BLOG – Health issues
- adminwooriii
- February 24, 2021
109. Soul series - Physical Pain
"When we experience physical pain, it's because we as humans are in situations that can cause harm to our bodies. The belief is that when we do something wrong, our bodies reflect this through pain. Specific parts of the body ache to indicate specific wrongdoings, and emotional pain also signifies certain faults. People who suffer from pain are believed to be undergoing a form of punishment for their mistakes, initially as a lesson for growth and understanding.
Human beings are on Earth to grow. In this belief, a human is a combination of a physical body (material) and a soul (non-material energy). The purpose of our life experiences is for the growth of the soul, not just the improvement of the physical body. Everything the body feels is sent to the soul as a lesson for spiritual Igrowth. Our 'original sin' is the accumulation of past mistakes, now manifesting as physical pain.
The question then arises: why must we experience physical pain to enlighten our souls? It's because the soul alone may not feel enough; through the body, the soul can experience and learn more. Pain often comes from our mistakes and is realised through our interactions with others. Without others, we wouldn't be able to feel or understand our faults. This is known as the ‘Law of Karma’. The combination of body and soul allows us to experience and grow through these feelings.
Our souls come to Earth with a mix of 30% murky energy and 70% clear energy. Through life's lessons, we aim to purify this murky energy for the development and growth of the soul.
In summary, if there is no wrongdoing on our part, there would be no physical pain. Even if this concept is hard to fully grasp, it's beneficial to be aware of it. When our body is in pain, it's a signal of our mistakes. Acknowledging and trying to find these faults can reduce the pain. However, if we resist this process and become frustrated, nature withdraws its hand, as there's a natural order to things. Pain is inflicted for one's own good, to realise mistakes and foster growth.
Specifically, when we cause hardship to others, our bodies reflect this pain. If we live selfishly without considering others, then it's deemed fair for us to experience hardship in return. If, after recovering from pain, we don't change our ways and continue to be stubborn, the pain will return because nature sees that we still haven't recognized our faults. We must always consider that our actions might be wrong, instead of always assuming we are right.
108. The Message of Sacrifice in Spirituality
If your parents have been suffering for a long time without passing away, there's a reason. They might be enduring this pain to show their children something. Even if they can't verbally criticise or guide their children, they suffer to make their children realise something by making them observe their situation. If a parent has dementia for a long time, it could be a message asking the children to reconcile their differences and thoughts. In essence, if parents suffer for a long time, it is a message to the children, siblings, and the people around them to reflect and learn. The family members should re-evaluate whether they're leading righteous lives and whether they're rectifying their contradictions and bad habits. After such reflections things may improve, or the suffering parent might find relief or peace.
Conversely when a child suffers, it's to make the parents reflect. When a child falls ill, parents should not only try to cure the illness but also ask why such misfortune befell their child. It's time to check if they are leading a righteous life without contradictions.
Persistent problems in a household are indicative of incorrect life choices or thought processes of the family members. If someone in the family is frequently hospitalised without the family seeking the root cause, another family member might face a similar fate. It's a cyclical pattern. For instance, if a child constantly cares for their sick parent, it may imply that the child has the most lessons to learn. If they don't realise this, they might suffer in the future. The person most emotionally affected by a family member's illness often has the most significant lessons to learn.
The notion of "study messages" refers to whether one is contributing to society according to one's capabilities or whether one is reflecting on their contradictions and mistakes, which might harm those around them. Unresolved issues within a family might be passed down to subsequent generations. Hence, families with a tradition of doctors, professors, or politicians might continue producing members in the same profession, further refining their knowledge and contributions.
In summary, If we live in harmony with nature's laws, adversities won't touch us. However, if we grow with bad habits and don't strive to find the right path in life, adversities will come. Just as parents hope their children grow righteously and don't wish any harm upon them, nature acts similarly. Nature doesn't trouble us if we lead a good life. So, if someone in the family is sacrificing, they should be cherished and loved, and each member should give their own introspective view, ensuring they're leading a life in alignment with their purpose. When we put in a genuine effort to lead a righteous life and correct our wrongs, nature naturally takes care of us.
107. Laws to prevent illness: Spirituality
If we understand the three factors that lead to illness we can live a healthy life without worry. The three major elements are 1. You have to live without getting angry. It is said that a life lived with anger is a wrong life. 2. You shouldn't make other people angry or annoyed. This is because if you make other people angry or irritated, the bad energy will come back to you. 3. You need to understand the body's constitution and eat food evenly according to it. This is what many specialist doctors explain and research in their field of ever-growing knowledge.
We as human beings believe that if our soul energy operates wrong, it will affect our bodies and when our bodies get sick, they will have a negative effect on our soul. To be more specific, human beings are formed from two energies. Our bodies are of material energy and the soul is of immaterial energy, these two entities are combined and are called human beings. Therefore, our body consumes food and preserves it well and our immaterial soul absorbs knowledge and grows. Here, when we take a closer look at how our immaterial soul’s energy is mismanaged (the first and second factors that cause illness) and this causes effects that result in sickness to our body.
We humans are born with absorbing and growing up with knowledge and constantly producing greater knowledge. It is the soul of immaterial energy that is in charge of this. This is because the energy of knowledge is immaterial energy. Therefore, we are constantly exchanging the knowledge of our souls (immaterial energy) with each other through words or thoughts (frequency). So, if we don't have enough knowledge in life, we will often get angry because we don't understand other people. If we make other people angry or irritable, this negative energy will have a bad effect on us. When this little negative mass accumulates, its effects will devastate our soul and in result, it makes our body sick.
It is said that when we are born with a human body we receive 30% of negative energy and 70% of good energy. The 3:7 rule can be seen here in a number of ways. For example our body is 70% water and 30% other; 70% water on earth, 30% other etc. When the universe was created, it was made up of the idea of the 3:7 ratio, so the 3:7 rule exists in this universe. To get back to the point, when you have 70% good energy, you're in good health. If we don't have enough knowledge in our lives and lack the ability to understand, we will have no choice but to do the first two elements of a healthy life wrong which in result will make us sick when we work or deal with others. If we continue to insist that we are right, we will make the people around us annoyed and agitated, so naturally the percentage of the negative energy will increase and the percentage of the good energy will decrease and our body will not be in a good condition. Even if the negativeness of our aura is only 50%, we don't have to go to the hospital, we will just feel a little unwell but if it exceeds 70% we will have a physical illness and need to go to the hospital.
You may have one question. It is said that there is a soul in our body, which is of immaterial energy, but when does this soul enter our body? When the baby comes into the world from the Mother’s body, the baby suddenly begins to cry loudly. At this time, the immaterial energy, (which is from another dimension of energy) is sucked into the baby's body, so the baby can't control it and starts crying. When our soul enters the baby's body with 6006 poles completely, the baby becomes quiet. All animals don't cry when they're born however, humans are the only ones to cry out loud. Our soul is us and the body is an extension to contain the soul. So we have to handle it well.
The bottom line is that the answer is simple. However, if we don't have sufficient knowledge, it is hard for us to understand the other people, so we would get angry in our lives and if we make the other person angry or irritable, our good energy will become more and more negative. When the illness comes, you can think about what you have done wrong which led to the sickness. We can take medicine to heal but we should think this method is only a temporary measure. The best way to prevent illness completely is to understand the factors that cause illness and to develop the ability to understand them with sufficient knowledge, so that we can live a life without having an illness. Changing the direction of our life opens the way to absorb all the good energy so that we can maintain 70% of the good energy all the time.
Thanks for reading. What do you think?
106. Life’s difficulties leading to illness: Spirituality
Q: You said that if we complain and blame others, we will land in a difficult situation and complaining and blaming others brings illness, so could you elaborate on the principles behind this?
A: When a person’s life becomes difficult, they will become ill. Sickness never occurs when we are joyful. Life is not difficult because of things we can or cannot attain but life will become difficult based on one’s position in society. For example, if you have a lot of knowledge, it means life will be difficult in that position where you have a lot of knowledge in. Even if you have a lot of money but you have not been able to achieve something that brings you joy, life will become difficult and when it becomes difficult, you will get sick.
The principle of becoming ill is that if you are frustrated, angry and doing something you’re not supposed to do; you will end up in a difficult state and when it gets worse, you will eventually get sick. There is no difference between the principle of getting sick and the principle of making life difficult.
To summarise what it means to become ill:
When we get sick in one part of our body we call it a disease, but if we put it in a different way, we can say that there are several types of diseases. For example: it can be said that there is a kind of illness when we cannot do as we want to do and it can be said that it is a kind of illness where we live and become frustrated because of not knowing how to combat the disease.
The ideology of illness is when we do something without sufficient knowledge or skill, we are more likely to encounter difficulties that can cause frustration. When this frustration accumulates a few times, we are likely to complain. When we complain about a situation or a person, we find ourselves in a situation where bad things are going on that will make life difficult for us. When we are struggling, we blame ourselves or the other person. If this kind of situation continues, it is natural that these bad energies will have a bad effect on the body repeatedly and eventually illness or accidents will occur. Therefore, we must be constantly equipped with knowledge to improve our skills through life experiences and as we solve the little things that come to us we will have fewer and fewer complaints and our lives will be easier because we will not be stressed.
105.The reason behind an accident
Q: When something happens, there is always a reason behind it. If we have a car accident, what is the reason behind it in the means of spirituality?
A: The reason behind an accident is when a negative energy within us has accumulated over time, accidents will happen.
Accidents aren’t big in the beginning yet over time they will gradually grow as both cause and effect from the negative energy has progressed.
Normally, it starts as a surprise when someone cuts us off. When this happens, we often curse or get angry. Sometimes, someone drives past us extremely quickly, we would feel shocked and frightened. We would usually complain about someone's driving skills. If we have these kinds of experiences a few times without reflecting on ourselves, the murky energy would accumulate and gain a certain amount of energy and as a result we would get into an accident.
As we get older, we will have more responsibility to deal with in our daily lives and with other people. If we don't develop and evolve ourselves as time goes on, we'll get more hardships or into more accidents.
There are two energies within this world; Private and Public energy. Private energy is the energy where we are the most important. This could be in the way we interact in our daily life as those who use only private energy put themselves first in all situations as it will benefit themselves and themselves only; this demonstrates the attitude of selfishness.
Public energy is the complete opposite where communities of people are put before one’s self therefore demonstrating a selfless personality. The attitude of one can determine what type of energy they are using, for example:
If a person is working and they are working for the people to give the best service and results; this is public energy whereas if they are working for money only they are using private energy.
The principle of receiving hardships in life is that energy will always rotate as it moves around us and as we are developing it will come back to test how much we have evolved.
The first experience is a short test but once it comes back and hits us the second time, it will be a longer test with harder obstacles to test our endurance and to further test our evolution. 'Hit' means because of a lack of knowledge, we would have a conflict, argue, complain or become dissatisfied with someone or something.
When this mass of murky energy has accumulated and reaches a certain amount, a hardship or accident will occur. It means if we don't develop ourselves and have stagnant life, our hardship will continuously happen and it will become even more harder as time goes on.
To prevent an accident, we should realise when a small incident has happened and we should reflect on what has been done wrong. Remember energy is always progressive; nothing doesn't happen suddenly. The universe always shows us by manifesting our wrongdoings into small incidents. If we ignore it and continue to live the same way of thinking and behaviour, a bigger accident will follow. So when we realise our faults, we can talk to the universe or repent in our heart. After reflection, the accumulated murky pressure will disappear slowly. We can reflect that these types of incidents happen because of our wrong behaviour. If we start to take control of ourselves, the pressure you have accumulated begins to disappear from then on. This is because the results of our efforts lowers the pressure of bad energy. This is how our soul's energy works.
The reason behind our souls coming to this earth is to develop and evolve all the time. After our souls grow and purity is achieved, we need to return to our original place. Our energy mass becomes very light as we rise to heaven. The universe lets us connect relationships so that we can have opportunities to grow through the environment we have been given. If we have stagnant life or we have been wrong, the universe will apply some small incidents as a signal for us to reflect. Therefore, everything that happens to us is always beneficial for us in terms of our souls.
104.Sickness and Healing: The spiritual method
If we are sick, it is a signal from the universe that we have lived wrong. In order to be healed, we should live the opposite of what we have lived so far, so that we can be healed.
When we have a sickness, we would usually go to the hospital. If the doctor at the hospital prescribes medicine and we take it, we would get better. But this is only a temporary measure. If we don’t find the underlying cause or if we do not change the way we live, the sickness will return in the future.
To give a further explanation on why medicine is only a temporary measure, if we keep doing the same routine for a long time and we get stressed out or sick, we would often try to do alternative methods of our routine or add in some more time to relax such as attending a musical performance or hiking. This is so that we can heal within ourselves. If we don’t change the way we live; we are destined to repeat and in this sense we would get sick again.
Changing the way we live means that we change our way of thinking. When interacting with people; we first think of what to say then we physically state it. If we say something bad, the other person’s reaction will cause us to take in this information. This wave of new information will damage our frequency if it is negative energy from our negative actions/words. Then our immunity would decrease because of the negative energy’s frequency. So, when we speak, we have to make sure the other person understands how we communicate and our ideas. If we make it difficult for the other person; it will be difficult for us. If we treat the other person correctly, our life will not gain hardships and we will not get sick.
103. The relationship between stubbornness and a tumour
Q: There are a lot of people who get cancer these days. Please explain what is the relationship between stubbornness and tumours in spirituality.
A: Our body consists of two kinds of energy. One is physical energy; body and one is non- physical energy; the soul. Souls are our genuine self and the body is the container for our soul. If we operate our body improperly, our cells in the body will become damaged and this over time will erode the container for our soul. Our thoughts are originally coming from within our souls. If we act negatively towards others, our cells will become damaged and it will form a possible tumour.
For example, when we are growing up, our parents might easily get frustrated and angry often; the environment will cause us to have more opportunities for our cells to become damaged. When we enter society in our 20s, we usually become independent and try to achieve the best of life by our own judgement. When we judge something that is not right for others, we sometimes ignore other’s perspectives or show no respect.
If we think our judgement is right but in the terms of Grand Nature our judgement is wrong, how do we treat a mistaken judgement?
These kinds of misjudgements will make cells within the body to become strained and furthermore damaged by our negative and improper use of our soul. To prevent these kinds of misjudgments and misbehaviours during our 20s, parents and children should put an effort in purifying judgements and misbehaviours together to fix it.
Human beings are always receiving energy from relationships. If we insist on our opinions without admitting and respecting others, we can't receive others' energy properly. It is wise to avoid insisting our opinion to others but we should share our opinion instead so that we are not stubborn. The reason why we share our opinions is that we were born with different skills and perspectives so that we can judge things differently when we collaborate. This will lead to higher quality of knowledge being available and furthermore more positive outcomes. As we get older, our muscles will become much more strained when we insist on our opinions to others and we will be known for our stubbornness. We should digest others' energies (words) without any complaints, and this will lead to all muscles in the body to become more relaxed and overall our cells in all parts of our body will become collected.
In conclusion, we are living in a knowledgeable society now, so everyone has got different knowledge and skills. We should admit and respect others' opinions and situations. If we dismiss or humiliate others because we have got ‘more’ knowledge, our cells in the body will become strained and damaged much quicker. The knowledge we have in this era comes from all our people's sacrifices in the world and with that thought in mind it is important to respect all knowledges within the world and show appreciation for their work.
102. The solution to obesity
Q: Recently in Korea, a fad diet has swept through the country and many people are trying to make their body slim. In the United States, obesity has already become a social issue. I would like to know more about these issues and what we can do in order to solve this problem.
A: In order for us to diet properly, our spirits should be alive. What do you wish to do in life? Only when your spirits/mind are awake, will you not suffer from the stress and your bodies won’t gain weight. When you start losing your spirit/mind, the cells of our bodies will start to create trouble and your bodies will show some symptoms of illness.
From now on (post-era from 2013), we should find out the meaning of human life on earth, what we have to live for, and who we are. Now is the time in which we should manage what we have established. So in the future, we can provide the righteous way of human life on earth. We should not live thoughtlessly anymore, rather we should start grasping the meaning of life little by little. How would you define a human being? We need to figure it out. We should realise that if we let go of our minds/spirits, then we could gain weight. When we are well-disciplined, then our health and body shapes will maintain health. This is why we should start looking for what we should do in our life subjectively before we try to lose weight.
Now, many people in Korea make lots of effort to lose weight. However, they don't know the right way of approaching the problem as they lack their quality of energy. The people who are very busy working on outstanding projects never gain weight. The obese people must have lost something important for their soul, thereby they gain weight. So we should now recover our senses. Human beings never injure their health when they think the right way. Because they choose the wrong path, they have warning signals in their health. The modern era requires us to look for the right path. We should forget about going on a diet just to lose weight. Instead, we should look for ways to eat well and live righteously. Then, issues with our weight and health will gradually be resolved.
101. Grand Nature's warning
Q: There is an old saying that a frog dies from a stone thrown at it inadvertently. I wonder if the meaning behind it is that the frog died by careless stoning. I have come to think that our usual words and actions can hurt others and cause their souls to ache.
A: Let me answer your question first, the stone that was thrown accidentally never existed. The idea of throwing a stone carelessly is based on our current environment. Nothing happens without cause in this world. Likewise, there is no energy in this universe that moves or operates without cause. There is a reason for it all. You just don't know the depth of it. If you are to be hit by a stone, you would have accumulated misbehaviour that led to this. A frog must have been at the right place, at the right time to be hit by that stone.
This is a metaphor of how human beings live. It is not as if a person happens to hear that story from someone. It happens progressively. That person also did not mean to speak harsh words (the stone) towards the other (the frog). It is human nature to speak based on what kind of person you have in front of you. Whether it was intentional or not, you behave according to the environment around you. That is how you connect with others. For instance, you have heard harsh words from someone. You would question why you have to hear such words when you have done no wrong to this person. The reason why you have heard it is very simple and subtle; You have done wrongs that have accumulated so far. Another example, if you have cancer or got into a car accident, you may say “what have I done wrong?”. You have done wrong things in the past that have piled up into negative energy which led to the car accident or diagnosis of cancer. This isn’t Grand Nature (God)'s mistake. Likewise for when a country is humiliated. If we, as the nation' s owners, neglect our country, we have insulted ourselves internationally.
Therefore, when we suffer from certain hardships, we would have received signs of warnings. However, if we put it past us and blame others instead, we are bound to get beaten up later. If we continue to blame others, we will be beaten even harder. Grand Nature does not make mistakes ever. So we would never get hit by a stone by chance. It is a warning from Grand Nature.
1.Importance of meditation and breathing.
Meditation and breathing have been a very popular topic nowadays. What is the meaning behind them? There certainly is a difference after practising them. However, as soon as that happens, people start chasing after their illusional dreams. This is not the true way of meditation and breathing. We should at least know whether our quality of energy is ready to do this. Otherwise, we will be pursuing the wrong thing and wasting our precious time.
The reason we have to learn to take a deep breath is because we have not been breathing properly in our life. What does this mean? As we aged, we might not have been breathing fully. The reason humans breathe is to provide clean oxygen to our bodies and pull out all the carbon dioxide, toxins and byproducts. We need to do this consistently to keep our insides working properly. How far does the oxygen we breathe in go? To our lower abdomen. That is how our body can remain well-oiled and energised.
However, if we aren't aware of this, the oxygen won’t reach everywhere as it should. At some point, the oxygen might get stuck in the middle of the body and it becomes harder for oxygen to reach the belly. As we are getting older, it might get stuck in our chest, then in our esophagus. In other words, it won’t travel all the way. If this consists for a long time, our body balance might tilt and potentially become unhealthy.
When we become unhealthy, we might not be able to make decisions properly and to distinguish right from wrong. As time goes on, our ability to properly discern everything we see will decrease. And because we keep damaging our abilities, we end up living a bumpy and too simple of a life.
We need to look at other important things as to why we aren't able to breathe properly. Children can breathe down to their lower abdomen. For adults, if they don't consciously try, they won’t be able to breathe down to the belly. Why is that? For adults, the path from belly to the nose is long. However, for children, it is short. So they can breathe deeply enough to transport oxygen throughout the body. Therefore, we need to do meditation and breathing as we get old. We should make an effort to practise. For the bad habits we have made throughout our life, it is now up to us to fix that.
2. Alternative medicine
There are countless medications in the world and we continually make new ones. Here is the question, “why are there more people getting sick nowadays even when we are developing our skills in medicine and more hospitals are being built?”
Whether we get cured of our disease or illness in the hospital or through natural treatment, it is just a short term solution. The question remains on whether our thought process, actions or lifestyles have changed? It is for sure that if we don't change our lifestyle, this sickness will come back again. Whether it is cancer or other diseases, it is the same. Even if it is something like a car accident or our business going bankrupt, that is why we have pain. Sickness comes in many forms, it can be physical or mental, caused by financial difficulties or not being able to do what we want.
Why are these things happening to us? This is because we didn't live correctly. Alternative medicine teaches us how to live and get rid of our pain. We should not think that taking good medicine can cure us. This only means that we found the medicine in a certain environment and got temporary relief. In other words, if we take certain medicine and become cured, hospitals would close down and doctors would lose their jobs. However, why aren’t hospitals and doctors disappearing? This is because some people get cured a certain way and others are cured another way. It all depends on the type of person as everyone has a certain body type. Therefore, a certain medicine or a particular environment worked because it matched somehow with the person. If someone stated they took a medicine and was cured, that cure will not be the answer for everyone.
We sometimes are cured not only because of medicine. There needs to be a change in our lives to be cured and it requires our harmony with the environment and treatment. However, this is temporary. It is temporary when someone gets better in the hospital. This is because the issue wasn’t resolved completely and it resurfaced. In other words, if we don't change our lifestyle and figure out what caused this sickness, we may go through the sickness again and need to return to the hospital. For example, surgery for lower back pain is just to relieve the pain, this pain will ultimately return if we don't change our bad habits and thought process. It could be even more severe next time.
Therefore, we need to know if we put forth our effort and realise our wrongdoing or wrong way of thinking, or else our difficulties would return inevitably. If we think about the underlying issues causing our illness and reflect, it won't happen again. This is Grand nature law. This is what God does.
Everyone is confused and has a misconception about their lives. At the current level of knowledge in society, how have we not known this before? Why does God allow us to become ill or go through difficulties? It is the same principle as to why some parents pick up a stick to hit us? It was to give us a chance to reflect on our wrongdoings. We need to think why are they going to hit us? Then find out what we did wrong and apologise. Then, our parents will hold us tight and with an aching heart, they cry with us. That is the same as God.
When we are sick, someone comes to us to give us medicine. We should take it without a doubt. For example, if we have cancer and someone tells us what to do, we should say "thank you" and follow their instructions. This could cure us. However, if we doubt the instructions and contradict with them, we could get worse in time. This is because the reason we have cancer is to relieve us from our stubbornness. The tumours accumulate in the body due to immense stubbornness, which we can take reference from kings in the history who died with tumors. How stubborn do we think they were that they died from tumours. In other words, cancer goes away when you soften and keep an open mind. Then, we will be cured.
Therefore, don't rely too much on medicine. It doesn't mean that we don't take medicine. It just means that medicine isn’t the only way. This is because we won't have forgiveness. But rather, ask ourselves "why did this happen to me?" We must reflect on this and put our effort into identifying our wrongdoings.
3.Stress from work overload
When we feel stressed out at work, it means we are not capable of managing the work. We can become upset when we can't sufficiently handle the responsibilities in our position due to our incompetence. In other words, we are not in a position to blame our jobs because it was our decision to apply for the job.
If we lack the required skills, it is right to be patient, try to learn and improve ourselves. What happens when we are stressed out? We become very primitive and basic that we cannot continue to improve. Doesn't it sound paradoxical that we become stressed out from where we chose to work? Continuously stressing out won't help us achieve our goal, and we will only keep facing difficulties. We need to respond intellectually in order to manage our stress well. If we have wisdom and act accordingly, we will not be disappointed but find it rather joyful. Majority of people do not try to manage stress because they may think there is too much work to do. But we need to try it. It can be done. If we still can’t complete our assignments after trying our very best, there might be some adjustments and solutions to be discussed. Yet, if we simply keep complaining and leave it to ourselves, we won't have the workload reduced and we will lose the chance to improve the situation.
Employers won't be able to remember exactly how much work you are assigned. They allocate tasks for us to try out first. We can consider it successful when we manage to finish 70%. If they criticise us for not completing the rest of the work, we can continue trying next time after receiving their feedback. However, if we think we must finish the entire work, we might become overwhelmed and our stress might build up.
We should be honest by saying "I could not finish it all due to my incompetence”. Then, we won't have the need to complain. By doing so, our employers might be able to find a better alternative. Knowing our limit is a form of wisdom, it is how we can achieve competence. Being competent does not mean handling all the tasks we are assigned, but rather, knowing when to stop when we have tried our best. As a result, we would have fewer complaints. As a matter of fact, rectifying these situations is our duty. We can relieve ourselves from the overworking and leave some stress behind. Besides, we will feel less exhausted if we consider the task as our chance to study and learn.
Being a new employee, all work assigned is a lesson for us to learn. We might face difficulty because we think it as work rather than a lesson. Considering it as work is simple-minded, but seeing it as a lesson will allow us enjoy the moment.
4.The principle behind unfortunate events
Why are unfortunate events coming to us? We need to understand the story behind these bad events that are happening.
For instance, you are destined to have a car accident after a couple of hours. Is the car accident related to what you did wrong today? No, it is not. It is related to the wrongdoings that have slowly piled up like stacks of paper and have become too much. All events associated with your wrongdoings in the past will come back at you. In this way, the number of flawed sheets of paper will accumulate. Hence, you will face these events inevitably.
However, with a disaster happening in the next two hours, if you add just a couple more sheets of negative behaviour to the stack, you will trigger an unfortunate event. More specifically, it has taken 1000 sheets for an accident to happen. If you have collected 1000 sheets of flawed or negative sheets, it will become a size that would harm you greatly.
Here is an example of how to avoid this accident. You should change your act. If you live stubbornly, you should instead live while listening to others well. If you are irritating others, you should be helpful to them instead. In doing so, negative sheets will eliminate one by one.
The same principle applies to if someone insults you. It is not because of what you did wrong today but what you have continued to do overtime that made you deserve such insults. It has taken 1000 sheets of negative things by you towards the society or someone to affect you. If you know you will get stung by insults or soon have a car accident, start changing your behavior from now on. Then what happens? Now, instead of adding negative pages in society, you should start contributing positive ones that benefit our society. Since you stopped your wrongdoings, positive pages will start to spread, eliminating the negative ones. That's how you prevent accidents from happening.
We need to know the law of the Grand nature and live our lives accordingly. As mentioned before, in order to prevent accidents and unfortunate events, you have to change your behavior from today to reverse those upcoming events. The difficulty you have at present is the product you created in the past; it travelled around and you are facing it now. We should know how to reverse and push this back. It becomes reversible if we learn the right principles on how to live in our society and treat others. This way, tragic events will stop coming your way.
Even after you deal with the trouble at this moment, there will still be a series of events ahead of you that you won’t have to go through if you understand this principle.
5.Healing for a cancer.
When you go to the hospital and the doctor said that you have cancer. This most probably would be a scary situation for you. You’d probably make an effort to live, and find out why it happened to you. This is the you have to reflect on how you have been living so far and try to find it out what you have done wrong. This is what you have to focus on now.
When children are living the wrong way, they would realise it and want to improve themselves. They would apologize for their wrongdoings. Parents would be compassionate and forgive them. Just as mother nature will care for us when we realised our mistake and try to improve. She is our parent (God). We are all sons and daughters of God( mother nature).
The best way to recover from cancer is that you should be open to other's words. This is the key to your recovery. Try not to be stubborn or impose your opinion and perception on others, but be accepting to everything you hear. We need to improve our behaviour, the way we think, and speak.
Why should we listen to others? It is because our body consists of two components, body and soul. Our body has food to sustain it and our soul has power by absorbing knowledge (words). Knowledge is energy. When we communicate with others, we exchange our energy with each other. Our words contain a very strong energy. We obtain energy by taking in other’s words.
This means that we must keep an open mind. The best way to try to be open-minded is to go to an area that you’re not familiar with. This would encourage you to listen to others. It would also be hard for you to insist on your opinion in that situation.
Another important thing is that even if you recovered from this cancer at this moment, but you don't change your behaviour and live in the same way, the cancer might grow back or you’ll suffer from another disease later. You must take this experience to realize what you have been doing wrong. Here is an example, the one who gets robbed would get robbed again; one who goes to jail would go to jail again; and the person who gets into a car accident would get into a car accident again. You need to understand the principles of how these are all entangled and connected to us and study it. When it happened for the first time, we should learn from it and repent "oh, why did I do that?”. It is then that you will be bettered as you learn and detangle yourself from this vicious cycle. That way, you may be prevented from getting sick in the future.
On Earth, everything happens for a reason. The challenge you have at present is the product you created in the past. It comes back around, and you have to face it now. From this point on, we should know how to tackle it. What can you do? If you have lived a certain way so far and you got cancer, you should now live differently. For example, if you live with stubbornness, you should live with an open mind from now on. If someone gives you a suggestion and you ignore it before, you should accept their suggestion from now on. In doing this, your positive energy will grow continuously, and negative energy will decrease.
6.The principles that cause illness.
When we have hard times, we get sick. There is no such thing that we can get sick when we're so happy. It's difficult even if you have a lot of money, and it is also difficult without money. Being in a difficult situation is not merely because of economic problems. It is getting harder even with a lot of money.
Why does the king or the chairman of a corporation get sick? Even though they have lots of money, they get sick. Because they are in a difficult situation. Every person has difficulties in their social status. The intellectual has difficulties and the wealthy people also fall in difficulties, as they cannot manage their given wealth in the right way. When it gets herder, the illness comes.
We should know the principles of how the illness comes. We are getting harder and harder if we don't live the right way being frustrated, venting anger, and blaming others. If we go beyond a certain point, the illness will come to us.
We need to sort out how the illness is coming. Normally, illness is known for the doctor's diagnosis like "your liver has a problem ". But it is also a kind of illness life goes not as well as we wish to be. That is, the frustration that comes from not knowing how to deal with our given environment properly is also as illness.There are different types of illness.
Being frustrated means you are sick. You can get well by knowing what caused your frustration and how to solve it. In other words, as you your frustration goes worse, you will have a higher chance of becoming ill. Frustration and the pain it brings will develop into a physical illness.
Therefore, if we don't know the principles in life and live in the wrong way, we get frustrated and become ill in the end. The principles behind having illness and difficulties are not different. They are basically the same.
7.Health issue
If your health issues cannot be taken care of in the hospital, it implies that you have some issues with yourself. By correcting your bad characteristics, you will be able to make some changes in your body. See if you have too many complaints? Try to adjust your thoughts to be more open-minded. You would become flexible by accepting this. This will lead you to relax so as you muscles and your body pain will disappear.
When your mind is relaxed and your energy is circulating well, your appearance changes and this will lead to associate who is attracted to you. The more people come towards you, you would receive their energies and develop from there even more. However, when people stay away from you, you would feel lonely and your appearance wouldn't look good from lacking in energy.
As you become softer and flexible, you can digest majority of energies coming into your body. Many aging adults experience frozen shoulders. You have to check the condition of your mind when you are afflicted with frozen shoulders. It would go away when you open up your mind and stay at ease. Even if you try to relax muscles therapy, your shoulder muscles will shrink back if your mind is still tensed. This is why people suffer from having frozen shoulders must look back on yourself to be healed. The quality of your thinking needs to be improved.
In this manner, your muscle pain will be resolved with much less effort as you absorb energies from your circumstances correctly. Relaxing muscles is under your influence. For those who are chronically ill and have not found a cure, instead of receiving treatment for your symptoms only, check your status of mind. That way, you will be able to find a clue to fix your symptoms quickly.
8.Stress and obesity.
When we are stressed, it means we are not absorbing things correctly. If we are not absorbing energy from words and from the things that we see, we would become overloaded and thus lead to stress.
In this case, we would have no appetite for food. We wouldn't be able to enjoy the food either. We would only shove food into our mouths without savoring its flavor. As our sensory system becomes disoriented, it easily leads to obesity. All of the obese people have many complaints and people with complaints can easily become obese.
Therefore, we should try to fulfil ourselves in ways other than seeking to eat quality food. The food we eat is related to whom we meet. When we meet quality people, you will naturally have quality food. This is how our circumstances are made. Thus we should put some effort into developing ourselves.
9.Food and disease.
We think about how food affects our body. Even if we have very delicious food, the way we think, like getting frustrated, angry or annoyed. Food can relate to our body differently. Depending on our thoughts, food can affect us negatively. The way you think is extremely important.
Whatever kind of food is in front of you, you will always be grateful and appreciate the food. The food would be good for you. The food can also become a good medicine when you do your best at work. The important thing is that the way you think makes food a good medicine for your body but food itself doesn’t do that. For instance, a person who cooks keep thinking negatively while he/she cooks, the food could then affect those who eat it negatively. On the other hand, a person who cooks with their wholeheart, the food can be a good medicine for others.
The food cooked with their whole heart has a mass of energy. If you have it for a certain period of time, this means you will need to pay back the same amount of energy through work. If you are greedy and have high quality food for a while but you don't do anything, you should know that you might get a disease. This is because as long as you have it, you should do some good that benefits others. This is the law of mother nature. These days you can see many spiritual leaders contracted with a disease.
Therefore, you should accept whatever food you have with appreciation and think of what you can do for others. There are many foods available to us nowadays that are made with love (energy). So for a long time, we have the luxury to enjoy these foods and the energy that they provided. It makes it more important for us to pay back the energy by focusing on giving to others and society. Just as if you have benefited from people, society or your nation, there will be a certain period of time before you have to give back, otherwise you would get a disease.
This is the reason why we see so many people get a disease nowadays. We should know this fundamental law of mother nature. You can think about why beggars don't get a disease because they don't have the chance to eat food made with love. Just as if dogs eat leftover food, they would never get a disease. However, if they eat food made with love for a certain period of time, they might get a disease because they don't do any quality work.
10.Food and perception.
People used to have all kinds of food a long time ago. There wasn’t much choice in what they had and they didn't have any knowledge of food. As our lifestyle has changed, we choose food within our perception.
As society and community grow and improve, many people joined religions or different communities. Depending on what kind of group they joined and learned from, they might decide to not have specific food like meats, poultry, or cheese, etc. If we make the decision to be in diets such as vegetarian or gluten-free, our bodies could transform accordingly. After determining our perceptions, our bodies will follow suit.
The human body is made to be omnivorous. However, our perceptions can decide our preferences. This is determined by absorbing different knowledge as we live. Therefore, we could be trapped in our own perceptions.
How can our perceptions affect our body? Depending on our perceptions, we choose different foods. If we keep eating that way, some part of our body may become weak and sick. We can experience these diets for a while, however, we shouldn’t be trapped by our own perceptions for too long so we can make sure our bodies are balanced.
In conclusion, all foods in the world are not 100% good or bad for our bodies. Balanced food choices is the better way. How we think and perceive food can affect our bodies in various ways as well.
11.How to make food choices wisely.
The body of a person who has a sedentary job or work in management have different rates of digestion. Such a person should have fruits without skin or soft food. Every food has a bit of toxin on its skin and also has a lot of nutrients. However, if your body can't digest it all, it might affect the health of your intestines, or it might make your body sick. This person can easily contract a virus.
People say that it is good if food contains a lot of nutrients. However, depending on your circumstances, it might not be the case. When you give food suggestions to others, you should consider this factor, especially for your children.
On the other hand, if the person has a laborious job, he/she might have better digestive system. This person can have food with skin, or he/she can even have hard food. The toxin can become a functional medicine for your body when you digest it all.
For instance, we all know that brown or multigrain rice is good for us. They are good for a person who is sick or unhealthy because they contain a lot of nutrients. They can be consumed for a short period, then you can stop eating when your health is better. If you consume them continuously, they might make you feel worse.
Making the right choice of food can be beneficial for our body. Depending on what your circumstances are, you should make food choices accordingly.
The food we have every day can form our body. We think about what kind of food is best for us. Depending on our environment and circumstances, food can affect our bodies differently. The food we have today is great for us and it is natural.
When you have food at home, you can enjoy food made by your family. This food can be a great medicine for you. When you have lunch or dinner with your friends or colleagues and enjoy the food and company with gratitude, it can be healing.
Not all foods are nutritious, you need to distinguish which is good or bad. Depending on how your family is like and the kind of people you meet, you might have different types of food everyday. This means you might have more occasions to have food that isn’t as wholesome, for example, takeaway and fast foods.
If someone treats you to lovely food, you would be delightful. But here is an important thing you should know, this food has a mass of energy because he/she made it with love. If you have a condition and have this food, you will be benefited. However, if you don’t have a condition, you should give that energy back later. Good quality food are made by people who did so with effort and love. In other words, good quality energy would be accumulated in that food. If you can't give back with the same quality of energy after consuming it, you may become sick or get a disease.
To conclude, if you have food with gratitude, you will stay healthy. On the other hand, if you are not grateful for the food you get, it might negatively affect your life in the long run. Whether you’re eating high or low quality food, you should still accept it all with appreciation.
13.What does our job mean for us?
Humans should constantly study and grow so that state of your mind will always be fulfilled.
Studying doesn’t only mean to read lots of books, it means that you should be observant in your environment and study your surroundings. What you see and hear in your environment are your ingredients for your studies.
For example, as doctors, they are given a lot of opportunities to see many patients. When they start work as doctors, they have to cure patients’ bodies and also receive salary through their jobs. Doctors may think treating patients and curing them is enough. However, here is an important reason that all the experiences and opportunities given to them are for them to study(research) and understand why people are sick, have accidents or diseases.
During the first 10 or 15 years as doctors, they have a duty to master how our mind and body works. All the patients are given to them to study, so that they’ll become doctors that can treat patients just from a small chat or meeting by heart. If they don't study but treat patients for a living, they might start getting a stuffy mind and sickness when they reach their 40s. This is because their minds need to advance to a higher intellectual state for their patients.
If they have studied for many years, they can publish a book about their own experiences for others. In the process, they treat the patients with a more profound care. Their mind will be fulfilled because they made a contribution to our society.
People who got cancer might have inherited it from their ancestors. Doctors should ask about patients’ lives for record and for further analysis. If they do it for a certain period of time, they will realize the cause of cancer. They can show evidence to others and advise other patients to lead a better life.
14.Unbalanced lifestyle and our diets.
Our lifestyle nowadays is unbalanced, and so is our diet. If you change your current lifestyle, your diet will be changed as well. Depending on whom you meet, spending time with people of a variety of ages or background, you would have exposure to different diets.
In other words, we say that unbalanced eating is an unbalanced lifestyle. If your lifestyle is eventful, you might meet a variety of people with different backgrounds and thus have more chances to experience different foods. If you have a boring lifestyle, you wouldn’t have such kind of opportunity. If you can meet different varieties of people, your unbalanced diets will vanish. How can you do that? You should have different areas of knowledge so that you can communicate well with different individuals.
Some people continuously look for delicious restaurants and they won’t hesitate to go long distances for them. This is not because they are craving food but because they are trying to fulfill their needs from within. The reason is that our body requires food and our soul absorbs knowledge (energy). Human beings change depending on their circumstances. So your eating style will also change regularly.
15.The law of accidents.
We need to understand the mechanism of how bed events are happening.
For instance, you are destined to have a car accident after a couple of hours. Let's say I can tell you that you are going to have a fatal incident in the next two hours. However, is the car accident from what you did wrong today? No, it is not. It is your wrongdoing has slowly piled up and has become prevalent. Each minor flaw becomes compiled like stack( sheets) of paper.
All events associated with your wrongdoing in the past will move around in a circle and comes back right at you. In this way, the number of negative sheets will accumulate. Hence, you face these events inevitably.
However, with a disaster waiting to happen in the next two hours, you meet someone significant and told that you change the way you behave from now on. You will have a chance to avoid this fatal accident.
The reason why is that if you add just a couple more sheets of the negative behaviour, you will trigger an unfortunate event. It takes 1000 sheets(wrongdoing) for an accident to happen. If you have collected 1000 sheets, it will become a size that would harm you physically.
Here is the same principle. If someone insults you, it is not because of what you did wrong today. You have continued bad acting in society in a way that would make you deserve such insults. This takes 1000 sheets to become effective to you.
If you feel you will get stung by insults or soon have a car accident, start changing your behavior from now on. Then what happened? Why you should change it from now is that you begin to contribute positive ones that benefit our society, instead of adding negative pages in community. Since you stopped your wrongdoing, positive pages start to spread. From this point forward, you are pushing it(wrongdoing sheets)back. That's how to prevent accidents from happening. So to avoid accidents and unfortunate events, change your behaviour from today and reverse those upcoming events. If you keep doing what you have been doing, a string of bad luck is coming your way. This is how a particular event happens to you.
On Earth, everything happens for a reason. I explain sunlight that will make you understand the principle of it. We see the sun as it appeared minutes ago(from sunlight to reach earth is 8mins 20 seconds) in the past, not the one at the very moment. Similarly, the difficulty you have at present is the product you already created in the past. It travelled around, and you are facing it now. From this point on, we should know how to reserve and push this back. It becomes reversible if we learn the right principles on how to live in our society and behave towards others. This way, such a tragic event stops coming your way.
16.Human's natural healing ability.
Let’s think about what natural healing is. There are a few types of it. First, mother nature does the healing. Second, healing with earth substances for our body. Third, using our energy to heal our body such as chi-spirit.
Humans have two major components, our soul and physical body. If we want to heal our physical body, we need to use various elements from the earth. For example, herbal medicine and food. However, there is a natural strength within us which is our soul(spirit) that does 30% of the job. You may think 30% is not much but it is actually doing a lot. So depending on the energy level of our soul(spirit), it can manage our physical body in different degrees. For example, when someone hold a hot object, but he knows he can hold onto it. This power is coming from our soul.
The reason why our physical body is in pain is because we haven't been living the right way. When we are born, our body consists of 70% positive energy and 30% negative energy. So our body should have 70% of positive energy to manage our body well and keep it in balance. However as we live our lives, if we have accumulated a bad habit that 30% of negative energy will grow continuously and positive energy will lose power constantly. It is important for us to know what is right and wrong way of living. So if we live the right way, we will not get sick easily and live with delight and joy. The best medicine for us is to live the right way. If someone has already had an illness such as cancer. What if he lives the right way from now on, can he get rid of this illness? The answer is yes. As he doesn't know how to live the right way. This means that he couldn't find the reason why he got cancer and he needs to reflect on his life and try to find out what he has been doing wrong in his life. If he doesn't want to make this effort but just want to stay alive, the cancer will kill him.
If a doctor diagnoses you with a disease, this means you have a chance to heal this. If there is no chance, they wouldn’t tell us about it. So even if you have cancer, depending on how you live, you can recover from this. Our body cells have enormous healing powers. We can regain positive energy anytime and heal with our body.
Human beings are constantly thinking. The way you think can affect whether you will be healthy, sick, or if your body will produce endorphins or negative chemicals. So Natural Healing means the way you think can affect how your body manages itself.
Our cells itself is nature, our body is nature and the universe is nature. We are living in the universe so we are nature.
It is important for us to have minimal intake of herbal medicine or pills. The right way of life is to have positive thinking. So we should rely on that medication for 30% of the healing process, only because you missed the window for your body to balance the negative energy out with a positive thinking. Medication is only temporary, it only heals our body, not our soul. Natural healing is the more wholesome way to treat both the body and soul.
I hope this information will encourage you to keep your body condition well and always live a delightful life.
17. The principles of misfortune
We have seen many misfortunes happening in our lives. Why do these things happen to us and how do we prevent them in advance? The principle of misfortune is that human actions do not disappear. All actions remain in the Grand nature. They remain and accumulate little by little. When they accumulate to a critical point, they will overflow. For example, when it comes to rain, it doesn't matter how much water molecules have accumulated, it won't turn into rain until the last mist of water molecule fills in. Our action is like a water molecule. It will happen exactly as the law of Grand nature.
Let’s put this principle into an example. When we get robbed, does this mean we did something wrong to this thief? No, it does not. It means we have accumulated wrong habits in our daily life. Let's say we cussed at someone. We unknowingly hurt that person’s feelings. So the situation became a little uncomfortable, but we just moved on like nothing happened. Later on in life, we continue to quarrel with others. It might not have affected us that much, but other’s feelings were very hurt. These kinds of wrong deeds accumulated little by little over time. As they overflow, this will come at us in the form of a calamity. In other words, let's say we are living our lives with little problems. One day, we spit out a nagging phrase to our wives or husbands, causing them to flame up with great anger. It is not because of what we said in the moment, but we have been accumulating our wrong deeds and they finally had enough.
Our life experiences are influenced by the same principle. There is only one law of the Grand nature, not two. It is that we never face difficulty unless we did something wrong, although we might not truly understand how it works in detail.
Likewise, we can never be angry without our wrong deeds. When we get into a car accident, there is an absolute reason why it happened. Therefore, when we face misfortune, we should reflect on what we have done wrong. It is important that we try not to make the same mistake from then on.
18. Eating a balanced diet.
Humans are born as omnivores when we come to have a body. Humans eat not only vegetables, or meat, but they are omnivorous. They also eat grains, roots and leaves etc. It means humans are born with an environment where we can handle everything. Besides, humans have a soul that can connect even with the gods. Therefore, humans are created with a special nature and structure that can deal with anything. If we are inclined to be on one form of diet and stay that way for too long, our balance of the body will collapse and we will get sick. So we should always eat a balanced diet.
However, how do we eat in a balanced way? If we generally eat as much as we would consume meat, that is not balanced. This is because meat is a high-quality food, which means it is a lump of energy. So if we eat vegetables as much as the volume of meat we would consume, it will be too much. It is true that our diet should consist of 70% of vegetables, grains and roots and 30% of protein foods. If we eat like this, the balance of our body will never collapse.
If we have mistakenly consumed a lot of high-energy meat, our balance might break down. Things could go wrong in our body and we could get sick. When we go to a doctor or an expert, who said that we had too much greasy foods, they might advise us to eat more vegetables. If we are very sick, we have to eliminate the toxin. In that case, we shouldn't eat the meat all together. When we get a little better, we can balance our diet by reintroducing it little by little. People often make the mistake of avoiding meat completely and becoming vegetarian. If we continue with the vegetarian diet, we might become obsessed with this diet. People sometimes focus on one side too much, which can lead to sickness. Therefore, we should have a balanced diet so that we can keep our body healthy.