BLOG – Family and family issue
- adminwooriii
- February 24, 2021
107. Family Relationship in Spirituality Series- Parent’s Pain
If our parents/ancestors were sick or had died because of a disease, their children may have the same illness later on. This is because these diseases are inherited and are connected by family ties and depend on the same karma levels and systems.
For example if a parent has a genetic factor for cancer, the child might also have a genetic factor for the same cancer. If a parent has cancer because they have a cancer gene and their child asks if they will get cancer too, it depends on how they live their lives. Depending on how we live, we can change our bodies and manage our body systems well. If your parents don't know about their ancestors' sickness and eventually when they get sick and die, the child should look at their parents and find out the reason why this happened.
One of the main reasons for this is that if your parents were angry people, blamed others a lot or they hurt people; when they get older they are bound to get a sickness at some point. It is said that when we are born, we receive this picture of life from Mother Nature. However, if you know these principles and make an effort to correct yourself, you can escape from this picture and live a completely different life. By this law of nature, if a child sees his parents' bad habits and makes an effort to get rid of these inherited habits, then their personality will change because of such efforts. When our personality changes, the cells in us will be softened and tumours such as cancer will not develop, so we as people can maintain a healthy life without going through the same procedures as our parents.
One of the important laws of the universe is, "If we don't do something wrong in life, we won't have illnesses or difficulties in life."
The bottom line is that if we acknowledge that the bad genetic factors of our parents and ancestors are inherent in us and if we have a lot of knowledge and make efforts to get rid of the bad personality, we can avoid the same pain as our parents. It is said that if a person understands this principle, corrects their bad personality and fully understands it; their children will not be able to pass on these bad genetic factors and future generations will be free from these diseases and pains. In other words, if a child sees his parents' pain, he/she has an obligation to realise the reason and try not to pass on not only to themself but also to their future generations.
106. Spirituality in Family Relationship Series - Siblings
Siblings grow up in an environment with their parents when they are young but if they go out into society and experience troubles and failures; siblings might go back to each other to live together for several years. The reason why younger siblings enter back into the elder sibling’s environment after having difficulties is because the older sister/brother has not completed their duty for their younger sibling. The universe creates an opportunity for siblings to meet again and fulfil that duty. This is true not only for siblings, but also for parent-child relationships. When a child goes out into society and has problems with relationships or when their work habits become unmanageable and difficult, the child may come to the parents who raised him and complain.
What are the obligations here?
For example, when you are young and in the environment surrounded by your family, if your sister sees a bad habit in your younger brother, they have an obligation to warn him and stop the bad habit from the beginning. If you consider them to be your brother/sister but you’re unable to stop the bad habits from the beginning, your brother's habits will get worse and worse. If their habits go beyond your control, you will not be able to play the role of an older brother or a sister. So as a result of not stopping bad habits, when the younger sibling goes out into society and are disadvantaged by bad habits at work or in other areas of life; the younger sibling may spend years with their older sibling relying on them because they have not been able to be taken care of.
The older sibling must know this principle to support their younger sibling, when troubles arise, it is essential to allow them into your environment. But, this environment is not to support their bad habits but it is to observe their behaviour and furthermore this information is to be used to get them skills to enter society again.
This is the same thing as a parent wanting their child to grow up well and not have bad habits. Older siblings should care so as not to let your younger siblings' bad habits grow and furthermore correct these bad habits.
It's a slightly different situation here, but if someone in your family has been bullied or beaten at school, you should first look at whether the child has bad habits and not immediately blame the perpetrator.
Nowadays, this society is exposed to different types of public places and situations and if a child does or says something bad in public, it should be pointed out and educated that the behaviour is wrong. From this, the bad habits will not accumulate and children will not be bullied or beaten because of their bad habits. If you don't look for your child's bad habits and you get angry with the offender, that anger will lead to anger again.
The Law of the Universe is that if we have a child doing or saying something bad in public, the bad energy of this will be accumulated in the universe and will not go away. So, this outcome comes back like a boomerang later on, breaking the parents' hearts because it was the parents' fault as they didn’t stop these negative actions from the beginning.
It is the universe's law that circumstances should not break our hearts when we have done nothing wrong.
The bottom line is that if a brother or family member goes out into society and does not become independent, and later it becomes difficult and there is an environment where siblings have to live together again it happened because they did not perform their duties as proper siblings so they were given the opportunity again to stop and remove these bad habits/actions and correct them. When a sibling/person is corrected, they will never again be disadvantaged by those bad habits in society and will be able to live a healthy life with others.
105.Pregnancy: Before Birth
If you hate people or complain a lot when you are pregnant, the baby when born may hate people because the baby is affected by your energy and words. So if you're pregnant, it's essential to see, hear and do a lot of positive things.
When you are pregnant it is good to look at magazines, the Internet to keep your mind in a positive state. It's better to have higher ideals compared to what you would usually think and it's even better to listen to intellectual music to pass this positive energy onto your future child. If you are exposed to a lot of intelligent things, your child will be born with these intelligent assets.
For example, if you listen to classical music or to quiet and calm music, your child will have a stable DNA when they are born. When we create a life during the 10-month pregnancy, everything is brought to life so it affects the child a lot depending on what you think about at this time.
On the other hand for example: if there is a lot of debt and you worry a lot about repaying this debt quickly, your child may also receive this information subliminally and later in life; also have to pay debts with worry on their mind.
So before 10 months or when you receive the first sign of pregnancy, you have to try to avoid complications and only listen/see positive things within your life. The bottom line is that when you spend time with more intellectual things than complications, you will have a good environmental impact on your child and thus a child is born with very intelligent DNA.
104. Choosing the right person for marriage
Q1. In my previous question, you said that if you want a husband, you should choose a man who is considered 30% higher in terms of knowledge, wealth and overall abilities compared to myself and if you have a professional background, you should choose a friend. However, these people may be in their late 20s or early 30s and have studied less and are not equipped completely.
In general, when a woman chooses a man, they look at what they have in an economy, talents, looks, manners, attitudes, mindset and they look at their current position in society, etc., so how can I choose a man accurately?
A: If a woman wants wealth, it's a good idea to choose someone who is 30% higher in society compared to themselves. In other words, people who can afford 30 percent more than me. But the person who can support you in every circumstance is a choice but it comes with obligations as well.
If you have a good relationship but you both are too poor, you will have a hard time. Having some wealth also means having some of your own money well-equipped and using it wisely. Wealth is not earned easily and to earn wealth is to learn about wealth. It is not an immediate reaction to gaining knowledge on what wealth is, but a process of sacrifices and overall preparation for the future through yourself and others within your own journey of life.
Q2. I saw the pros and cons of other people getting married and still have a desire for work. If I get married, it takes up so much time, so I often wonder if I should get married. The other women around me have similar thoughts as I, but is this true, or should I keep trying to find a partner?
A: The answer is that this is a society where you don't have to make an effort to get married, you have to make an effort to be yourself, not to get married. Once you have your confidence, when the time comes for the relationship you will find someone that will be able to match your energy. At that time, you just have to take a person who you admire. In other words, trust that Mother Nature is taking care of us.
The difference between those who work hard at their jobs and those who care about marriage can be seen in their faces. Those who work hard will have a bright face. When we meet people, for example, if we work hard, we will rise to a certain position and we will have the opportunity to attend various meetings, so we will naturally have the opportunity to meet new people. If you meet a like-minded person and decide that you can live your life well, you can marry that person.
The bottom line is that if you don't try to find a marriage partner and work hard at your job, you'll find someone who suits your needs. This is what Mother Nature does for us. If we care too much about marriage, sometimes that greed prevents us from meeting the people we should meet.
103. Reasons for the estrangement in couples
Couples grow up in different environments so it is essential to make an effort to understand each other so that they can continue to get along. The reason for the relationship between couples is that they meet to fill each other's gaps and if they work on each other their energy will be activated and everything will work out. But if you don’t try to understand; the relationship becomes twisted. Let's look at a few of these reasons for why it becomes twisted. While this concept is explored, it is important to know that there is not only one reason for relationships to become twisted but a vast amount.
Firstly, a couple should discuss a relationship and not dictate within the relationship. When you talk to each other and try to point out that you know more than the other, look down on each other or if you ignore them; your relationship becomes more and more distant.
Secondly, if you speak to the other person without understanding, trust will be destroyed as a result. If you don't know something but if you pretend to know or claim that your personal opinion is correct, your trust will be lost and often a partner will walk away. It is essential that if you don’t know something that you must say that you don’t know to show honesty within yourself.
Thirdly, when we blame each other for negative aspects of our relationships/the actions of our children, we will get hurt and often bottle up our emotions. When a person bottles up their emotion, usually their mindset is in a state that doesn’t understand the other partner. Allowing empathy and understanding when a person cannot do something and they are sorry will allow both partners to see each other’s perspective. When you blame someone, you are not allowing empathy to be an emotion and furthermore this causes more distance between partners. As you are not empathising with someone who has a different knowledge and skill set while also blaming or bottling up emotions, it will cause distance. Without communication between partners, the relationship in terms of connectivity will start to drift apart.
Lastly, in a conversation you can argue with the other person for not following and or understanding your own stubbornness, logic, methods, and expressions . Your logic may work for you but it might not for your partner therefore if you keep being stubborn and keep arguing the relationship will fall apart.
A true couple can become a real couple when they have worked on each other and become one mind and one body. It is highly important to become a real couple rather than a ‘couple’ just because of marriage. When couples have worked together and reached an agreement on each other's ideas and ideologies to the point of seventy percent of becoming one mind:one body; then it is possible to become a true couple. In other words, it is impossible to become a true couple without effort on both sides of the relationship. So, as a result of that effort, you can go to the dimensional realm and stay together forever.
102 ‘Family Relationships’ Series
Parents need to raise their children well, and need to put a lot of effort into raising their children. There are also laws of the universe in the relationship between children and parents. So, when you understand and follow these laws well, everything will work out.
If children and parents stay together for a long time, the relationship can become skewed. The bond between child and parent is a connection of karma and a bond with duty. This obligation is for parents to do their best to support their children until they are 21 years old and to ensure that they thrive. This is a heavenly command. This is because the karma that a person built in their previous life and the karma in the beginning of their new life are combined with giving obligations. So a parent must raise their children well to purify their karma. That's why children and parents are obliged to bond.
So you may have a question here. What is the meaning of the compulsory relationship law and also true family? The true meaning of family is: We have parents and siblings, but let's take a closer look at husband and wife relationships. Couples meet each other even though they are strangers, they love each other, they make an effort and when they get married they are called a family. If you don't make an effort to love and cherish each other, and you end up estranged over time or get divorced, you are not a family.
When you get married and have a baby, this baby comes as a mandatory relationship rather than as a family relationship. It is a mandatory relationship law that requires you to raise them well up until the age of 21 so that they can work as members of society. After the age of 21, parents must respect their children as members of society and be upright so that they do not have difficulties with each other.
If you interfere with them because as a parent you have been too kind and not allowing realistic experiences for 21 years or even try to control them when they are in their 30’s and 40’s; the relationship will become distorted.
After the age of 21, the parent’s right to do something to the child is gone and the obligation is over. The child must be treated as a person in society. This is the law of the universe. You have to treat them as a member of society but if you keep interfering, your child will become reliant upon you. After the age of 21, if a parent interferes with a child, negative consequences will come back to the parent and hurt them. When a person interferes with someone’s life, and they cause that person pain; eventually the pain will return to them. One of the reasons why there are so many difficulties in families is that they do not respect each other's opinions and they interfere a lot which leads to difficulties.
After the age of 21, parents must make an effort to love and cherish each other in order for their children to truly become a family. Just as a couple becomes a family by loving and cherishing each other, it is only through a long period of effort to love and cherish their children that they can truly become a family. Effort here refers to mutual effort. You can't become a family by only putting in effort when you need something. Just as a couple can become a family by meeting each other and making an effort for each other, parents and children can become a true family by performing their duties before the age of 21 and working together after the age of 21.
The bottom line is that before the age of 21, the parent-child relationship is a relationship of obligation and is not yet a true family. Everyone can truly become a family when others meet each other and make an effort to truly love and cherish each other.
101. The Righteous Role of parents.
Q: I have a son who is a senior in high school. I have been pushing him a lot to excel in his studies to meet my high expectations. So the relationship between us has been quarrelsome for a year. When it got worse, we didn't talk to each other for a month. However, after I started listening to Jungbub lecture this year, I came to a realisation that I had been the one at fault. Ever since then, the relationship with my son gradually improved and his grades went up to a satisfactory level. However, I am a little concerned about his upcoming college entry exam, finding a new job and eventually getting married. Can you advise me on what role I should play in this matter?
A: The education system changes gradually and so does the structure of society and companies. If you understand this change, you need to try not to be so strict on your children. Instead, try to resolve issues by having conversations with them.
How do you do that? There is a law of Grand nature in the 3 stages of age in the role of parents until their child is 21 years old; they are 1 to 7 years, 7 to 14 years, and 14 to 21 years. This is the way of Grand nature that parents have different roles in different stages of the child’s life. When parents break these roles, unfortunate happenings will be ahead.
In the first seven years, the goal of the conversation is to develop their speaking skills until they reach the age of 7. As a parent, you are helping them build communication skills and providing guidance in life. In other words, parents lead their children 100% until they are 7 years old.
In the second seven years, parents lead by having discussions and respecting their child’s views 30% of the time until they reach teenage years. You should raise your child with respect. Even though you have an answer to your child's questions, you lead by reflecting upon 30% of their views when you give them advice. This happens before they reach the age of 14.
In the third seven years, how much respect should you give them? Parents should give their children 70% of the respect when they reach 21 years old, where parents gradually build their depth of respect for their children. The respect you show for your child should be at 70% when they are 21 years old. If you follow these steps, you will be able to raise your children well and there will likely not be any hardships.
If you have neglected your child from you not knowing how to lead, it is a non-fulfilment of your duty as a parent, so immoral behaviours could emerge in your child. Your child may not listen to your words of advice. Why is this? This happens as much as you have neglected your child or you have interfered too much with their ability to grow. Parents who intercept and take control of their children would find that children do not listen to their parents. This is a form of trespassing. It is an invasion of their potential for growth in life. If things don't go well, you would be held responsible for it. There is no doubt about this. This is the reason why many parents experience hardships because of their children.
If we don't realise this principle, we may blame or abuse our children. We need to remember we are the ones who are raising them as they are. We should reflect on ourselves first. We are the ones who can untie the knots that we have entangled with our wrongdoings. If we don't realise our wrongdoings and blame our children, we will face hardships. Grand nature doesn't forgive us for this. Grand nature does not give us permission to put someone else at fault over our mistakes. It was done by our choice and it is okay to do so, however, we are just making it hard on ourselves.This is the way Grand Nature operates.
Therefore, if your child is in high school, you should have respect for them for at least 50% to 60% of the time. This should go up to 70% when they reach the age of 21 years old. Then your child will likely feel more at ease and there won’t be as much tension. You show the respect that they deserve. delivering what you know to them by sharing your views with them, that is as far you should go. You shouldn't be pushing them to do anything. Children are developing so as to face future life. However, parents aren't able to predict what the future would be like. Children are doing the right by paving the path on their own. So let's listen to their views first, keep away from making final decisions for them based on your thoughts as things can change based on comparative views of another. Don't rush into forcing your child to follow your path as that is interfering with their way of life. After you listen to your child sufficiently, you can tell them your thoughts and say " you can make the decision by yourself". This is because it is your child's responsibility to make their own decisions and you need to know the boundaries of your input in their decision. Moving forward, let your child decide on their path even if it doesn't seem sufficient. Then with time, everything will be resolved. If you make an effort for your child in the right way despite its difficulty, your child will make the right judgement. You can trust me on this. As the saying goes, Heaven will help those who help themselves. So if you don't put in the effort, good things will not happen to you.
1. Parents' Duty
There are things that a child must handle by themselves and there are things where parents should handle for their child. If parents exceed the boundaries of their care, the Grand nature will make it known to the parents by putting their child down the wrong path.
The Grand nature operates by the law of 3:7. This means that children should lead 70% of their lives with their effort. Parents should take care of 30% of their lives according to the law of Nature. This must not be breached.
The relationship between parents and children are the same as the relationship between God and man. Looking after our children must be done at 30%, this is how our children can carve out their own life in the right direction. If parents overstep their authority, the children will never learn to handle themselves alone and when something goes wrong, the parents will be heartbroken. It is understandable how much parents want to do everything for their child. However, there are times when parents should hold back and let their child have their share of duties.
Parents should support only 30 of their child’s life and focus 70% of energy on their own lives. When our child sees us living in the right way, they will learn from us. By seeing parents live pleasantly, children will also live a pleasurable life.
For instance, can we imagine children living happily when their parents are fighting against each other, blaming society all the time? To cope with that, children might live apart from their parents so that they won’t see fights or arguments from them. Otherwise, it would only make sense that children repeat the same mistakes as their parents have made, even if they didn't want their children to be like them.
Parents should know that children are a gift from God, who says "raise and support this child wholeheartedly." This means to take 30% of our life to support our children. The 30% is a duty for parents. By doing so, parents can pay off their debt directly by supporting their children. The law of relationship between parent and child is to pay off their debts to each other. In other words, parents are not doing a favour for their children, but they are only fulfilling their duty. We shouldn't set too great of a value on what we are doing for our children. According to the “law of relationship", your child has come to you for you to fulfil your duties.
When the parents have fulfilled their duty for children, they must let them go and live their own lives after the age of 21. This is the law of Grand nature.
2. The righteous role of parents.
When we experience issues with our children, we should try to resolve them by having conversations with them in order to raise our children righteously. How do we do that? The goal of the conversation is to develop their communication skills until they reach the age of 7. As a parent, we are helping them build communication skills. Parents lead their children 100% until they are 7years old.
Children develop in three different stages - the first seven years, the next seven years, and the last seven years. So we lead by having discussions while respecting their views 30% of the time until they reach teenage years (8 to 14years old). We should raise our children with respect. Even though we have answers to our children’s questions, we lead by reflecting upon their views 30% of the time when giving them advice.
When children reach the age of 14, parents should listen to their children and respect their opinions for 40 to 70% of the time before they make up their mind. We can build up little by little along with the depth of respect for them. This should progress to 70% when they reach the age of 21.
If parents follow these steps, their children will feel at ease and all tension will be relieved. There will not be any hardships. We can show the respect that they deserve, rather than deliver what you know to them. Instead, we should share our views with them. Even though we have an idea of how our children should decide and behave, let's listen to their views first and keep away from making a final decision based on our thoughts. As we enjoy a cup of tea after dinner, we should say, "let me tell you my thoughts on the issue". Inform correctly and let our children make the decision. That is how we should raise our children. We should not rush into forcing our children to follow our path, as that is interfering with their way of living their lives. Children need to develop so they can live out their lives. Parents can’t predict what their future would be like. It is right for our children to pave the path on their own.
We should listen to our children and have discussions with them. This is not a deep conversation, but just to listen to our children sufficiently. If we neglect our children because we don’t know how to lead, it is a non-fulfilment of our duty as a parent. It may lead to immoral behaviour in our children. Our children may not always listen to our words of advice. Why is that? It is because we have neglected our children, or we have interfered with their ability to grow. Parents who intercept and control their children will find that they don't listen to them. They are trespassing their children's boundaries. It is an invasion of their potential for growth in life. That is why we might experience hardships with our children. Not realising this principle, some parents might physically abuse their children or others may use harsh language.
Parents are the ones who can untie the knots that they have entangled with their wrongdoings. If they don't realise their wrongdoings and blame others, they will face hardship. If things don't work out, then they will be held responsible for all the mishaps and suffering. Grand nature did not give us permission to blame our children over our mistakes.
3.Twenties and the role of parents.
The twenties is the time to study society. It is a very important time. If you learn in the wrong way in your twenties, life will be hard from the thirties.
If you have grown up under your parents’ care and have any wrong habits or contradictions, it is time to correct these habits.To fix it, you and your parents must work together to get the right habits.
The role of parents is to not interfere* with their children after the age of 21. In their twenties, children are not allowed to leave their parents because this is still an environment that needs to be supported by their parents. If parents have misled their children or have left them with wrong habits, they have a duty to correct them. This should be of utmost importance to the parents and their relationship with their children.
Parents should never interfere with their children. From now on, the children’s personality will worsen the more you interfere. So, parents should spend three years observing their children's habits, checking for mistakes, and taking note of them. After three years, they will come to ask the parents for something. At this point, the parents can try to leverage the children’s request with their wrong habits according to the context of said request.
For example, don't be so cautious when your children need $ 200. But when it's over $ 1000, it might be a bit serious. If your children are seriously asking for help, you should help them on the condition that they correct their worst habits.
This is the education parents should give their children. If you ignore this, your children's life might not be as smooth. Mother Nature provides opportunities for parents to correct their offsprings’ bad habits. If you raise a child incorrectly, it will be very hard later on for your soul.
The bottom line is, the time to correct wrong habits is in your 20s.
*Interference is to control others without any discussion.
4. Family series - Role of parents
In the perspective of a child, if parents have accomplished success in society and accrued wealth, the child might think that they have to work towards what their parents have achieved. Parents should think about their path to a bright future instead of worrying about their children. If children are hopeless, this is because parents don’t plan their future. There is a metaphor that children are a mirror of their parents. Likewise, if adults can't play their role as adults, children will surely struggle.
When parents look great to the children, they wish to live like their parents. Children would follow whoever in society that is admirable to them. For example, if a certain singer, entertainer look admirable to them, children will want to be like them. Therefore, if we think children are struggling, this proves that adults in society do not look admirable to them. Even parents.
Children want adults to play their roles. When children are as old as 21, parents should discuss matters with them. Do not think that they are our possession. Parents are responsible to take care of their children only when they are up to 21. The role of parents is that until kids are, parents should take 70% of the responsibility in children’s life to support them. Children reach adolescence around the age of 14 or 15, that's when parents have to reduce their devotion from 70% to 30%. This means parents should limit their interference on their child down to 30% at this age of adolescence and discuss 70% of remaining matters with them. Once children turn 21, the interference should go down to zero. This is because children have become adults, independent individuals like parents. If parents meddle in children’s affairs at this time, children’s life will become worse as time goes by. Parents now have to learn how to interact with children as individuals of society. Watching them grow is also a parent's effort of loving. That is the role of parents.
Sparrows let go of their offspring and allow them to fly away even if they want to keep them in the nest. As we know they have given their lives for their offspring but have to let go when they are fully grown. They let their offspring leave to find it's own life. Likewise, parents can wholeheartedly support their child mentally and financially until their child is 21 but must let go of them when a child is fully grown. This is the law of Grand Nature. However, humans often make mistakes and are unable to let go of their children because they shared their blood and raised them with so much affection ever since they were in their mother's womb. Parents tend to cling to their child instead of letting them go and find their own life. This is a strong greed and obsession over the child. Children will lose their own vision to see the world by themselves and fail to succeed in social life. The more parents intervene in their child's life beyond the age of 21, the more failure the child will experience in society. Such mistakes will precisely come back to parents. Who would be suffering when children fail? It is the parents who suffer. Why would Grand Nature make them suffer? It is because parents have caused the difficulty children are experiencing. Therefore, parents should let go of their child after the age of 21. Children have their right to live individually.
5. Family series - To be good parents
Being parents is not so simple.To be good parents, we have to be well-equipped and knowledgeable.
An ignorant person can't be a good parent. If they try to raise a child without adequate knowledge, they can only try to be nice. They really won’t know whether they are raising them well. What children want from their parents when they are growing up is having answers to all their questions. As the children grow they keep asking different questions. If parents don't have answers to their questions, where would children go if they can't teach them? They would go to a church pastor, monk or mentor. If they have the answer, children will only listen to them from then on instead of their parents. In this case, can they still become good parents?
Good parents raise their child as a righteous person. This is how our offspring can develop with good energy and knowledge. Guiding children to live well and righteously is the correct way to raise them in this knowledgeable society. Giving a lot of money doesn't mean that children are being raised properly. Instead, parents should be guiding them to live harmoniously with other people. They must cultivate them to be a person who can contribute to society. In order to raise children well, parents have to be knowledgeable.
If parents don't know how to raise their child properly, someone else will. The only role we have as a parent is to teach and lead as much as we can. After that, if we don't play the proper role as a parent, our child will grow up with bad behaviour and become a problematic person in society. We will end up paying the price for any subsequent disturbance they might create in society. We can raise children only up to our ability, but if we aren't equipped and just selfishly keep them close to us, their lives can be ruined. If we are that person who ruins their lives, there will definitely be a price that we will eventually have to pay. Having children is a gift from God. Therefore, if we have done wrong, it is a gift for us to have the chance to reflect and try to make things right.
We won't even think about how to be a good parent, if we aren't equipped with proper knowledge. In this case there is a limit to raising our children. Up until the point when our children exceed what we know, then other people will help raise them. Therefore, when they need higher knowledge, send them out to the knowledgeable society so that other people will help raise them. When society raises them, they grow up better. Even though we gave birth to them, they are not only our children. What does this mean? We gave birth to the body but the soul is not our possession.
Some children are guided well by their parents but most of their education is done in society. Therefore, all the elders of this society are our parents and all of society is our family. In this current era, if parents only acknowledge themselves as their child’s parents, they are trapped. This means that they are very closed-minded. When we reach our 50s, we should develop properly and be parents to society. We should think that all young people in society are our siblings and children.