason we receive these kinds of harsh words and behaviours is that we thought we have lived the righteous way in our life but there is something wrong with our lifestyle and we have acted negatively in the past. Small wrongdoings we have done to others or society will accumulate in the universe. When these kinds of wrongdoing gather a certain amount of energy, someone comes and uses harsh words or behaviours.


To understand this theory, there is a metaphor I would like to pose.  When it rains, is it made in one day or is it built up and accumulated over time? When the sun shines on water,  water changes into a gas form and this is called evaporation. Water vapour rises into the sky and when the temperature gets cold, it changes into tiny water drops called condensation. When condensation occurs in the sky, clouds form and grow. It continuously grows and tiny water droplets are gathered and it falls as rain. Similar to when we have heard harsh words or seen negative behaviour; it is because of our wrongdoings we have made in the past.


What is the relationship with the person who said harsh words or behaviours towards us? They have also made a lot of wrongdoings in the past but not as much as we have made. There are multiple rules within the universe, those who are being hurt now by harsh behaviours and words have done more wrong in the past compared to those who are doing the hurting. The person who is being hurt has reached the limit of 70% of negative energy whereas the person who is being harsh has only reached 30%.


This is because the person who has heard harsh words has created more pain to others and has overly hurt their souls compared to the person who is now saying harsh words. To hear harsh words or to be involved in hurtful behaviour is to show that a person has not been living righteously and like a mirror to portray their negative energy in a physical embodiment. 


What happens if we respond negatively to the person who has been saying these harsh things? To respond negatively would result in more hardships to form in our life. This is because we didn't reflect upon what mistakes we have made so far and the negative energy we have produced. The Universe never allows us to have a better life without reflection and learning from mistakes. Therefore,  it is wise and essential when we hear harsh words,  that we should reflect on what we did wrong to others or society. 

What is considered wrongdoing? If I hurt someone with words, behaviours and constantly complain,  do I always show respect and care especially to subordinates? Am I thinking too selfishly or acting too stubborn etc…


In conclusion, when we hear harsh words,  we should reflect on what we did wrong before. Even if we get angry as a natural instinct, we are able to reflect right after because we know  the laws of the universe. If we reflect deep enough, we should thank the universe because the universe sends new relationships to realise our wrongdoings in the past. Relationships always come for us to help us realise something essential and important and for multiple people to grow in a more positive manner which furthers positive energy. When we have good relationships and respect others, our life never gets hardships; but it gets better. 


Complaining and dissatisfactions 


Have you ever complained and ever been dissatisfied in your life? I think most of us have experienced this so I would like to investigate and ask a question: Why do we complain and  become dissatisfied with things in life?

A great mentor said that this is because of a lack of competence which further means a lack of knowledge. If we have competence,  we are able to solve whatever comes to us. When we are able to solve something, we don't get stressed therefore we don't complain or become dissatisfied. 


Everybody knows that complaining and dissatisfaction is not a good behaviour or characteristic but sometimes we do it without consciousness. When we are complaining and dealing with dissatisfaction, it produces negative energy which results in life feeling a little harder than usual. A result from this can possibly be the immune system becoming weaker as well as our digestive and nervous system being affected by these negative energies that we create. Our decision-making is also decreasing which will not only affect others but also can affect our own health system slowly.


How can we overcome using complaints and feeling dissatisfaction? As a great mentor mentioned before,  we need to get more knowledgeable to understand the situation and environments we may experience. For example,  if we are born in a poor family and we don't complain and are satisfied with current situations while also trying to achieve success, our life will get better and opportunities that have much bigger potential will become available. Our fates and situations are built for us to appreciate what we have and furthermore to teach us how we should approach new situations with what we don’t have at this moment. That is why we shouldn't complain or be dissatisfied. Another example,  if one of our secretaries or subordinates makes mistakes again and again. If we complain about them, they will continue to make mistakes again and again until we realise within ourselves having compassion and love and truly caring for them is the perfect way to build skills and knowledge.


The universe always gives us good relationships and environments for us. If we complain or are dissatisfied about it, our life will get harder. It means we don't have enough knowledge to deal with all matters coming to us. In other words, we might not use our environment and relationships properly therefore we must always appreciate all situations we are given and be satisfied with which will result in life getting better and better as this is because we are living in a righteous way.   



Studying (finding own flaws)


We keep learning new things and developing ourselves to achieve what we want. 

Whether we are students, employees or reside within various businesses, we should adopt new information,  new relationships and environments so that we can have abilities to solve problems or have better relationships with others.  However, have you thought about studying your own personal flaws? It may sound a bit strange for us because everyone wants to hide their flaws and wants to only appear to have strong characteristics. 


A great mentor said that we have 70% of positive energy and 30% of negative energy when we are born. It means everyone in this world has their own flaws and they are all slightly different, similar to our fingerprints. Sometimes it is so difficult to find our own flaws because this might disturb how we interact and react within our routine life. For example,  if we are stubborn because we keep on insisting our opinion,  if others don't agree with our opinion  they might get frustrated and believe that we are very narcissistic. Without analysing our flaws, we do become less conscious of our words and actions and how they might impact someone else or how you as a person are portrayed.


Why should we study to find our own flaws? After finishing study at university or after getting highly skilled within our own field, there are opportunities for us to have many different relationships with others.  When we do important projects or have to corroborate important business meetings; we might not deal with these well because of our small flaws within ourselves. Sometimes our marital relationships also go wrong from our small flaws. So we should put in an effort to find our own flaws and try to practise in daily life. It is wise if we can ask our close friends what our flaws are. 


Eliminating our flaws means in other words that we are purifying our soul’s energy. If we eliminate all our flaws, good relationships are easier to achieve because positive energy attracts other positive energies. If we see someone else’s flaw it means we should recognise that we might have a similar flaw within us and vice versa we also could have flaws that can be shown to others for them to reflect within themselves. Relationships sometimes are created so that we are able to manifest something or to develop strengths from our weaknesses.


In conclusion,  studying and developing ourselves is highly essential for success but also studying to find our own flaws is important for us so that we can achieve what we want.  We can continue to maintain our success and relationships when we have all eliminated our own flaws. Therefore we should find it and try to eliminate it within our daily practice. 



Daughter: 4 Years Old


A Friend of mine has a daughter who is 4 years old. She is so cute and the most precious thing to my friend. She put a lot of time and effort into looking after her daughter.  One day, my friend said to me she was tired because she couldn't sleep much as she looked after her daughter.  She always sleeps together with her daughter and whenever her daughter wakes up,  she also wakes up in the middle of night.  She said she tries to sleep separately but her child wants to stay beside her. Have you ever experienced this situation or something similar? 


When I discussed her story  I thought to myself, are there any alternative ways for her to get an easier lifestyle.  A mentor said parents should lead their child 100% of their way. My friend can choose a way both parents and child can live in peace together. She can try to make different situations by sleeping separately with her child. For example,  parents can sleep for the first hour together and get out of their child's room.  The child may realise when she wakes up in the middle of night but if she keeps doing it, her child can slowly learn this situation and adjust to the new lifestyle. 


If a parent's perception is looking at a long-term goal,  the goal should be to make  her child independent.  So parents can gradually train their child to experience it by sleeping alone or leading them to try step by step arrangements to build independence.The child is just absorbing the situation as it is all depending on how parents provide all situations for their child.  If parents try many different ways to let their child experience new things,  then the child can absorb new information and experiences. When a child grows up,  she will be more open minded because she has been programmed with many different sorts of information.  Our thoughts are coming from what kind information we have been exposed to throughout our life.


As we know,  a parent's role is very important especially before the age of 7 years old. How much parents can provide  in different situations and  how much valuable information they can teach their child, will build how their child reacts, interacts and views the world furthering their own personal depth within their character. A parent’s thoughts and teachings will be transferred to their child therefore it is essential that parents review and filter carefully what they say to the child everyday. If parents always say  positive words to a child,  the child can absorb to form positive characteristics. Our words are energy that can pierce through anything and affect our behaviour and mindset. Therefore,  whatever situation happens to parents, try to be in a positive state,  so that the child can absorb that positive energy from their parents. 



Hairdresser booking

Today I had a chat with one of my friends on the phone,  she said she had booked via text message an appointment at the hairdressers. However, the hairdresser didn’t answer. Two days after that she asked again whether or not she could make a booking.  She was waiting for her answer but she hadn't gotten a response at all. While my friend was waiting,  she had thought about a lot of things that she had done recently. She thought  she made mistakes,  so that's why her hairdresser didn’t answer. She was thinking too much, and she found herself feeling negative leading to a lot of frustrations. 


I have had the same experience as her before. I would like to share my experience to avoid negative thoughts wisely. Many expert mentors say that everything is ‘coming towards me’; not from me’ meaning that situations that a person is in are to build a person’s character to further teach skills in multiple areas.

If this principle can be applied to solve this problem, she might try to contact the hairdresser twice but the hairdresser didn't answer her therefore it means she has an opportunity to meet different hairdressers to get different knowledges and environments. If she thinks positively,  she might have positive outcomes. Grand nature always tries to help us through exposing new people and new environments. If situations and circumstances don't allow us to move forward, it means we can find another way to have new people and experience new environments. As we have many experiences,  our relationships are always changing depending on our energy levels. It is wise when things or relationships don't go as we wish, just to let it go so that we can have another opportunity to meet.


However, what if we keep thinking about negative things? These negative emotions can affect our organs, immune system, digestive system or nervous system etc.  Our good decision-making skills will also decrease because of this negative thinking. Negative words and emotions are non-material energy and human beings are like a super computer and negative words and thinking are the same as viruses. When a supercomputer gets a virus,  it can no longer work properly as we know.


To Summarise,  whenever negative things happen to us, we must think that it is happening for us to build character within ourselves. When something happens and doesn't go as we expected,  just look into it and think positively.  As time goes on, we will realise it happened for a reason. This is the law of the universe. 


Valuing your relationships 


Q: I try not to ask you repeated questions, but I am asking again because I don’t understand it very well. Among your teaching, you spoke much about valuing the relationships around us, but I am having a very difficult time understanding that. Not only do I not know how to value them, but I also don't believe that I have done it before. Would you explain it more simply so that I can easily understand?


Q: If you can't understand something,  you have to ask again. That is how you study. You might not understand because I usually speak very broadly. If you remain silent, you will stay the same for a long time. Continuously asking "can you explain it in a way that matches my comprehension,” is the attitude for studying. When I give out these teachings, we need to study them one after another by asking again and again according to your comprehension before you fully understand.


How do we help others around us? Is it helpful to give food to those who are starving? Historically, there was a time when we cared for one another by keeping each other fed. The environment changes over the course of history, and therefore, the quality of life is different at every era. Let's talk about the present day. Once we have discussed the present, we will notice a stark difference as we look back.


In the present day, how do we help others and cherish them? This is a time when energy is in abundance. As humans, we live with the highest amount of energy at this time. This is when cherishing others is not done by giving them materials or riches, but to speak even a single word with one’s utmost sincerity. Sharing this word with someone, even if it may not be the answer to a question or a problem, is valuing that person. This does not happen just because you want to cherish someone. It happens when you treat the people around you well. So with the amount of energy you have today, you have to have the same amount of sincerity for others. You don’t have to do more than putting effort in that in life. When you try to be helpful by putting effort for others and when you become a person who is in need of others, you are living a helpful and beneficial life for others. This is what it takes to cherish others. You don’t cherish someone just because you want to, you have to treat others like they’re your treasure to truly cherish them. In return, they will naturally cherish you as well. 


To cherish others, you have to treat others right; This is not to give them material things, but to help them when they come to you. You have to spend time with them and provide the support you can give. In helping them sincerely, you have to see what is lacking in them, instead of just giving your support away, or else you are not being helpful. In fact, you would be disrespecting them. When that person lacks something, you need to put effort into sharing what you have. If this is done without effort, you would be using your energy without care, and it will negatively influence that person. This will surely come back and bite you. 


So, even if we have things others don’t, we do not just give them away. We should speak with those around us and build relationships. Even if you give things away,  you have to do so carefully so that it is actually helpful to others. When you give your things away,  you could become the very person to negatively affect someone else, and this person might come to resent you. If this leads them to misbehave, even the negative influence of that will surely come back to bite you. Sometimes, we only see what is in front of us and think that the help we give is always right. When something goes wrong that leads to a snowball effect on the environment, you may have to take that responsibility. 


Therefore, when we know how to treat others well, the act itself is valuing the relationship. Cherish others because Grand nature has given them to us. Build the relationships by and by being humble with your utmost sincerity. When you treat others without respect, this will bring about bad outcomes. With the utmost sincerity, when you are giving to others, good things will come. This will lead to a true friendship of mutual love and value, which is something that can only be achieved with your sincere effort in others.  




Q: I would like to hear some advice from you about the disappointment we feel about people. 


A: When do we feel disappointed in people? It happens when we judge others without knowing their abilities and characteristics. That means our judgement was insufficient. At first, it is easy to get close to someone over small things, but when they get a little closer,  they might ask for something more. The reason we meet people is to make up for what we lack. The reason we want to meet people is to improve our capacity. We all want something from others, but not necessarily to give. We have to understand this, otherwise our effort will be in vain.


Human beings are creatures who live in accordance with their needs and are self-equipped to pursue their ideals. We are not made to live for others when we are growing. When we are short of capability, we should make continuous efforts to fulfil ourselves by wanting and getting. However, what should we do when we are fully equipped? Our quality of energy shines within ourselves as we derive 'light' from our spirit. This is called 'inner power '. When one's quality of energy is full, one's 'inner power ' is released from within.


In the material world, the earth also has a power called gravity which pulls in energy as gravity is gathered. What happens when the earth has more power than it does now? It will release energy just like the Sun and stars. It wouldn't pull in energy like gravity, but it will release it. 


The same principle is applied to humans. When our quality of energy is fulfilled, we are not needy anymore. Our energy will be released. Before our energy is fulfilled, we try to drag in other energies to equip ourselves. Humans are just like a star and the Sun that burn in flames in order to benefit people, the society and the universe.  Because one can benefit others when one is fulfilled.  If you try to get close with people before you are fulfilled, you will experience disappointment from them since they have approached you with the intention of getting something from you. Although you have things to give them, it might not be enough. You will also become disappointed in yourself since you can't fulfil their needs. You would blame yourself for your lack of abilities.


Although the subject of disappointment may vary, everyone in the world has experienced disappointment from people. If we understand this principle and try to approach others as much as they allow, we will build good relationships with people and mutually benefit each other. This is how you don’t become disappointed in others. Your greed can cause your disappointment in others. You have the right to decide whether to be close to them or not, so there is no reason to blame them. The satisfaction or disappointment of the relationship is entirely within your control. If you are still blaming someone, you haven’t had the right discretion. Once you become more sensible,  you will never be disappointed. 


Avoiding Conflict Wisely


There are many relationship skills taught on the internet. Today I would like to share with you the idea of positive relationships, especially those with partners. In my experience, when people are in a relationship with a partner,  if you avoid conflict with your partner wisely, you will always have a healthy relationship. Conflict and Problems are difficult to avoid in correlation to personal opinions and decisions.


There are some important rules when a person is in a relationship which is to understand the upper hand and lower hand positions when we have a partner.  We may think relationships between husband and wife don't have upper hand or lower hand positions but it actually exists. These positions always change depending on circumstances or situations.  To easily recognise this position, a person who asks for something or asks for help is in a lower hand position.  After we realise what is and who is in the lower hand position,  respect should always go towards the upper hand rather than the lower hand insisting on personal opinions to gain control.


For example, in an old fashion-styled life, a wife would always prepare dinner for her husband. One day, her husband really wants to have some seafood so he has to ask his wife. In this case a husband becomes the lower hand when he asks his wife; he would speak with politeness and respect to get something he would like. If a husband were to say words with less respect towards his wife, her emotions and responses would result in her becoming discontent therefore she will likely not take the request as negative emotions might have been accumulated due to these types of situations happening often.


Another example;  a husband has an important meeting at the company in the afternoon but he forgot some documents at home but he doesn’t have time to go back so he asks his wife to bring it to him before the meeting. The husband has a lower position so he must respect his wife and understand her even if she can bring it on time or not. When a husband is less respectful or doesn’t understand his wife’s situations, his wife's emotions might get hurt or conflict with each other. 


As we can see, our position within upper and lower hands will always change depending on our situation. The best way to understand these positions is to always respect each other to avoid conflict but this is not 100% as we are human beings therefore miscommunications and mistakes will happen.  Our mind is constantly changing as time goes on therefore,  we need to speak and act wisely depending on the situation and if there is a mistake with not understanding what position each person holds it is important to further ourselves through practising the upper and lower hand knowledges. People who know how to have a good relationship always find a way to avoid conflict with their partner. 



Parents and children 


What is the relationship between parents and children? Before we discuss, we can think about relationships between husband and wife. We can have a lot of time to make decisions about our marriage.  Once we have satisfied all the conditions of our partners, then we can become husband and wife and live for each other. 


However when we have a baby, we don’t measure anything or don't have any preferences of our own. It was given from God as a blood relationship. What is a blood relationship? It is a strong karma relation to each other. A great mentor said that there are rules for getting karma; parents should pay it first and children pay it later. Parents have a duty that supports their child unconditionally with care and love first until the age of 21 years old. The duty of parents having over their child after the age of 21 is to rectify any negative behaviour or bad habits until the child reaches the age of 30. This has been done by parents and children together while making an effort for each other. When a child has fully grown up around the age of 50, then the child has a duty to support and love their parents in order to accumulate their karma and pay back to those who have done the same for them.


Parents should support and love their children unconditionally until the age of 21. The purpose for supporting children is that parents should support and raise them in order to have their children become independent. Many parents make a mistake such as thinking ‘You are my child, so you should listen and follow my instructions’.  Parents also think their children are too young to decide something properly so parents make decisions by themselves. For Example: one of my friends told me that she has an 8 year old son and because of her Korean heritage, she wants her son to learn Korean even though he doesn't want to. In this case, parents should respect their children and listen to around 30 to 40 percent of their opinions in order to avoid conflicts.


To make our children calm and collected within themselves is to make them confident. There are no negative emotions so they can move on forward and can concentrate on what they are good at. After the age of 14 years old, parents should respect around 70% of their child's opinion. Even if parents want their children to do something…they should ask for their opinion first. Parents believe their advice is the be all, end all but it is essential to let their children make decisions by themselves so that they can learn independence through their own experiences therefore they can understand what is right/wrong.  If parents don't respect their children's opinion, their children can easily become agitated and do things against their parents. This is because parents didn't do their duty properly and they want to control their children.


What can we think about a parents' duty after their children turn 21 years old? A mentor said that if a child has a bad habit or negative behaviour, both parents and child have to make an effort to eliminate these flaws by making conditions for their child to succeed comfortably.  The duty of parents is to support their children unconditionally at the age of 21 so when children make problems for themselves because of their bad habits/behaviour,  parents should help them solve problems with conditions for their growth.  During their 20s, Grand Nature makes children connect with their parents so parents can support their children. Parents can exchange with their children by supporting and helping fix the bad habits. 


To summarise,  parents should support their children unconditionally in order to pay back their karma fully until the age of 21 years old. After that, parents should respect their children fully. Parents can support their children when they ask for help but it should be conditioned in order for their child to lose bad habits and further become independent in society. In doing so, children will not rely on their parents and can find their own path of life properly. When a child has fully grown up around the age of 50, they should support their parents unconditionally in order to pay back the karma fully by sharing the knowledge that they have learned. The positive words and knowledge of  intellectuals contain significant energy that can make their parents feel joyful and happy.  Parents are always happy when their children live their life harmoniously with others and are respected.



Ideal couple (Husband and Wife)


It is most important for us to meet good life companions. To meet the right life companions,  we need to get to know each other's pros and cons precisely and also can respect and support our partner's life vision. We normally can find partners' pros and cons  on almost everything within 3 years if we make an effort to. We often make the mistake of not finding out our partners' cons and get married quickly. When we find out partners' cons,  we should measure whether we can handle it when we get married.  If you answer in your mind "yes" , then you can move on to the next steps.


What is the ideal husband and wife status? We may say that ideal couples are becoming one mind and one body. Before we get married, we have lived in different environments for at least 20 or 30 years.  So how can we become couples as one mind, one body? A great mentor said that when we can make an effort and support each other until the age of 50, we can finally become an ideal couple. Without any effort to understand our partners' pros and cons completely, we are living together as husband and wife, we are hardly saying that we are an ideal couple. We can notice what partners want or dislike without saying anything when we become one mind and body.


Relationships between husband and wife are mostly karma related.  A great mentor said that we should pay back our debt to our partner during this life which means we should care and love each other unconditionally so that we can pay back our karma fully. If a husband or wife tries to control what they want, not help, care or love each other, it is against the law of the universe. We can see many couple divorce these days. It means they don't want to pay back their debts to each other. What happens when we divorce…Our souls will hurt significantly.  


When we become an ideal couple after the age of 50, what is awarded for us from Grand Nature? A mentor said that when we shed our body, go to the fourth dimension as ghosts,  the couple who made an effort and understood each other can hold hands with each other and hang around together as the soul of husband and wife. Even nature can't control the relationships we made effort on. Nothing can interfere with the price of our effort. This is the law of the universe. 


In conclusion, the ideal husband and wife are made by long term effort to each other. If we think that our partner belongs to us and wants to control us without respect;  just because you have met and got married, you are preparing for the day there will be a break up. A person can not be ours, it is a relationship we have to put an effort into so that we become one as we live for each other. Everyone has their own independence because they have different entities of character so it is greedy to try and control our partner's life as we like. We may say that this is a sin therefore acting in this manner will result in receiving Grand Nature’s punishment. Our souls are in pain when we break up.


The Wake Up

Children are hesitant to get up in the morning. 

I met one of my friends the other day in a coffee shop near our work.  She is a bit worried about her children not getting up in the morning and also not listening to her advice.  I had the same experience with this problem and I found solutions which I shared with her


 the best way to wake our children up is that we don't hurry to wake them but we need to implement a plan.

We ask them to wake up at first to demonstrate the time they should wake up. At this stage,  most children will sleep again. Just leave them for five to ten minutes depending on how busy the schedule is.  We wake them up again but say it outside of the room to make them realise they are a bit late. If children are still sleeping,  please wait another five or ten minutes then call them to wake up. In my experience, most children will wake up on the third attempt. If they are used to waking up, they wake up at first call or second at least. 


However, sometimes parents push their children to wake up again and again without time intervals,  it will have a negative effect on our children. We have experienced when someone wakes up at first having vivid consciousness unless we are trained properly. Children also need to be trained to realise the time they should wake up. Another important thing is that if parents push them to wake up again and again,  negative feelings of the parents are immediately sent to children without consciousness and it accumulates in their souls.   Pushing them again and again will result in the negative feelings or sense accumulating and building up over time. Children don't wake up even when their parents wake up resulting in they are feeling they should get up but they are lazy or haven’t been trained yet which furthers negative emotions when their consciousness is not ready for all the new information of the day. If parents push them again, they will begin feeling frustrated in their mind because it isn't done naturally. 

Human beings…. if we understand, we naturally move without any hesitation. 


It is the same when we ask children to do something. If we tell a child what we want or ask them to do something,  tell them first and see how much they understand us. Sometimes children are focusing on what they are doing,  they just hear what parents say but they don't move. At this moment, parents may wait five or ten minutes and ask them whether they understand what they have said. In doing so, parents don't send negative energy towards their children. It is of utmost importance not to send negative feelings. In doing so, our children automatically learn how to express their feelings of positiveness to others. They can also learn how to communicate more maturely with others. 

Children are growing depending on their parents' words or behaviours.  This is because our words are the most powerful, non-material energy in the universe and it can pierce through anything and affect not only organs in the body but also our way of thinking and behaviour.



Have you ever been complimented for your skills within an area of your expertise? Do you respond humbly or do you allow yourself to use this as a way to inflate your ego? When you are complimented on your skills; it is your ability but at the same time, it is because Grand Nature has allowed you to become well-equipped in different situations. With being well-equipped; it means you are learning but doesn’t mean that you will always be this way. As learning grows….so do you therefore it is essential to understand the stages of life given to us from Grand Nature so you as a person can have a deepened knowledge and overall keep this positive effect on yourself and others around you. To have a deeper knowledge, is to have skills in identifying and being able to solve problems.  Smartness was given by Grand nature so it is not your natural ability to cope with every problem. Smart people can identify problems easily but they can't solve the problem however a well-equipped person can see as well as they can solve it.


How do we become a well-equipped person?  We are supposed to grow 3 stages in the first 20 years from when we are born. This period is growing within a parent's support. From 0 to 7 years old, parents should provide materials which are fun and enjoyable to play with and further build skills for the next stage of their young life. Parents should also lead their children 100% of the way. The second stage from 7 to 14 years old is a little different to the first stage in the sense  that parents should support around 70% and lead their children to decide their own preferences.  The third stage from 14 to 21 years old, parents should only support 30% and lead their children, with the 70% of authority left to their child to make decisions by themselves so that they can  grow as an independent person. In this stage,  even parents can see their children have less ability to make decisions,  it is important for parents to keep an eye on but not say anything so that children can learn and grow from their mistakes.


After 20 years old, there are another three stage growing periods. First stage is from 20 to 27, second stage: 27 to 34 and third and final stage: 34 to 41 years old.  During these periods they are growing and learning by themselves.  In a person’s 20’s, they are building skills learnt from their school/studies and using them in society’s many areas. This stage of life allows someone to learn in the sense of using skills learnt in theory and adapting them to a practical sense.


If they haven’t  learnt what they should have before the age of 20, Grand Nature leads them and gives them an opportunity to learn again via connecting with those who have guided them before. They are growing and learning from their relationships, for example:  their senior colleagues, managers,  bosses or chairmans.They are given suitable relationships so that they can grow by absorbing other people's energy and knowledge. If they are not humble during these periods, they can't learn and grow properly. 


After 40 years they should have learnt and grown, they are now having tests from Grand Nature until they reach the age of 50. This test is for us to understand whether or not we can cope with various situations and relationships to further deepen our understanding of the people around us and what level of society we reside in.


This is to check to see what kind of mindset we have. How well can we cope with every problem etc. We may ask why has Grand Nature given us a test during this period? This is because Grand Nature has to check our abilities to cope with relationships and all sorts of problems.  If a person has built genuine abilities over their life,  Grand Nature gives them more power/energy and moves them to a higher position to be able to execute their abilities for benefiting others when they reach 50. If they don't have abilities, Grand Nature will lower their amount of energy/power so that they can learn and study for a later stage of their life when they are able to understand and execute their abilities to a satisfactory level.


*Poor energy quality work: quality in this term is based on the quality of energy that one has. When someone is doing poor quality work, they are working for themselves and not repaying society for the education it has given them.

*High energy quality work: this is where people work to give back to society, thus this type of work is beneficial to all in the society.

Racial discrimination against Asians

Q: This is a kind of heavy and regrettable question; it is about racial discrimination. 

Until now, there has been racial discrimination between whites and blacks. Now, discrimination against Asians in western countries has also become a heated discussion. So the younger generation of Asians are now discriminated against a lot in their schools. I would like to hear how you perceive that in your wisdom. 


A: Racial discrimination is a very important issue and we should find the right answer. Why hasn't racial discrimination disappeared? People have talked so much about how they would abolish racism. We should know that there has been no racism in western countries. Namely, humans have never discriminated against people by race. We should look at it carefully and analyse what humans have done and are doing on earth. In each era, humans do and act what is demanded by society.  When people fail to do that, they would be discriminated against. So, this is not racial discrimination but the difference in the level of quality in their soul energy. People who have high quality of energy and knowledge should live and act based on high quality of knowledge so as not to be discriminated against.


There have been times when the West accepted Asians. They accepted us due to our diligence and sincerity. What about now? Gradually, they have been looking down on us. Why? It is because Asians are not doing their duties for the world community. They haven’t found their work for society yet. We should live by doing the work which is suited to the quality of society. People were doing poor energy quality* work in less advanced societies that was in the past. Society nowadays is more advanced, so people should live by doing high energy quality work*. Then no one would be discriminated against. 


Do people nowadays truly understand the term “racism”? No one has discriminated against other people in human history. If people are fulfilling their role in society, everyone will be well-treated and cared for by others. The important thing is what Asians have been doing in western countries. We should not just expect to be treated well. Rather than that, think about what you are doing now for society. 


For instance, there was a time when Jewish people had been persecuted in Rome in ancient times. Analyse carefully why they had been persecuted. They were persecuted because their beliefs and behaviour had not adapted to the change in society. There had been no leaders in their community who could have helped them to adapt their quality of energy to what the society needed then. They had been so deep-rooted in their religion and customs that it was a challenge for them to adapt to how society evolved. What you are doing on Earth can make their God (Grand nature) feel holy (respected) or disgraced. People should now think of it with a different perspective. God (Grand nature) loves and takes care of everyone, but there are people who spit in the face of God and there are disciples who make God holy. So there needs to be a change in perspective in this.


People cause themselves to be discriminated against by race. If everyone lives by their roles in society, there would be less discrimination. From now on, we should reflect on ourselves. We as Asians should reflect on what we have been doing in the West, and in humanity. If we have been doing something wrong then we can learn to do the right thing. If someone offers to teach us the right way, then we can do that. We are honest people who are capable of living very diligently. Because we haven’t been shown the right path, we have become stagnant and may turn to relying on luck and prayers. We might not be treated well in society due to that. If we want to be well treated,  then we can learn to contribute to the western countries, as these are the places we chose to reside in now. If we can't do it right now then we can make an effort at least so that it would lessen our chances of being discriminated against. The West has been enthusiastically developing knowledge and technology, which they have been sharing with Asia. By riding on this wave, the Asians have risen, were educated, and expanded into the international community. What should they be doing now for humanity? We should reflect on this carefully. 



108. Bad temper and anger

Q: For the last month or so, I have been experiencing many issues of being short-tempered and I am easily angered. During this time I have often denied that I have these issues. And it wasn't until one time when my daughter came to me and stated that I did have these issues of being angered and quick-tempered that I realised I do indeed have those issues. My question is how do I break this "solid rock" that is my habitual behaviour so that I can totally devote my time and energy to benefit others?


A: People get angry easily in the present society. We should know the principle of why we become angry. The reason we get angry is because we lack the quality of energy. We are unqualified in preparing for self-fulfilment. How weak are we? If we have strong energy, we would want to do something with a bigger goal in mind. We want others to listen to us but we are unable to make them do that, and so we get upset. 


For instance, you want your children to listen to you but you are incapable of doing that. Do not just expect others to listen to you. This is because when you talk, you should do it in a way that helps others understand you. If others don’t understand you and  you blame them for not “listening to you”, it only reflects your lack of communication skills. 


You have a conversation with others, not yourselves.  In order to make a good conversation,  you should make others understand you well. If you don't, then don't expect a good conversation to be had. If you caused others to misunderstand you by your behaviour, that is also your fault. So you should blame yourself instead of getting upset. 


Therefore, that anger is caused by your poor communication skills and your lack of energy to do so. You should put aside what your needs and satisfy what you are doing now by fulfilling yourself. In order to improve yourself,  just reading a lot of books is not helpful at all. Why? In the Post-era from 2013, the truth is the only nutritious knowledge for our soul. General knowledge cannot help you to enhance the level of quality of your soul. You may be fully grown in your energy capacity but your energy density is not fulfilled to do whatever you want, and so you become upset. You get angry because others don't follow your way.  This is a lack of capabilities. Prepare yourself, that is the only. I have you study Jungbub, which is the truth and Grand Nature's law in one. This will help you to see the world properly with a new perspective, which only can be achieved by studying the law of Grand nature.  

107. When the business doesn't go as we think.

Q: I will ask another question in regards to sales. Though I am trying to treat others well as per your teaching, I felt that putting what you know into practice doesn't come easy and it takes more time as you mentioned. I looked back on the unfortunate incidents that happened, and I question myself the reason why such events occurred. However, I still need some help to understand and interpret that correctly. For example, if car sales didn't go as well as I hoped,  I would wonder if it is because I needed more time or if it was because I needed to change my direction and the way I treat others. There have been many times when I get challenged and concerned over such issues. I think it would help if I could understand the proper way to reflect on what happened and learn the lesson.


A: Not every customer is visiting a car dealership to purchase their cars, but they are at least coming to look around. You are supposed to show the customers around the dealership. Why do you have to sell the cars to them? They are coming to see and learn about cars. Though they come for a tour, if you treat them well, they will buy from you later. It could just be that they are not buying today. Moreover, does everyone typically buy their cars after looking around on the same day? No, they don't. Therefore,  treat your customers well on any occasion. If you leave a good impression, it is very likely that they will come again to see you.


For this reason, focus on building a relationship. You show them around and answer their questions well. Exercising the principle by saying, "please do not hesitate to contact me”,  you would make them feel more comfortable that way. They may respond " okay, sure."  and they would leave. Letting them leave satisfied will increase the chance of their next visit. However, if you are nonchalant and treat them without care, they might leave before you think. This might lead you to believe that they are one of many Window shoppers, that the customer won't come back. Customers should feel comfortable at your shop so they can come back with the same positive feeling.  It is really important that you send them off with a good impression.


It is not that you must sell a car today just because you are a salesperson. Currently,  you are in the process of building valuable relationships.  With this approach,  you would not fail as often. If you get a chance to meet new people, you should have conversations or share thoughts, so you are making an effort to get close to them. You should provide assistance they require. Even if they leave the shop without purchasing anything,  you should still say, " Don't worry.  It was my pleasure to assist you. Please contact me for any other questions or help".  This gives you a chance to exchange business cards and you are letting them leave with a smile. Later that evening, if you had a good impression of him, you could phone him to ask if he got home safely. This way, you spend more time socialising and getting along with people.  Instead of pushing them to purchase a car, you can say, "unless you are busy, please feel free to stop by and have a cup of tea anytime". Once again, it is important that you get along with people. Let's say they didn't purchase a car after all your genuine hospitality,  but what would happen if you keep developing a relationship with them? They would refer you to other people who need new cars. That is how your sales performance can improve. 


It is foolish to attempt to desperately sell a certain number of cars to customers each day. You won't be able to grow business that way. If you are eager to sell a car to a customer,  you cannot run a big business. If you manage to maintain a healthy relationship with your customers,  they will refer you to others and may say "I know a very good car salesman, this gentleman will provide you with a quality service". As a result, those people whom you have had good relationships with will introduce you to many others. The network here plays a key role.


For those people who deal with imported cars, they are privileged to meet high-end clients. It is important that you value the relationship with your clients. You should consider your income as a budget that the society supports for your continued growth; therefore, you should spend it efficiently and continue to put effort into learning. That is how you grow. You are all here to learn from society. Who will you meet in society? You will meet people, and you will learn from every relationship. You can acquire what you are missing while interacting with others. In addition, thanks to their introductions, you will find out what you didn't know. You will be exposed to such gifted circumstances, something you wouldn't have normally experienced otherwise. So by interacting with these people, you will be granted good opportunities. You should enjoy these opportunities, learn to appreciate and approach society with the right mindset. As a result, you will become a valuable member of society. When you work in society, you should act as a member of society instead of just trying to sell your products. 


106. The right mindset in customer service  

Q: There have been many similar questions from people in sales here. Us in sales, we consider ourselves entrepreneurs in a way, so I would like to ask you this question. You told us not to have a purpose in making money whether you are an entrepreneur or a salesperson. In reality, it is not easy to practice that in every business. I would appreciate it if you could remind and advise on how to keep that in our mind. 


A: You wouldn't be out in society if you are not trying to make money, right? You work to make profits. You earn to build wealth in your life, and that's why you are out there. While making a sale, I am not telling you to not try to make money, but I am simply saying that money comes to you if you work. Though, what motivates you to work may have been the idea of making more money once you start working, but you are supposed to work and focus on clients while doing business.


What do clients need? A client may be here for a new vehicle, so he is not here to help you make more money. However, if you are only focusing on making profit now, will you genuinely help the client buy a vehicle? No, you won't. You are working for the client. This is because the reason the client visited the store was for him to purchase a vehicle. Even  though he is here to buy a vehicle, if you can help him with all you have, the car sales would increase effortlessly. With the increased sales, money will come. At the beginning, you got a job as a salesperson to make money but once you start working, you should focus on providing quality service. You should not think about making money. Money comes naturally when you do your job. On the other hand, if you keep thinking about making money while working, you are only doing that for money, not for your clients. Hence, your clients would easily sense that and would not be satisfied, and you might lose your client. That's why you have to understand the nature of customer service. 


The client is not here to increase your sales, but to purchase a product. During his visit,  if you try to sell a car for your own benefit, he will try to keep his distance from you. This is because of your attitude. He will act more carefully and suspect that you may take advantage of him. Hence, he will be pickier, and he may start working against you. However,  if you make an effort to help him make a good purchase, you would be running a business that helps your clients. This means you are not at the lower hand when it comes to the sales and customer relationships. Your clients visit your business because they enjoy doing business with you. 


If you are obsessed with the only thought of making profit, you will fail to do anything beneficial for the client, and so your sales performance will remain mediocre due to your greed. You should be thinking of what to do for your client. With this approach, you will not just be helping him buy a car, but also to get along with him. You and your client will become more familiar, building a good customer relationship. Car sales are just a bonus. Having a close relationship with your client, you will understand your client's various needs. Though you may not sell a car today, whenever he needs one, he will come and purchase one from you. So focus on building a relationship. This is because of your effort to live for others and getting close to people will increase your car sales. Your sales performance will stay stagnant if you keep trying to sell more without developing customer relationships. 


As a consequence,  the main reason why it makes you are out in society is not to help you earn more money. With little money and difficulty of living, you came out to work. If Grand nature wants you to come out to society, all it has to do is make your life difficult to some extent. It does that because you wouldn't work otherwise. You wouldn't work for society; you will neither try to learn nor make any effort. Thus, it is putting you in a circumstance where you would struggle so that you will make the effort. You should understand these basic principles before you take your first step into society. Most people are just out here to make money. Keep in mind that no one is willing to lose their money for your own benefit. And that's not even a high-end sales job, is it? If you are selling imported vehicles, it is considered high-end sales. By making high-end sales,  you are learning from society,  and it is essential to improve yourselves then. This is because you are meeting high class people to achieve something greater in your future. What would happen if you met those people without having prepared yourself? Do you think you can develop sustainable relationships? That would never happen. You should always keep building an upright character and learn how to properly treat others. By the time you are financially well off enough to afford a high sale status, you will be able to frequently interact with those high class people and receive their energy. If you keep getting the energy from these people, you would grow much bigger. 


Do you know why it is such an honour to have a handshake with the president of a country? It is because you can get that energy from him. You would have to be qualified to meet such people and to interact with them properly, so you can grow from their energy. This is worth more than money. Moreover, as you behave genuinely towards your clients, though you may care less about car sales, you will be able to provide quality service. Treating others appropriately is a must. If you treat your clients well and continue having sound relationships with them, your sales will increase before you know it. If you sell that much, money also comes without your intention to make more money. If you please your client, he wouldn't mind paying you more. Therefore, if you provide proper service towards others and build healthy customer relationships, the rest will be taken care of. By doing so, you will grow even more and your bright future will be guaranteed. 

105. Guidelines of Marriage Classes

Q: People nowadays are struggling to manage the psychological and financial burdens of marriage. Please guide us on how marriage should be managed, and of its significance. 


A: Marriage is a very important stage in your life. In life, we are bound to meet a partner,  and start a life together. In essence, your life depends on your marriage with your partner. Before you say 'I do', you should first understand the various types of marriage. When we look at different marriages, it generally falls under the categories of high, middle and low. As such, your marriage will be determined upon classes. To better understand the different levels, it is essentially the level of importance the marriage provides to society. This should not be mistaken with social class, as class identity inevitably exists. Even the universe works in a way that an immense galaxy is moved by a vast amount of energy, whilst a galaxy smaller in size is moved by a smaller amount of energy. The same principle applies to humans. Everything in life has its structure. And that is why people get married in accordance with class.


Firstly, let's talk about high classes. For instance, when you are married into a high class family, it is quite different to just marrying a partner. It involves marrying not only the partner but their entire family. That is why when you meet someone and decide to marry into a family without much thought, you will fail. Then what should you do before marriage like this? You should first examine the family you are marrying into, and make a final decision together with your proposed partner in regards to the condition of your marriage. However, if you didn’t receive an acceptance from the family in advance, certain family members who may not approve will undoubtedly give you a difficult time. When you decide to marry someone in a high class family, you should first examine and understand everyone in the family. After careful consideration, you should come to a mutual agreement with your partner/partner’s family, with a keen willingness to accept the reality you may face. If you are not willing to do this, you should think again. 


We have witnessed this all around us. Highly acclaimed celebrities are approached by families of influence and power, with a keen desire to bring the celebrity into their household. The celebrity will join the family in excitement at first, but will shortly leave the marriage most of the time. This is because they were only prepared to marry their partner from a moment of joy between the two, not knowing that they are also marrying into the family. This is what happens in high class families. These families comprised around 30% of the people in a nation and in this case you are not only marrying a person but everything that comes with the partner's family.  If you ignore this environment you are marrying into, you may suffer the pain that it entails. That is why you should be responsible for your decisions. If you by any chance disturb the household that you are married into, you shall be held responsible for it. If you leave their family, you should refrain from speaking negatively about them, as it is you who didn't carefully examine the household before deciding to be part of it. The pain that you might suffer will stay with you for the rest of your life. But if you complain and blame the family, it will only make you suffer yet even more. This is because you will be committing another mistake following your previous carelessness. 


For the middle class, who are also referred to as the intellectual class, this class is not classified as the commoners. They are different to the commoners as they are the leadership class. The difference in class structure is a ratio of 4:3:3 in this world.  40% of the population is the commoner, while 30% is the intellectual class and the remaining 30% is the top leaders. This is how the world's composition operates. Then how should the intellectual class marry? Even though you marry to live with your partner,  you should also consider your prospective family-in-law. It means you should consider 30% of a partner's family whilst the rest 70% consists of your effort to match with your partner. However, if you are marrying into an upper class family,  you should endeavour to prepare yourself with 70% of the effort so that you can blend in with the family. The remaining 30% can be an effort placed to match with your partner. Comparatively, marriage within the middle or the intellectual class will require only 30% of compatibility with family households and remaining 70% with partners. 


Lastly, the lower class is the category in which a couple can find happiness among themselves. It is the class in which a family only expects the couple to be happy, and not live for the family. For the lower level of commoners, it is acceptable for self-designated couple to live their life as they please. They only need to find the right partner as per function in Nature.


Therefore, you need to understand the differences in family class structures in order to sustain your marriage. Since you asked for the right direction in marriage, I assume you are not looking for ways to avoid failure in marriage. You need to understand this principle and come to an arrangement with your potential partner you’ve decided to marry. Mishaps occur from abrupt decision-making so as to teach you a lesson. Previously, family members would also be affected by the marriage of the couple, but nowadays any wrongdoings you commit will only directly affect you and your partner. In other words, when you bring hardship to another person and cause suffering, you will also suffer for it. This is the reality of today's world where everything is transparent, and concise. If you are unaware of this, you will not be awakened to the reasons why unfortunate mishaps happen to you. Without this realisation, people will continue to put society in disarray with their wrongdoings. 

104. The best gift can be a miracle medicine.

Q: We had a surprise gift exchange event today, we received a gift which has touched our hearts. I would like to ask a question. Adults in the old days said that “even cold water can be good as a gift”. I would like to ask the meaning of sharing gifts and why gifts are good.


A: It is time for us to think about what sharing gifts can provide. Until now, there were times when we used to like gold rings as gifts. We used to like receiving things from others. That was when things were scarce. However, now is the time for us to think about what is precious. This is the time when even words that give you courage are precious, so a letter can be a precious gift. The preferred gifts change from time to time. For instance, If someone sends you a nice letter, it becomes yours when you read it. The dreams you have at night are meant to be yours, they will become your luck if you value them. However, they will not be yours if you ignore them. Another example, when you graciously accept someone's words, these words will give you luck. Likewise, if you are inspired by a written letter sent to you from someone, it will become your energy. Thus, things will begin to unravel.


A word or a phrase can encourage you, and it can turn into a miracle medicine for you. There are two different kinds of medicine, one for your physical health, and another for your soul, which is a miraculous one. Therefore, giving a word or a message to people is just as important. However, there are people who don't really care about this and would send insincere messages to many people at the same time. When you put your heart into a message for someone, you are sending out your energy to them and it can become a huge source of quality energy when the recipient accepts it.


Presents can be different at times. Think about how delighted you were when you received a heartfelt message or a letter from someone. Nowadays, You can easily buy a gold ring but you can not easily receive a heartfelt letter. This heartfelt message can be a huge difference for others. From now on, you will realise how important every word you say to anyone. 

You should know that your words are the words of heaven. You might say that I am exaggerating the meaning of it, but it is true. From now on, you should consider your words representing your own nation, your words are the pride of your nation, and your words are the words of God. Whatever wrong that is caused by your words can be a disgrace to your ancestors, and a mistake on the guardian gods who take care of you. On the other hand, a nice word of yours can bring benefits to yourself. It is time for words to be of more importance so that they can be a huge source of quality energy. 


Therefore, a message can be a gift. We must not speak carelessly. If your careless words cause someone to be upset, you will certainly pay for it. However, when someone really likes what you have said, you will be blessed in return as much as you have blessed that person. This is a society where people with quality energy live. It means that the quality of the gifts have changed accordingly as well. 


103. To be humble

Q: Humility is considered as one of the most virtuous qualities of all. However, we may find it difficult to practice humility. Please teach us how to be humble in a concrete way.


A: Let’s talk about humility. Our study in humility can be done very easily if we know this clearly. We try to be humble but we can't. Why is that? It is because we don't clearly understand the law of humility yet. How can we be humble then? Humility is about respecting people. If we show respect, we are naturally showing humility. But again, we may not be sure on how to be respectful to others. A law of respect is that it is done by one in a superior position to another in an inferior position. Respect cannot be done by ones who are in inferior positions. In other words, from the upper hand to the lower hand. I may be causing some misunderstanding in this, so let me explain this further


For instance, some may ask "I have no money, so am I not in the superior position?”  Are you not in the superior in terms of your knowledge, finance or talents? Are you not  in the superior position at every given circumstance in the position that you are placed in? Why should the upper hand respect the lower hand? Without the lower hand, can you still be the upper hand? How can you be the upper hand when there is no lower hand? One cannot exist without the other. You couldn't have become the upper hand without the energy that was put into you through the sacrifice of the lower hand. This is why the upper hand must respect the lower hand. This is the law of Grand nature. 


Another example, we have educated ourselves for those who haven't. If you look down on those people who are not educated, or not as well-educated as we are, it means we are not fulfilling our duties. When you are able to make a fortune, you made it from those who have sacrificed for it. This is why the lower hand of the economy must be respected. This is the principle of Grand nature. If you are in a superior position in any field, there would be people in the position which are inferior to you. You should respect these people. Some may ask again, "alright , I will be respectful, but how?" Be understanding of those who are in an inferior position to you. You shouldn't be critical of the mistakes that your inferior makes. Understand them as you go, because even that is a form of respect. 


There will still be some people who would say no matter how hard they try, they just can't respect their inferior. What is troubling these people then? We divide our social positions into 3 levels, top, middle and bottom. The upper hand, who is at the top should respect the lower hand, who is in the middle. Whereas, we may fail to be respectful to people at the bottom. This is because Grand Nature has its own order. Therefore, people at the top will respect those in the middle; and the people in the middle will respect those at the bottom. People at the top would not interact with those at the bottom.  Even when they do, do it without words. People at the top may secretly inspect the circumstances of those at the bottom to assist in their governing later. When people at the top associate with those at the bottom, they will have to be extremely humble. Also, they shouldn't interact with those at the bottom more than once or twice.


In conclusion, humility is to respect the people who are directly inferior to you, and not to those who are further positioned below you. This is not your job to take. It descends step by step. For instance, a CEO talks with his heads or chiefs of each department to convey his message to them, not to the employees further down the hierarchy. When he does so, he must offer tremendous consideration and respect to these people. By doing this, he must be extra careful about being humble to those at the bottom compared to those in the middle. Humility is for the lower hand.

102. Why we should not complain and blame others -  part 1

Q: We already heard from you that we get sick if we complain and blame others too much. Could you tell me more about the principle of how we get sick from this?


A: There are rules in this universe as we live our lives. The worst way to be human is blaming others and complaining.  These are the worst habits of all. That we complain would mean that our lives will start getting harder and harder. Such is the case the moment we blame others. This is what we should keep in mind. We can blame others but at the same time, we will get hardship. No one can stop this, not even God. We will face difficulties unknowingly gradually. When we finally notice it, we would already be in trouble. 


Then why do we blame others? The reason why we cannot do what we want is because we are lacking in our ability. Everything in the world comes to us for our own benefit when it is the right time to come. If we haven't equipped ourselves, we won’t be able to handle it properly. Also, if we haven't treated people in the right way, things wouldn't go well for us. It is our fault that we have difficulties, so we can't blame others. In other words, we are experiencing difficulties because we haven't fulfilled ourselves. We should not blame others but to reflect on ourselves. We should know this principle.


Even if it is hard to change our bad habits right now, we should at least start to make an effort. If we have fallen into a bad habit and have yet to discipline ourselves so far, we need to start changing this habit. Don't blame others. This is the word from God. It is because of us that we are having trouble. When we carry ourselves and approach the world in the right way, we will likely not have any troubles at all. Everything that goes wrong will bounce back. However, if we keep blaming others, we will never learn and grow to build our strength and knowledge. Then, life would only become more difficult. This is why we shouldn't blame others.


For instance, don't complain that we were born in a poor family rather than a wealthy family. Instead, we should find out why we were born there. We can live a brighter and greater life than any other rich people, even if we started as a poor man. No matter where we are born, it is the right place for us to study what we have not fulfilled in our previous life and create a brighter future in this life at this place of birth. Instead of complaining, we should be thankful for being given such an environment. This is because the environment is given to us by the law of Grand nature. Therefore, the more we complain about our situation, the more difficulties we will get


Even as I teach this, you might continue to complain. Being in a bad condition is also a chance to study and grow. Complaining and blaming others are like the most deadly poison to us. We should take this to heart. The environment given to us is a gift from Grand Nature for us to open up a better world, meet better relations, and finally to do rewarding work together. Therefore, complaining and blaming others are the first priorities to fix within us.


101. Relationships series- ideal couples (husband & wife) and redefine families. 

Q: I think it would be great if couples are able to find the same ideology and work together. But in reality, they often work in different jobs spending most of their time in their own workplaces. So I would like to ask: for an ideal couple, should they have the same ideology and work together.


A: When we try to work together, we are given a job that we can do together only after we have equipped ourselves to a certain degree. When you don't have sufficient abilities,you  might always argue with your counterpart. If you are working on a project with someone that you can't come to an agreement with, this project will not succeed. You can equip yourself separately through different jobs in various fields. If you have equipped yourself to a certain level, then you may be able to communicate well with each other. This is because no matter what kind of work you do in this world, you will always have some things in common. For instance, there is always common knowledge shared in every work, whether it be a field of saving a man's life or a field of cleaning and dressing the deceased. It is natural for everything to have some sort of commonality. You train in your own way, and they might learn in a different way. Then you might find a common ground and work together. It is our duty to equip ourselves this way. We equip ourselves in different fields since each of us has different qualities of energy and talents. However, it is best that we work together when we are fully equipped to do our own jobs.


The present Era after 2012, an era where you can never live by yourself successfully just because you are talented. Your life becomes better when you know how to share it with each other. Therefore, even a couple should be able to communicate the meaning of their words with each other. We say that couples are one mind and one body. When you get married,  the pastor says, 'Now I pronounce you as a couple.'  That is not correct. He should say,  "now you will work hard to be a couple". It is important to know this. To put it into perspective, it is not just one day, it is a long-term effort to become a couple. For instance, let me ask you, are you two one-minded? If you say no, it means you are not a couple yet. Couples need to be united to be one mind, one body. The meaning of 'one mind, one body ' is the understanding of each other in their communication.


We may ask, how would two strangers become one when they meet. The rule is if the percentage of understanding of each other is over 70, then it is acknowledged. If you try, you will be able to reach 70%. Anyone can do it. If you reach 70%, you will be recognised as 'one mind, one body'. You will be recognised as a couple from Heaven. Then you have worked hard to become a real couple. Why is it so important? This is because when we go to the other dimension after death, non-acknowledged couples cannot go hand in hand. Even if you have lived together for a hundred years, you can't hold hands with each other after you pass away. However, people who are united in their efforts are married couples even after death. It means their souls have become couples. At this point, even God can't separate you. This is because the act of your hard work in becoming one is holy. The result of such effort meant that even God can't divide it. This is the law of nature. Nothing can interfere with the price of effort. So couples are brought together by effort. On the other hand, if you think you have become a couple and your partner belongs to you just because you have met and got married, eventually you will break up. This is because a person cannot be yours. It is a relationship you have to put an effort into. We become one when we are living for each other.


This is the same for families. We need to redefine the meaning of family. You become a family with hard work. We think of a family as being blood-related. Blood relations are one of your relations. The connections we have from the fourth dimension is the result of our blood relations.  So that means they are not your family but blood-relations.  What kind of relationship is it? It is one where you have a responsibility to fulfil your duty for. When God gives you a child through blood relations, he is giving you a duty. If we don't know the relationship between our blood relatives, we are not performing our duty for our children. In other words, your flesh and blood are the relationships that God has given you to do your duty. On the other hand, we create a family by working hard for each other. So when couples meet, they are not blood-related but when they work hard together, they become a family. If they don't, they can't be a family. When you are not trying and you are being greedy* for each other with your logic, the relationship is bound to break. It means God has given you relations, but harmony is what you need to uphold, God cannot do that for you. 


In conclusion, a husband and wife make a very precious relationship, but it cannot be done without effort. Blood relations also give us the best conditions to become a family. From now on, if you remember this lesson and work hard in your relationships, you will become one and form a family.


*Greed is that you are trying to run other people's lives the way you like. Everyone has their own independence because they are different entities, so it is greedy to try and control other people's lives as you like. Don't interfere in others’ lives. This is a sin as receiving divine punishment. 


1.Importance of discussing, rather than asking.

When we think about asking a favour or refusing to do a favour, we might be willing to ask, but turning someone down might hurt their feelings. What is a wise way if we are in this situation?

We have asked many favours and refused some in our lives. What if we don't try to ask for a favour nor turn down a favour, but rather discuss it. We can imagine, in this situation, both sides wouldn't feel sorry if we discuss it. Others may understand us or they won’t be able to help if they don't. 

When we discuss with others, we can give an honest explanation for our situation and work it out by discussion. We would not start the discussion if we think we can't tell them everything. It is important for us to find someone to discuss things with and not with whom we aren't close to. If we have someone that we have been communicating with, it would be easier to work things out when we discuss it with them. In these discussions, we should open up at least 70% about how we have come to face our difficulties so that they can understand it. However, if we ask a favour recklessly without knowing where we would use the energy when we receive the favour, our request will easily be turned down.

Therefore, we need to have the right person to discuss things with, so that we can share our difficulties and resolve them with the person.


2.Relationships that make us better

Everyone recognises the importance of relationships. The reason we have relationships with people around us much like what we have with our family and friends is to help us resolve issues. They are not around us to give us material help, but to help us fix bad habits because it is hard to see our own flaws. When we find flaws in each other, we can let the other person know about them during our time together without offending each other. 

This is why we live together or spend time with family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. We need to understand the law of relations with people in depth. Having siblings means we are closely connected and share the same family traits. It allows us to complete each other on what we lack as part of a family. What should we do to help each other when we see what we lack? If we don't know how, we can easily give each other material help to keep the relationship together. We are tied to each other so that we can help with correcting our shortcomings through interactions. When our family takes care of one another, we can resolve many family issues together. This is why we have a blood-related family close to us. Furthermore, the things that are relatively light but still need to be fixed can be handled through our relationships with close friends and working partners.


3.Relationship series - 1.The law of relationship 

There is a given relationship and an acquired one, and a person should be able to differentiate the two well. A given relationship is created from a bad relationship of a previous life. In your previous life, you were connected in a bad relationship, then you come to this world with a given relationship. It is the price of your sin.

You have your family tree. Just consider your family tree as a debt chart. How far is your son from you? One chon (Korean unit for distance in a family). Then how about your wife? No chon. Zero. A family tree shows that one by one. So a son and his parents are in the biggest debt-credit relationship. You should not consider a debt-credit relationship as bad. Do not think like that. People have many debts and the biggest creditors are in their blood relationships.

How do you pay out your debts? There is 'first' and 'later' here. Parents have to pay their children first. After their repayment, their children have to repay them later. This is an absolute law. It is the relationship between parents and their children, it is the biggest debt chain. However, when a debt is repaid, a creditor is not the creditor any more, and something good is returned. This is why parents do their best for their children. Nevertheless, because we do not know the principle, we do not know how to pay the debt to our children or our siblings. 


3.1 Relationships series - 2. To help family

What makes us angry with our family is that they don't keep their words. When you think it is not right, you have to act decisively and it will help your family and yourself. If you are not as decisive because you are not capable, it will “germinate a seed that will grow into a bad plant” later. As time passes by, you will spoil your family and make the lives of those involved difficult. If you live for 20, 30 years like this, then you will end up with a situation that cannot be saved.

What is ' to help your family '? To forgive is not to help. Forgiveness is not your job. You think that you forgive them but it is not forgiveness, but your arrogance. When something is wrong at first, to make it right is to help the other party. He might not be happy at the time, but by correcting the wrong, you are paving a way for him to grow properly. When you help your siblings do right, you can do it in society as well.

People in Korea are really generous to their own family members. Therefore, they do not realize when their families are doing wrong. If they do wrong, society will have problems as a result and all those things will come back and bite us in the end. What you are doing in your family might allow the contradictions to grow and make the society disorderly.


3.2 Relationships series - 3. Dealing with given relationships. 

How would you deal with given relationships? In a given relationship, you are provided with a great deal of time together. This is the only condition. When you call or look for your sibling, they will come. While when they are unrelated people, you would have to make an appointment. Your sibling comes home in the evening, which means that you are given ' time together '. The environment is providing the help for each other in a given relationship.

What kind of help would it be? It is the kind that helps you to grow properly while you are living your life. Whatever you do to each other; telling off or criticizing, you cannot leave after fighting. It is a relationship where you can find out your rights and wrongs through intense confrontations. Such an environment is given to you and helps you to be fellow pupils to one another. This means that you are given a condition where you can learn from each other.

We should have taught the society right by pointing out what we did wrong and showing how to correct them. If a doctor or researcher in this certain area had done that to guide people, this society would not have been disordered like this. They are studying something that is not quite right, missing a key point that is changing our lives. This is very important.

4  Law of mother nature in relationships between parents and children

Until children are seven, parents can guide them whichever way they want.

However, with children between 7 to 14, parents should discuss with their children 30% of the decisions to be made along their paths. The rest of the 70% is up to parents.

When children are between the age of 14 to 21, parents must discuss 70% of the decisions with their children. Until then, only 30% of decisions are according to parents' will.

At age over 21, parents should discuss 100%of the decisions. Because the children have now become adults. They have obtained their basic knowledge and become adults. Parents must respect their children at this point. Otherwise, children will turn their back on parents who are unwilling to show respect to them.

A family living in a house together doesn't mean it has a strong family bond. The more the parents are disrespectful to their children, the more you will see children leaving their parents eventually.

This is the law of mother nature, how it is operated with no chance of error. If you exceed this boundary of parenting, both children and parents might suffer.



5.Relationship series - Real Help and importance of our close relationship.

When Grand nature provides us with new people to relate to, it is not for us to help them but rather for you to seek help from them. What kind of help should you receive from them? Receiving money is not helpful. What is helpful is for you to be awakened from what you don't know about relationships.

Simply buying bread and giving materials to someone is not being of help. Although, it can help to open up someone's mind so that we can understand what they are thinking. Giving materials is asking someone to open up their hearts to us. The reason we are kind to someone is so that we can get closer to the person and get to know each other even more. The reason why a wife is kind to her husband is to know more about what he is up to so that she can receive help from him. She is asking him to share what he is hiding inside.

What happens when we are good to someone and become close to them? They might reveal their bad temper and characteristics towards us. We need to know why we should be appropriate towards the people close to us. Because we are kind to them, they are able to reveal their anger towards us while they might not be able do that to other people. We may wonder,' why do they get so angry at me when we are so good to them'? But this is our study, which is how we can also receive help from them. They are asking us ' Are you willing to accept me even when I do this to you? ' Instead of pointing out their flaws, when we truly love and care about them and understand how much anger and suffering they might have inside, they would appreciate us.

It is contradicting if we only like what is good in people and what is bad. In this case, not only can we not love and care for someone truly, but we also cannot develop ourselves to be a mature human being. When studying, we need to embrace the negative. Without hindrance, we cannot grow. When we grow up by embracing all of others, we become of help to them by doing work that benefits society. If we want to help our children, our siblings, and colleagues, we need to do what we have to do for this society so that whoever makes an effort can benefit from it. We will never be able to help those who don't make any effort. We should teach our children that nothing can be earned without putting in effort. Those who try are always blessed. We should benefit people in a way where those who put in their efforts can reach out for help. This is a way to help people around us. Otherwise, we might only be able to provide superficial help to the people around us. This way, we have never actually helped them. 

Why should we live for society? If we do something for society, those who make efforts can receive help from our work. Even for our children, they will not be benefited from the energy we put out in society if they don't make any efforts. Moreover, we need to know what help is exactly. Giving material to care for an individual is not true help. We would only do this to receive a compliment from those whom we gave help to and get upset if we don't receive anything from them. Here is the question, has anyone who we didn't care for at all ever gotten angry at us? The people who are distant to us do not bother us, but the people who are closed would. If we still don't realize this, we will always be confused in life. We would always crave for a compliment from people and be of no help to anyone. We need to know this principle of living.

Whoever it may be, when we meet someone it is to get help. We should find out what kind of help we can receive. If someone is upset with us, we have to take it as our chance to study. We need to understand them and try to solve the problem by talking it out with them. This is the proper approach which is beneficial to us. These actions will help shape our future. We should value the chance to study through our close relationships, such as our families or friends. By learning this principle of living, we can complete our studies through our relationships and live a wonderful life that receives many people's admiration. Without finding the value in these relationships, we will never live such a wonderful life.


6 .Relationship series: The principle of conversations - comfortable and difficult people deal with

Everyone has their own energy. Sometimes, when we meet people, we may find that their energy is heavy, then we feel uncomfortable being around their energy. That's why we become more careful around them. If we approach them carelessly, our energy might get hurt. This is because their energy is different from ours. Our energy itself is like a sensor.

When we want to get closer to someone who you find difficult to deal with, our quality of energy might be weak or we have different energy. Thus, we need to improve our quality of energy. When we do so, it becomes comfortable. We feel comfortable with someone who's energy operating system is similar to ours, but it is not always the case. We have the sense to tell the difference between our energy and other’s precisely. As a result, we know when people are comfortable or difficult to deal with.

We give off energy through our words. We absorb, organise and generate them through speech. When we give off energy in the wrong way, others might reject our energy, then it would bounce back to us. We feel great when someone receives and absorbs the energy we give off. When we talk with someone and they don't take in what we are saying, we might feel very stifled. Suppose we talk with someone who is 10 meters away, we don't feel stifled as much, even though they don't absorb our words. However, when a person within one meter does not accept what we are saying, we would feel stifled as we keep talking. This is caused by the energy bouncing back to us from the one who refused to receive the energy that we have given off. In this case, we should stop talking,  take a moment to breathe and listen to what they are saying. Then the feeling of being stifled will go away. In other words, we sometimes should remain silent. 

If we feel stifled, it means we might have done things in the wrong way and it has been piling up so that it is coming back and damaging us. Then our energy might become weak. We can not give out our energy to others. In this situation, we should stop talking and try to absorb others’ energy by listening. Once we absorb enough of what others are saying, we wouldn't feel stifled to speak to anyone. We should listen to others first for 70% of the conversation. React well to others and keep them talking until we have received enough of their energy. By continuously receiving their energy, our quality of energy will improve. The energy they released will accumulate inside us.

Knowledge is the type of energy that has an enormous quality not only among human beings but also in the grand nature. We either revive ourselves or get hurt from this. There is no other energy that is of greater quality than the energy of knowledge. Energy from spoken words is so significant that it can't be measured yet. This is why we sometimes visit someone who can guide us when we have difficulties where we try to receive that energy from those who have a good quality of energy (e.g. senior generations). In doing so, we can become very competent in understanding and dealing with tasks because our quality of energy would have been improved.

When we interact with people, we should listen to others first to avoid any stifling sensations from voicing our opinion first. Once we listen to 70%, we would find it very comfortable to talk. This is because our energy has changed from receiving theirs. That means we have grown enough in terms of our quality of energy to talk with them. From this point, they will be able to absorb what we say. Then both parties would not feel stifled. This is the fundamental principle of conversations.


7. The reason we should respect others


We should respect others because we don't know their energy levels yet. Without knowing that, we need to respect others until we get to know their energies. It is not a competition with others. It is about getting to know them first so that we can interact with one another. 

If we rush to do something with them without knowing them, we are just being unruly. In this case, dealing with them is not going to go well. That's why we should respect others because they have grown in different environments than ours; They have different strengths, different points of view; They have gone through things and thereby, absorbed different energies. A mutual meeting of people is to give your energy to one another, so that we can coexist with mutual benefits.

We can improve ourselves on our own until we reach a certain point of quality in our energy. However, if one of us has absorbed different knowledge and combines it with others, we can share the knowledge we possess to help each other grow. By exchanging our knowledge , we can absorb them and be in harmony with others. This will create a high quality of energy.

If we meet each other with respect, their energy won't damage or harm us, even when there is a disagreement. So we are being respectful to each other so that we can help others and be harmonious. Once respect is established, friendships can occur and unite all of us. If this happens, our energy will be enhanced. However, without knowing this, people keep arguing with each other,  generating sparks. It won't help our life if we constantly generate sparks with one another.

This is the reason we should be respectful. We will be able to receive their energies to improve ours. If we respect others and behave thoughtfully, we are giving off ours that will strengthen the energies they are lacking in. We can team up with them, close enough to discuss things, do a project together and have a smooth relationship going. If we can't respect one another, we cannot integrate both sides of energies.

The world that we are living in  today is a place where no one can live well on their own. Work can only be done by our integrated energies. However, if we don't know how to work together, we won't achieve big things. Our society today requires us to have a high quality of wisdom, wise judgement, high-quality ideas and thoughts along with great discernment skills. It no longer needs a small quality of energy

With narcissistic arrogant attitudes, people will soon run out of their energies and they won't be accepted by society. We may be accepted in the beginning as we have practical skills to be used temporarily. However, when it is time for our society to do some quality work which we are incapable of doing, we will be casted out with no mercy.

Therefore, we keep our relationship to help us improve our quality of energy. In order to brighten up our society and shine like a star by merging each of our energies tactfully, we need to live a life where at least three people with similar energies are harmonised with us. By doing so, all of our hardships and frustrations will go away and a comfort will remain in us within society.



8.Relationship series - discussion instead of asking a favour 


We ask for many favours in our lives. However, should we discuss the issue instead of asking for a favour? If we discuss it and they understand us, they will be willing to help. If they don't, they will not be able to help. In doing so, both sides wouldn't feel sorry for each other.

We have a reason to ask a favour, and they need a reason to turn it down. As we have all grown to a certain level, asking for a favour might become inappropriate. This is why when we ask a favour, we often get a refusal. We should give an honest explanation for being stuck in that situation and sort it out by discussion. If we think we can't tell them all of it, we shouldn't even mention it. If we have someone close, we will be able to discuss it with them. We should not ask a favour from whom we aren't close enough to discuss.

If we have someone that we have been putting some effort into communicating with, our difficulties would be solved when we discuss it with them. However, if we ask for a favour regardless and we have no justification on where we should use its energy, our request will be turned down. 

We should not hide anything, but openly discuss it with them. When we want to resolve our issues through a discussion, we should open up at least 70% about how we have come to face our difficulties so that they can understand. In order to discuss and resolve our difficulties, we should tell them about our situation and what we lack. In conclusion, we should discuss our issues with people whom we trust rather than asking for a favour from them.


9.Relationship series - To end the relationship well


Breaking up well is important. The fundamental way to break up well is to break up for others. The break up happens when we have built a relationship with a person in the wrong way, so we should do it for that person. If we do so, we would receive a chance from the Grand Nature for our growth.

Our way of thinking of others would bring about good chances in life, otherwise, we won't get any. This is the way of human beings. Because the fundamental reason for the break up is caused by us, we should feel sorry for our partners. In order to break up well, we must find a good reason to do so. 

We may judge our partners for not being helpful in our lives. We are blaming them when it is actually our own fault, to begin with. It was our wrong to have rushed into starting this relationship. It is our own fault for not being able to satisfy them due to our lack of quality of energy. Our partners also haven't played their part properly so the relationship didn't turn out well. It is then that we let go of our partners so that they can live their own lives again. This is why we should break up for one another. 

Grand Nature watches how we handle the break up and it will decide whether or not to give us another chance. So we should compromise with one another during the break up and start a new life the right way.

We shouldn’t break up because we hate each other, we should break up when it is the better thing to do for each other. We shouldn't blame one another because blaming one another means we are not fulfilled. That’s why we couldn’t cherish one another in the relationship. Therefore, we should make an effort to live for others. We should fulfil ourselves so that we can help the other person when they are in need.

We will always meet new people and there will always be break ups, but breaking up doesn't mean that we are actually putting an end to this relationship. For now, we might break up since we both can't benefit each other, but after we have fulfilled ourselves, we can benefit each other as we know them the most.


10.Relationship series - showing off oneself.


We are showing off if we say something when nobody asks. If we do something to show off without being asked, it is condescending. If we do accordingly when being asked, it is not.

When we teach, giving knowledge is one thing while sharing our theories is another. Our theory should be told after the listener agrees. It is when the other party agrees to listen that we can share the theory. If we try to teach the other party without them agreeing to, it is condescending. We shouldn't do that. It is their decision if they agree with us or not.

Sometimes we might think that we are not showing off ourselves when we actually are without knowing. We might lose others’ trust in the end because it is us who spoke and showed off, but it is someone else who makes the judgement. If they refuse us, it means that we are showing off.  Even if they are beside us, they might not trust our words. If we didn't show off, they would never refuse and leave us.

Thus, if we are lonely now, it means we showed off a lot in the past. If we had neither shown off nor opened our mouth, we would never be lonely. There would be people around us always. They left us because we talked. Did we have a real conversation during the talk? Did we share our opinion with another? Or did we insist ours unilaterally? Things would have been different depending on the answer to these questions. If we try to make another party listen, then we are showing off. If we are sharing, it is not 'showing off'. 

If we say something to them and  they feel uncomfortable, then they would leave without saying a word. They distance themselves from us as much as we show off. On the other hand, they would still stick around  when we show off to them, if it means we are helping them with what they lack. We need to carefully reflect if we have done wrong to our old relationship.


11.Relationships series - valuing relationships


Historically, there was a time when we care for one another through helping with hunger. The quality of life becomes different during every era. In the present day, how do we care for the other person and help them? We live with the highest amount of energy at this age. To care for the other person is not to give them physical matters or riches, it is to say a single word with one's utmost sincerity and sharing a word together. Even if it may not be the answer, you care for the other person.

Helping the other person does not happen just because we want to help, but we are giving them all of our sincerity with the amount of energy we have today. When we exchange our knowledge and effort with each other, and when we become a person who is in need of others, we are living a helpful and beneficial life for one another. It automatically leads to a circumstance where we should value one another. "Cherishing the person who came to you" is the way to value your relationship. This is the right way to treat the other person.

However, we should care for each other with diligence. If we see that something is lacking in others, we shouldn’t just blindly give. Because doing that is also not helpful, but rather treating that person in a disrespectful manner. When that person lacks something in quality, we need to put effort into sharing what we have. If this is done without effort, because we have used our energy without care, it will ruin that person.That wrongdoing will surely come back to us as hardships. Therefore, even if we have materials, and another person doesn't, we can not just give it to them.

We should first find out more about that person. Even when we decide to give, we have to give carefully so that it can help the other person. However, when we give easily, we will become the very person who ruined the other person’s lives and will receive revenge from that person. This is the law of Grand Nature. When we cause someone to act wrongly, the negative influence that person brought into the society will surely come back to bite us. We often only see what is in front of us and think that is right. However, if there is something wrong which creates a wrong environment in society, we will surely take that responsibility.

So, when we know how to treat the other person righteously, this act itself is valuing the relationships. When we become close to them by being humble with our utmost sincerity and give effort little by little to treat them in the right way, good things will come. That will lead us to value others and relationships where we value one another will begin. It will not just come to us by wanting it, but it can be achieved through our righteous effort.


12.Relationship series - Anger and difficulty


How can we control our anger in relationships with people? If we know why we get mad at people, we don't need to be angry. It is because we don't know the cause or we don't know the person we are dealing with, that is why we get mad. 

We have put ourselves in a situation where we are dealing with people we don't know well enough. It is not their fault, it is our own. We should talk to them in a way they can understand and we have the duty of listening to them carefully. If we are mad in a relationship, it means we are not ready or capable to see them. When our anger rises again, we should realise quickly that we don't know the person we are dealing with. So we should be wise enough to divert the attention to another topic, and earn ourselves more time to deal with the person at a later time.

What will happen inside our body when we get mad?  Our spirit gets tensed. It is not our body but our soul that is tense. In this state of mind, we can not progress to bring a productive outcome. It is because our energy is not circulating. Therefore, the anger inside of us will lead us to continue our bad relationships with people, and we may continue to make foolish remarks and behaviors. 

We might hate others when we are angry, but we are the one who caused this problem. Do we think that things will work out nicely? It never does. We might put ourselves in an accident. We think having an accident is just a casualty, but it is not true. We are the exact cause of our accidents. When we are ill, we are the exact cause of our illness.

We need to know the fundamental cause of why we have difficulty. The answer is because  we blame others when the fault is on us. We think we have done nothing wrong but when we do something wrong, Nature returns the exact negative energy we made to us. This is how we get into difficulty.

For example,  when couples get into a fight, it may be fine on that day and they may return  to their lifves as if it was nothing important. However, the anger they vented eventually accumulates over time. If they don't resolve this anger and don't work on finding out the cause, they will vent their anger at someone again whether it is their partners or others. As much as they made the other party unhappy and difficult, it will come back to them later. Thus, the consequence is their body will ache or their families will have difficulties. They are the cause but they might not know the reason.

In conclusion, we should know what anger is. When we are trying to do something that we don't have enough ability to deal with, as a result we get angry. This is not other's fault. This is our fault. We will get better at controlling our anger as we keep this principle in mind and practice it.  If we keep trying to control our anger, there will be noticeable changes in our lives and our energy will change. Please keep this principle in mind, especially for those who habitually vent their anger at someone. Your life will become difficult and you will get into an accident, which is a sign of your wrongdoings. Therefore, it is a good idea that you don't vent anger at others. When we know what anger stems from, we will be free from it.


13.Relationship series - Conflict ( part 1)

Having conflicts means your opinions are against another. It means both of you are of the same quality of energy and abilities. When we have a conflict with someone, who is angrier? The person who thinks that they have the upper hand but actually have the lower hand. The lower hand should never exceed the authority of the upper hand because this will lead to a conflict.

There is a law in the relationship between the upper hand and lower hand. The two are correlated to each other. As people have different energy levels, there are people who possess higher energies than others. The one with lower energy follows the person with higher energy. In the relationship, if we are able to figure out who is the upper hand and the lower hand, we can have the wisdom to accept and absorb the words of the upper hand as a source to your fulfilment.

Here is an example of the upper hand lower hand interchangeable relationship. An upper hand can be referred to someone who is in a higher social rank in an organisation. However, when this upper hand needs a loan and asks a subordinate to lend him some money, he becomes the lower hand in this situation. Let's say we are launching a project and we need someone's help. Then who has the upper hand position? The one who can give help is the upper hand. Here is another one. When the parents support their kids, the parents are definitely the upper hand. While children grow up to work in the society as part of the independent citizen, and their parents are no longer the part of the mainstream of society, parents become short of finance and intelligence. Therefore, they need to receive support from their children, then the children are the upper hand. 

There is not always an absolute upper and lower hand. In certain situations, we can be the upper hand but lower hand in another. Therefore, we have no choice but to respect other people. Thus, there will be less conflict. As we don't understand this dominant and subordinate relationship when dealing with people, we experience conflicts. This is the principle. When we have a conflict with each other, we should try to look back on whether there are some mistakes in our relationship between the upper and lower hand. Because every conflict in a relationship can be explained by this principle.


14.Relationship series -  conflict 2-  Cause of having conflict.


We often get hurt from getting into disagreements with people. We might wonder where this conflict is coming from. This is because we didn't study the right way to live. However, many people concentrate only on improving their own talents. This is where the problem arises. Though people may approach you due to your skills and talents, many conflicts may occur if you don't know the right way to deal with them. What this means is that even if we are well-groomed and dressed nicely when meeting new people, we might not know the proper way to treat them. We might easily get into a disagreement with people. This is the reason we might get hurt through conflicts.

When we say that we are hurt, we usually mean our heart is broken. However, we may not understand what that means when we say this. This type of pain does not hurt us physically. Our physical body can be damaged by material objects, but it is the soul that is affected when we are hurt by our relationship with people. 

Studying and developing ourselves is that we are continuously improving the quality of our soul energy. As we know, there is a certain extent to how food can improve our physical body. Eating food is beneficial to us but eating too much of it will also burden our body. It is the soul that is actually developing and maturing. We are too overwhelmed to cope with things when the quality of our spiritual energy is low.

When we lack quality in our spiritual energy, we interact with someone that we lack understanding of. We become weak and will be incapable of communicating with them. Eventually, we might hurt each other's feelings. Once our soul is hurt and damaged, it is hard to move forward. Therefore, our spirit will not be able to exert its own energy.


15.Relationship series- disappointment


When do we disappoint people? It happens when we treat others without knowing their abilities and characters. That means we are insufficient in dealing with others. It is easy for us to ask for small favors at first. When we become closer, we can ask for a bigger favor.

The reason we want to meet people is that we have our own shortcomings. We all want to get something from others and not give until we are fulfilled enough. So before we become close to people, we fulfill ourselves before we can benefit others. When our quality of energy is fulfilled, we are not greedy anymore. Our energy will be released. This is called inner power. Human are to release their inner power when their quality of energy is fulfilled. Before then, we try to drag in other knowledge to equip ourselves.

Therefore, when we want to become close to others before we are fulfilled, we might experience disappointment from them, since they might approach us with the intention of getting something they need from us. Although we have things to give them, we will get disappointed in ourselves since we can't handle their greed of wanting to receive something from us. 

We have to blame our lack of abilities for when we can't handle them. Although the subject of disappointment may vary, everyone in the world has experienced being a disappointment. If we try to approach others as much as they allow, we will build a good relationship with them by mutually benefiting each other. This is how we don't get disappointment from others. Greed on one side makes the other side disappointed.

In conclusion, we have the right to decide whether to be close to others or not, there is no reason to blame them. The pleasure or disappointment in the relationship is entirely within our control. Once we become more sensible, we will never be a disappointment.


16.Relationship series - “good”-fated and ill-fated relationship. part 1


We live with an idea that certain relationships are “good”-fated while others are ill-fated. However, there is no such thing as an ill-fated relationship.

Every relationship that comes to you is for your benefit. It is you up to you to decide which is good or bad according to your judgement and state of mind. Not a single relationship that comes to you is negative. This is the law of Grand nature.

For example, you meet a person who yells and swears at you. If you had grown up without an upright character built, you might blame others without knowing that they had come to help you. However, if you are knowledgeable enough, you might understand the reason behind why you are hearing these bad words from them.

Why are most of us confused about this is that the other party comes to you without any consideration for you. When he approaches you and talks to you in a way that you understand, but many people have conveyed their message to you without good consideration for you. This is why you misunderstand him and consider the relationship with him as an ill-fated one. If he swears at you in a way that you understand, you would be accepting and say  'thank you '.

We tend to think only in our perspective and decide whether it is good or bad for us. In the law of Grand nature, everyone comes to you when you are lacking something.

Another example, if someone tries to trick you, there is a reason for that. The question is if someone tricks you, who is the one that suffers in this case? The con artist or the victim?  It is the victim. In the law of Grand nature, the person who suffers is the patient. This is because the victim did something wrong.

How come the victim is in the wrong? The answer is the victim is tricked precisely when he tries to achieve more than what he is qualified. A con artist never comes to you if you are fully equipped with knowledge. However, when your greed exceeds your abilities, a con artist will come along and challenge you. So you can never get away from it. The con man will give you a lesson that you haven’t been doing right.

Nevertheless, some people say that a con man deserves to be punished because he tricked you. Note that when you do what you are qualified for, you will never be tricked. This the law of Grand nature.

You should not have a negative view on these people because they only seem bad in your current circumstance. When they come, they are to help you awaken. When you are tricked in a minor way, just reflect on what you have not done right. You should study why you were tricked and find out the reason. After you have a realisation, you should work hard. 

You will recover your loss soon enough and a reward will come to you. So do not blame them.


17.Relationships series - good -fated and ill-fated relationship. part 2


This is another case, when a thief came and stole something from your house, you would see him as a bad person.

If you didn't put your stuff in your house for a certain period of time, he would not have a reason to come and steal it. What is the meaning of this? Let's say you were given gold rings and you kept them inside your house. For a while, it is safe for them to be there because there is a certain amount of time allowance for energy to move depending on its quality of energy. The gold rings have energy. Energy is supposed to be moved. When you come into possession of these gold rings but you don't use them right, they will have to be moved. 

The thief steals it and uses it somehow. The thief is the work of heaven. Their job is to move energies that are stuck in a spot back to society. So if you do not wish to lose your stuff, move it here and there. Then you will not lose it soon. If you hold it in one place for too long, there will be an incident to move the object.

We consider thieves to be bad. However, it is not true. As they circulate the fixed energies of your belongings, they help your energy spin. Energy should come and go as always. Note that there is a certain amount of energy that you could have but you kept gathering it up without using it. Then no more energy will come to you. As it disappears, the energy can come again. If you sell it or use it, then your stagnant energy will circulate smoothly. This is the law of grand nature.

Therefore, do not consider any relationship can be harmful for you. There is no ill-fated relationship in this world.


18.Relationships series -  good-fated and ill-fated relationships in business. part 3


For example, if you own a restaurant, you should know what it means to open a restaurant. If you open this much size of the restaurant, you attract new people into your place according to the restaurant’s quality of energy.

You probably opened the restaurant to earn money, but it is more about the people. If you become a person who knows how to deal with people well, a path to attract people with bigger energy will open up for you. If you manage them well, those with even bigger energy will come to you. Your job is to interact with these people. The question from Grand Nature is what you are doing with these people? God sees who you deal with, what you do with them, when you do well in your job. Then, God lets you have bigger power.

Depending on what kind of business you have, you would meet different types of people. Thinking simply that you are earning money by selling items is short-sighted. You should think that as you do business you will come to meet people and your life changes from there.

You will continue to grow as you help the people in your business. So if you do not know how to associate with them, how to integrate with them to build new energy, you will not grow anymore as your capacity is full there.

If you do not grow more and interact with people for a certain period of time, the business will collapse. This is because you didn't make good use of what was given to you. Grand nature will take that back from you which is why many businesses fail.

If you get greedy, you will be tricked and fail. If you settle and stop your growth, all your energies will be taken away or will go down.

When you go through a hard situation, relationships come to teach you lightly to let you know that you are doing wrong. If you do not realise with this light touch, the next relationships would come to attack you which means you will go through severe circumstances. You may say they are bad, however, they are not. They are here to awaken you. If you reflect from a small mishap that comes to you, your chance to have a bigger fortune will await you.


19.Relationships series - Greed and Help. part1


Greed is your ambition to possess wealth, but it is not the way of measuring greed. Wealth is another source of energy that empowers men. It is not the possession of wealth nor any other materials that defines greed, it is when you take control of someone else's duty. 

You are prohibited to commit an action that others are responsible for. The law of Grand nature operates in the ratio of 3:7. Where you have your own share of responsibility, Grand nature and others have their own share of responsibility.

For example, it is commonly acknowledged that parents carry a duty to support their child in any way they can, but that's simply not true. In what way can the parents truly support their child according to the law of Grand nature? From the moment the child is born to when the child reaches the age of 7, the parents hold 100% of the responsibility in supporting their child, meaning that they should raise the child in any way they can with 100% of authority.

After that, the next 7 years until the age of 14, the parents control over their child should drop down to 70%. So the parents should allow 30% of flexibility for the child to take control of their own life. The child is in need to voice out their opinions, and consequently, should be given allowance to set a path. If parents overstep their boundaries by controlling the child's life, it will automatically lead to the regression of their relationship.

From the next 7 years, from the age of 15 to 21 years, parents should allow their child to have 70% of the authority and right to voice their opinions. Parents now should intervene only within the scope of 30%. Note that parents are not allowed to cut their attention completely either. If parents ignore this, the child would hold a grudge against their negligence, and their bitterness will backfire into the parents. This is because the parents were not there when the child was in need.

What if parents interfere within the scope of 50%? The child would keep on pushing them away. 70% of space should be allowed for the child to lead and control their own path of life, and when appropriately needed, 30% of support in the form of advice and command should be exercised by the parents wisely. 

This is the law of Grand nature. There should be a balance between the help given out and freedom of authority. If the child is committed to live his life, but the parents are greedy and hold too much concern for their child and end up exceeding the permitted authority, the child would not be able to make proper use of all the information and energy presented to them. This is because the child has always been told what to do and will be unable to carry out his own way of life. In that way, when the child enters society, he will lack the ability to digest and process the environment around him. The child will fail in any type of work and go through hardship as he is unable to overcome such deficiency. All the child's difficulties will backfire onto the parents because they have raised the child to be this way.

Most importantly, when the time comes for the child to enter society, the environment is provided to him in a way that will be completely beyond the bounds of parents' preference. The parents should have contained their greed and guided the child wisely into acquiring the ability to grow in the society.


20.Relationship series  - Greed and help.part2


Let's now talk about the fact that we have relationship issues with each other in society. Especially nowadays, communal society is steadily making establishment as we perform most of our daily lives within communities such as schools, corporations, etc. Then why is it that we experience dissonance and have difficulty achieving consensus in such a communal life?

For instance, you may come across an incident where someone in need of help approaches you. You feel appreciative since you have now earned responsibility from providing help to that person. So you give out your energy by helping others out with their issues.

Then what does this signify? You have played the role as a superior relative to your counterpart. The person executing help is superior while the person at the receiving end is inferior. However, this is a relation that is only valid within an aspect among many variables of relationships within a communal tie.

However, since you have become superior, you may now start to show arrogance. You start to see something beyond what your counterpart needs. You see another kind of help needed beyond your duty. So then you overstep your boundary to execute assistance for them. You feel obliged to provide your counterpart with all other aspects of support. Notice that your counterpart has never asked you to help out other than what was initially asked for. Although it may not show instantly, your counterpart may feel reluctant to accept it. The counterpart may let you meddle in because of your initial help, but the feeling of gratitude is no more. The counterpart doesn't need your help, yet you meddle with other aspects that you think they might need help with. If this continues, the counterpart would start to think, " why does he insist on trying to interfere? I am not that insufficient of a person but he keeps on trying to interfere with my life.’

So what happens now? The counterpart may think that such a person ought to be ignored and stopped from invading his privacy. Eventually, they would repel one another. Such duty is not violated and interfered anymore, the counterpart would now elbow you out of their lives and never see you again. This is why we experience relationships going well initially but eventually they fall apart over time. Oftentimes, your counterpart may even act like everything is fine while covertly attempting to end the relationship. 

We tend to see quite a few flaws in each other while we cannot distinguish our own. Naturally, as a human being, we tend to execute our own duty and responsibility. When in need of energy, we seek others out for help accordingly. 


21.Relationship Series  - Greed and Help.part 3


This is another case. For example, your neighbour approaches you and praises, "you are good at this, can you help me?" and you help out accordingly. When that help is carried out,  it stops right there regardless of anything you may see beyond that point. If you do, you may be able to detect other issues, but you could approach that matter indirectly by making a suggestion and consulting  it. Through discussion, your neighbour may express "oh yes, I am currently having a bit of trouble resolving this issue." Then, you suggest, "oh is that so. If you don't mind, can I provide some kind of help in trying to fix your problem?". If the neighbour responds, " yes, please. I would be glad to have your help!" Only then can you help your neighbour. Your actions will be appreciated.

However, if you help just for the sake of helping, you are making a mistake. By helping when it is needed, you will receive gratitude in return. Yet, if your help is not needed,  your neighbour might distance themselves from you.

We should first acknowledge this difference. We believe that help in any form at any time is beneficial, but we have to know that we should not give help unless it's asked. This is because it will deter others from keeping you close. We should avoid such detrimental habits. You can approach a situation by questioning yourself if you have correctly helped others who are tied to you.



22.The principle of getting angry. 


If you don't want to get angry or if you want to manage your anger better, you need to understand the fundamental principle of why one gets angry. Suppressing anger does not make it disappear. 

Why does anger arise? When others make unfavourable remarks,  you would be mad, right?  At this time, instead of getting mad, you should find out why others made such remarks.  The reason being these bad words from others might be results of your wrongdoings although you may have thought otherwise.  Though it could be small,  these wrongdoings will not disappear but pile up into a greater energy. They will stack up and develop into a physical phenomenon. When the physical phenomenon occurs, others might come to awaken you with negative and ugly words. 

At first,  they will come about with negative words. If you keep ignoring these little incidents, a larger accident will happen later. You might feel intense anger when the pile has grown bigger. Accidents will happen more which will cause you to question "why is this happening to me?" 

Therefore,  if someone makes you angry,  you should realize that they have come to teach you what you have done wrong to others. It means that you have accumulated enough wrongdoings so far. When you have taken care of these wrongdoings, it can be a great help for your growth. If you get angry over others’ criticisms continuously,  you will face bigger incidents that make you even angrier. 

It is hard for you to be grateful right away. However, after you calm down, instead of blaming others,  you should go back to the mindset of being appreciative. If you continue blaming others, as time goes by, you will face difficulty again. You won't face difficulty right away since Grand nature will watch over you for a certain period of time. However,  even after that,  a huge problem will come to attack you if you continue to blame others without realizing your faults.

When someone gets angry at you even though you didn’t do anything wrong to them at that time, you should know that it must have been because of the faults that you have accumulated over time. That's why they are angry. So although you don't understand it now, if you know the principle,  you should calm down a little. You should reflect on yourself and see whether you have any bad habits, even if it is a minor one. 

What will happen if you have done that? From now on, you won't swear or blame others as you have looked back on yourself to try to study the principles. You won't face any difficulties anymore because God will start helping you. In this way,  good things will begin to happen to you.

If you get angry over little things,  you might think that you could get better if you don’t accumulate anger. However,  in reality, you are getting increasingly worse. You shouldn't walk on the wrong path. You should reflect on the past and try to find your wrongdoings, that action alone will work things out gradually on their own. Anyone that speaks angry words and blames others will always face difficulty. 

Others have a right to act in any way they want and you don't have the right to judge them.  God didn't give us that right. We are putting ourselves in a worse situation by exercising a right that was never given to us. When we judge others, God deprives us of the good we have in our lives.


23.Better relationship .

Why are people in the nation splitting into a single person household? Because there is no respect shown in the household. Some just yell at people when things don't go their way. Others try to lead and teach people in their way, thinking that they are smarter than the others.

While we should be benefiting each other, people sometimes voice their own opinions and try to make others listen without a care for others’ opinions. It is fair to let them leave. Why? Because they also need to live their own life.

It is very natural for them to have their own judgments subconsciously. So we should respect every single person. If people don't respect each other, enemies will be created in society.

How far should our respect reach out to? We should respect even our hired house cleaner and maid. They are different from being servile. No one should be servile. Respect others.

Why? Because we are living in society built from their efforts. All citizens tried hard in their roles, and as the result, you, our nation, and the world community are here today. We should respect them.

If you don't accept this and live unknowingly, no better way of living can ever exist for you. When you respect others, your life will be better and your life will blossom.


24.Relationship series . Relationship between God and us


The Heavenly God is our parents. It is the energy of Grand nature. This is what God is. Jesus and Sitarta(buddha) are teachers. They are different from God. The energy of Grand nature is the same being as God.

We are part of the Grand Nature,  like a cell is a part of one being. So God and “I” are not separate beings. For we exist together all the time, God guides us according to how we think and feel. This is why we must look back on ourselves first. 

Therefore, your words and actions are immediate prayers. If you try to treat the people around you well and make efforts for them,  it is recorded in heaven. The action of this one cell as part of Grand nature is integrated instantly. Wherever you are, your actions will be integrated as part of Grand nature automatically. 

If your living environment is too distracting for you to reflect on yourself, find a place where you can quietly do it at least once a week. If there is someone who can teach you, you can visit the person and look back on yourself.

Your current action is a prayer itself. If you are picking on someone’s faults,  that is also a prayer to God. God doesn't punish you for this. However,  if you continue to do so after a certain time has passed,  he will punish you to let you know it is wrong.

 All human beings can make mistakes for we are in the form of flesh with animal instincts. God understands this. But if you keep making mistakes and don't correct them,  God will let you know that you are not an animal but a human being. Human beings reflect on their actions and change their minds to be reformed, but animals can't reflect on themselves. That's is the biggest difference between humans and animals 

As we correct our wrongdoings, God forgives us even if we don't pray, and will guide us into a better life.


25.Relationship series . The law of conversation 


People assume that conversing is just speaking to someone, actually listening is also a critical part of having a conversation. When we talk to someone, we often try and give them a lesson, right? But this should only happen when you know the person well. 

You should have the capability to make the person understand you without much clarification. When you reach this stage, you can talk to that person without having to listen to them. However, what should you do if you don't know the person well enough to understand them? You must be willing to listen to them whether it is their difficult situation or disturbing environment. The first step is to listen to the person for the majority of the time. This is an essential step. 

To be more precise with details,  let me give you an example.  When you want to talk to someone who you don't know very well, you should have face-to-face interaction with the person at least three times. As you won't be as convincing as with just once. Meeting the person for at least three times is the key.

How do you meet and have a conversation with someone? Just listening to them with no questions asked is the first step. Then, you can listen to every word of the person, assuming that it is the first out of three times.

What should you do on your second contact then? You should ask questions for 30% of the conversation.  Asking questions should be done with a clear intention. This is what gives you the ability to ask 30%. Why is this possible? You are entitled to ask questions for 30% of the conversation on your second meeting because you have spent time listening to the person. This is the law of conversation. 

Without much effort given on your part, you don't have the right to ask questions. With sufficient understanding of the other’s circumstances, you are now able to come up with the right questions to ask within the limits of 30%. You should not exceed the limit. Whereby,  you would be listening for 70% of the conversation whilst 30% is spent asking questions on your second encounter. After then, 30% of what you delivered will in effect enlighten them on your third encounter. This is possible because you have asked questions in an effort to understand the other's situation, and thereby, you can provide 30% of the solution. After the first three encounters, you are now able to share and exchange each other's thoughts. 

In other words, since you have listened faithfully at first,  and then asked a few questions,  finally you are enabled to share and provide 30% of solutions. Sharing itself will let the rest of the conversation flow naturally. Once you have shared with the person, then you can say you have an idea about the person. This is the principle of a conversation. 

On many occasions, however, we can see when someone is having a conversation. There is an upper hand and lower hand in the interaction, we automatically assume that we are in the upper hand and continue to talk to the person. You are speaking without paying attention to what the other person is saying. Then you expect others to listen and accept your views. This is not a desirable way of communicating. On the surface, it may seem like they are agreeing with you,  but this isn't actually the case. So this interaction can no longer continue. 

When you converse with someone in the right way you are in the better position to influence them. When you don't show respect to someone, communication cannot occur.  No matter how confident you are with your thoughts, attempting to sway someone with your words is your greed. 

If you spend enough time listening to someone,  you will be able to give them the right solutions. On the contrary, you will find yourself in an unfavorable position if you force your views on them instead of listening. When you make an effort to listen, others will in due course open up to you.

Conversation is the key to a good way of life. Everything can be solved by having a conversation. This is a very important element. In order to have a quality conversation,  we need to fulfil ourselves with knowledge and experience. This is what enables us to resolve all issues and make a difference in the world. We should be well prepared through learning.


26.Relationship series . Relationship is a gift from God 


Conversation is the movement of knowledge between two people.  When having conversations, there is an exchange of spiritual energy between two people that occur and when that happens you receive spiritual power. 

Relationships are not something you have control over.  In fact, relationships are  a gift from God. How do you correctly handle and approach them is up to you. Relationships are  given to you by God. You can not create relationships on your own. 

Why does God give them to you? They are given because you are needed.  That is why you don't choose your children, rather they are given to you by God. There are blood relationships and regular relationships. 

Grand nature provides everything you need through relationships.  So if you need knowledge, then knowledge will be provided through your relationships. When you have obtained enough knowledge, then this allows your soul to be fulfilled. So naturally you form good relationships with other people. 

If you maintain good relationships,  then you can get everything from there. If there isn't any more knowledge gained there , God will provide you with new people to form relationships. Depending on how you obtain knowledge and live your life, God will provide you with unlimited amounts of things. So that you can live comfortably and have a high quality of life. 

God doesn't have a hand to put gold in your pocket.  If God wants to give you gold , he will give you a person to form relationships with instead. If you maintain good relationships with that person, then an environment will be formed for gold to be given to you.


27. Relationship series - . How to maintain a good relationship.


You can maintain a good relationship only when you know your counterpart. You can't get along well if you don't know about them. You also need to know why you are meant to live with others. When you meet someone, you are given an opportunity to live with mutual benefits. 

First, you have to consider the power dynamic between you and the other person in order to get along well with them. There is always a power dynamic in any environment in this society.

How should you live if you are a person who has more power than others? If you have more power, you should live with people who have less power than you. That is a righteous way of living. How should you live if you are the underdog, you should live your life by receiving energy (words) by listening to advice from people of higher energy. You can have a good relationship if you remember this principle.

You never meet a counterpart who is your equal in every aspect. There is always a relationship between A and B, where one will have more power than others. If you are at work, you will have superiors and subordinates. You meet various people in a society who have social conditions that are not the same as you, which will place you in the superior or subordinate position.

This relationship between A and B can change anytime depending on the situation. It is important to discern this well so that if you are a weak one, you need to observe the energy of a stronger person to grow. You should not be arrogant toward someone who is superior. You should grow by receiving the energy of the person who has more capability than you. That is why Mother Nature sent you this person for your growth.

If you meet a person who has less power than you, then you should help them. What happens if you support the underdog properly?  God will give you ten times the amount of energy you put into helping the underdog. This is truly an amazing law of Nature. I would take up this offer every chance I get. Mother nature will provide you with ten times the power if you surely benefited a less powerful person.

You as an underdog should listen to the stronger person and grow by receiving the energy to improve yourself. Mother nature will take away the power from you if you as a more powerful person don't help a weak person by ignoring them and managing them wrong. God first gives you financial power, skills or environment. Then, God gives you a relationship. God gives you the power to use it correctly, but if you don't use it properly or manage it incorrectly, God will take it away from you.

 There is a definite power dynamic between parents and children. Parents are the stronger ones and children are the weak ones until a certain point. Parents should only live for their children. They should not benefit from their children nor should they think of prospering from children. This is the principle of the relationship between the strong and weak. 

Therefore children must not rebel against their parents. They should grow up by graciously receiving what their parents give them. If you are going against your parents and thinking that you are smart, it will never make you the powerful one. Imagining that you are smart will ruin your life. If you are truly smart, you will never rebel against your parents. In doing so, you are receiving a lot of power from your stronger counterparts. That is the life of a wise person. 

In conclusion, if you want to have a good relationship with others, you need quickly to figure out which position you are in. Depending on your position, if you don’t close your mind to others, you will get along well with them. Both of you can mutually benefit each other and you can grow quickly while maintaining a relationship that helps you.


28.The reason why we should not complain.


There is a rule in this universe as we live our lives in. The worst way of human living as a person is blaming and complaining. This is the worst habit of all. That we complain means our lives will start getting harder and harder. And the moment we blame others, we start getting harder. This is what we should keep in mind.

We can blame others, but at the same time, we will get hardship. No one can stop this even God can not do this. We will get difficulties unknowingly step by step. When we notice it, we are already in trouble. 

Why do we blame others? We should know the principle. The reason why we can't do what we want is that we are lacking in our ability. Everything in the world comes to us for our own benefit and it is the right time to come. If we have equipped us, we could handle it properly. Also if we have treated people in the right way, things would go well with us. It is our fault that we have difficulty, we can't blame others. We are experiencing difficulties as we haven't fulfilled ourselves.

If we have fallen into the bad habit and not disciplined so far, we need to practice-changing this habit. Do not blame others. This is the word of God.It is because of us that we are having trouble, not because of others.

 When we study ourselves in the right way and approach the world rightly, we have no trouble at all. Everything that went wrong will bounce back. However, if we keep blaming others, we can not learn and grow. That's why we can't use our own strength but only get harder. That's why we should not blame others.

We should take this law to heart. The environment to us, this is a gift from Mother nature and then we will be able to open up a better world, meet better relations, and finally, we can do shining and rewarding work together. Therefore, blaming and complaining to others is the first priority to fix within us.



29.The difference between getting angry and disciplining someone.


When we deal with our children or subordinates, we sometimes try to discipline them. However, they might not always understand our intention. They might think that we are angry with them. How do we distinguish the difference between anger and discipline?

The answer is that getting angry at someone is releasing one's accumulated anger towards the other person. When one’s accumulated anger is let out, that person is angry. On the other hand, giving discipline is one’s intention from their heart and soul to correct someone's fault.

When we discipline someone, we give our love and effort to the other person and reveal our heart and soul to benefit the other person. This is a true discipline. Getting angry at someone is not an act to benefit someone because it comes from one's overwhelming anger without any control. 

Here is the law of grand nature, when one releases the anger that has been accumulated, it means that it is time for the other person to be struck by that anger due to their wrongdoing. However, that anger did not originate from dealing with that person on site. It was from somewhere else. They only played a role in triggering that anger, causing it to unleash on them.

Is receiving one's anger pleasant or not? Of course, it is unpleasant. No one in the world would feel good after facing someone's anger. On the contrary, if someone disciplines us with their heart and soul, it could only benefit us. We should not feel offended because they have poured their heart and soul into disciplining us. So if we want to tell the difference between receiving one's anger and disciplining, we would be able to tell by their reaction to us. This is because we all have a keen sense of others' emotions in our bodies. We get upset when someone is angry at us. The one who expresses their anger can't tell, but the one who receives it can if it is to discipline or to vent anger. Therefore, when we discipline someone, we need a clear purpose for it.

We should be reminded that whether we realise this truth, we have vented anger at someone. If the receiver feels offended, we will be given hardships and have to pay the price for it. 


30.Difference between interest and interference. 


Giving interest to someone should not be out of the range of having a discussion together. 

The interference is not a discussion.  It has the nature of infusing and asserting one's opinion. You should respect others, but this happens when you don't even know whether it's your business or not. You should consider what to respect of others, and should not interfere with theirs because those are their shares. 

Let me give you an example.  Say, your younger sister is pencilling her eyeliner.  If you say , ' why are you doing them like that?, or 'you shouldn't do like that ', this is interfering. Because the younger sister has her range of information with the eyeliner and you just humiliated her.

 However, If it is an interest to her, then you have to discuss it by saying, 'Well,  if you are interested,  there is a better way to do this.' This is caring without hurting the sister's feelings. This is giving interest to her. 

If you want to upgrade your sister with better information, you should discuss it by saying, ' where did you buy that eyeliner? I can give you a comparison with yours and others. ' when you explain one thing to another,  the younger sister may take an interest.

In conclusion, it is an "interest" to discuss the matter without offending others. It is an "interference" to control the counterpart without any discussion.


31.Helping others will lead to a great life


If you want to live well, by making efforts to benefit other people you will be on path to live a great live. Even if you helped a small bit, your efforts like this build up gradually.

 You’ve done nothing and want to live well, that’s called greed. But if you help others, your life will become greater. It’s not heard of for someone to have made efforts but their lives are very difficult. But you won’t have a great life because you only thought about yourself. That can only last for so long. As time goes on, you become like a empty tin can and eventually your life become very difficult because you only thought about yourself. Because you haven’t accumulated the right knowledge or haven’t helped others, you lack what it takes to handle situations and fail at many things. Only ignorant people who think of themselves will set themselves up for failure. So if your life is difficult, you need to start evaluating what help you’ve provided for other people and the society.

You can find the answer in that. So what am I doing? I’m a person who works for the benefit of society, I don’t do this just for individuals. It’s so that I can teach the proper ways to live a great life and then you can lead to benefiting the society as a while. I’m not telling you to return the favour, I want you to live a proper life within the society. That’s how you can benefit the nation. That’s improving the nation bit by bit. By helping the nation, you won’t be left behind by living a difficult life.

If you now identify the difficulties in your life and start to benefit the society, because I’m the kind of person who lives to benefit the society, the power to do my work will come to me in a different form of riches.


32. It is good for us to understand correctly that the muteness means.

 There is a time in which we can unfold our thoughts into the world and there is a time in which we should not unfold them. When can you unfold your thoughts? When your words are accepted very well by others, it is time for you to assert your thoughts. At this time, you may claim as much as you can because others benefit by your logic and assertions. 

But the time when others don’t accept your words has come, it is the time that you should shut your mouth. Yet, if you don’t close your mouth and still insist your opinions, then you will make an exhibition of yourself. Furthermore, if you argue against it, you will be humiliated and if you still don’t stop it, then you will fail. People around you will leave. Your best assets are relationships with people

 Therefore, it is very important for us to understand what the principle of muteness is and when we should close our mouths. So if you are a member of a group study, some people can keep trying to input their words to others, even though it is not accepted. Then you can recommend each other to shut their mouths according to the lecture. 

After closing the mouth, what should we do next? We should listen to others’ words carefully. Then what happens? The energy moves into yourself again. You can hear about others’ talking behind their backs in your workplace. Is it good not to hear of it, isn’t it? It isn’t at all. Only after listening to lots of abusive languages, you become able to use the wisdom to stop it. 

 It others don’t listen to you, then you should listen to other's words.

 That is the muteness. It is a kind of talking also, your gesture is also a kind of method which you express your thoughts. So, try not to provide on information but just try to absorb others’ words. You might feel pain or sorrow, but you should listen to others’ talking. the reason that you’re hurting is because you’re immature.

 When it is transformed inside of yourself after accepting others’ dialogues continuously, you won’t be struggling anymore and you will be able to talk to people calmly suitable to their patience. It helps make people stop blaming or insulting other people. At this moment, people come and listen to you.


33. Relationship series -Importance of our perspective


In our relationship, no relationship is damaging to us. It is only a matter of under what criteria we are treating the people. If we judge them wrongly, we would blame them and this is worsened our life. Solutions to this are making the right discernment.

When meeting new people, we can easily judge them as stubborn or bad. However, we will never meet stubborn people if you are not stubborn. This is something we would not agree to it easily because we had never considered ourselves as stubborn. There is a different kind of stubbornness. We should study from watching the person who has strong opinions on something. Imagine that you have been doing the same. Would others be fond of us? No, it is not. This is why we have to learn from seeing the flaws of others, rather blame them.

The relationships we have with people are given for us to study and given for us to promote works. As mentioned, having a strong -opinionated person around, it means we are also a strong opinions person. However, these people can be changed on how  we treat them. If we cannot properly treat them, we can admit our lack of ability and put this relationship aside to avoid it. We don't necessarily have to deal with the person all the time.

When we associate with people, we shouldn't blame others for  they also have merits and demerits. The relationship is given to us by grand nature but it is us who operates it.



34. Relationship series - Listen and Learn


We should listen carefully to what we don't understand. This is our study to  fulfill ourselves.  The reason we don't understand is that we don't know much about it. For example, when we listen to a lecture that is hard to understand. We will gradually start to understand as we repeatedly listen to this lecture and expand our knowledge.

In other words, it is an area which we are unfamiliar with. If we neglect these studies, when someone approaches us in this way, we would be unable to understand and attain anything from the interaction. As a consequence, we would be facing difficulty. Hence, if someone approaches us with the knowledge we don't have, we should carefully listen to them. Grand nature is providing us with the opportunity to attain the knowledge we lack. This is why it is so important to be a good listener.

When we listen carefully to what we don't understand, we will begin to understand the things we were once unsure about. Our level of understanding will increase. By developing our knowledge and abilities, we will be able to manage a bigger task and expand our horizons. This is how we fulfil our intellectual capacity. 

There is no relationship in life that is a waste. Every relationship we have is a gift and blessing. The people who scolded us and spoke harsh words to us were doing us a favour, and it happened to us for a reason. We may not understand it at the time but if we take it in, it will eventually benefit us. We may think, "why is this person scolding me for no reason?" It is because we just don't understand it right now. Therefore, we should accept it humbly. If we do, it will become our energy. Even if someone says things that make absolutely no sense to us, we should still listen to develop ourselves.

If we are unaware of this concept, we may pick and choose what we want to listen to. We will be unable to understand this world or others and not know how to handle situations properly. We don't experience much difficulty at a young age, but we will as we get older.

When we reach our 30s, we should possess the skills of a person in their 30s to live a good life. Similarly, when we reach our 50s, we should possess the ability to properly distinguish and manage what we need to do. If we turn 50 but hold the same thoughts as a person in their 30s, how could we be expected to handle the situation a person in their 40s would encounter? In this case, we are stuck because we stopped developing ourselves. When we turn 50, Grand nature will assign us with tasks that a person in their 50s must accomplish. However, if our level of maturity remains at the 30s, we will not be able to handle the work assigned to us and we will face difficulty. As we get assigned more tasks, our hardships will pile up. This is the reason many people are encountering difficulties now.

This is why we should accept every situation as an opportunity to listen and learn, so that we can expand our intellectual capacity. We will then receive the respect we deserve as we get older and not have to experience loneliness and  be regarded as a righteous person.


35. Relationship series - humility and arrogance

To live wisely and learn, we will first require humility, the second is humility and the third is also humility. We should avoid arguing with other people and be humble. In doing so, we will naturally learn.

Why do we face difficulties? It is because we are not humble. We should be humble to people who are close to us like a husband or wife. It is different from grovelling. When we are humble, we will benefit from it.

The difference between arrogance and humility is that if we form a bad habit and we grow up with it, we may seem humble because we don't possess any material wealth. However, when we do, we may become arrogant. If we continue growing up with these habits, our arrogance will only get worse.

Likewise, we may be humble when we lack knowledge. However, as we gain more knowledge, we become arrogant and start showing off. Let’s look at another example, we may keep our head down when we are unattractive, but we become arrogant as our appearance improves. This is how arrogance is developed. If we formed bad habits while growing up and we don't work on them, we will become arrogant once we are given strength. When our level of arrogance passes a certain point, all that was given to us will be taken away in all kinds of ways so that we are forced to correct our arrogant attitude. It is the reason for our hardships.

If we remain arrogant, our health will get worse and we will end up losing everything. This is what arrogance does. It is critical for us to properly develop our characters when we are young, so that we don't become arrogant people. An arrogant person that is confronted with hardships may become servile, rather than humble, which isn’t the same.

For us to be humble instead of servile, we should respect others. Regardless of who they are, we should respect them. If we don't, we will not be respected by them either. We must be aware of this. If we can not respect a beggar, then we will not be respected by them either. Similarly, if we can not respect an ignorant person, we can not receive their respect as well. 


36. Relationship series - first impression


When we meet someone, we don't have to intentionally try to make a specific impression. It is good when just be how we are. As we develop our inner self, our impression will naturally change to reflect on how much you have evolved. As our inner self evolve, our appearance will change.

There are various impression a person can live ; we may have a soft, stubborn or sharp appearance. Depending on how much develop our inner self, our appearance will change accordingly. I other wards, our appearance changes as we live.Therefore, a good first impression relates to how much that person have developed themselves. 

There are certain people that we have compatible with. For example, a stubborn person will be attracted to a person who appears stubborn. Similarly, a kind person is attracted to a kind people. This occurs instinctively as it is difficult for a kind person to approach a stubborn person. Thus depending on the impression you give, people will or will not approach you.

Just because someone left a good impression on us, it does not necessarily mean it is the same for others. When two people think that about each other, this is compatibility. It is from this point in which the relationship develops, and we can change together. So we may become a friend or even more than family.

Base on the first impression, if we are fairly certain each other and form a relationship, and live a life each other then we will become inseparable.

Therefore, whether someone has a good first impression or not, it is depending on you. There is no such thing as the best impression, this is something subjective. Certain impressions are suitable for certain people. If we deliberately take a first impression and form a relationship, then we will end up separating. It is good as we live as we are. 


37. Relationship series -Stubbornness


Stubbornness is when one does not step back from where they stand because of what they know. One is not stubborn about what they don't know. It is because they know a lot, therefore, they understand that much. If you are able to exceed their understanding, you should provide a better version to them.

These days, people have too much knowledge and are fixated on what they know. The problem is that people have different perspectives on things and that causes clashes among them. If they clash with one another repeatedly, they will end up going separate ways.

Insisting on your own perspectives is stubbornness. A stubborn person insists based on what they know, not the law of grand nature. The law of grand nature is never stubborn. This is because it is alive, responds, and changes always. It is always changing to allow a new paradigm to be introduced. If you cannot accept other perspectives, do not insist that you are right about things to others. If you do, you will get stubborn and it will show. This might hurt the other party and you might lose the trust that you have built up so far.

You may think that you are opinionated. You do not behave stubbornly to others whom you are meeting for the first time. You behave well in front of them. When you get closer after a while you might believe it is fine to insist on your own way. Actually, you have to be more careful when you are dealing with people who are close to you.

We should know what greed is. It is related to stubbornness. Greed is when one tries to control another's life willingly. If we live as someone whom people need, they will follow you voluntarily. If you get angry because they don't listen to you or because your method does not work, you are going against the law of Grand Nature. Our life is what we do on our own volition. If you can't make the other party change their minds, you should not interfere with their life.

When you respect the other party, you will be respected. Therefore you should not insist that you are absolutely right. You can just talk to them but the other party will judge you for what  you said.


38. When being looked down on by others


Others look down on us sometimes in life. What should we do about that? It is hard to accept it but we should be looked down on. People may underestimate us because we have created the environment to be looked down on. We should therefore be humble in this situation. 

How do we behave in a humble way? We should slightly lower our heads that were lifted high. If we continue to be belittled, then lower it more until it stops. We are being looked down on because we need to lower our head.

However, what happens if we keep our head held high? We will face hardship through others’ humiliation, so we need to respond wisely. When we lower our heads and accept our  shortcomings, we will not be looked down on. Although others look down on us, when they see us being humble, they will stop and feel sorry for us. It is important for us to be able to grow by accepting this disdain. 

When someone looks down on us, we should not hate that person. The outcome was caused by us, and the others only played the role of a critic. If we had not caused the outcome,  others would not have played the villain. We should feel sorry for having others play the role of villain. We have to accept it when others look down on us. This is the truth. 

We have to find out why we are belittled and what we lack in by accepting this. We will get the answer if we go into depths a little more. Unless we try and put in our effort, we will not be able to come up with an answer. It is the law of Grand nature that if we make our effort correctly, the right answer will come up. Intellectuals will not be looked down on only when they have fulfilled themselves.


39. Relationships series- the true conversation.

Our life will blossom depending on how we talk to others. Without conversations, no flowers would bloom in our life. Are we having conversations with others? We should think about whether we insist on our opinion or are we open to a conversation. If we insist on our opinion, it means that we would not be conversing with others. When we are open with each other in our discussions, that is a true conversation.

When we share our situation with others about our things or their things, the real conversation starts then. With respect to each other, the conversation would blossom. As we know our history is filled with many wars and conflicts because we couldn't converse with each other well. Only when humans talk to each other openly, will they become a family. This is the time for us to have a real conversation and truly communicate.

If we don't respect each other and do not converse properly, we will naturally stay away from each other since there is a wall between us. In that case, we should realise how we have been strongly insisting on our side of the story instead of listening to others. For example, we can see this kind of situation in our family. The kids cannot talk freely because parents haven’t given trust and support to their kids, but parents always have their desires. That is why the conversation was blocked. This is not a true conversation.

If we have greed or expectations in us, proper communication cannot occur. Real communication is respecting each other in discussions. Then people can become closer and share their ideas. A conversation is an activity where people share a tremendous quality of energy. When real conversation occurs in society, even broken families could become closer and become one again. Through real communication, society can blossom. That is why true communication is important.


40. Relationship series - Good and bad people.

There are no bad people. There is no bad relationship in the world. If we manage our relationships correctly, everything will go well. However, if we manage them incorrectly, they could turn out badly.

When we are born, we are not meant to receive anything bad. Bad things happen in our lives because we don't have the right discernment and as such live our life wrongly. As the saying goes "condemn the sin, not the sinner," we can apply this well-known maxim here. Say something bad happens, it is not the fault of the offender, but how the action of the offender that is influenced by the environment we have created. So we should not blame the person because every relationship teaches us to create a better environment around us.

If we want to know what is a bad relationship, the truth is that the relationship between parents and their children is the worst. It is because parents and children form a relationship like that of a creditor and debtor. They are bound by a large debt chain passed down from their previous life, since the beginning of creation. Our blood-relations are all our enemies, and among them, the worst being the parent-child relationship. However, depending on how we manage the relationship with our child, it could transform into a real blessed relationship. If we have done wrong, our child could be our enemy. On the other hand, if we are supportive of our child, we will love each other more than ever. This is the principle of human relations.

We will handle what comes at us depending on our quality of knowledge. We are the ones that are causing our suffering. We should discard the idea that others made us suffer because our pain only comes from ourselves. If we find what the problem is and make an effort to solve it, it will be settled. However, if we keep making excuses and blame others for our faults, we will continue to face troubles. Why is that? It is because we keep going backwards. If we enter a rocky road, it is wise to make a quick judgement to step out. Otherwise, we will venture further along the road that is backwards from where we want to go in life. This is the principle. 

We shouldn't think we have been given a bad relationship. God does not do that. God gives us what we need. It is a bad relationship only if we see it as that. We should think about how we can utilise the relationships that we are given now and combine our given strength. All relationships are given for our own good. 

To do business, we should understand this principle. Only then can we get the key to doing business right. How can we operate a company when we have people we don't like? How can we be in society when we look at some people negatively? We should not do that. Each person has their talents and specialty that they grew up with. If we can manage these people by helping each other with what we need so that we can work together, then we are treasuring each relationship we have. Therefore, it is wrong to see people as good or bad.


41. Relationships series- A belligerent patron

When operating a business, we sometimes are confronted with unpleasant customers. We should know that it is because the type of energy is within us as well. If this was not the case, we would never have such customers in the first place. Our environment teaches us the law of relationships.

If we blame those customers, we will be given more of these types of people. Why? It is because we are not yet awakened. God never operates in error. An offence that happens to us occurs for the sole purpose of making us realise our wrongdoings. It is important to realise this fact right then and there. Otherwise, we will continue to face the same situation until we realise it.

In other words, when a parent raises a hand to a child, it is because the child caused that environment over time. There is no parent on earth that will unreasonably punish a lovely child. Negative energy has accumulated and when that energy influences the child's behaviour, that's when the parent raises their hand. However, if the child does not realise that they’re at fault, they will keep making the same mistake. Parents experience great distress when their child doesn't awaken from their wrongdoings. Likewise, Grand nature is our parents. It does not punish us but simply try to teach us lessons through the law of relationships.

When unpleasant customers come, we can discern a little. Even without much knowledge about this, we should think "Ah, I probably created this kind of distasteful energy. That's the reason why this person came to me". We should feel sorry that we have brought them into this environment and treat them with the best service. Then the customer will return to us again as a patron. This is how it works. We should not think of customers as unpleasant.

Another example, if a swindler comes to us, it is definitely because we attracted them due to our thoughts and actions. If we blame the con man, then we will face a bigger con. This is the same reason that those who have been in a hospital might always end up in the hospital if they don't realise this principle. Those who have been to jail might go to jail again and those who have faced hardships might face them again. Why? It is because of their lack of realisation and tendency to blame others. Continuing down this path would only make matters worse. This is set-in-stone by Grand Nature who uses relationships to help us realise the wrongdoing.

Therefore, when we think we have a wrongdoing, we should say to God "please guide me to the right path", so we can trust our customers well from then on. Grand Nature removes unpleasant situations from our lives so that our business will thrive and a new path will open through our challenges. Grand Nature is like our parents and there are no parents that would not take care of their child. So we should not blame others. Everything that happens is God's will for us to find the right road. Businesses should always treat every customer visit as opportunities to improve our relationships and environment.


42. Our flaws

There is a period in our life when we try to correct our flaws. Everyone has flaws. If we didn't have them, we wouldn't be here on earth. We are born human so that we can cleanse ourselves of the flaws.

It is impossible not to have flaws and everyone's flaws are different. They are unique like fingerprints. We are living our lives to correct our flaws. We glow as flaws are corrected one by one. Through this, we are awakened and we have to purify ourselves of a certain amount of flaws to reach enlightenment. These flaws need to be corrected for us to reach Nirvana. On the other hand, our flaws can create an obsession.

If we have flaws, it will create a fixation. As long as we have fixations we cannot escape from the shackles of suffering. The flaws will disappear when we have gathered knowledge, formed a relationship to grow and receive proper education to recreate ourselves. This is how flaws are corrected. We can benefit society by correcting our flaws. Therefore, we should remove our flaws first before going out to society to benefit people. In other words, we need to strive to find the flaws within us.

For this reason, flaws are not bad things, but instead things that need to be revealed. Now is the time when all the flaws of the world are surfacing, so we should not view flaws as bad. We have to bring out the flaws that reside within us so that they can be dealt with. If there is one flaw, there are many more behind it like a bunch of grapes. If we remove the main flaw, then many other flaws that are connected  will disappear like a balloon popping one after the other. Flaws are never bad, but things that are surfacing. When they are uncovered, they can be rectified through education.


43. Our flaws - part two

How do we interact with people when we see flaws in them? We are doing wrong if we try to teach others when we see their flaws. We should think about whether the flaws that we see in others are truly a fault? Or are we seeing other's flaws for our study? The truth is that people who are well-equipped don't meet people who create contradicting environments or get close to people who contradict themselves. 

When we see contradictions in others, it is for us to study them. It does not mean we need to teach them to others. If something seems contradictory to us, we still have far more to study. When we can cherish someone who is short with us, we wouldn't see them as a contradictory person any more. How could we blame their ignorance? If we cherish and embrace their ignorance, we won’t perceive their actions as contradictory. It is our own judgement to see someone as contradictory. Depending on our judgement, we can embrace others or not.

Before we criticise others, we should try to think what made them act that way. We can observe if there are any other ways we can be of help to them. This is what we should do to cherish others. If we are allowed to teach them to fix their flaws, then it gives the upper hand over others. A man with flaws often criticises other's flaws. A fulfilled man knows how to embrace the flaws of others. Therefore we shouldn't judge. There is no contradiction in the world. Any contradiction is created by our judgement. People take action in their own place for their own reasons. 


44. Relationship series -  The jealousy of the sibling who has more


Q: Hello Real mentor! I live in ltaly. When I attended a conference in Milan last year, I lost my health due to terminal lung cancer. I have enjoyed studying Jungbub constantly,  looking back and reflecting on my numerous contradictions. Now after a year has passed,  my health has almost returned to normal, and I am living with a new and joyful heart every day. Thank you for the excellent education on personality/character.  My question is this: What causes jealousy between siblings? I want to know why. Especially when brothers who have more that are jealous of brothers who have less.

A: This is the period when many people in society are very jealous of each other. Koreans are the most jealous. Where and when does jealousy arise? We need to be educated on its fundamentals. We keep questioning it now because we don't know about it. 

Jealousy occurs because we are greedy for materials or wealth. We are jealous of talents or social positions. However,  there is one thing that prevents us from becoming jealous. What is that? It is competence.  Competence doesn't raise emotions of envy and jealousy. Is it in our ability to have a lot of knowledge? People may envy those who are actively learning and possess a lot of knowledge. This happens a lot. Jealousy may arise when people who have a lot of knowledge don't use this knowledge correctly. People are never jealous of those with money who spend it correctly. When someone with money doesn't spend it properly, that may be when people become jealous of them. 

When we are in a certain position and doing the right activities, are people jealous of us? No, they aren't. It has been okay that we had something for a while, but with time, people may begin to be jealous based on our way of thinking. At first, people may not be jealous of those who earn money well. They made money but stopped there and didn't advance to the next level, thus showing off for too long of a period.  So, people begin to get jealous. 

For example,  let's say a woman is pretty and fit. She is equipped like a princess and does her work. People never get jealous of her. However, when a well-equipped person doesn't do their duty, people get jealous. Why is this? This is because Energy enters while he or she is equipping themselves. It is social energy, in which the energy of people and everything else in society is melted.  With this, he or she could gain that knowledge and become fit. So, in that way, they have all of the energy that goes to them. Thus, they have a lot of wealth that arose from people working in society. People don't get jealous until they have this level of wealth. But when they have it and don’t do their job, people get jealous. 

Another example,  a person could have gotten to a specific position because of  all the support that they have received. When they get to that position, without realising everyone's appreciation and can't contribute to them, they will receive envy and jealousy from the people. This person has to realise that they are not doing what they should with the position they’ve been given. 

Why are some celebrities struggling now? When celebrities are growing well, they never have a hard time. However,  when they go and do something wrong without contributing,  people will become jealous of them and speak negatively of them,  thereby some might hurt themselves physically in the end, or even commit suicide. What happens if a celebrity commits suicide? That celebrity's reputation, finance, and conditions would all be returned to society because those things were not theirs. Grand nature would sent people to take everything from them, causing them to develop thoughts of suicide. So what happens if they use things such as reputation, finance, conditions well? This would never happen and they would not commit suiside. Why? It is because they are growing to become “Hongik ingans” (Korean term). Hongik ingans are intellectuals who are enlightened to benefit people widely, a person who is fully matured and educated to benefit others. In the world, the Hongik ingans are growing. We would not face difficulties if we lived the life of Hongik ingans. 

So, for people who others are jealous of, rather than saying they received other's jealousy, it is better to say that they remained stagnant. What does this mean? They have stopped growing and are living to show off their money. Their brothers and sisters may thus become jealous of them. Why? This may be because a family should be a team. Until a person has earned money,  their family members all have worked to grow up together. However, some siblings who earned a lot of money may be enjoying the blessings now. Some brothers have a lot of knowledge and may be enjoying their lives. Some siblings are in good positions. In this way, they are a team where they have all grown differently together. A brother in a higher position at work wants to do very high quality activities (intellectual and educational activities),  but he doesn't have any money.  At this time , another sibling who has money can join him and participate together. This way, one of them would be able to do a high-quality activity,  and the other would be using his money well. Additionally, if a third brother who is more knowledgeable joins them in these activities, what they contribute to this society would be different. If everyone does this separately where they can't come together to do their activities as a team and use their resources together, they may become jealous of each other. 


45. Relationships series - Relationship between the parent and the child and how to raise children properly


We become parents when we give birth to a child. However, when we raise the child, it is another kind of relationship. Parents may think that their role is like 'nanny’, ‘teacher’, or ‘supporter'. These aren’t necessarily parents’ roles. The role of parents ends when they give  birth to a child and raise them until they are three. This is a law of Grand Nature.

We may ask, who would raise the child if parents stop raising them after they reach 3 years old? Does a queen or the wife of a chairman raise their own child? The leaders of society,  who have heavier responsibilities at work,may not raise their child in person. They are parents because they gave birth to a child, not because they are raising the child. 

After the child turns three, if the family is well off or parents have more important duties to do other than raising a child, they can arrange for a caregiver to raise the child on their behalf. If parents can't afford to hire a caregiver, they may have to raise the child personally. This will then be a role that they chose for the growth of the child as a given relationship. Then they  would need to know how to raise their child, such as knowing what kind of food the child would need. It may be best for a cook or a nutritionist to prepare meals for the child. If the parents don't know how to cook, they may have a hard time cooking for the child. Although many parents decide to take up the role to raise a child, are they raising them with the proper knowledge? If they haven't prepared themselves properly,  they may not be able to provide everything the child needs. Parents would have to do their best to raise their child. If they are competent and prepared, they may not have to work as hard for the child.

There is a difference between doing our best and having the right capability. Even if a child was raised with the parent's utmost effort, it is not guaranteed that the child will grow to succeed in society. This may be because parents are not always competent. For instance, parents may not know what kind of society the child would have to face when they are old enough to enter society. They also may not know what kind of people their child would associate with when they’re grown. If they raise their child without proper planning, their child could face difficulties in adapting to social changes.

Who would be responsible for this? Would it be the child’s fault? No it would not. This would likely be the fault of the parents. Which of the parents would have more responsibility for this? It would be the mother, as the father normally would not intervene much because of his busy work. On the other hand, the mother would have to intervene a lot by giving directions to the child. This may lead to the mother disregarding the child's own will as she may have to force the child to do what she thinks is best. The child will grow up as the mother has intended, by intervening with her way of thinking and not giving the child the chance to develop their own thinking. If she is adamant in raising her child to grow in the same way she grew up when she was a child, the child will grow up to fall behind 25 to 30 years as society inevitably develops. Would the child be able to deal with this gap? It is unlikely. That is why the younger generations nowadays have been struggling to enter/in the society. If the mother was only there for a discussion when the child needed her, the outcome could be different.

Due to parents' intervention and guidance, children would have to follow their directions and grow up without developing their own thinking, such as the way to deal with the current way of society or to maintain good relationships with people. When children step into society,  they have to associate with people. This is when everything in  their life will be determined.  If children are unable to understand what these relationships could bring to them, they will start to feel heavy. As this heaviness accumulates , the feeling of being under pressure could grow into tremendous pain. Thus, their life can become difficult. Parents may not know how their lack of discernment has hindered the growth of their children. We have to look at the principle behind this chain of events and find a way to do it right for our children. 

46. Resolving a marital problem. 

Q: I decided to be good to my husband when I realised that his faults are mine as well since I did not teach him what I know. Should I be teaching him?

A: We should not think it is a way of teaching when we are explaining things to others to help them understand. Teaching is different to explaining. Teaching involves the relationship of a teacher and a student.

When our husband does something wrong, is it OK for us to teach them? If we are in the position of teaching, we can't be a friend or a spouse. In our husband’s perspective, he would feel as though he is with a teacher. How could you be a partner to him? 

Then, what should we do when we’re experiencing marital problems? When a couple respect each other's words and actions, they are a real couple. If they don't fulfil their obligations to each other, their marriage could be at risk. Therefore, we need to respect each other and listen carefully with respect. Then, we will be able to provide advice on what our counterpart lacks. They would also be able to work on the issue.This is what couples should do for each other. If we can't work on what our spouse requests of us, it is because we didn't listen well to their words and with respect. When we respect each other, we would be able to listen and respond well to each other. Even if it is not a big answer for their future, we would be able to give the answer that they would need at the time. This is why we should communicate well with our spouse. As long as we listen to each other with respect, the answer will always be found in the conversations. 

When we don't respect our spouse, our answer could lead to the wrong conversation. We also wouldn't be able to speak with them if we can't help our spouses understand us. We will be reprimanded  for making them feel heavy. For example,  If we pretend we know the answers and make up our response, it could upset our partner. When we don't know the answer, and humbly say " I'm sorry, I'm not competent to solve this", our partner might respond with  " don’t worry, I understand. There is nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who is creating the trouble.”  Then, we will be able to build mutual trust. There would be less clashes between us, and conflicts could be prevented. However, if we make up an answer when we don’t actually know what to do, we are giving odd responses to our spouse and they would feel awkward in the conversation. This could upset them if we continue to do this multiple times. Then, the relationship may be jeopardised.

Many intellectuals choose to stay silent when they cannot communicate. The houses of intellectuals are often very quiet.  Music could be the only sound that is heard, but no words are spoken. This is because they may choose to stay silent instead of getting into an argument. When would they speak? A husband calls his friend out to a restaurant and talk over things as the husband knows they can communicate well with each other. This could be called an "affair with a friend ". It is not an affair of him meeting a woman, but one where he spends time with his friend. If he spends a long time outside with his friends, a problem may occur. It could cast a shadow over the house. He poured his energy outside with his friends and did not give anything to his family, then the house may become cold for there is no warm energy flowing in. Something bad could happen in this family. The energy of words must be there to keep the house warm. Through conversations, the energy flows within the house. Human words are that powerful. When there are nice conversations going on in a family, the flow of the energy is very positive and warm. When there is no communication, the energy depletes. This is when family issues may arise. 

When there is no conversation, relationships may become distant. When there are contradictions, arguments may happen. Nothing would be able to resolve these arguments. When there are contradictions in the communication, we don't want to see the counterpart in the relationship. Whether the counterpart is our friend, our spouse, our parents or our child, when we have a clash, we could become enemies to each other. This is the law of Grand nature. Even money could have nothing to do with relationships in this case. One would not be resentful if they have to give away all their money to their counterparts as long as they can have a conversation in depth. This is how important conversation is for Humans.

Another thing that we may consider is that when we behave disrespectfully or despise others due to our arrogance and thinking that we are wealthier, smarter, or  prettier than others, we will fail in every conversation with others. Even when it comes to beggars, we should respect them so we would be able to understand them.

Therefore,  the law of marital relationship is that a husband and wife should respect each other. Regardless of our genders, we are all human beings that need to be respected. When there is respect, a warming energy will be circulated. As long as we respect each other,  conversations will flow smoothly. In doing so, we will not get sick and life will be a joyful. 

47. Relationship series - Conflict Resolution


Q: We often have conflicts with people who are around us. Big or small conflicts in life with seniors or subordinates, siblings and friends. In the case of a conflict, there may be a certain absolute standard for a judge to determine whose opinion is right or wrong. If so, what is the standard?

A: A conflict occurs when our opinions are against each other. This may happen when the quality of energy and abilities of both parties are at the same level. 

When we are in a conflict with someone, is one more angry than the other? There is a law of relationship between the upper hand and the lower hand in this society and Grand Nature. The two are correlated to each other. As people have different energy levels, there are people who possess higher quality of energy than others. The one with energy of lower quality follows the person with energy of higher quality. 

In the relationship, we need to figure out who has the upper hand and lower hand so that we can have the wisdom to accept the words of the one at the upper hand as a source to our fulfilment. Therefore, the one at the lower hand should not exceed the authority of the counterpart because this could lead to a conflict. It is important to figure out the relationship between the two. We can't always have the upper hand so there are times when we have to respect other people’s opinions. This way, conflicts are less likely to happen. If we don't understand this “dominant and subordinate” relationship when interacting with people, we may experience conflicts. This is the principle. 

Here are a few examples of how we can figure out the definition of a person with the upper hand or the lower hand.


  1. The person with the upper hand can be referred to as someone who has a higher social rank in an organisation. However, if this person needs a loan and asks a subordinate to lend him money, he then becomes the one with the lower hand in this case. When he has the lower hand, he should respect the person with the upper hand. 


  1. Let's say we are launching a project and we need someone's help. Then who would have the upper hand? The one who offers help has the upper hand.


  1. When parents are supporting their children, the parents are definitely in the upper hand. When children grow up to work in the society independently and their parents are no longer a part of the main contributors of society, parents become short of finance and lack access to further intelligence. Therefore, they need to receive support from their children. Then in this case, the children have the upper hand. There is not always an absolute upper hand or lower hand. We can have the upper hand in certain situations but not in others.


  1. When a husband wants to have a homemade meal, he asks his wife to cook for him. Then the wife has the upper hand who can choose to cook. In this case, the husband doesn't have the right to complain about the taste of the food. If he complains, that is exceeding his right to his wife. How should he act instead? He should put himself in the position of the lower hand since he wants a meal. For example, by offering a small gift. To get what he wants, he has to approach the wife with a humble attitude. 


In conclusion,  the same principle is applied to any relationship. We should be wise as this is the law of Grand nature. When we have a conflict, we should try to reflect on whether there are any mistakes in our relationship between the ones with the upper hand and lower hand. Every conflict in a relationship can be explained by this principle.


48 We can sense the energy of others


Q: When I talk to someone, some people make me feel a little frustrated, some make me feel stuffy, and some I can talk to without feeling either way. When I meet someone I feel that I am filled with their energy. I would like to ask if there is any reason for this?


A: Everyone has a different energy (soul energy). It is scientifically impossible to calculate energy nowadays, but each person has a different quality of energy. When we are young,  our energy almost fits well with each other. However, as we get older, some people gets frustrated, some become gloomy, and some make us feel good when we meet them. How we think shapes our energies as we progress through our life. There are countless energies in Nature and we draw specific energy to fill ourselves with it. Energy can be non-material (knowledge). Since we absorb and fill ourselves with particular energy(knowledge),  we have an abundance of that energy but lack in others. These differing energies collide with each other, and as such, affects how you converse with others.


When people communicate well with each other, they don't feel stuffy. However, sometimes you might feel frustrated when talking to someone. Even if they don't speak, you might still feel it. Since this person is now filled with a different energy than yours, your energies (soul energy) would be colliding even before you talk. As they say, people behave just as they look, as soon as we look at people, we realise that we can see what their energy looks like. As we live, our face changes, our appearance changes, and our expressions change. Depending on what kind of energy (knowledge) we have filled ourselves with, we become the owner of such energy.  Just as we become the owner of specific technology according to our skills. We become the owner of the energy depending on what kind of energy we are accumulating.


If you feel burdened by a specific energy, you could feel frustrated. The same is true for any other kind of energy. However, when you meet someone, you might converse well with each other and your impressions of them might be good. This person may belong in the same class of energy as you. You communicated well, but later, you realise you haven't seen what is inside of them. So when what was hidden comes out, it might be uncomfortable for you to communicate with them. In doing so, we are building this relationship.


How can we not be frustrated and communicate well? The quality of our energy should be outstanding and we should appreciate our energy. If we have excellent energy, we can digest the energy of others even if they are awful. We may also be able to understand people like thieves and swindlers. To be able to digest means that the quality of our energy is excellent. Gradually, we can also see people as energy. The quality of a person can be graded depending on what kind of energy (knowledge) they have. Depending on that, people of the same level can get along well. If we don’t fill ourselves with good energy, we can never live a high quality life. 


How do we fill ourselves with the right energy? Firstly, we have to improve ourselves by treating the people around us correctly. This is because we can always change ourselves while living among people. Secondly, we should know the society in which we will live together. Thirdly, we should understand that we exist with Grand Nature. Lastly, we should understand that we always live with gods (ghosts). We won't face any hardship in our life if we know the previous four points. What happens if we don't know these? We might have to beg and pray. What happens if we still pray even when praying is over. 


We have to be good at treating people around us. Even if we boast that we have a lot of talents, we could get hurt if we don’t treat people properly.  If we feel stuffy when we meet someone, it means that we are sensing that we cannot digest the energy of this person because we are not equipped to deal with it. Our sensor receives the signal of other energies. This is our spiritual power. Spirit is the energy of nature. God (our soul) is a spirit. Our knowledge is also a spiritual energy. This is because knowledge is what our souls produce.  It is also a form of non-material energy. Therefore our energy can sense the energy of others. 

49. A person’s desire for money 


Q: It is hard to see in everyday situations, but I sometimes see people who are sensitive to their interests, or especially money. They love money, but they never seem to be rich. You said that if people love money,  they will get money. However,  I could see that not only the money but also the people around those who love money were leaving them. Please teach us about the study of people who desire money.


A: I would be a liar if what you said is true. But I never lie. Let’s look at this carefully. Those who think money is precious and love it have a lot of money because Grand nature has requested them to keep the money. Knowledge comes to those who love learning. Then why couldn't the people who are sensitive to money be rich? It is because they are greedy for money.


Greed and care are different. The people who know how valuable money is and consider it precious are different from those who are just greedy. If the money is not coming to the people who desire money,  it means that they are 100% greedy. For example, if they receive 70% of the money,  then their care for money is as much as 70% rather than it being their greed. The percentage of desire for money always reduces that much from the amount of money that comes in.


This applies not just to money. For instance, love will never happen to people who crave love and are greedy for love. If you care for love and respect it very much, then love is going to sprout and blossom. Just as if you are greedy for friendship, you might never make friends. If you know how to treat friends right, and consider friendships as valuable, the love in these friendships will grow and you will become mutual strengths to each other. 


We should understand the relationships between ourselves and love or money, and how precious these things are. The people who know what money is will think it is valuable and will be good at saving. If people understand how valuable Knowledge is, they will care for and love their knowledge. They will improve their capabilities and improve themselves as someone that society needs. People who love and care for money can be in charge of this society because they can manage the wealth and understand that it is made with the blood and sweat of the people of society. Then, the future of this society will be bright. 


There is the money,  and also there is the economy. Money is what you care and love. You hold  the money but you can't move the economy. Money is a substance and it has power. As money comes, the environment and the people related come along. The economy includes all of them. Have you grown enough to care and love all these things? If you love and care for the economy,  great strength will come to you. You can be a person who can do anything in the world with this strength.


Power comes when people use their money well. If you know how to care for and love money,  you should also learn how to use it. While using the money well, it's energy takes place and expands. If you just collect it, you will become a money keeper. If you use the money properly,  then you will become a manager of society’s economy. If you are greedy, the money will not come to you. Greed makes people ignorant. An ignorant person is unable to keep the energy (money). It is not enough to be a person who holds money. Someone who knows how to use it well is the kind of person who knows what money is. Therefore a lot of money will be given to such a person so that they can play an essential role in society. Money doesn't come from greed. You need to consider it as precious and try to learn how to use it properly. The money and economy will come as much as you are equipped to manage them.  

50. Relationships series - Romantic relationship .


Q: I studied in New York and now I am managing my personal business while I am on break in Korea. I have not been able to return to the United States because I have a chance to work in Korea every year. Now there is less than a year until graduation, I wonder if graduation is necessary. I would like to know how I should handle my romantic relationships in my 20s.


A: How old are you? I am 27 years old. It is the perfect age to date,  isn't it?  If you want to have a good relationship,  then you should prepare yourself for them first. If you try to meet a good quality person without obtaining the same amount of quality energy, then you will fail 100%.


Why does it happen when you have met a good person, but somehow you end up separating because of negative circumstances. This is because if you are lacking quality energy and are greedy for a relationship,  then you will break up 100% without fail. We often face such an error so we should not be greedy. 


What is the best way to maintain a romantic relationship? It is to be close to each other by discussing, researching, and obtaining quality energy from each other. In the future, you should meet a person who has the same ideology as yours and can understand you. It doesn't matter how much money or knowledge a person has, if you are not prepared,  you will eventually break up with them. If you meet someone who looks handsome but is not equipped with a quality of energy similar to yours,  then you will split up with him. This is when everything regains order. 


You should not try to meet a good person, instead try to improve what you are lacking a little more. What happens then? People will come to you depending on the quality of your energy. If you try to meet a good quality person, you will separate from them because of your greed.  People are energy.  You can prepare yourself by increasing the quality of your energy levels, then the energy of a person that exactly fits yours will come to you. The person could approach you in any way but directly to you, so you don't have to go looking for them. You should just try to improve yourself so that they can come to you. Then you can deal with them. You will recognise this naturally when you are with them.


Therefore,  preparing yourself is the first prerequisite for a true romantic relationship.Your life is what you make of it. If you force something to happen because of your greed, then you will be dragged back to the original place. Try to not be greedy from now on. A good quality man will come to you when you have prepared yourself well. This way, you will be able to live a wonderful life with this person.


51. Confessions and forgiveness of sin.


Q: This is a question about Confession and forgiveness. In a religion, a confession is a ritual in which the sin of all human beings, including the Pope, priests, and nuns, that was committed with thoughts and words could be removed through Jesus. I would like to know  whether my sins will be gone if I confess them to God.

A: Confession is sinning. If we confess to a person, it would mean we are to sin again. If we want to confide in Grand Nature, do it secretly by yourself. Some religions may ask us to confess. That is because they might control us by holding onto our weakness. We are being deceived by them. Only Heaven and us should know of our faults. Don't share them to the people around us or even to someone we trust. This is because we should be studying more into our relationship with Grand Nature. 

If we are frustrated, kneel before Heaven around midnight and ask "it was too hard for me to take care of myself, and so I did this. Please forgive me." We directly confess to God, and God will accept it. If we dare to admit our faults to anyone, our conscience would be restored. We should take what happened in the past as lessons and believe that we were not deceived. "There was no one to teach me, so I have come here to tell you my difficulties". This is how you should speak to Heaven at midnight. 

We are the Hongik ingan* (Korean term). Hongik ingans are intellectuals who are enlightened to help people. We are people who are fully matured and educated to provide help. We can converse with God directly. This is the truth that I am sharing with you. Since we are all disciples of God in this society,  we can communicate with God directly. Do not share your faults with people as there is not one person in the world who could help you and we would be leaning on them. No one should sacrifice for us. 

A worker from Heaven comes down to give to Hongik Ingans* directly. They are ones who teach us the law of confession and forgiveness. Therefore, we can apply and use this law as it is.

*Hongik Ingans ( persons who were born since year 1952)


52. Greed vs Effort 


Dec 22, 2012 was the day many have prophesied as the end of the world, which meant that it was the end of the lifestyle up till then and the need for change after that date (post-era: 2013 onwards)


Q: There is an issue that I worry about these days. You have said numerous times not to be greedy over things that I don't have to do. Sometimes, I feel that being a little greedy gives me the inspiration to try harder. Maybe the greed that I have is the greed that will push me. Sometimes I think that it benefits me to be greedy to a degree as I use it as an opportunity to try a little harder. 


A: What we need to know is that the activities that we have done in the previous era (before  year 2013) is different from that of post-era (from year 2013). What you are referring to is a method from the previous era, which is when we need to have more desire and greed in order to grow. Now in the post-era from 2013, the correct method is not to expand but to  manage what has been given to us. If we expand further with our greed for being active, we will get hurt. Why is that? Going further with greed means forcing ourselves even if we are lacking, so it is natural to get hurt. This is the way in the post-era, doing something with greed means that we are doing something unmanageable. If we start something difficult and push through, we will revert to the original position. However, in the previous era, we were doing something hard out of greed. Without greed, we would not have been able to achieve anything. 


In the post-era, we are not going to live like that. How do we utilise wisely what was given to us? In terms of knowledge, it is not to become knowledgeable by studying hard, it is that we need to know what to do with the knowledge. When we want to expand on our knowledge, we can go on the internet and research on topics we don’t know about. Everything there is to know would be on the internet. The updated information will also appear as we search through the internet. Once we have researched on the internet, the period of learning is over. We can naturally accomplish what we want to learn by utilising resources in society. This is our effort for learning, not greed. 


Whatever we are trying to do, things may not happen until we start. However,  it will occur continuously after that. We should begin our actions with courage even if we don't have an interest in it. Wouldn't we try to do it for at least 3 days because it has happened? When we try to take action, we can open our eyes and see how far we can go. After trying for 3 days, if we feel that it is not our interest, then stop it and we can do something else. We may say that we need to be patient, but there are things that we are good at, better at, and best at, and there are things that we can only do a little. If we only do what we are best at, we can't use our other skills when we need them because we haven’t practiced them enough. So we need to try it little by little. This will help us when we do other things. In the meantime, we will find something we can really do and do it well. At this point, we would have practiced different skills that we are good at, better at and best at, we can take on any new tasks naturally. In this era (from 2013), effort is required to motivate ourselves to try and utilising resources in society for achievements, rather than relying on greed to motivate us.


53. Greed - part 2


Q: My question might be similar to the previous topic about greed. It seems that "doing my best " might be different from person to person. How much does it take to do our best? In my case, when I do something,  I sometimes become obsessed and continue on until there is almost nothing left in me. I don't know when to end and I would continue until I become faint. I don't know how to deal with this, but I know there is completeness after “climbing the mountain”. However, after doing this, I would be exhausted.  How far should I go to “do my best”? Am I being obsessive? As the Real Mentor says, once I have started something,  I should only have to do 30% of the work, but wouldn't it be more? I always worry about this.  I would like to ask when is the point where I should stop.


A: The person who is asking the question is a math professor. Those who are scientists or anything similar are people who would dig until the end. These people have to be careful with this. It is good to dig because you can find joy in the process. Should you do your best even if it is not fun? You should not. You should choose not to do anything that isn’t fun, because if you do, you might get hurt. If you choose to do something that is fun, you would get more results. It can be fun if it is your first time doing it, but if the fun ends after your first go, don’t do it anymore. 


It is good to try when the opportunity presents itself to you. You can try to do it for 3 days,  sometimes maybe 7 days, 21 days, or even more than 6 months. You only have to do it until you can’t. After that, stop and do something else. This is something that is given for you to do according to your ability. 


For example, you enjoy playing golf, however you start losing interest after playing golf for a while. You are no longer having fun. So stop playing. Let's say you are now bowling and like it very much at first because it is fun. Similar to what happened with golf, you get bored and stop playing. There is always something else to do. While enjoying other activities, you can always revisit bowling if you want and when you do, your skills in bowling will increase. Your ability doesn't increase only when you are constantly doing your best, it also improves when you know how to balance your activities according to your interest. 


The same is true with science. Can you get more results if you keep repeating the test? No , you can't. The same goes for math. If you get stuck trying to do an equation, and you realise you aren’t having fun anymore, this is where you don’t have to try your best. If fishing is something you enjoy, then take a break and go fishing. A change of scenery will help release that mental block. Then, you will notice that things will work better. Inspiration and answers will come to you when you cool off and focus on other activities. Sometimes Nature teaches us to bypass our logic, to stop and do something else rather than clinging on to what we’re doing. 


54. Feeling of emptiness after visiting a crowded place. 


Q: I would like to ask a question about emptiness. Not only entertainers but also people feel a lot of emptiness when they come home from a performance or after being in a space with a lot of people. I am curious why this happens. 


A: When there are many people, there is a lot of energy in that space. When you go to a baseball field, you are in an abundance of energy. However, even if there is plentiful energy, it differs from whether people emit energy or they stand still. When people scream,"wow"  it is an action that emits energy. If you react to that by standing up and screaming " wow", it is because you are assimilated to the quality of energy in the space. If you watch the game at home, you wouldn’t have as much fun as you would watching it at the field. That's why you go to a crowded place to watch a game together. 


Each person is a form of energy. For instance, how can we absorb energy at a concert hall? The artist or performer comes out and showcases their talent. They are radiating energy at the concert hall as they perform. If your energy matches with theirs based on the value of their efforts, this means that you have received the energy from them. When that happens, you will applaud and get along with the audience and the performers. When all the thoughts of the audience align while watching the same performance at the concert hall, it creates an abundance of energy. When that is over and you leave the energetic environment, you might suddenly have the feeling of emptiness at home. This is because you left a space with a lot of energy and entered another with little energy. This is why we feel emptiness. 


Why do we want to go to a concert hall or sports games occasionally? This is because we want to absorb the energy that is generated by the people there. We need to expand the idea of " going to see a performance."  Every performance has a different quality of energy and people who match the energy of the performance can come together and create an energetic environment at the venue. Receiving this energy is worth more than what we pay for the entry ticket. We can't create such an experience by ourselves. We may sometimes think that these activities are too expensive, but if we understand the experience that we get from the activities,  the cost isn’t expensive at all. We can receive so much good energy if we can expand our understanding of participating in these activities. 


Without this understanding, we would just sit there not being able to fully absorb the energy of the venue. As we come home, we would feel empty. On the contrary, if we absorb the energy created at the venue, we won’t feel the void after the performance or game. We are in a great condition during the activity and would maintain such a state until we digest all the energy we took in. This could uplift our mood for a period of time. Furthermore, we can continue to enjoy the energy by sharing our experiences with our family, writing about it, or just continuing on with our life. Why is that the case? It is because we have received a lot of energy. Our energy is important. Our future depends on how well we absorb energy. So when we go to a performance or a game,  we are going to absorb all the energy emitted by people there. We would have a great time if we understood the benefit of being in a crowded place. 

